When the body dies, the void should suck away the person's soul. However, the person's soul has the breath of part of the intelligent creation, which makes it repelled by the cracks in the void and continues to stay in this world, but it will not Become a combination of consciousness.

The soul of a person killed by the Death Curse will disappear from this world and be pulled into a crack in the void, and the perpetrator's wand will copy the virtual image of the deceased - a combination of consciousness similar to the soul.

Therefore, Li Xiuhui's inference is that no matter how many Horcruxes Voldemort makes, only his body's soul can be resurrected. The other Horcruxes are only used to prevent his body from being killed and turning into a combined consciousness or being sucked into the void. .

Li Xiuhui dreamed last night that she appeared in the house of her previous life and saw the grown-up Chen Bin. At first she thought it was an ordinary dream, but it wasn't until Chen Bin felt a real sense of danger when he fired that she believed she had fallen into a trap.

She sent out a threatening consciousness to this space, and her body began to disappear from Chen Bin's dream. Even if Chen Bin was reminded before leaving, this was just a dream, it was silenced by the monster that manipulated the dream.

Leaving Chen Bin's dream, Li Xiuhui came to a dark space, where a sexy girl with goat's horns on her head was hidden. She fought with this girl for a long time, almost losing the concept of time.

Li Xiuhui could kill her every time, but the next moment a new girl with horns would be resurrected beside her, constantly attacking with magic and martial arts.

In the end, Li Xiuhui used all her true energy to kill her until she could not be resurrected and was ejected out of this dark dream. However, Li Xiuhui was sure that she was not dead yet, or would not die at all.

"So, will she come back to us? Is it dangerous every time she sleeps?" Chen Bin was nervous. How could he not sleep every day?

"I felt that she was going to kill us in the dream." Li Xiuhui explained: "After I woke up, all the energy in my body was exhausted, so I guess as long as the injuries or the power consumed in the dream will be The reflection is in reality. If we die in our dreams, we are likely to die in reality as well."

"Isn't this A Nightmare on Elm Street?" Chen Bin didn't expect to encounter a scene from a horror movie.

No matter how powerful Chen Bin is in reality, he is just an ordinary policeman in his dream. At most, he only knows the external skills of mortals and has forgotten his life experience.

"What's A Nightmare on Elm Street?" Li Xiuhui rarely watches movies, and she doesn't like watching foreign movies. She needs Chen Bin to explain the content of the story.

After listening to Chen Bin's story, Li Xiuhui said calmly: "It's not that exaggerated. As long as you promise not to dream, no matter how powerful it is in the dream, it won't be able to use it."

After saying this, she took out a roll of parchment and said confidently: "If you engrave this blood curse in your mind, you will never have a dreamless night."

Chen Bin immediately broke into a cold sweat when he saw the long string of pinyin on the top of the parchment. "Mom, what is the name of this blood curse?"

"We haven't named it yet." Li Xiuhui didn't like naming the curse, so she gave the naming rights to Chen Bin.

Chen Bin didn't have much naming talent, so he casually called it "Dreamless Blood Curse".

The blood curse was not complicated, but it took Chen Bin more than five hours to learn it. Therefore, he called Isha and told him that he would not return to his hometown until later.

With the Dreamless Blood Curse, the threat of the succubus has been lifted. No matter how powerful it is, it is not a real demon, but an immortal soul created by wisdom, but the two of them don't know why it is targeting them.

Li Xiuhui asked her son out, and in addition to teaching him the "Dreamless Blood Curse", she also discussed things about Isha.

Although Li Xiuhui never saw Yisha in Chen Bin's dream, she learned from Chen Bin's dictation that Yisha in the dream still retains a small amount of memory about the world, so there is a high chance that this Yisha was not made up by Chen Bin. , but Yisha himself was also pulled into Chen Bin's dream.

Therefore, Li Xiuhui was afraid that she would know that this dream was Chen Bin's memory, and hoped that he could secretly engrave the "Dreamless Blood Curse" on Isha so that she would not dream of Chen Weiguo in another world again.

As expected, Chen Bin didn't understand women and didn't know why she was so concerned about the relationship between Yisha and Chen Weiguo. However, this is the mother's request, and the son can only agree.

More than 9,000 kilometers away at 4 Privet Drive, Surrey, England, Harry had already put all his luggage into a traceless stretch bag and was sitting on the sofa with the Dursleys, waiting for Isabel's arrival. arrival.

This month, Harry once again enjoyed the care of his relatives.

After the video of Voldemort's resurrection was played over the maze, the Dursleys finally realized the horror of the wizarding world and felt the contribution Lily and Harry had made. They not only saved the small magical world, but also prevented the war between magical society and European society.

On Harry's first day back at No. 4 Privet Drive, the couple and their son took the initiative to listen to the history of the wizarding world. Although Harry didn't know it very well, he still had the "History of Magic" textbook in his luggage, so he told them all the history he remembered or in the book.

