Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 261 Umbridge Syndrome

Chen Bin sat on the bed and made a three-chapter agreement with Maharat seriously:

1. When he and Kate are in physical contact, Maharat must block all perceptions;

2. Only with Kate’s consent can you control Kate’s body for a long time and have one day of relaxation time per week;

3. When controlling her body, she is not allowed to have physical contact with other boys, she is not allowed to damage Kate's image, and she is not allowed to reveal to third parties that she is Maharat.

There are also Chapters 4, 5, 6, and 7, but these are details.

Chen Bin and Kate are actually very entangled with Maharat's existence. Neither of them likes to be possessed by foreign spirits.

However, even the Chinese monks who specialize in treating evil spirits have tested her and found that she is a simple girl's soul without any evil thoughts.

Even if she was turned into a headless Nick by a ghost, no sect would kill her, because the monks only kill evil spirits.

The wandering girl also promised to protect Kate when necessary, and she would even teach Kate whatever she wanted to learn.

Don't underestimate the fact that this wandering soul seems to have little ability. After all, she was also a figure during the time when Hogwarts was founded, and she also received the inheritance of Maharat. At least Chen Bin tried to fight Maharat five times using magic power no higher than Kate's. Each game was defeated in seconds, and it was Chen Bin who lost in seconds.

Can you imagine how scumbag Chen Bin is?

Ahem, correction, can you imagine how terrifying Maharat’s skills are?

At supper the next Monday, Dean and Seamus discussed the magical campaign in Godric's Hollow while tucking into chicken and ham pie.

The images captured by Chen Bin this time were not handed over to the Muggle authorities for editing. Instead, they were modified frame by frame purely through magical means, causing the promotional video to be released to the world three weeks late.

The residents of Godric's Hollow and the Aurors who participated in the battle have been tight-lipped until the Defense Department announced the news today, allowing them to write about this battle.

As for the reason why the residents are so obedient, it is also very simple - they will not break their oaths!

If you don't swear or break the oath, you will be under house arrest until the day the incident is made public, so don't imagine that the White Devil is really a soft-hearted person.

Both the "Daily Prophet" and the "Hogwarts Evening News" also wrote extensively about this battle, both focusing on the Ministry of Magic's defeat of the rise of the Dark Lord as the core content.

The difference is that the former is praising Fudge's leadership, while the latter is focusing on describing the rise of Harry Potter, a rising star.

Cho Chang walked into the Great Hall with her friends. Harry's heart suddenly sank, but she did not look at the Gryffindor table, but sat down with her back to him.

"Hey, she's peeking at you out of the corner of her eye," Ron joked.

"You also know that the person in the report is not me." Harry said angrily.

On the day of the Godric's Hollow incident, Harry told Ron and Hermione exactly what happened.

Hermione closed the book and joked: "But you can't deny that she cares about you, it's just that you can't lose face. Who told you to reject her twice?"

Harry tried his best not to look back at Qiu Zhang, and said helplessly: "You also know the choice I made in the prophecy. Before eliminating that person, whoever I fall in love with will only hurt others."

Ron and Hermione fell silent immediately, this topic was too heavy.

"Why don't you ask Bin for his opinion?" Ron was the first to break the silence.

Harry turned to look at Chen Bin and Kate who were flirting, and sighed: "Oh, he has given too much, we shouldn't bother him with such a small thing."

Chen Bin: "∠(д)/?"

Hermione thought that the professor on the stage was heartless and didn't realize how much he had paid. Instead, he made a lot of money from Europe.

However, she still did not encourage Harry to disturb Chen Bin, and she even consciously distanced herself from him.

"Fortunately, sister Isha has also included Quidditch in military training. This is the only activity that can relax me." Harry said enthusiastically, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

Ron smiled bitterly and said: "But this is a pain for Ginny. She obviously acted as our catcher after you were suspended."

"So, should I abdicate and make way for someone better?" Harry asked angrily.

Ron replied: "She has been in the broom shed since she was six years old and took turns stealing our brooms..."

"Hey, this should be my dialogue. When have you boys ever laid eyes on your little sister?" Hermione complained.

The three of them were laughing and chatting again, and Isha on the stage was eavesdropping on their conversation the whole time.

ヾ(*ΦωΦ): "Hehe... My Hermione is the cutest... Hehehe..."

"This guy is hopeless." Chen Bin pulled his chair farther away, almost shoulder to shoulder with Kate.

The twins' quick-acting truant candy is still on the market, and Chen Bin heard that the method for removing pustules was provided by Isabel.

