Harry Potter’s Natural Villain

Chapter 113 Hermione's experience

Christmas is coming, and Hermione decides to take this opportunity to go to Hogsmeade to relax,

She thought that she had already sorted out her mood. It was impossible for her to never set foot here for some reason, right?

She also kept up with the many homework brought by the time shifter. After sufficient study, it was necessary to reward herself. 』 Hunt Ω article 『Net WwΩW. Lie Wen. Cc

She recalled that the first time she went, she seemed to have visited the Honeydukes candy store. She had not been to other places in Hogsmeade, so the village was actually quite new to her now.

There was heavy snow outside, and she wore a brown and yellow striped knitted scarf around her neck, a fluffy crimson hat on her head, and a thick coat draped over her body, walking slowly, The snow-covered ground left his footprints one by one.

The streets were very lively. Even on such a cold day, it did not dampen the enthusiasm of the students and residents. The Christmas atmosphere was very strong. Many shops even put up Christmas trees at their gates. The door was also filled with holly wreaths, and enchanted candles hung from trees in strings.

Hermione looked at everything in front of her curiously. The customs and customs of the wizard's small village were displayed one by one in front of her eyes. A choir of short wizards with pointed hats sang on the street, and rode oxen to hang out. The tall wizard who made her couldn't help comparing it to where she once lived.

The wind and the snow were so sudden that Hermione's hands were already wearing gloves, and she still felt like she was going to freeze, so she kept breathing on her hands, her eyes constantly searching for a place to rest and provide her. warm place.

"Three Broomsticks Bar?" She looked up at the signboard, then pushed in the door, feeling a little nervous and excited. In her perception, the bar was still a place not suitable for minors.

Compared to the chill caused by the wind and snow outside, it was obviously much warmer here. Many wizards sat at the wine table and ordered a drink. She was blushing because of some anecdotes and rumors, and at this time, a woman with a beautiful face and a graceful figure would appear, soothing the tense atmosphere.

Just as Hermione was about to find a place to sit down and order a drink suitable for her age, she saw someone she absolutely didn't want to see right now.

——Ron, he was sitting at a small wine table, blushing secretly looking at the busy proprietress.

"It was a mistake to walk into this room." Hermione rolled her eyes, pushed open the door of the bar again and walked out.

She still decided to go to Honey Duke to see,

Bought some candy to bring back to her parents, who she remembers were happy with the mints here.

And that's where she met Harry.

"Are you going to find him? Then you go," Hermione said.

"I don't know the way, their map to Hogsmeade is gone." Harry was a little embarrassed.

"Okay, I'll take you there." Hermione looked at Harry and sighed helplessly.

She wasn't too worried about Harry's safety now, except for the festive people she saw just now, and there were quite a few Aurors on tour, and just as she was leaving the bar. She saw Professor McGonagall and a few other familiar faces sneak into the bar, which was probably the safest place to be now, except in Dumbledore's office.

Putting herself in Harry's point of view, Hermione thought about it. He was indeed pitiful enough during this time.

"You have an invisibility cloak, right?" she asked in a low voice, and then added, "That Mr. Moody is said to have gone to the Forbidden Forest to search now, otherwise I'll persuade you to go back now."

Harry nodded, but he still didn't tell the truth just now. It was a fact that he didn't know the road, but the location of this street would definitely not stop him. What he wanted more was to create a chance for reconciliation for his two good friends.

"Let's go out," she said.

Unfortunately, when they came to the little house, Ron was no longer there.

They hurried in through the shabby wooden door, Harry was wearing an invisibility cloak, Hermione pulled her neckline tightly to cover her face, still hoping to make a good impression in front of her teacher.

"Two butterbeers," she said to Mrs. Rosemerta at the bar.

"Uh..." Rosmerta looked at her repeatedly, her face was very tangled, and she didn't know if she should provide it to her. Some time ago, the girl gave her a serious inner shadow.

"Are you sure you can drink?" she asked cautiously.

"Yeah." Hermione nodded lightly, trying to avoid attracting anyone's attention, while wondering why she asked herself this question.

"Well, I hope you're telling the truth," Rosmerta said, and handed Hermione two steaming, frothy Butterbeers.

"Please give me a small glass of canyon water."

Professor McGonagall's voice suddenly came from behind Hermione, making Hermione's whole body tense.

"A sherry soda with ice and a snail—" Professor Flitwick said, smacking his lips.

"I need a glass of redcurrant liqueur." Hermione's voice was indistinguishable.

"Oh, okay, please." Rosmerta turned to respond to their order, and got busy again.


Hermione walked to the place where they were sitting together just now, but found that Harry was gone too. Even though he was wearing an invisibility cloak just now, he was still holding some candy bought from Duke Honey, but he was gone now.

"What are you doing over there?" said Hermione, seeing a long round stool being dragged and hearing the crunching noise from the ground, but there was no one around.

"It's really disturbing." Hermione shook her head, followed Harry's direction, took a stool from the unoccupied wine table, and sat beside Harry.

"Don't run around, Harry." Hermione's voice was very low. "Don't you see Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick next to you?"

Harry didn't speak, and Hermione couldn't let him show up now, and could only silently push the slightly cold butterbeer across from her, and then watch the level of the full glass of wine slowly drop.

The sudden downward trend stopped.

Because Hermione heard the name "Black".

She seemed to understand why Harry was coming closer.

At this point, Rosmerta had already served them the drinks they ordered, and with a glass of pale red wine in his hand, he found a spare seat and sat down gently.

"What brought you here, Minister?" was Rosmerta's voice.

