Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 163 The Wisdom Catalina

He discussed the matter with Hermione, who said angrily: "I'm going to bed."

However, no one noticed that she quietly took Harry's invisibility cloak and came to the door of the new teaching building.

"Dong dong——"

Chen Bin and Katerina were practicing their dance moves in the living room when they were suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door.

The door opened and it was Anastasia.

"What's the matter?" Chen Bin felt very strange. No one except Lao Deng would come to disturb him at night.

"Hermione rang the doorbell just now, and I asked her to wait in Activity Room 1." Anastasia said.

"If I don't see her, let her go back." Chen Bin said righteously.

Anastasia rolled her eyes and said disdainfully: "She is not looking for you, but for little Kate."

"Uh..." When Chen Bin was embarrassed about the onset of cancer, Anastasia went directly back to the dormitory next door.

"Bin." Katerina closed the door first and said with a serious look, "I noticed that you seem to be very afraid that I will misunderstand that you have an unusual relationship with another girl."

"No way?" Chen Bin, as a grown man, would never admit that he was afraid of his wife.

"You just don't believe that I really believe in you." Katerina gently tapped his face with her index finger and said softly: "Did you receive too many prophecies from the moment you were born? How much information do you need to be afraid of your wife?"

Chen Bin really didn't understand why she was so smart and could guess almost everything. His girlfriend and wife in his previous life was a jealous person. She is good at everything, including appearance, figure, education, career, care and consideration for her partner, etc. They are all top-notch, but she is super easy to get jealous. Chen Bin dated her for five years and eventually got married, so he was used to this lifestyle.

"I said, you don't have to avoid anything." Kate kissed Chen Bin and said sincerely: "Our custom here is not to control your boyfriend or husband too tightly, otherwise this kind of marriage will not be successful. In the long run, even if you can maintain it, you will only get a formal husband."

Chen Bin responded to her with "a look that would make you blind if you believe you".

"Why do you think I didn't mean what I said?" Kate rolled her eyes at him angrily.

┗(▔,▔)┛: "Apart from Yisha and Li Xiuhui, you will also be on full alert when I communicate with women."

Chen Bin was ready to be beaten, but Katerina just blushed and said angrily: "Don't be too lenient and you don't have to be defenseless. You have your normal social life, can't I take a look?"

o(^`)o: "Answer me honestly, were you really wishing that I wouldn't talk to them at that time?"

Chen Bin didn't believe that women would tell the truth.

However, Kate's face turned redder, but she looked directly into Chen Bin's eyes and said seriously: "It's impossible to think about it, it will only make you feel troubled. I need to overcome my shortcomings, otherwise I will just Destroy our relationship. Let me ask you, have you ever felt possessive about beautiful girls? But do you pursue the one you meet? This is the difference between thinking and doing. Don’t confuse what I think with what I do, okay?"

Chen Bin was speechless. Men will like to look at beautiful girls. Although Chen Bin has been trained not to look away from her in his previous life, who can control the sexual desire in his mind?

"Don't you have anything to say?" Kate chuckled and said calmly: "Don't think of me as one of those jealous people in the prophecy. I usually thought you were joking with me, so I cooperated and pretended to be jealous, but now I find that you are really I'm obsessed with it. Believe me, time will tell."

After saying this, she kissed Chen Bin and went out to meet Hermione.

Chen Bin went back to the bedroom to meditate. "Is this true?"

When Katerina came back, her face was very solemn.

"Baby, what happened?" Chen Bin asked with concern.

"Bin, will our appearance really cause a world war?" Kate asked seriously.

o((⊙﹏⊙))o: "Do you have a fever? Touch me."

"Where did you touch it?" Kate rolled her eyes at Chen Bin with a red face, but did not stop him from doing anything.

After a round of gags, Kate finally cheered up and voiced her worries.

In other words, Hermione's purpose here is to find out about Chen Bin's preferences, past, mate selection conditions, world view, etc. A normal girlfriend would refuse this request, but Katerina really answered it for her one by one.

She and Chen Bin even received their certificates and received sincere guarantees from Chen Bin. How could they be afraid of this little girl?

Her focus was not on Hermione's intentions for Chen Bin, but on whether Hermione's change would affect the prophecy of annihilating Voldemort.

After hearing this, Chen Bin had a calm expression on his face. "I said, leave the prophecy to Lao Deng to worry about. We are prepared to fight a tough battle."

"Wouldn't it be better if Dumbledore could fulfill the prophecy?" Kate was confused.

"No matter how good it is, it's Lao Deng's business. If even I put my hope in the prophecy, world war will really be inevitable."