Now more and more students are getting sick in Umbridge's class, but the strange thing is that after this class, the students will get better, which has become a new weird story in the "Hogwarts Evening News" - Umbridge Mrich syndrome.

According to the anonymous resident healer, this is most likely caused by the ban on wand use during the morning's practical classes, and the Hogwarts medical team is currently investigating the pathology.

In Saturday's Quidditch match, the Gryffindor team ended the game in a short time. Ron made 11 perfect saves on all shots; the twin brothers showed their strongest strength and knocked away more than 90% of the stray shots. The ball allowed Angelina and the other two Chasers to shoot nine Quaffles in succession.

Due to the enhanced magic power and long-term Auror combat training, Harry's motor nerves and magic output have been significantly improved. In the seventeenth minute of the opening minute, he caught the Golden Snitch to end the game. Gryffindor won by two hundred and forty points: the final score was exactly two hundred and forty to zero.

Hufflepuff was defeated!

Cedric was so angry that he couldn't speak.

In terms of the strength of the chasers, the Gryffindor team was obviously weaker than them, but their twin beaters suddenly showed their power today as if they had taken medicine.

This was originally an uncontrollable accident, but the reason for his embarrassing loss was the catcher and goalkeeper.

It didn't matter that Harry and Ron were riding professional-grade Firebolts, but the strength of these two people was also far behind the Hufflepuff team, and could even rival some of the substitute professional-level players.

The duel between the ball catchers was completely defeated, and no one could penetrate the goalkeeper's defense. There was no suspense about the result.

After the game, at the celebration in the common room, Ron once again became the focus of the audience, surrounded by a group of students singing: Weasley is our king!

"Angelina is also jealous of him." Ginny approached Harry and whispered: "The classmates also began to discuss that Ron should be the captain. This kind of iron-clad defense completely concealed her pursuit of the ball. Hand performance."

Harry shrank to the other side, obviously not used to her sudden closeness.

He looked to his left and right, and eventually saw Angelina over in the corner, drinking butterbeer alone.

Fred and George went to Ron and whispered a few words. The latter looked in Angelina's direction with a surprised expression.

"Ladies and gentlemen." Ron cleared his throat and said encouragingly: "You have forgotten that Quidditch is a team sport. Why does no one thank the brains of the team and only care about the butt of the group? We warmly Applause welcomes the soul of the entire team - Captain Angelina! Today's tactical arrangements were all planned and trained by her."

All the students clapped and cheered, making Angelina blush.

Pulled by the twins, she walked to the center of the students with great embarrassment and made a declaration of victory and the direction of future training.

"Ron, you have matured."

Ron was complimented by Harry as soon as he sat down, and his face couldn't help but turn red.

"No, it's Fred and George who have become more mature, and I was a little too distracted just now."

The two old friends were chatting, leaving Ginny and Hermione aside for a while.

"Hermione, it seems like he really isn't interested in me at all." Ginny sat down next to Hermione and whispered.

Hermione sighed helplessly when she saw her eyes staring at Harry from beginning to end. "It seems that the part about love in the prophecy is indeed nonsense."

"What did you say?" Ginny couldn't hear Hermione's murmur and looked at her strangely.

"It's nothing, it's time for me to review." Hermione ran back to her dormitory in small steps without giving her a chance to ask further questions.

On Monday morning, as usual, a large group of owls came to the auditorium to deliver messages.

Hermione gave the newspaper owl a knut and eagerly opened the paper.

The Daily Prophet had little news about Voldemort and continued to focus on the massacres of Muggles across Western Europe.

But its front-page story was still describing the Battle of Godric's Hollow, and this time it was Harry Potter, who was once again in the spotlight.

No matter how powerful Fudge was, he could not vilify Harry's role in a real war, especially when there was a newspaper at night that published any untrue content in the Daily Prophet.

Since Rita Skeeter did not interview Harry and Umbridge did not trouble him, the sales of "The Quibbler" were still tepid, so naturally the original "Education Order No. 27" was missing: Any student found with The Quibbler magazine will be immediately expelled.

"The publication Umbridge plans to ban should be the Hogwarts Evening News, right?" Ron remembered this plot and felt that the power of this evening news was even more powerful than the Daily Prophet.

Harry nodded, and then asked in confusion: "Why doesn't Fudge ban the sale of "Hogwarts Evening News"? Isn't publishing under the jurisdiction of the minister?"

"Instead of the Evening News, we can still print the Military News." Hermione buried her head in the textbook and said calmly: "Army publications are not under the jurisdiction of the minister, right?"

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