"Don't call me the minister." Fudge twisted his stout body uncomfortably, and the feet under the table also changed the position, and then said: "I guess I will completely step down one day."

While he was talking, he pulled out a newspaper and pointed out the reports about him to the few people in front of him. All the bad comments, saying that he was "mediocre and incompetent" was the least.

"Uh..." Professor McGonagall couldn't find anything to comfort him for a while, because the Dementor's departure was indeed a welcome relief.

Flitwick was just sitting on a high chair, drinking his drink silently, not wanting to answer.

"I'm obviously thinking of everyone's safety."

"Damn it, it's that Blake who escaped from prison." Fudge smashed the wine table in front of him with his fist, causing waves of shaking. "It's been a mess since he escaped..." Fudge said ruefully.

You know, I still can't quite believe that," Ms. Rosemerta mused, "of all the people who've fallen into the bad guys, Sirius Black is the last person I expected to do. . . I mean, I remember when he was a kid at Hogwarts, and if you told me at that time what he was going to be like, I'd say you drank too much. "

"Oh, he is countless times worse than you think." Fudge's attitude was very blunt, and he was extremely disgusted by this fugitive who had seriously affected his political career.

"How close he used to be with Potter, like brothers." McGonagall sighed, thinking of the two most troublesome naughty ghosts.

"But this guy betrayed them. I thought Azkaban would be his final destination, but I didn't expect him to escape now,"

Fudge began to speak incessantly, without even deliberately lowering his volume, from the very beginning of the Brave Loyalty spell to the battle in which Peter Pettigrew was killed by Black, Professor McGonagall and Flitwick also added from time to time A few words, while Rosmerta kept sighing on the side.

"He's even the godfather of that poor kid, my God, now that he escapes, he still wants to attack him." Fudge got excited, his neck was red, but his shoulders slackened, "Now We can only count on our most elite Auror team to capture him as soon as possible." He said with a little anticipation, as if this would restore his reputation that had fallen into the abyss.

"Connelly, if you still want to have dinner with Dumbledore and discuss the guarding of those Azkaban prisoners, then we should go back to the castle now." McGonagall reminded him as if he had remembered something. .

"Oh, I almost forgot." Fudge touched his head, and he looked out the window, "It's still early, you go back first, Dumbledore should still be searching with our elite - Mr. Moody The Forbidden Forest." Fudge looked a little stunned at the drink he hadn't finished, and said shirk.

He still didn't want to communicate with Dumbledore. Even if he was forced to do so, he still wanted to delay it for a while. The conversation between the two was a weak point, not to mention that he owed Dumbledore a day not long ago. Great favor.

If a large-scale prison break happened at that time, what he is thinking about now is not whether he can secure this position, but who to find someone to defend him for his dereliction of duty.

A great favor is a great hatred, and even if he is not quite so, facing Dumbledore always makes him feel uncomfortable.

"Okay, then let's go back first."

There was a sound of glass and wood colliding, and in a blink of an eye, Fudge was the only one left at the wine table.

"Harry," Hermione said softly, reaching for him, only to find sheer air in front of her.

"He won't be stupid." Hermione's heart hung up, and even she was indignant when she heard these words just now. What would happen to him if her parents died because they were betrayed by the closest and most trusted people. The blow, Hermione didn't dare to think deeply.

She asked herself, if she knew such a truth, she might also be swept away by hatred, her reason would be swallowed up by anger, and she would seek revenge on her enemies.

Just when she was worried that Harry was doing something stupid and was about to step out of the door to pursue it, a familiar voice entered her ears again.

"Uncle Fudge, long time no see, please allow me to say hello to my father." Hermione turned around, only to see Malfoy in a light gray coat, standing at the wine table that everyone was talking about just now, followed by Fudge greeted politely, then casually removed a chair from under the table and sat down gently.

"Oh, your father is all right," said Fudge.

"Dad, he's fine." Malfoy nodded, and then changed his words: "But Uncle Fudge, your current situation is not very good." Malfoy looked at Fudge with burning eyes, as if he meant something.

Fudge's face darkened in an instant, but he still maintained his peculiar demeanor of his own politician and did not reply.

"I heard that your subordinates are starting to move around? Is your seat still secure?" Malfoy pressed forward, asking more and more sharp questions, which made Fudge more and more embarrassed.

He said with a livid face: "I don't know when Lucius' son became so rude and eager to laugh at his elders. I have to talk to him another day."

"Maybe another day you will even need to make an appointment to see my father. He won't waste time on some useless people."

"Ridiculous!" Fudge's breathing began to quicken, and he slapped the wine table in front of him heavily. He was very angry, but the scene that Malfoy built for him was so real, he still remembered that he was in power. What a glorious time he was, but his status became precarious in the blink of an eye. Look, even a hairy boy dares to mock him in front of his face. He hasn't stepped down yet!

"What does Malfoy want to do?" Hermione retreated back to where she was just now, and it was the first time in her memory that she heard him mocking a person so recklessly, even nominally his elder.

"I'm just telling the truth." Ma shrugged and said indifferently, then turned around and waved to the bar: "Mrs. Rosemerta, please bring me a glass of lemonade, thank you."

"Please believe in my goodwill, the Malfoy family and your friendship will last forever!" After ordering, Malfoy reached out and handed Fudge a small piece of parchment. The words on it were written in black ink. It was so small and dense that Fudge couldn't see clearly for a while, when he drew his eyes closer to the parchment.

Malfoy spoke again, and the words sounded like a thunderclap in Fudge's ear.

"I found a lot of news about Black, Uncle Fudge." Then Malfoy showed a mysterious smile, quietly looking at Fudge with a stunned expression. (To be continued.)

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