Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 190 Hermione made the right bet

The Aurors and undercover Death Eaters on the ground surrounded the two people in the air. They all looked up and stared at the golden cage in the air, and raised their wands to point at Voldemort.

Voldemort was so angry that he couldn't speak. All this was completely beyond his imagination. It was clear that he had a chance to win, but suddenly this strange connection appeared, and the Jedi on the ground fought back, all of a sudden his family fortune was wiped out!

He stared at Harry with his red eyes and roared angrily: "This is all your plan, right? Potter!"

Harry was also very shocked by this scene. The most important thing was that no one had discussed anything with him!

Voldemort wanted to break the stray light between the two wands, but Harry's hands tightly grasped the wand to prevent the golden thread connecting it from being disconnected.

Suddenly a burst of music sounded in the air, emanating from every fiber of the surrounding vibrating light network.

This is the song of the Phoenix.

It seemed that only Harry could hear this song, but Voldemort didn't notice any unusual expression.

These sounds seemed like someone was telling him in his ear: "Don't disconnect!"

However, at this moment, a woman's scolding voice came from below him: "Quickly disconnect!"

Chinese? Harry looked down and saw a sneaky figure outside the circle, hiding behind a tall Auror.

"Disconnect now!" The woman hiding behind others shouted to him again.

Although this woman had also put on the uniform attire of an Auror and was holding a transparent shield that was five or six times thicker, she could tell from her height and voice that she was Caitlina.

Harry glanced at the position where Kate was lying on her side from the corner of his eye, but there was no sign of her anywhere.

"Does she want me dead?" Harry thought to himself.

"Fuck! Listen to me! Disconnect! How can we attack if you don't disconnect?" Katerina roared angrily.

Harry didn't believe it at first, but when he heard it, the tone, and the Chinese language with a slight dialect accent...

"She's not Catalina!" Harry instantly thought of this person's true identity! "It turns out that Bin drank Polyjuice Potion and pretended to be a warrior just like me!"

That's right, this person is not Harry, but Hermione.

Before the game, she took Harry into the utility room, knocked him out, quickly switched their clothes with magic, and then drank Polyjuice Potion to pretend to be Harry.

Chen Bin exchanged identities with Kate before dinner, but he was only busy preparing his own equipment and forgot to bring Kate's old wand.

The wand used by Kate in the first two levels actually belongs to Chen Bin, because killing the fire dragon requires maximum output, and there is no threat in the second level that will cause Kate to explode emotionally. Instead, the wood in the wand needs to be turned into a propeller.

He brought Kate's old wand with him to hide the two special wands he had on him. Although the process is slightly different, the results are similar. Little Barty didn't shoot a disarming spell but a petrifying spell at him, but it was blocked by the transparent infuriating energy. He lay on his side on the ground and pretended to be under a spell for a while. When Barty came back to get Harry's wand, he accidentally stepped on it and broke the wand in his hand.

This wand followed Kate for half a year when she was in first grade, and then was replaced by Chen Bin's magic supplement set.

Chen Bin almost shouted when the wood slag was inserted into his palm, but at least he still remembered that he was pretending to be unable to move, so he kept silent.

However, Chen Bin never found out that this Harry was fake. He just felt that his behavior and movements were a little inconsistent, but he couldn't figure out the source. He originally thought that Harry became abnormal because he was too focused on winning and losing. It was only when he couldn't break free from Voldemort's Imperius Curse that he confirmed that this Harry was Hermione pretending to be Harry.

The real Harry had escaped the Imperius Curse from the fake Moody in class, and would successfully resist Voldemort's Imperius Curse on his own will.

Whether this comes from Harry's own consciousness, or relies on the reminder of Voldemort's soul in his body, the real Harry also has the ability to break away from the Demon King's Soul-Imperius Curse.

No one expected anyone to pretend to be Harry.

Polyjuice can only temporarily change the appearance and bloodline, but the magic power and skills of the person who takes the medicine will remain the same. Otherwise, Chen Bin's fifty or so people would already have a bottle of Lao Deng's decoction, and they would use fifty times the disarming effect of Lao Deng's version. The curse killed Voldemort!

Old Deng once suggested that Chen Bin should pretend to be Harry, but this guy refused because he had a real feud with Voldemort and that his family had a more perverted bloodline. In fact, the main reason for his refusal was that he was afraid of death!

Even with Chen Bin's high-sounding reasons, Lao Deng gave up on pretending to be Harry himself, because his bloodline was obviously much better than the real Harry. If they use his or Chen Bin's blood to resurrect a super-perverted ancient dark devil, even if they use ten times their troops, they still won't be able to kill him before the potion expires.

For the above reasons, they also gave up on looking for someone to replace Harry. Even if they looked for Snape, Lupin, Sirius or McGonagall, they would more or less have a grudge against him. Moreover, these people were considered to be high-end combatants, so it was difficult to protect them. His bloodline will stimulate the resurrection effect and create an enhanced version of the Dark Lord.

However, when the two of them gave up on this idea and no longer paid special attention to Harry, Hermione, a little witch with weak blood and no grudge against Voldemort, secretly assumed this responsibility.

