Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 64 The Dragon Industry Chain in the Wizarding World

"I—I know I can't keep it forever, but I can't just throw it away like this, no."

The aggrieved Hagrid squatted on the ground, crying like a big boy about to be thrown away by his parents for his beloved toys. The heavy pressure made him almost collapse.

At this point Harry turned suddenly to Ron.

"Charlie," he said.

"What the hell are you doing," said Ron, "I'm Ron, not Charlie."

"No...Charlie...your brother Charlie. I remember you saying that he was studying dragons in Romania. We might as well give him Norbert. Charlie can take care of him and release him back into the wild."

"Great!" said Ron. "How about it, Hagrid?"

In fact, this would be a good solution, but Hagrid obviously hesitated again because he didn't remember to eat or fight.

"But Norbert is still so young, what if he doesn't like it there? What if other dragons bully him there... It's better to wait for him to grow up."

"Hagrid," seeing that he didn't refuse, Harry and Ron continued to persuade them, "we can't wait any longer, it will be too late. Or, let's send a letter to Charlie first and ask him about it." Happening?"

Hagrid looked down at Charmander, opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

Facing the three people who were in a stalemate, Clark smiled and said, "I haven't finished what I just said."

When Clark spoke, the three of them turned their eyes to him, and Hagrid's eyes were full of expectation and pleading.

"Of course it's illegal to keep dragons privately." Clark looked at Hagrid and said word for word, "Unless you're not raising dragons in the name of a private person."

"Not in the name of a private person?"

"Yes." Clark ignored Hagrid's shock and began to talk about the results of his busy time.

"As the second largest department of the Ministry of Magic, the Department of Magical Beast Management is a department with great authority. In addition to containing dangerous magical animals in the wild that may threaten the Muggle society, they are also responsible for combating the illegal reselling of magical animals and protecting endangered animals. magical animals, and even contacting intelligent magical animals is within their remit."

Harry and Ron looked at him ignorantly, not understanding what he was saying, but Hermione listened with gusto.

"Among them, everything related to dragons belongs to the Dangerous Animal Control and Management Office under the Department of Magical Creatures.

Although there are not many people in this group, they are responsible for tracking and monitoring wild dragons throughout the UK, supervising the dragon raw material trading market, formulating laws and regulations related to dragons, and reviewing and issuing dragons. Breeding license, rights can be said to be not small. "

"In the UK, raising dragons is not a fun nurturing game, it is a big business involving hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of Galleons.

From healing potions, dragon dung fertilizers, and magic inks to wand cores and hearth cleaners, everything in the wizarding world often requires parts from dragons. "

"So you said that you want to send the dragon to a dragon farm in Romania. I don't think that would be a good idea. Although those dragon farms don't do stupid things like killing chickens and taking eggs, the dragons staying there often Facing the embarrassment of being brought down to draw blood, and their experience in their later years is even more bleak. Regarding this, I have already verified it with my cousin Charlie."

The joys and sorrows of human beings may not be the same, but the cruelty of human beings must be very similar. Even in two different worlds, the attitude of wizards towards dragons is no different from that of Muggles who obtain foie gras and live bears for bile.

All social activities, in the final analysis, are nothing more than the distribution and reuse of natural resources.

And the development of the entire wizarding society can be said to be built on the white bones of magical animals.

The reason why wizards are indifferent to the Muggle world is not because the Muggle world rarely has the magical resources they need.

When Clark revealed the bloody scene behind the dragon industry chain to Harry and the others, the dark side hidden in the adult society made several young wizards feel shuddering.

On the contrary, Hagrid, as an adult wizard who often went to Knockturn Alley to buy prohibited items, he was no stranger to these things. Even if he likes those big guys, it doesn't stop him from purchasing a pair of dragon leather gloves.

So at this time, he was more concerned about another part of Clark's words.

"Dragon Breeding License? Is this easy to get?" He looked at Clark expectantly.

Facing the approaching Hagrid, Clark couldn't help leaning back. A half-giant nearly five meters tall pressed his face to you, and the pressure was quite strong.

"It's not a matter of whether it's easy to handle. It's not like some small advertisements for vocational skills certificates you see in small alleys. They will assess the applicants: dragon breeding and breeding knowledge, dragon breeding places Site selection and setting, hygienic conditions of the dragon breeding room, personnel files of practitioners, and preventive measures for emergencies..."

Hagrid's eyes widened. As a dropout who was expelled from Hogwarts in his second year, he really didn't understand the various official regulations.

"But even if you pass these assessments, there is still one problem that cannot be avoided... that is Albania! And Romania!"

"The Ministry of Magic has to consider the impact of diplomacy. You know, although the Ministry of Magic has opened up dragon breeding licenses, there is no large-scale dragon breeding institution in the whole of the UK. Even some small dragon farms, In the end, it had to be sold because of poor management. Therefore, 80% of the dragon alchemy materials in the UK have to rely on imports.

The reason for all this is because of the resistance from Albania and other Eastern European dragon-raising families. They will not let others easily get involved in their own dragon-raising industry. Industry monopoly, coupled with the support of big countries behind them, even the British Ministry of Magic is unwilling to offend them. "

"This is why there have been fewer and fewer dragon breeders in the British wizarding world over the past half century. Even in the past decade or so, due to the intervention of those dragon families in Eastern Europe, the British Ministry of Magic has not issued any dragon breeder certificates." Licensed."

Clark's words hit Hagrid's heart like a heavy hammer. He was just a poor gamekeeper. How could he obtain the so-called dragon license under the targeting of those dragon families?

"Then what to do?" Hagrid's voice trembled.

But Hermione had extra confidence in Clark. She knew Clark, and if he wasn't completely sure, he wouldn't have said this.

Sure enough, Clark unhurriedly proposed his solution.

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