Kate thought for a while and agreed with Chen Bin's words. "Stop saying these spoiling things. I'm going to take a shower first, don't fall asleep so soon."

(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~: "The blonde police uniform is high!"

The school was decorated with lights and colorful decorations; the castle had not been so beautifully decorated for a long time. The handrails of the marble stairs are covered with icicles that will never melt, and the twelve Christmas trees customarily placed in the auditorium are decorated with various baubles, from shiny holly berries to various A live golden owl that stopped hooting.

However, the armors sang Christmas carols whenever anyone passed by, which still frightened many students. Moreover, Peeves also saw this opportunity and hid in the armor to scare people, which caused Filch a headache.

"Filch." Chen Bin secretly stuffed a pack of things over and whispered: "Put one in each armor to ensure that the guy will have a psychological shadow."

He had an enmity with Peeves when he entered school, so he would punish him whenever he could.

"What is it?" Filch opened it and saw that it was all yellow paper with unread red text written on it.

"A specialty of my hometown, it is specially designed to cure evil spirits. If you encounter something without resentment, you will only fall into a nightmare."

As a result, this week, the students met the very serious Peeves and fawningly followed Filch to help him clean the castle. According to others, whenever Peeves disobeys, Filch will shoot yellow paper balls with his slingshot until it falls to the ground and twitches for a long time.

Even with the overwhelming amount of homework they received, students were still having fun the week before Christmas. Who told Fred and George to bribe a bunch of top students and take on a lot of homework helpers?

Harry and Ron also wanted to come, but Hermione stopped them. "You can ask me if you don't understand something, but don't be my friend if you plagiarize your homework."

"Hermione," Ron said, turning his face to look at her and suddenly frowning, "your teeth..."

"What's the matter?" said Hermione.

"Oh my God, they are different...I just noticed..." Ron was about to describe it, but Harry suddenly understood. "Hermione, you've become beautiful."

Hermione was not happy, she lowered her head and muttered to herself: "What's the use of being pretty... He won't look at me..."

"What did you say?" Harry couldn't hear clearly.

"Nothing." Hermione was not in the mood to continue chatting and returned to the girls' dormitory alone.

On Christmas Day, each student also received his own gift.

Chen Bin also collected a lot, almost all of which were cheap things, even a Christmas card. On the contrary, Katerina received a lot of things, including clothes, scarves, food, decorations, etc.

There is no Christmas holiday in China, but Chen Bin still granted the European employees of the Enchanting Factory in Wan City a week's holiday. Instead, they had to continue working during the Spring Festival. Therefore, Chen Bin received a large number of Christmas cards from owls, including Farley, Marcus Flint, and a large number of enchantment masters, but there was no decent gift.

The two of them had also read Aunt Rowling's novels and knew that these students were not good birds. They would cast strange spells on gifts at any time, so they would never touch untested things.

Due to the dance, almost all the senior students stayed in the castle to spend the Christmas vacation this year. Chen Bin and Kate had no plans to stay at school for the holidays, but Kate was a warrior at Hogwarts and could not leave school until at least the dance was over. Dumbledore granted them two weeks of extra leave for this purpose, since their duties were dispensable anyway.

In the afternoon, the two came to the grounds outside the castle. The snow was white, and almost no one had stepped on it. There was only a deep footprint made by Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students when they returned to the castle.

Chen Bin saw Harry and the three Weasley brothers having a snowball fight, and walked over curiously.

"Hermione, you are more energetic now." Kate had been paying attention to her changes since she had a heart-to-heart talk with her that day, and it was not until today that she was sure that she had recovered from the shock.

"Thank you, I'm fine." Hermione sat with her and continued to discuss tonight's dance.

"What, you need three hours?" Ron overheard the conversation between the two and shouted in disbelief, and then was hit by George's big snowball.

Ron shouted at her back: "Who are you going with?"

However, Hermione ignored him and walked back to the castle to get ready.

"Do you know?" Harry looked at Chen Bin and Katerina expectantly.

"Guessed, but I won't tell you." Kate and Chen Bin looked at each other, then returned to the new teaching building to prepare.

"Guess, can you guess this?" Ron asked puzzledly.

Harry rolled his eyes at him, shrugged and said, "Who knows? Maybe it's prophecy?"

When Chen Bin and Kate returned to the new teaching building, the real Moody (fake David) was already waiting for them outside the gate.

"What's the matter?" Chen Bin had never seen such a solemn expression on his face.

"Speak slowly when you go in." Real Moody's eyes were darting around, making it seem like places outside the new teaching building were not safe at all.

Chen Bin knew that he had delusions of victimization, so he followed him to the monitoring room.

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