Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 191 Unexpected Connection

"Listen to me, go back to the tip of Voldemort's wand, step back, that's right, step back, one, two, three, rush back!"

As Hermione shouted in her heart, the string of light beads retreated slowly and suddenly rushed towards Voldemort's wand.

Suddenly, Voldemort's wand let out a scream of pain.

Hermione calmed down and stared at Voldemort's dumbfounded eyes with a smile.

An illusory human hand emitting thick smoke fell from the tip of Voldemort's staff and disappeared instantly. This was the severed hand he created for Barty Jr., but Barty Jr. died in the first wave of shots.

Voldemort's wand made another cry of pain, and a large cloud of gray smoke came out of the tip of the wand, gradually forming an illusory old man. He dropped to the side with his cane and looked at Voldemort and the fake Harry in surprise. "So, he is really a wizard? This guy is going to kill me... You fight him, kid..."

The ghost's voice indeed had an echo, like an echo from afar.

However, the Auror troops on the ground who were eating melons, correction, the Auror troops and fake Kate on the ground who were on guard could not hear anything. They could only see some hazy figures, which were by no means the clear figures described in the prophecy book.

Then, the fake Harry's trembling arms clutched the wand desperately, and the ghost of Bertha Jorkins floated out, glaring and cheering: "Don't let go! Don't let him hurt you, don't let go!"

She and Uncle Frank whispered encouragement to the fake Harry as they walked along the inner wall of the golden net, but the fake Harry could not hear what they said to Voldemort.

Therefore, Fake Harry believes that only the party having the conversation knows the content, and others cannot hear it.

Then, long-haired Lily Potter also came. "Thank you, Harry's friend. The child's father is here too... He also wants to see who Harry looks like when he grows up. It will be fine soon... Just support..."

The next moment, a disheveled James Potter also jumped out, and approached the fake Harry with his wife.

Voldemort obviously couldn't hear what the ghosts were saying, but when he saw the people he murdered jumping out and surrounding him, he was considered a qualified demon king without being scared to death.

"We can only stay for a short while after the connection is disconnected...but we can buy you time...what do you want us to do for you?"

The fake Harry almost couldn't hold it anymore, panting heavily, but whispered: "When I finish talking about the strange pronunciation later, you go to confuse his eyes, focus on his head, and leave him alone." He left his body for those below to attack him."

"Okay, thank you for letting me see what my son will look like when he grows up, and thank you for taking the risk for him." James whispered, "You should prepare to withdraw soon."

"Kate, I'll retreat on the count of three!" the fake Harry said slowly in Chinese, allowing Chen Bin to translate to nearby Aurors at the same time. "Now I count three, three, two..."

The fake Kate was translating in the tall Auror's ear at the same time. The tall Auror's elder wand continued to point at Voldemort in the air, but he whispered the translation content, and the communication runes in the helmet were being transmitted in real time. Following his words, all the Aurors nodded in unison to show their understanding.

"One! Withdraw!" The fake Harry said this and immediately raised the wand vigorously.

The golden thread was broken, the optical network disappeared, and there was no more singing of the phoenix.

All four ghosts turned back into a large cloud of gray smoke, surrounding Voldemort's head.

The fake Harry originally thought he would fall to the ground hard, but the fake Kate used her faster body skills to catch him with one hand, and then rushed to the back of the encirclement. In the encirclement, the fake Kate couldn't even dodge out of the white smoke. She could only continue to burst out her true energy and use extreme light kung fu to rescue him from the field.

At the same time, the blind Voldemort relied on his sense of danger to dodge all the incoming spells.

The Aurors on the ground were shocked, but no matter how shocked they were, they still huddled behind their shields and kept shooting.

Voldemort dodged at a speed beyond recognition by the human eye, and also pulled out a series of irregular afterimage trails. Yes, the only two people who can fly in the original book are Voldemort and Snape, and Snape only learned how to fly after returning to Voldemort.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye.

Chen Bin put the spare Auror helmet on the fake Harry's face and warned in Chinese: "Squat down, don't take it off, don't talk!"

The reason why he ordered this was because the polyjuice potion he drank had just expired, so Hermione, who drank it a little later than him, should almost return to her original form. The potion he drank was made by a top potion master, but Hermione's homemade potion might have a shorter lasting effect than his.

The moment he finished speaking, the gray fog covering Voldemort's face also faded.

"Avada Kedavra--"


When Voldemort saw through a little of the fog, he immediately fired a green light cannon in the direction of Chen Bin and Hermione.

This light cannon was thicker than a large fire water cannon, and was mixed with unparalleled cold magic power. Chen Bin held the fake Harry and shook, and relied on danger prediction to apparate back to the woods near Hogwarts. inside.