Just now, Chen Bin threw two bombs to save Hermione, one was a flash bomb used by Muggles, and the other was a sound bomb from Naima Workshop. At the moment when the white light flashed, he took advantage of the moment when Voldemort turned to the defensive and shot the curse at Hermione, lifting the Imperius Curse that had not been fully sunken.

He didn't use the most powerful lighting spell in history to blind Voldemort's face, but he was afraid that the devil would follow the direction of the spell and shoot Avada Kedavra. He is not so great that he would trade one life for Hermione, and Muggle flash bombs can save two lives at once!

Then, the guy burst into white smoke, and even used his skills to shamelessly sneak into the bushes. He then used the transformation spell to turn it into the texture of the bark. Only when it was safe did he dare to connect the sound bomb to prompt Hermione to use Harry's wand. Shoot magic.

Chen Bin couldn't defeat Voldemort, nor could he withstand the Death Eaters' killing curses. Being able to solve the curses and give reminders in a friendly manner was his limit.

It's not that he doesn't want to save Hermione, it's just that his strength doesn't allow it, and the equipment is not powerful. Powerful large weapons cannot target powerful wizards, and individual weapons cannot enhance the attack power. They can only pile up armor to withstand the attacks of elite Death Eaters.

No matter how much money the Naima R\u0026D department spends, the laws of magic are still like mountains suppressing the possibility of many fantastic ideas becoming reality. Therefore, the Naama family can only increase their efforts in auxiliary items, such as those communication bombs and space intervention devices. They have no actual combat capabilities but have realized many auxiliary functions that were not previously available in the magic world. They even invented a lot of early warning, Means of transmission and communication.

Unfortunately, this operation did not require many auxiliary supplies, so Chen Bin could only cowardly hide behind Lao Deng as a small support staff.

"I - can't let go - the wand -" The fake Harry tried to break away from the connection, but found that this could not be done with strength alone, otherwise Voldemort would have interrupted this kind of connection that was not good for him. situation.

(*'ω'*): "Then continue connecting!"

As soon as the fake Kate finished speaking, she once again shrank obscenely behind the tall Auror.

In the golden thread connecting the fake Harry and Voldemort, there seemed to be beads of light sliding along the thread towards the fake Harry's wand, making his hand tremble.

As the light bead approached the tip of the wand, his wand gradually became hotter; the closer the light bead came, the more the wand vibrated.

The fake Harry (real Hermione) had already memorized the prophecies in this chapter by heart. Of course he knew that this was a natural phenomenon, so he felt relieved when he heard the connection was continued.

The reason why she pretended to be Harry was to prove to Chen Bin that she was more useful than Kate, and could even come up with details that they had not thought of - wand docking did not depend on who the user was, as long as the two wands used the same phoenix's Use feathers and shoot magic spells at each other to connect.

Therefore, she believed that if their plan could not interrupt Voldemort's resurrection, she would use her own blood to weaken Voldemort. Once the Polyjuice Potion wears off, Harry's blood in Voldemort will turn back into her blood.

That is to say, even if Chen Bin and Dumbledore's plan ultimately failed, Harry is still Voldemort's nemesis.

In order to confirm this theory, Hermione even read through the banned books in the library, and finally confirmed that the half-giant theory that Chen Bin mentioned in the first grade really came from here.

That is to say, human cells and tissues remaining in other people's bodies relying on Polyjuice Potion or Transformation Spell will return to their original shape after their effect disappears, and they can also break the fusion isolation. Most damning of all, this delayed change is irreversible.

For example, at the moment of union, it is the fertilized egg of a pure-blood giant, but the delayed change after the effectiveness disappears is that of a hybrid giant.

For another example, at the moment of resurrection, Voldemort was fused with Harry's blood, but after the effectiveness disappeared, he changed to Voldemort fused with Hermione's blood.

Even if Hagrid's father turns back into a giant again, his son will not turn into a pure-blood giant. In the same way, even if Hermione continued to drink Polyjuice Potion mixed with Harry's hair, Voldemort would not continue to possess Harry's bloodline.

Thinking of this, Hermione became happy.

Therefore, when she looked at the wand in her hand that seemed to be broken into pieces, she still didn't feel the slightest bit of panic in her heart, and even had a weird smile on her face.

This smile turned into a huge conspiracy in Voldemort's eyes.

"I am Harry's friend, and I am here to avenge you." Hermione kept repeating in her heart, her mental thoughts focused as never before.

The first bead of light was about to slide to the tip of her staff, but stopped moving due to this repeated thought. Not just this one, but the entire string of light beads also stopped.

Hermione's bet was right.

She studied this chapter dozens of times. If Harry used his will and anger to defeat Voldemort in this connection, it would be better to say that his will was connected to the light beads, so that they could join forces to fight back Voldemort.

Otherwise, in terms of willpower, emotions, magic, skills, or physical strength, Voldemort would definitely have the upper hand. When would it be Harry's turn to turn defeat into victory in the prophecy book?

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