Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 206 The selfish Isha

After following the same pattern, the trio finally came to Diagon Alley to buy this year's textbooks, stationery, clothes and other goods.

However, something unexpected happened.

Harry didn't have much money left, so he had to go to Gringotts to withdraw money.

Hermione was wary of this, but couldn't express her concern. Unfortunately, she showed up whenever she was afraid. Fleur was working as a receptionist in the lobby and recognized the three of them at a glance.

"Arry, it's nice to meet you again." Fleur walked over politely and asked curiously: "Hello, sister Yisha, long time no see."

(ω): "Long time no see, little Furong. Hey, are you working as a temporary worker here?"

"That's right." Fleur took Isha's hand affectionately and asked doubtfully, "Didn't Aaron tell you?"

┗(▔,▔)┛: "No, does he know?"

"Of course." Fleur became even more confused. "I got the job before the end of the semester and wrote about it in a letter..."

"Fleur, there are clients over there that need to be attended to." Hermione suddenly interrupted the conversation between the two and pointed to a customer who had just entered.

"Sorry, excuse me." Furong was still at work, so she had to continue to entertain guests.

At Isha's urging, Harry walked to the counter with Ron to register.

(*ΦωΦ*): "Hey little Hermione, tell me what you did?"

Isabelle kept rubbing Hermione's face, catching her off guard.

"No..." Hermione blinked her big eyes. This trick worked very well for Isha, but it didn't work this time.

(=ω): "How could you send Furong away if you didn't? If you don't tell me, I'll ask Furong."

"No!" Hermione immediately took Isha's hand and told her that she had hidden Fleur's letter and did not give it to Chen Bin.

The letter had been burned a long time ago, the kind that spontaneously combusts after being read.

(﹡ω﹡): “Since you have read it, why don’t you write a silent letter to Binbin under your own name?”

Seeing that Sister Isha didn't blame herself, Hermione was relieved a lot and said discouraged: "Her letter was written in French, I can't understand it..."

(˙▽˙): "..."

Isha was petrified for a good, strong, and logical reason. If a French person knows that the other party understands French, will he still write to the other party in English?

(ω`): "It doesn't matter, I can pretend that I received the letter from you but accidentally lost it."

"Really!!?" Hermione happily hugged Isha and stood on tiptoes to kiss her cheek.

At this time, Miss Yisha was so sweet that she felt dizzy.

(ω`): "Hermione, tell me, do you like Bin Bin?"

Hermione's cheeks instantly turned red, and she instinctively shook her head in denial.

However, when she faced Isha's sincere smile again, Hermione still didn't dare to lie and whispered: "I'm sorry, sister Isha. I didn't know that Bin and Kate were married at the time... I won't ruin them. So happy..."

At this time, Ron was waiting with Harry to withdraw money from the underground vault, so Isla led Hermione to sit on the bench on the other side.

"Good little Hermione, can you tell me the whole story?"

Hermione nodded slightly when she heard this, and briefly started from the first year.

The original story told from the protagonist's mouth definitely satisfied Isha's curiosity. When it came to learning from Voldemort that Kate was Chen Bin's wife, Hermione finally couldn't bear the suppressed emotions of more than a month and started crying while hugging Isha.

"Be good, it will get better if you cry." Isha was like a competent mother at this moment, gently sweeping her back.

"I feel that from now on, I don't want to fall in love anymore." After Hermione was comforted, her mood really eased a lot.

(): "Silly boy, you are still young. You will change in a few years. Isn't Ron good?"

"Him?" Hermione saw that Harry and the two had gone to the underground warehouse, and immediately spoke her mind: "Do you think I can still like such a superficial boy after meeting Bin?"

(﹏): "..."

Isha was speechless.

In her knowledge, Ron and Hermione were not a match at all.

Isha remembered that the author met an ordinary other half in reality, and she put herself into the role of Hermione, so she hoped that Hermione could become true love with Ron, an ordinary man.

However, are novels really the same as the reality of this world?

In the whole story, whether there is a love line or not does not affect the ending, so now Isha thinks that Hermione's original destiny may not be with Ron, or even pair up with Percy in the later period of the story, or maybe It is possible to choose to be single for a lifetime.

Thinking about it, Isha felt that this was absolutely unacceptable.

"Hermione..." Isha looked evasively into the distance and said calmly: "Well... did you know that many Eastern European magic circles do not prohibit nobles from marrying multiple wives..."

"Huh...?" Hermione stopped sobbing, because this is not what Isha should say!

"Sister Isha..." Hermione's eyes began to glow, and she weakly tried: "That is to say...do you support me...?"

(ω): "I didn't say anything. I don't allow Wei Guo to take concubines. He also refused in Dubrovsky Castle."

"But I promised Kate..." Hermione said this and quickly lowered her head...

(): "Can I accept you as my goddaughter?"

Hermione understood such a strong hint instantly.

/(//`//)/: "Mother Isha."

(ω): "Good daughter."

Yi Shabo kissed her on the cheek and rubbed her cheek against her cheek like she was holding a stuffed doll.

