Hogwarts: I Really Don't Want to Be a Wizard

Chapter 133 The damn Ministry of Magic

This is Gretel's second visit to the American Ministry of Magic.

The last time I came to America was through a portkey when I was hiding from Voldemort in the first grade.

At that time, Mr. Newt Scamander had brought him here.

However, he was here as a guest at the time, so he was accompanied throughout the visit.

At that time, Gretel was surprised that the administrative processing of the American Ministry of Magic was very efficient. Unlike the British Ministry of Magic, they would take a long time to deal with some trivial matters.

This time, no one was accompanying him. Grete broke in by illegal means alone, only to discover that there were a lot of things hidden here at that time.

There are many places where Gretel cannot break in even if he is integrated into the magic particles.

Gretel could feel that those warning spells could not be simply bypassed. Whenever someone intruded or there was an inexplicable magic fluctuation, they would be triggered immediately.

This trip was just to find traces of Fred, so Gretel didn't do anything else and walked away from a distance.

The American Ministry of Magic is different from the British Ministry of Magic. Most of the administrative agencies here are located above ground.

Only some departments with higher risk are placed underground.

The Office of Muggle Affairs is located on the floor below the Office of the Minister for Magic.

This shows the status of the Office of Muggle Affairs in the American Ministry of Magic.

Grete observed for a long time, watching John Doug deal with official duties non-stop.

For the Ministry of Magic, which manages an entire country and is now the most powerful Muggle country in the world.

All official business that could be submitted to John Doug was a major one.

Magic sightings like the ones that Britain deals with on a daily basis are not qualified to be submitted to John Doug's desk.

The highest level this kind of matter can be submitted to is a group in the Muggle Affairs Office.

The process for handling sightings is the same all over the world, and the memory processing department can easily solve this problem.

After the matter is processed, it will be recorded and archived by the processing specialist.

The biggest difference from the British was that they did not only send people to erase the memory of Muggle sightings.

Additional Aurors will be dispatched to arrest the leakers.

But throughout the whole day, Gretel only saw the Aurors who had been sent out come back to resume their duties.

But the criminal who should be arrested was not seen.

It is clearly stipulated in the International Wizarding Law that all wizards must be tried by the local magic administrative agency before they can be punished.

Gretel initially wondered whether the Ministry of Magic in America had also been corrupted by corrupt capital.

Just like those 'old nobles' in England, as long as they don't go too far, a small bag of gold galleons can make the Auror who leads the team let them go.

Even many officials from the Ministry of Magic have regarded this kind of thing as a good way to beat the autumn wind.

As long as you are short of money, you can lead a team of people and bring a search warrant. By searching for traces of black magic items, you can go to the manor of those pure-blood nobles and get some considerable rewards.

But after observing for a long time, Gretel discovered that this was not the case.

Because not everyone has the money to pay tribute to these black-robed pickets.

America is a big country and there are far more wizards than there are in England.

There are countless poor people among them.

Many of the sightings that Gretel saw were caused by ordinary wizards making mistakes or sudden Muggle inspiration, ignoring the Muggle expulsion spell, which led to the leakage of magical events.

As for ordinary wizards who could barely make a living, they could still earn face from the black-robed pickets by squeezing their pockets.

Those wild wizards who are struggling on the edge of survival, where can they get gold Galleons?

Like a wizard who blew up a hill due to a magic experiment and ran for his life. According to the International Wizarding Secrecy Act, they must be imprisoned for at least three months.

However, Grete waited for a whole day and did not see the Aurors returning with the criminals.

However, the report they submitted stated that the matter had been handled.

There is no processing time, no processing method, or even a brief report of the person who handled it.

However, the person filing the report, as if it were common practice, skillfully stamped the seal of approval and acceptance of filing on this report that did not even fill in the most basic information.

Moreover, the department they submitted the report to was not the Auror office to which they belonged.

All Aurors who deal with Muggle matters, without exception, all submit their reports to the Muggle Affairs Office.

It was as if they were not Aurors from the Auror Office, but thugs raised by the Muggle Affairs Office.

Obviously in the British Ministry of Magic, the power held by the Auror Office is second only to the Department of Magical Enforcement.

This is still a minor leak that doesn't require John Doug to deal with.

The incidents that required him to deal with were even more appalling.

Many of the orders flowing out of his office were actions that spanned continents.

Dozens or hundreds of copies of the door key authorization information were distributed from him within one day.

The placement of these door keys has one thing in common.

They all lead to today's war-torn areas.

Even if there is no war, it still leads to a small country with remote areas and inconvenient transportation and information.

They actually attack Muggles in these countries in private.

Taking advantage of the chaos of war, they arbitrarily robbed civilians in the local area.

If the local environment is not suitable for their actions, John Doug also authorized them to disguise themselves as violent organizations and rob the people they need through attacks.

According to Gretel's calculations, if the American Ministry of Magic continues such operations every day, they will take away at least tens of thousands of people from the Muggle world in a year.

Gretel didn't know their purpose for doing this, but it couldn't be to vent their anger.

Because their target of plunder is quite clear.

Children, teenagers, adults, the elderly...

Men and women...

They even wiped out Muggles in proportion to their skin color.

This kind of behavior makes it difficult not to associate Grete with human experiments.

But after thinking about it, Gretel couldn't figure out where they got the courage to attack Muggles so blatantly.

Among other things, those satellites that constantly orbit the earth and take pictures can completely expose their actions to the eyes of governments around the world.

The Muggles of today are no longer the Muggles of the past, and wizards no longer have the status to capture Muggles at will and use them as experimental materials.