"Stay here and don't move around. Don't respond to anyone who calls you." Chen Bin ignored Hermione's reaction and apparated back to the cemetery in Little Hanglinton Village alone, and then apparated to the trees in the cemetery. Li watched the situation, and then used the white smoke move to rush back behind Lao Deng.

Time went back to the moment when Chen Bin and Hermione Apparated. The tall Auror standing in front of them threw his shield and pointed with his wand, successfully blocking the path of the green light.

The gray fog had completely dissipated. Voldemort saw the tall figure and the wand and said in surprise: "Dumbledore..."

"Tom, long time no see..." Before Dumbledore could finish his words, another green water cannon fired at him.


"Go to hell——"

The Demon King has his own qualities as a Demon King. In times of danger, he won't nag his enemies at all. It's not like he was eager to win back people's hearts just now and needs to explain slowly.

However, the strongest white wizard is not a vegetarian. He pointed with his wand and shot out a red beam of light, which connected with the green light.

As long as you look carefully, you can find that the red light is still smaller than the green light, but it is still neck and neck with the green light for the time being.

However, who said this is a one-on-one challenge?

"Free fire——" Chen Bin rushed behind Lao Deng.

All the Aurors immediately shot a life-killing curse as thick as a chopstick at Voldemort.

When the two beams of light connected, the two of them were unable to move.

The dense green light all hit Voldemort, but did not kill him.

"It's useless, such a humble magic power..."

"Really?" Chen Bin huddled behind Lao Deng and said disdainfully: "Don't stop, use up his magic power."

Voldemort's empty city plan was destined to fail, but no one else knew it, except Chen Bin and Lao Deng.

The Aurors did not hesitate at all, because they also wore magic supplement bracelets, which were mass-produced versions of the wand kit that Kate had worn since her first year.

Enchanted items made of cheap materials cannot enhance the power of magic, so Chen Bin chose to enhance the magic endurance of the Auror Army. People wearing magic bracelets will not increase any power, but the magic spells they cast only cost 10% of their own magic power, and the remaining 90% is also subsidized by the bracelet.

If the magic power of the bracelet is exhausted, activate another one! Reality is not an online game. Who stipulates how many can be worn? The jewelry slot in the real world depends on the length of the wizard's forearm!

Therefore, Chen Bin started talking rubbish again: "The army obeys the order! Shoot with all your strength. After the magic power is discharged, teams B, C and D will take over for you."

The Aurors were not encouraged as they had been informed that there would be no reinforcements, only five extra bracelets. They continued to resist the despair induced by Voldemort, suppressed the chilly aura that made people shiver, and continued to output magic spells with all their strength.

However, Voldemort didn't know the authenticity of the bracelet and reinforcements! His face instantly became gloomy, and he muttered something. The green pillar instantly became much thicker, pushing back Old Deng's red light little by little.

The Aurors no longer hesitated at this moment, and frequently issued death curses, forcing Voldemort to use magic to resist.

Countless green lights hit Voldemort. However, in this state, Voldemort clearly used some dark magic secret to stimulate his magic power. The despair and coldness in the air seemed to be solidified. Chen Bin, who had been making soy sauce, also had his teeth chattering a little. , not to mention the supporting Auror army.

In an instant, Lao Deng had to hold the elder wand tightly with both hands and could not speak, but the red light was retreating little by little.

What is Chen Bin doing? My legs are weak! But if Lao Deng dies, he will definitely not feel better.

Therefore, he walked out from behind Lao Deng and stood side by side with him. He gradually increased the tolerance of the Purifying Curse, then raised his wand and shot a green light as big as a teacup at Voldemort.


"Avada Kedavra--!!!"

However, something weird happened!

He was clearly aiming at Voldemort's legs, but the green light he shot uncontrollably turned a small arc, converging at the point where Voldemort's and Lao Deng's beams met, forming a "Y".

Old Deng Eran died.

Chen Bin panicked.

Voldemort laughed.

Countless green lights kept hitting Voldemort, but he smiled very happily, as if dragging Chen Bin into the water would make him happier than capturing Harry alive.

"How much resentment does this have?" Chen Bin thought in his heart, but he looked at Lao Deng with horrified eyes. His eyes seemed to be saying: Don't let go, otherwise labor and management will not let you go.

Old Deng turned to look at Chen Bin. Through his helmet, he seemed to feel that Old Deng rolled his eyes in annoyance, and then continued to exert all his magic power.

However, seeing that Voldemort survived despite being hit by hundreds of death curses, and the thicker and longer green pillar was gradually pushed towards the two of them, Chen Bin knew he had to gamble his life!

Chen Bin decided to fight! The tolerance of the Pure Heart Curse is being unlocked layer by layer——

The five-fold output that had already surpassed controllable emotions was instantly increased. The violence in Chen Bin's heart became uncontrollable. His green pillar was finally a little like the diameter of a rice bowl, stopping Voldemort's offensive in one fell swoop.

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