Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 262 Umbridge vs Trelawney

Harry and Ron looked at each other, obviously unable to imagine such a magical operation.

"Don't question the possibility." Hermione closed the book, turned to look at the couple on the stage, and said calmly: "If Professor Dumbledore directly gives him power, he may very well ruin the wizarding world. In terms of taking advantage of loopholes, With his abilities and family strength, Fudge and his faction cannot defeat him."

Ron, Harry: "(⊙⊙)!? (⊙⊙)!?"

Since the Battle of Godric's Hollow was featured in two newspapers, Harry once again became a celebrity in the school, and even the professors who didn't know the inside story spoke a lot about him.

At the end of the "Charms" class, Professor Flitwick smiled and gave Harry a box of squealing candy mice, said "Shhh" and hurried away.

In the "Divination" class, Professor Trelawney went to Kate's fifth grade class and made a hysterical prediction: Harry would not die early, but was destined to live a long life. When he became the Minister of Magic, he would have ten more years. Two children.

What troubled Harry the most was that the next day, when he was catching up on the morning's "Transfiguration", Qiu Zhang caught up with him.

She suddenly took Harry's hand and whispered in his ear: "I'm sorry. That report shows your bravery... I know that you refused me because you didn't want to implicate me. I know everything."

Then she kissed Harry on the cheek and ran away blushing.

Harry didn't know whether to be happy or distressed.

He likes Qiu Zhang, but he is afraid of getting her involved. What's worse, she already knows what he thinks.

After lunch, he was preparing to receive Sirius's Auror training, and was stopped by Crabbe and Goyle as he passed the library door.

"Get out of the way." Harry was on alert, his wand hidden under his sleeve.

This is a small device specially designed for Aurors. It fixes the wand on the back of the forearm until it is ejected into the palm of the hand at the moment of battle. The end of the wand is still connected to the bracket.

Such a delicate device is naturally a device used by Chen Bin to cheat money, but it can effectively prevent the disarming curse from knocking the wand away. If you release your palm at the moment of the curse...otherwise, even the titanium alloy bracket cannot stop it.

(ω): Magic is so unsolvable.

In a tense moment, Luna and Draco walked out of the library at the same time.

"Don't be sad, the library doesn't have any information about the Snorlax. I can still look for the family books..." Draco was halfway through his words when he realized that he and Luna were standing between the two opposite parties.

"What are they doing?" Luna looked at the sturdy Crabbe and Goyle, and then at the short Harry, without thinking that they were preparing to fight.

"What do you want to do?" Draco pulled Luna back to Harry's side and instantly pulled out his wand and pointed it at Crabbe and Goyle.

His actions were completely beyond Harry's imagination. In the prophecy, Malfoy should side with the two Slytherins.

"Let's go." Goyle looked at Draco and then glanced at Harry with a provocative look.

"But, our missi" Crabbe wanted to continue, but Goyle covered his mouth and pulled him away.

"Thank you, Malfoy." Harry was confident that he could solve this problem, but Draco did take action to stand on his side.

"Be careful, they obviously want to take revenge on you." Draco was not used to being in contact with Harry. This may be due to conflicting attributes.

He nodded to Harry and left with Luna.

Harry walked towards the lake, Crabbe's last words - our missi - playing in his mind.

Based on the contents of the prophecy, Harry could guess without reasoning that they had accepted Voldemort's mission to deal with certain people in the school, such as Harry himself or Dumbledore.

This should be Malfoy's mission in the sixth year, and it was completed with the assistance of Snape and the active cooperation of Dumbledore.

Harry wanted to tell Dumbledore and Chen Bin about this, but when he thought that the prophecy was given by them, he suddenly felt that he had become mediocre.

In the evening, Harry was so tired that he crawled back to the common room. Fred and George cast a magnifying spell on the cover of the Daily Prophet and hung it on the wall. Harry's big head looked down at the audience, sometimes loudly. He yelled out slogans such as Fudge being a fool and Umbridge eating shit.

Harry didn't have the energy to mess around with them. He was about to return to the dormitory, but found that Hermione was quietly avoiding him and heading towards the stairs that passed the girls' dormitory. Such a strange move made Harry suddenly feel blessed, thinking that Cho Chang would take the initiative to kiss him on this day as predicted.

"Hermione!" Harry shouted, but she walked faster after hearing the words, and ended up running.

"What's going on?" Ron was also attracted by his shout.

Seeing that his classmates were looking at him with amused eyes, Harry immediately took Ron back to the dormitory and told Ron everything he had done today.

"That is to say, you suspect that Crabbe and Goyle have become Death Eaters now?" Ron's focus was different from Harry's.

However, Harry suddenly thought that his friend now had the attribute of pretending to be stupid, so he pretended to be angry and said: "I know! So you and Hermione are in the same group!"

