Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 162 Zha Zhabin is angry

She led everyone around the corner, entered the door, and walked along the stone steps. Finally, she came to a bright and wide stone corridor, decorated with pictures of food everywhere.

Ron immediately guessed what Hermione's party was about. "You're trying to convince us to join in on your 'vomit' trick again!"

"That's not it." Hermione said impatiently: "Come with me first and then talk, okay? When I came here just now, I talked to them, and I found - Oh, Bin, you come with me first, I want I’ll take you to see it!”

She grabbed Chen Bin's arm and pulled him to the front of the picture of the big fruit bowl. A scowl appeared on Harry's face, but it disappeared briefly.

Chen Bin looked back at Kate tremblingly, but saw a reassuring expression on her face, and her eyes said "I believe you."

Hermione stretched out her index finger and scratched the large pear in the picture. The pear squirmed and laughed, and suddenly turned into a green doorknob.

She opened the door and pushed Chen Bin into the large kitchen.

Everyone followed her in, but Harry was still angry with Chen Bin. Suddenly, the house elf Dobby came running to greet Harry. "Harry Potter, sir! Harry Potter!"

It explained that it had been looking for work everywhere since it was freed, and ended up working at Hogwarts, and that Dumbledore also hired Winky.

There are at least a hundred elves here, all smiling, bowing and curtsying, and wearing tea towels with the same Hogwarts crest. Therefore, Chen Bin couldn't tell who was who, and it was really hot here, so it was not suitable for a long stay.

However, he didn't turn around and leave. He wanted to give the heroine some face, so he accompanied everyone through the entire process - chatting with Winky and Dobby, and learned that Dobby's weekly salary was only one gold galleons, and that every month Just take one day off.

"That's not a lot!" Hermione still shouted angrily when she heard this.

"Professor Dumbledore was going to give Dobby ten galleons a week and the weekend off," Dobby suddenly shuddered as he said this. "But Dobby bargained with him, miss...Dobby likes freedom, miss, but he doesn't want too much freedom, he prefers to work!"

Chen Bin finally couldn't stand listening anymore and took Kate to chat with the nearby house elves about food. "Mr. Chef, do you know how to cook spicy hotpot and boiled fish?"

"Hello, sir." The elf bowed and said politely and proudly: "Yes, sir. Since you became professor, Principal Dumbledore has reminded us to learn Chinese cuisine. Now, we have mastered it. Sichuan cuisine, Shandong cuisine, Jiangsu cuisine, Zhejiang cuisine, Anhui cuisine, Hunan cuisine..."

Kate's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she said in surprise: "Do you have any recipes? Do you mind if I copy one?"

"Yes, ma'am." The elf bowed again, then trotted to the side to look for recipes.

After Caitlin finished taking photos of the dishes she was interested in using the photo stone, and Hermione and her group were about to leave, many elves gathered around them and handed them many snacks for them to take upstairs.

Hermione didn't take it, she just watched the elves bowing and curtseying, with a look of pain on her face.

After saying goodbye to the elves, the two walked along the stairs towards the auditorium.

Hermione suddenly plucked up the courage, looked up and said: "Bin, have you seen it? They are so humble and humble, working for us wholeheartedly. I think even giving them 10 gold galleons a week is not too much, no This number is not even as good as a dog..."

"What did you say?" Chen Bin suddenly stared at Hermione angrily. Then, he activated the Heart Purifying Curse, ignored everyone's surprised expressions, and turned back to the new teaching building.

"He... he... ugh——" Hermione suddenly couldn't say any more and burst into tears.

Harry saw this and immediately stepped forward to hug her, while Ron also walked behind her and swept her back.

Kate had heard the word "嬲" sandwich and wanted to laugh but didn't dare.

"Why is he so crazy?" Harry was angry. He had never seen Chen Bin's eyes look so fierce, and now it actually made Hermione cry.

"I think..." Kate hesitated for a few seconds before finally telling her guess: "Hermione accidentally said the wrong thing..."

"Did she say anything wrong?" Ron also said angrily.

"Do you know?" Kate shook her head and whispered: "There are still billions of people in the world who don't even earn 10 gold galleons a week, and they have to support a family and a small family and pay off the mortgage. This also includes China at this stage. "

Hermione stopped crying immediately when she heard this and said in disbelief: "It's impossible, my dad alone can make money in one morning..."

"You live in a country that has plundered the world, and you have no idea how difficult it is to rebuild from the ruins. You have also never heard that the once powerful alliance was killed by the West through non-war means, which is more valuable than potatoes. It’s valuable.” After Kate dropped these words, she went straight back to the new teaching building to coax Chen Bin.

The next morning, Hermione went to Chen Bin's dormitory alone and apologized.

