Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 63 Derivatives of [Dragon Vein Wizard]

And for the next week, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were very disturbed by Malfoy's hidden malicious smile. Hermione even secretly asked Clark what to do, but Clark told her not to worry.

"Don't worry, Malfoy won't report on Hagrid, maybe he will cover it up for us."

Clark comforted the three of Harry in this way, but except for Hermione who completely trusted him, Harry and Ron didn't listen. They didn't think Malfoy would be so kind.

So the two of them spent most of their spare time in Hagrid's dark hut, telling him the truth, hoping that he would give up the little dragon.

Of course, this may also be an excuse the two of them came up with to avoid the review plan.

"You just let it go," Harry advised, "let it go."

"I can't," said Hagrid, shaking his head. "It's too small to die."

"You call this a small one?" Ron pointed at Charmander. "If I met it in the wild, he would probably eat it."

The little dragon Noble pointed at by Ron has already tripled in length in just one week.

Not only that, but its minions and barbs on its body are very sharp. Puffs of scorching black smoke spew out from its nostrils, with scattered sparks. It looks like it has begun to look like a fire dragon.

This is also due to the dragon nutrient solution that Clark helped Hagrid prepare. The blood of the salamander and the oil of the long horned whale taste very hot.

Because of this, Charmander is very close to Clark. Now, apart from Hagrid who can rely on his own rough skin and thick flesh to forcibly attack him, only Clark can get close to it at will.

"Don't worry, Ron, it's not 'possible', but it will definitely be eaten by Norbert. You can't beat it at all." Clark squatted beside Charmander, stroking its scales full of mysterious patterns, his head Said without raising it.

The little guy had just finished his lunch, and he was feeling sleepy. Taking this opportunity, Clark stuck a very thick glass needle into the little Charmander from the back and near the back along the gap between the scales. From the hard dragon skin, the dragon's blood was slowly drawn.

Noble Xu felt a little uncomfortable and struggled for a while, but soon settled down under Clark's slap.

"That's not the point, is it, Clark?" Ron raised his voice, "In two weeks, Norbert will be as long as Hagrid's house, and Malfoy may go to Dumbledore at any time. And you What is this doing?"

Clark pulled out the needle tube, stood up, raised the glass tube in his hand and shook it, the crimson dragon's blood with fine bubbles, rippling with dark golden magic brilliance.

"Clark is collecting the dragon blood of young dragons, which is a very precious potion material that can enhance the power of wizards. The magic power contained in the blood of adult dragons is very violent, and it is still too dangerous, but it is not as good as young dragons. "Hermione explained a few words for him.

"To be precise, you can make Dragon Power Potion, which is an ancient potion that was often used by wizards to create powerful guards." Clark added.

"Do you still remember the fairy tales you read? There are powerful heroes in it. After slaying the dragon, they bathed in the blood of the dragon and became infinitely powerful and invulnerable..."

"But dragon blood doesn't have this effect. I remember that among the twelve uses of dragon blood, the closest to this effect is the second one. It can be used as a topical medicine, but it also needs to be diluted many times before it can be used. Most bathers People with dragon blood eventually turned into half-dragon, half-human lunatics, or died directly."

Harry happened to review this aspect recently, so he was very clear about it.

The blood of dragons is very powerful. There is a legend in China that a dragon gave birth to nine sons. There are also various dragons and beasts in Faerun Continent. Even kobolds are said to have dragon blood.

Although the giant dragons in the Harry Potter world are very strong and intelligent, they still inherit the powerful blood power of the dragons, which makes their blood genes more aggressive.

"Those who bathe in the blood of the dragon are actually trying to steal the blood of the dragon. This method of magical transformation actually originated from the magic ritual of transforming humans into dragon-blooded wizards in ancient times. Legend has it that Merlin transformed into a giant dragon. It helped King Arthur to victory."

Clark carefully put the dragon's blood into the alchemy pocket on his belt.

"However, the blood power of the giant dragon is too violent. No, perhaps stealing the blood power of magical creatures has great side effects. Once rejection occurs, death is the lightest consequence, so the ancient wizards quickly I gave up the path of the bloodline wizard, "

"They chose another method to obtain the power of the dragon, and that is the dragon power potion." Hermione added, and Clark had told her about it in advance, and promised her to participate in the refining of the dragon power potion Come on, she has been cramming for knowledge in this area recently.

"Can you become as powerful as a dragon by taking them?" Ron asked curiously, he was still very interested in the power of a dragon.

"Actually not." Clark shook his head, not concealing the shortcomings of this potion, "Because it doesn't directly steal blood power, so it will only slightly improve the user's physique, strength and certain skin toughness, and the effect is not bad." Less than one percent of the original, I'm afraid even Hagrid can't compare."

"Coupled with the huge cost, the raw materials alone are worth 80 Galleons. Naturally, very few people will go to make special configurations."

When Ron heard the price, he was immediately not interested. His family didn't have so much money to buy this thing. Besides, in the wizarding world, magic came first. Instead of spending so many Galleons to increase strength, it would be better to learn the Levitation Spell.

That is to say, Clark is rich and has a system. When encountering such potions or props that can improve attributes, he will suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder. If he does not pile up attributes, he will feel uncomfortable.

After taking the dragon's blood for Norbert, Clark turned to Hagrid and said, "Hagrid, I can understand your feelings. After all, this is a baby dragon you hatched with your own hands. Just abandon it like this. If it were me, it would be fine." I will be reluctant."

Hagrid nodded, looking at Charmander with tear-blurred eyes, and said, "I took him as my own baby, and he knows me now, look. Noble! Noble! Where's mother?" "

Charmander turned over and ignored him, Hagrid wanted to call again.

"But," Clark suddenly changed his tone, "Private dragon breeding is illegal, Hagrid, and you should know that. If the Ministry of Magic finds out, you will even be thrown into Azkaban."

Hearing this, Hagrid shuddered, bit his lip, and turned pale.

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