He didn't know how much the family of three in the original time and space still resisted magic, but the three people in the current time and space no longer felt taboo about it.

Cousin Dudley starts to go bad over the summer, hanging out with the neighborhood gangsters, smoking and bullying the neighbors.

Harry had long heard Chen Bin's predictions about this, so after the incident, he gave the letter Chen Bin had written in advance to Uncle Vernon.

The next day, Dudley was not hung up and beaten by his parents. Instead, he participated in a lot of summer activities, including rock climbing, boxing, wilderness survival, canoeing, extreme cycling, etc., all of which were super exciting outdoor activities.

Harry once curiously asked his uncle why he signed up for so many activities, but his answer made Harry not understand.

"Your professor said in the letter that Dudley is not bad in nature, but is just entering the rebellious period of youth. Therefore, he suggested that I sign him up for some challenging outdoor activities to let him vent his excessive energy. It’s also about establishing good values ​​and staying away from the real bad guys.”

What Harry didn't understand was the rebellious period, but Dudley was really much better now. When he gets home, he shares the day's fun challenge and invites Harry to join him.

Unfortunately, after playing twice, Harry was exhausted, so he had no choice but to decline.

All the dementors were also imprisoned in mysterious places by the Ministry of Magic, so that the original monster attack did not happen.

However, there are many bizarre disappearances or explosions reported in the news. These cases are not only happening in the UK, there are similar news every day almost throughout Western Europe. Not only bridges are broken, but there are also many incredible natural and man-made disasters, such as entire villages suddenly disappearing, flight crashes, and incurable severe infectious diseases, etc.

One day, the newly appointed Minister of Defense announced that a fleet encountered a once-in-a-century typhoon during routine training. Four warships were scrapped and about 200 soldiers were missing.

The media now reports these serious accidents every day, and many people even call for the defense minister to step down.

While eating breakfast, Uncle Vernon suddenly asked: "Harry, do you think these news have anything to do with the Demon King?"

Aunt Petunia and Dudley also lowered their heads to eat, their ears perked up nervously.

"It's very possible, but I have no evidence." Harry also wanted to know the results, but these things were not published in the Daily Prophet.

"Really there is no need to immigrate to China?" Aunt Petunia asked nervously. Harry couldn't remember how many times this happened.

"Don't worry, we have Aurors secretly protecting us." Harry pretended to be confident, but in fact he didn't have much confidence in his heart.

Here he rested freely for a month, thinking again of his friends.

At this time, Sister Yisha called and said she would be here to pick him up at nine o'clock tomorrow morning.

The next day, the family sat on the sofa waiting for the arrival of sister Isha.

The four of them had often glanced at the fireplace since eight o'clock. Everyone also guessed that the witch would suddenly appear from this position like the Weasley family, so they removed the things sealing the fireplace in advance.

At nine o'clock, the doorbell rang.

Vernon opened the door nervously, only to see a young and beautiful girl who said politely: "Hello, I'm Isabelle Naama. I came to pick Harry up to play with us at home. I heard Harry said, you It should be Uncle Dursley who has been taking care of him, right? Nice to meet you."

He had never seen such a beautiful woman. He was stunned and didn't know how to answer. He just followed his instinct and shook hands with her, and then led her to the living room.

"Sister Isha!" As soon as Harry saw her, he immediately ran over happily.

Dudley and his mother did not expect that the person who came to pick up Harry was so beautiful, and his clothes were no different from those of modern people, and even much more fashionable, with a sense of French fashion brands.

After exchanging pleasantries with them, Isha followed Harry on a tour of the home, satisfying the special hobby of his die-hard fans.

After Harry disappeared in Isha's high-end RV, the Dursleys still stood at the door in shock, unable to believe what was happening.

"Is she really a wizard?" Vernon asked doubtfully.

"How do I know?" Penny wasn't sure. "I've never seen her use magic."

"You will know after you try the gift she gave." Dudley rolled his eyes at his parents angrily and returned to the living room to unwrap the gift.

This is a health and beauty product in the magical world. I heard that it was produced by the beautiful woman just now.

As long as the supplements are taken according to the instructions, you can quickly build a toned body. Beauty creams can fight wrinkles and restore your appearance to at least ten years ago.

After the three people tried it, they looked in the mirror the next day and couldn't believe that the person inside was themselves.

Vernon and Dudley did not immediately become muscular men, but their bellies did shrink a lot, and the skin on their bellies also tightened at the same time. Penny's results were even more exaggerated. All the wrinkles on her face disappeared, and her skin became smoother and more supple, returning to the effect she had when she was 26 years old.

"Isn't this amazing?" The three of them didn't go out that day, completely lost in the mirror.

After picking up Harry and getting into the car, Isha quickly apparated to the door of Hermione's house together with the car. After chatting with the dentist and his wife for a while, Hermione got in the car and once again experienced the disembodiment of both people and the car.

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