After Chen Bin calmed down, he actually felt very embarrassed because he knew that Hermione had no idea about the world outside of British Muggle society. He admitted that he had a bad heart, so he also took the initiative to apologize to Hermione.

"Want to have breakfast together?" Hermione asked, twirling her fingers and lowering her head.

"No, we will sit at separate tables in the end." Chen Bin waved goodbye to him.

In the days that followed, the fourth-year students and above were a little absent-minded in class, and the professors could also feel the restlessness of the boys. This was all because every time the Triwizard Tournament was held, the school also held a Christmas dance at the same time.

The dance will be held in the auditorium at 8pm on Christmas Day and will end at 12pm.

After the "Transfiguration" class, Harry was told by Professor McGonagall that warriors must have a partner to lead the first dance together. As a result, it took him a whole day to gather the courage to say to Hermione at dinner: "Hermione, can you be my dance partner?"

"Harry, I didn't expect you to be so quick." Ron said in disbelief: "I plan to invite her to be my dance partner after dinner."

Hermione's face turned red as she was invited by her two best friends. "You guys are so sudden, I..."

Halfway through her words, Ron finally swallowed the potatoes in his mouth and continued: "Harry, you are a warrior. As long as you hook your finger, you will have a girl as your dance partner. If I lose Hermione, no one will participate with me." .”

"You two will die too." Hermione blushed with anger, but she didn't expect Ron to do so for this reason.

"Hermione, listen to me, I really want to invite you..." Harry still wanted to explain, but Hermione had turned her head to the side, obviously not wanting to talk to Harry.

"You've got me involved." Harry mouthed to Ron from afar.

Ron: "(O_O)?"

In the days that followed, Harry and Ron took the initiative many times.

Ron glanced back and forth among the girls in the same grade, but he could never find a single woman who could talk to him.

Harry once again blocked Hermione in the Great Hall, but she declined. "I can not dance."

"We can learn together now." Harry, a straight man, had no feeling about cancer.

When he was about to continue speaking, a familiar female voice came from behind him. "Harry, hello."

"Uh, hello, Zhang." Harry turned around stiffly, showing a smile that was uglier than crying, wondering why another girl he had a crush on appeared when he was coaxing his crush.

As if she couldn't see how stiff Harry's smile was, Qiu Zhang smiled softly and said, "Excuse me, can you be my dance partner?"

As soon as she said these words, a blush rose on her face, and the students around her even started to boo after hearing the words.

"Promise her! Promise her! Promise her!"

"I...I..." Harry had never encountered such an embarrassing situation and didn't know how to refuse politely. He looked at Hermione for help, but Hermione mouthed: "Promise her first!"

"Okay, thank you." Harry turned around and replied, causing Qiu Zhang to shout and run away.

"Then what?" Harry turned his head back to Hermione.

"Then you can dance with her." Hermione nodded seriously.

"Don't you want me to stabilize her first?" Harry asked in surprise.

"No, I told you to promise her first." Hermione nodded seriously again. "Then you can dance with her."

Harry was petrified: I want to pursue you, but you ask me to pick up other girls?

The next day, there were third-year students from Hufflepuff House who didn't know that Harry already had a female partner and actively asked to go to the ball with him.

Harry had never been flirted with by a girl before, so he was so shocked that he refused without even thinking.

He didn't know that the girl was hurt inside. He only knew that he was ridiculed and laughed at by Dean, Seamus and Ron throughout the class. The next day, a second grader and a fifth grader invited him to be their male companion, but Harry refused on the grounds that he had found a female companion.

Then, the news that he had a female companion became solid.

Harry sat helplessly on the student bench sulking, but saw Hermione looking distracted.

"Hermione, do you want to ask Bin to be your dance partner?" Harry asked tentatively.

Her face turned red, and she quickly waved her hands and said, "His dance partner must be Naama. I can't compete with him."

"Ron?" As soon as Harry said this, Ron's ears immediately pricked up.

"No." Hermione brushed her hair, looking a little nervous. "It's class, don't talk anymore."

Harry had heard from Hermione that girls only liked Krum because he was famous. Therefore, he doubted that if he was not a warrior in the school, would Qiu Zhang take the initiative to invite him?

Since the first Fire Dragon project, there were fewer people in the corridors targeting Harry's status as a warrior. In the last week of the semester, the school became more and more lively and noisy day by day, and most people were discussing the news about the Yule Ball.

However, Ron became anxious. He originally thought that Fred could not find a dance partner like him, but after Fred heard his inquiry, he casually called out in the common room: "Hey, Angelina!"

Angelina was chatting with her friends when she heard the words and turned to look.

"What's the matter?" she asked loudly.

"Would you like to go to the dance with me?"

Angelina weighed Fred and said calmly: "Okay."

"It's done," Fred said to Harry and Ron. "It's a piece of cake."

Ron was heartbroken. Why could other people find female companions so easily?

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