Harry's mood finally improved. Ω 』hunting 『 Wen Wang WwΩW. Ω Lie Wen. Cc

Since his last Quidditch match against Slytherin, he's been feeling unlucky, being targeted by dementors and falling off his broom while playing on the pitch.

Gryffindor lost the game without a Seeker, and he felt sorry for Wood's expectations, for his teammates, and even more for him, because they trained so hard and hard. .

There was something even more saddening for him. The broom that had accompanied him for a long time, the Nimbus 2ooo, was dismembered into many pieces of wood by the beating willow, and it was completely irreversible.

He felt like he had lost a good friend, and this broom carried so many good memories.

On the day he just woke up, Ron came over and told him excitedly that all the Dementors had been removed, and Professor Dumbledore said that they would almost never appear again.

Harry was happy too, but also had a sense of loss, because then his motivation to learn the Patronus Charm suddenly disappeared.

He didn't like to give up halfway, and he still hoped to learn this spell from Lupin, even if the Dementors stopped appearing, he still had to try to overcome his inner fear.

Thinking of Professor Lupin, he thought back to the days when Snape was their substitute, terribly tedious, with countless notes and assignments, and boring, he always liked to put his greasy head on his head and use his energy He lectures in a tone that makes the students sleepy, but no one dares not to listen, but he likes to deduct points for Gryffindor in every way possible, and as long as you are distracted and want to doze off, he will be very "coincidental". ' stood beside you and said:

"You seem to have a good grasp, Potter, but that's not a reason for you to be distracted in class, please answer my question." The tone was gloomy.

Then Snape would deduct points from Gryffindor whether he answered it or not.

What's more, there are many times when he can't answer.

Also, Hermione and Ron's relationship is still so bad, they always choose different times to visit him, and now he understands that the worst time in the relationship is not the quarrel between the two, but the mutual quarrel. Cold war without a word.

All this made him feel uncomfortable.

Today is the day he was discharged from the hospital, and their captain Wood finally brought him an unexpected good news.

In the afternoon is the match between Slytherin and Ravenclaw,

Slytherin returned from a big defeat. According to the audience, most of their players were very absent-minded, not only the players, but even the cheers of the students from the same school in the audience were weak.

Slytherin lost, which means there is still hope for their loss in their first game.

Like a ray of warm winter sun emerging from the dense cloud, Harry's emotions were high and he was full of fighting spirit, even when faced with a broom he was completely unfamiliar with.

And it's broken, rotten, and old.

He could only choose to endure, he had to find a time to choose a new broom.

The Christmas break was coming, and before that, the students could make another trip to Hogsmeade Village, and all but him were in high spirits.

Just as he hugged the cloaked, scarf-clad Ron goodbye and prepared to walk down the marble staircase back to Gryffindor Tower.

The Weasley brothers appeared behind him and patted his shoulder lightly.

"Harry, poor Harry." Fred looked at Harry sympathetically and shook his head.

"We still can't bear to see you so lonely." George took over.

"We actually hope you can stay at school quietly." Fred said with a tangled face.

"But I think the final choice should be yours." George shrugged.

"What are you talking about?" Harry shook his head in confusion, looking at the twins in front of him.

"Just wanted to give you a Christmas present in advance." They said in unison again.

"Thank you." Harry nodded, reaching out to take the gifts from George and Fred.

"You can go back to the bedroom and open it again." Fred looked at Harry and winked at him.

"Yeah." Harry nodded, he still hadn't figured out the purpose of the two in front of him, and he was even guessing if it was another prank.

"Trust me, you'll be pleasantly surprised," George said.

Harry followed the two of them again, and walked to his bedroom.

"Be safe, Harry." Fred and George shouted again when Harry was already some distance away from them.

Harry turned and waved to them, indicating that he heard it.

"To be honest, Harry won't be in danger." Fred nudged George in the shoulder.

"Blake didn't dare to show up, there are now patrolling Aurors around the school and on Hogsmeade Street." George said lightly.

Harry soon understood what the twins were saying to him.

The gift is a hand-painted map, hand-painted crookedly, but it can also express what it wants to express.

This is a map leading to Hogsmeade, and it is also marked with precautions when leading to the secret passage.

-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------

When Harry finally appeared in front of Hermione, Hermione grew her mouth and stared at him blankly, as if she had seen a ghost.

"God, Harry, why are you here, is your uncle willing to sign it for you? They even said they were willing to sign the form and mail it to you with an owl?" Hermione's face was written. full of astonishment.

"I sneaked out." Harry lowered his voice.

Now his nose was sniffing, and he smelled a bloody smell, which made him uncomfortable. He couldn't help but look up and saw a sign hanging on it that read: "Unusual taste."

Then he and Hermione went to a darker corner before they started talking about themselves.

"Are Ron's two brothers trying to kill you?" Hermione took a deep breath and couldn't help complaining, and then seemed to think of something: "You mean the map? Is there a secret way to here? ' she asked.

Hermione paused as soon as she asked, and a memory she didn't want to remember began to pop into her mind.

"Yes." Harry nodded, completely unaware of Hermione's abnormality. "It came from Honey Duke's cellar. There is a one-eyed witch next to a classroom on the fourth floor, and there is a secret passage behind it," he said.

"Oh." Hermione, who was still excited just now, became a little absent-minded and simply responded.

She hated thinking about her own violations of school rules.

Maybe there are other deeper reasons.

"Ron wasn't with you?" Harry regretted it as soon as he said it, because he saw that Hermione's face was covered with frost again, as cold as snowflakes drifting outside the window.

"He?" Hermione raised her beautiful eyebrows, "Maybe she's still sipping beer at the wine table, looking at the proprietress of a certain bar obsessively." She said sarcastically. (To be continued.)

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