"How do you know it was us who told Qiu Zhang?" Ron asked in surprise.

"I lied to you." Harry put his arm around Ron's shoulders, preventing him from escaping from his bed.

If Chen Bin saw this scene, he would definitely write a thousands-word BL story in a special issue of the school newspaper. There is even a ready-made text. If you want to know, just ask Isabel.

"Okay, I said it. Hermione doesn't want you to be hesitant..."

Harry interrupted: "Is she worried that I will continue to have an unrequited love for her?"

"Uh...I feel the same way." Ron said sheepishly.

"You support Hermione's decision, does that mean you want to pursue her?" Harry asked.

"Stop it!" Ron waved his hand: "Lavender and I are in love."

Harry was stunned for a moment, then stared into Ron's eyes, once, twice, three times...

"It's true." Ron was stared at and said with a red face: "The night we celebrated defeating Hufflepuff, at the end, only Lavender and I were left sitting in the common room. Neither did I. I don’t know why I suddenly remembered the content of the prophecy and confessed my love to her..."

As Ron spoke more and more carefully, Harry finally restored the story.

Lavender accepted his confession, but Ron hoped that everyone would work together to get better grades and not just focus on falling in love.

Although the two became a couple, they have never held hands to this day.

Ron knew that it would be easy to kiss and hold hands with her, but if there was no bottom line in the entanglement from the beginning, it would soon turn into the predicted ending of a breakup. Therefore, while Harry was busy with Auror training, he secretly approached Hermione and Chen Bin to consult on how to manage this relationship.

Hermione had zero experience in this area, but provided useful information - Lavender had liked Ron since third year and admired his cheerfulness and sincerity.

Chen Bin's advice was much simpler and more crude: you must wear a raincoat if you can't help but learn the usage of this Muggle product.

Then, he still gave real advice: If you don't plan to get married, don't take advantage of others; if you are considering marriage, you should carefully manage the relationship between the two from the beginning and plan their future.

Ron thought about it all night, and finally decided to make a three-part agreement with Lavender: study hard, help each other, and plan life.

In other words, Ron was really considering starting a relationship with her with the goal of getting married.

He knew that his studies were not outstanding, his family was poor, and he was not handsome, but Lavender just liked him purely as a person and had nothing to do with external things.

Therefore, he hopes to protect this pure love so that he can neither let her down nor allow the two of them to lead to the predicted outcome because of his own ignorance and selfish desires.

After Ron reviewed with Lavender every night, he would also quietly seek Hermione's opinion and review whether he had made any mistakes in his relationship.

As time went by, Hermione became interested in bringing Harry and Cho Chang together, forcing Ron to cooperate with her plan.

The two expressed Harry's concerns at the club event in the evening, and then there was the scene where Qiu Zhang blocked the road and offered a kiss today.

"But, even if I want to be with Qiu, I don't know how to coax girls." Harry discouraged: "You have also read the prophecy book. Qiu Zhang and I are not thinking in the same channel at all. We were in Mrs. Puddifu's Tea House A date between two people can make her cry, and I don’t know that she is jealous, Gu Yi..."

"You can ask Hermione to be your adviser!" Ron looked at his watch, almost copying Hermione's homework, and quickly ended the topic.

During recess the next morning, Harry still had shrinkage, but warned Hermione not to flirt with Cho Chang again.

Standing in the corner of the yard, the three of them quietly watched Fred and George selling their magic hats.

"If Voldemort will not die in these ten years, will you live alone in these ten years?" Hermione suddenly turned to look at Harry and said calmly: "But Qiu cannot wait for you for ten years."

Harry was speechless and remained depressed in the next class. He even missed almost all the targets in the afternoon spell training, which made Isabel shake her head.

This week, Harry got two more "D"s in Potions in the morning, but he didn't resent Snape, but he couldn't find a chance to talk to him.

During dinner, what was supposed to happen happened.

A large number of students crowded on the marble stairs from the auditorium, watching the abnormal Trelawney.

The goddess stick stood in the middle of the hall, holding a wand in one hand and an empty wine bottle in the other, looking like a real madman.

Her hair became messier, her glasses were crooked, and the scarf and shawl she wore hung down, making her look like a living piece of tattered garbage.

There were two large trunks next to her, and Professor Trelawney seemed to be staring fearfully at the bottom of the stairs, complaining that she shouldn't be kicked out of Hogwarts.

"Didn't you expect this?" A high-pitched little girl-like voice said, seeming to be amused. "Although you can't even predict tomorrow's weather, you should realize that your poor performance during my class and your lack of improvement since then will inevitably lead to your dismissal, right?"

The prophecy still came true verbatim! Harry didn't expect that Kate had already taught Umbridge a lesson, but the pink witch still attacked Trelawney.

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