Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 794: Home of the Soul

In the hundreds of years of vigorous development of human history, there are probably countless composers who are unknown to the world today because they were submerged in the crowd due to lack of masterpieces.

There are also composers who are famous all over the world for one excellent work. However, there is such a master of music who has created many excellent works and made great contributions to the development of music. His achievements and influences are far from being fully recognized. He is the author of "The Devil's Trill", Jucebi Tartini. He once studied law at the University of Padua. He left Padua and took refuge in the monastery of Assisi, while studying voice and composition.

Caterina Cornaro is remembered because her marriage led to the alliance of Venice and Cyprus.

There are countless examples of the exchange of benefits through marriage in the Middle Ages. Women will make sacrifices for this. Gusebitatini would rather be a monk.

Is being in love with someone good or bad?

Young Werther is a young man who is good at poetry and painting, and has great love for nature. He lives a carefree life relying on his father's inheritance, but he falls in love with a woman who has a marriage contract.

Charlotte and her fiancé are not yet married, Werther should still have a chance, but in this way Charlotte will bear a bad reputation.

His love seemed incompatible with the secular society, and finally he solved the problem in an extreme way.

If you don't understand the love between men and women, you are like Peter Pan who can't grow up. He can go on carefree forever.

Albus said that love is the weapon to defeat Voldemort, so it is also a weapon that hurts people deeply. He himself knows the pain it brings. He has concealed the secret of that boyhood for more than a hundred years. It is hidden so deeply. So much so that it was only found out by a guy who likes to open letters after his death.

He didn't take advantage of Albus's shady secrets to get back at the trap set by the White Wizard, and he didn't try to break up Lily and James and make a scene at Fleur's wedding like the Death Eaters ruined hers.

Some people perfect others, and some people perfect themselves.

Not every first love can be completely successful. He made a decent choice, but he didn't expect that the prophecy he overheard was related to Harry and his mother. He got into trouble and wanted to do his best to make up for it.

There is still a shining place in his heart, even the fallen angels are still bright, but those seemingly loyal villains never lose their true colors.

Compared with children born in wedlock, children born out of wedlock are always invisible. The Queen of Cyprus lives in Cornaro's house, and Cecilia cannot live in the Lion Palace even if she becomes Princess Sultan.

She certainly didn't have a decent wedding either.

The Cornaro Loggia and Music Pavilion is next to the Church of San Antonio. It looks a bit deserted. It may have once hosted a Giuseppe Tartini concert or even a wedding.

After witnessing the marriage in the church next door, you can come here to sing and dance, as shown in "The Wedding in Ghana".

The saints enshrined in St. Antonio are not the same as Antonio who escaped from Troy 2,000 years ago. St. Antonio is a Franciscan saint. In order to thank him, the common people built this beautiful church for him.

The Templar (Paladin) actually does not refer to one person, but refers to the twelve warriors who followed Charlemagne in the East and West. Their stories are widely circulated in the official history of Christianity, and Charlemagne is a Christian. Loyal defenders, most of their deeds happened in the war between the Christian country and the Saracens, which added a lot of stories about mythology, magic, love, etc., just like the Odyssey, adding sirens, cyclops, Mino Taos and other monsters.

The cathedral also refers to the cathedral, which is also the cathedral of the diocesan bishop or the leading bishop. There is usually only one cathedral in a diocese, but there are many exceptions, such as Rome, which has a cathedral that cannot be seen, and there are special religious For a sanctuary, the San Antonio Church should be a church in size, and there is a level of the Holy Basilica away from the sanctuary. It was built to a super-scale, the same as the Padua Cathedral.

The round top is also not in compliance with the regulations, not to mention the bones of saints inside. If it was the target of destruction during the time of Roman Emperor Leo III, it survived by luck and was not looted.

Protestant churches are very simple, while Catholic churches are overly gorgeous. Most churches are topped with paintings, but here they are topped with reliefs, which are even more gorgeous than the main cathedral. No wonder they are called "Holy Temples."

Those statues are not like works of art, but burning gold coins. The chapel behind the church houses the bones of saints, and many people line up to see them.

Buddhism also competes for the relics of eminent monks, and among them there are bodhisattvas with incorruptible bodies. St. Antonio's tongue is said to be incorruptible.

He has excellent eloquence, some people use their tongues to confuse people, some people cheat and swindle other people’s money, he persuades people to be kind, and the economy needs to have morality to operate correctly. It is not a random morality, but friendly to human beings. morality.

U.S. mortgage companies obtain 1% interest from the Federal Reserve, and then lend 5% interest to others, regardless of whether the other party can afford it or not. They forge credit conditions and deceive the regulatory authorities. As for those low- and middle-income earners who bought houses in high positions and couldn’t pay back the money, no one would care if their houses were confiscated by the bank and they slept on the streets.

The reason why Roosevelt was able to save the Great Depression was mainly because of his fireside chats. He screened out those banks with bad credit and asked everyone to store their money in banks with good credit, which solved deflation. Money causes inflation, the poor get poorer, and the rich get richer. Buying coal with paper and pen is not as good as burning paper money as fuel.

"You want to be a nun?" The nasty wizard began to harass her again.

"This is a rational place." Resignedly, she shifted her gaze from the altar to him.

"Baro and Helena." Severus wrapped her in his cloak "You think we're like them?"

In her mind, she thought for no reason of the hand holding the dagger in the Last Supper.

"Then what to do?"

"I don't know." He fiddled with her snowflake earrings. "You love this city more than me. I originally planned to retire here and live in seclusion. Now I have changed my mind."

"I don't……"

"No, that's what you think." He said sternly, "Don't meddle in other people's business."

This person is the kind of bastard who will use his big nose to sniff other people's secrets, and after satisfying his own curiosity, let go of other people's troubles.

There are many secrets in his head, but he is a master of Occlumency, and the inside is as complicated as a maze.

"Yes, that's it, you should be thinking about me." He smiled and said, "Guess what I'm thinking about now?"

"The violin with six Muggles sealed in it." She looked him in the eyes and said, "You want to play it in the music booth?"

"Why not?" he countered. "Let us see whether the devil's tremolo is more attractive, or the incorruptible tongue."

"You're a wicked wizard." She frowned. "Don't tease Muggles!"

"I can make it play here." He cursed fiercely.

"You take it with you?"

"Otherwise, where else? The luggage storage?" Severus smiled strangely. "The luggage storage of the Doge's Palace used to be a prison cell. Guess how many people's ghosts are wandering there?"

Her hairs stood on end.

That violin will cause a "chorus of ghosts" in Venice.

"Naughty." He smiled evilly, and took out the violin case from the shapeshifting lizard skin pocket.

"No!" she yelled, dragging the pale vampire away from the church.

Even without the Light and the Temple burning them both, churches were not welcome places for wizards.

After they die, there won't be so many people commemorating them like San Antonio, so why should she meddle in so much business?

This question made her extremely confused, as if under a confusion spell, she made a mistake somewhere, but couldn't think of it.

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