Soon, Harry came back with the gold coins.

Isha also lied to Fleur in front of Hermione very wisely: "I'm sorry, Fleur. I just remembered that I received a French letter at the beginning of the summer vacation. I opened it and put it on the table before I could read it clearly. When I came back, it was It spontaneously ignited into ashes. Listen to Hermione, did you write this letter?"

Furong's face immediately turned red, and she quickly waved her hand and said, "It's okay, it's not important."

After a pause, she asked weakly: "Are you really not watching?"

(▽*): There is gossip!

Isha thought so in his heart, but he said: "I haven't read it yet, is it really not important?"

"Well, not at all." Fleur continued to reply weakly.

After chatting for a while, the four of them left Gringotts with Furong seeing them off.

Then, they purchased a lot of supplies, and then went to Naama Castle and traveled to the outside of Chen's old house.

A group of Chen's uncles welcomed their arrival in the woods and led them to a simple and huge southern building complex.

The trio who committed suicide had always heard that Chen Bin said that his hometown was a traditional old house, but now they were shocked when they saw it with their own eyes!

There are many ancient buildings such as small bridges, flowing water, pavilions and pavilions that can be listed as cultural heritage.

When Yisha led them to the front garden, Chen Bin was still learning the "Dreamless Blood Curse" from Li Xiuhui in Xiangjiang, so they were led in by Chen Xiaoming.

After the three met their grandfather, they were arranged into three quaint guest rooms, right next to Chen Bin and Kate's bedroom.

Everything here is also novel to the three foreigners.

Kate took over the reception work and took the three of them to meet Old Mrs. Chen at the stone table in the front garden.

With Kate and Hermione as translators, Harry and Ron were also able to talk to the kind white-haired middle-aged man.

[Note: The true energy of martial arts has the effect of increasing longevity. It was mentioned at the beginning of the story that the master is a middle-aged man with white hair. 】

Soon, Chen Weiguo also came back and was taken into the bedroom by Ishara, who then announced that he would accept Hermione as his goddaughter.

Chen Weiguo knew that she had regarded the foreign student as the heroine, so he asked curiously: "Do you want to accept Harry as your godson?"

\\(*ω`*)/: "No, I only love Hermione."

When Chen Bin came back, dinner was already over.

Kate nervously pulled him to the bedroom and whispered: "Isha's mother adopted Hermione as her goddaughter, which has been written into the family tree. My grandfather even opened the bloodline key for her."

"Nani?" Chen Bin was surprised. This painting style is very strange!

Thinking about Hermione grabbing her hand, bumping her shoulder, and shaking her opponent away with an inch of force before turning sideways and shooting Avada Kedavra, it looks like a magical martial arts world.

"No, she can't develop martial arts Qi at all!"

Kate saw that Chen Bin's focus was different, and she immediately patted him angrily. "I mean, Isha's mother suddenly wants to adopt her as her goddaughter?"

"Xiao Nizi, are you thinking too much?" Chen Bin only wants to think about Hermione, who is supremacist in women's rights...

"No." Katerina said firmly: "The way Isha's mother looks at her is obviously the way she looks at her daughter-in-law, and she is very satisfied."

"Have you forgotten? Her son and daughter were not named Weasley, but Granger-Weasley, creating a new surname for Britain out of thin air."

"Have you forgotten?" Kate stopped Chen Bin from talking and smiled: "Destiny and personality can also be changed."

The sudden voice of irritation made Chen Bin's hair stand on end in fright.

(╬义): “Madam, I will drive that bitch out of the Chen family’s gate immediately!”

"Okay, stop pretending." Kate snuggled into Chen Bin's arms and said coquettishly: "Hermione is a very attractive and beautiful girl. She is considerate and smart, and she only likes you. Boys like her. It’s also normal…”

"No, she can't even compare to my wife's finger." Chen Bin said solemnly.

Kate suddenly blushed with embarrassment and whispered: "I'm not testing you."

"I'm serious!" Chen Bin refused righteously.

The two looked at each other sincerely for a long time, and Kate finally said with satisfaction: "Forget it! You have to remember what you said."

(╬Benefit): "Of course! As long as the lady gives the order, that bitch can only pack up and get out of the Chen family!"

"Okay, okay, I'll go out and heat up some food for you." Katerina went out contentedly.

After Chen Bin watched her leave, he immediately slumped down on the chair. After more than five years of training in my previous life, how could I be tricked out of my heart by just two or three sweet words?

"Huh, you're too young!" Chen Bin said disdainfully.

"Forgot to ask you, do you want to eat steak tonight?" Kate's head stretched out from behind the door.

.(*▽`*).: "Whatever the lady cooks, I will eat."

"Be good! That's right, who did you just say was too young?"

The charming smile on Kate's face did not fade at all.

.(*▽`*).: “My lady’s face is so tender and smooth.”

"Okay, I won't act anymore." Kate couldn't stand Chen Bin's teasing and said confidently: "I believe you."

She left humming a Ukrainian folk song.

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