In fact, the fact that there is still such a small group of people left in the wizarding world and that magic is still alive is the mercy of the Muggles.

All the Ministry of Magic around the world have signed non-aggression pacts with their local Muggle governments.

The ministries of magic of some small countries even rely on funding from the Muggle government and assistance from the ministries of magic of other large countries to retain their administrative capabilities.

In this realistic situation, all wizards know that the bottom line of the Muggle government is that wizards cannot take action against Muggles, otherwise it is very likely that the entire Muggle society will strangle the wizarding world.

Gretel did not believe that the American Ministry of Magic had the ability to compete with Muggle governments around the world.

But they happened to touch the red line of temporary peaceful coexistence between wizards and Muggles.

Grete can understand that this is not America, but a small, backward and wild African country.

In that land, both wizards and Muggles like to stay outside the mainstream society.

In this era where civilization is making great strides, people there are still immersed in ancient times and relying on the sky to make a living.

Therefore, in many ancient tribes far away from society, wizards still hold supreme power.

Not to mention wizards don't care about mere human lives, even their own Muggles don't care at all. They even willingly sacrifice their enemies or their own bodies, lives and souls for wizards.

But this is America.

It is the center of the whole world.

Whether in the Muggle world or the magical world, they have all taken the center stage of the world.

Therefore, Grete felt that this kind of unwise behavior was outrageous.

If it weren't for John Doug, the Minister of Magic, and the people in charge of various other departments would all be the same white-skinned people as in Europe.

Gretel even suspected that the American Ministry of Magic was controlled by wizards from African tribes.

Another thing that Gretel couldn't understand was that the orders given by John Doug were quite straightforward.

But everyone who can see it has a common appearance.

This kind of thing that could turn the entire magical world upside down in an instant would not make any waves here at all.

The longer Gretel stayed here, the more terrified he became. He felt that the American Ministry of Magic was like an abyss, trying to swallow up the magical world in one bite.

Everything happening here seemed to challenge his nerves.

It's hard to imagine what kind of ending the wizards would have if the things here were publicized.

That would have more tragic consequences than the most brutal witch hunt ever seen in history.

If it weren't for his sanity, Gretel would have wanted to eliminate all the people in the American Ministry of Magic to prevent their affairs from being leaked and completely destroy the magical world.

Fortunately, Gretel regained his sense in time. After all, it seems that they have done a good job in keeping secrets and have not been exposed.

At least, even Newt Scamander, the great wizard known throughout the wizarding world, visited the Ministry of Magic in person and found no clues.

In fact, if it weren't for Fred's disappearance and Mrs. Vera's research happened to lead him to learn how to use magic particles to trace his origins.

Also, Ravencrest recognized John Doug's identity, and Gretel would not pay attention to the American Ministry of Magic.

Who would have thought that an organization that essentially maintains the stable development of the wizarding world would murder Muggles behind the scenes.

Obviously, a very important responsibility of their Ministry of Magic is to arrest those who endanger the development of magical society.

So Grete calmed down, and there was no possibility of being exposed here for the time being.

But it would be different if he took action.

That will attract the attention of the whole world. By then, everything will be exposed, and there will be no possibility of change.

A shocking secret was discovered here, and Gretel felt that Fred's matter was not important at all now.

His whereabouts, life and death are simply insignificant in the face of the consequences of the complete overthrow of the magical world.

John Doug, and the people who instigated him, will be the focus of Gretel's subsequent investigation of everything.

Gretel has been waiting patiently. The environment of the Ministry of Magic is not convenient for him to do anything. Now he just wants to wait for the Ministry of Magic to get off work quickly.

At that time, John Doug could be left alone, and Gretel could take action against him.

In order to avoid missing opportunities by wandering around, Gretel stayed in his office.

A pair of eyes hidden in the magic particles were nailed to John Doug's body.

Seeing the time approaching six o'clock, Grete moved his body nervously.

He wants to avoid being assimilated by the magic particles.

If something like that happened, there would probably be no Gretel in this world.

Time passed by minute by second, and as he was about to get off work, John Doug stood up and straightened his face.

He walked out of the office in long strides.

Outside the door, the clerks who were separated by their workstations saw him coming out. They left the team one by one and stood obediently next to their workstations.

"Everything is forgotten~"

Gretel was stunned for a moment.

No wonder, when he wandered around this floor, everyone he met gave him a strange feeling.

Looking at it now, it was clear to Gretel.

If it is used frequently and forgotten, there will be sequelae.

Just like Neville Longbottom, his grandmother used the Forgetting Curse many times to erase the memories of his parents being tortured since he was a child, which caused him to suffer from incurable amnesia.

Because adults' brains have been fully developed long ago and they have magical protection that far exceeds that of young wizards, adults do not suffer the same serious consequences as Neville.

But there are still sequelae.

The limbs that would become sluggish from time to time, or the out-of-control facial expression management, were all explained at this time.

Every time John Doug passed by someone, he would wave his magic wand in front of that person's eyes, and then say "Thank you, you can get off work now" with that person's absent-minded expression.

Whoever he walked in front of, his body could not help but tremble.

They didn’t know what leverage John Doug had on them, even though his body had already shown uncontrollable resistance.

They still controlled themselves firmly, their bodies trembled, and they became distracted under the effect of the spell. They sat back and silently adjusted their condition.

Just walking in a circle, the time also moved towards six o'clock.

After a bell, John Doug ended his work for the day.

But he didn't leave there. Instead, he silently walked upstairs along the stairs.

Strangely, as he went up, his body began to resist.

Gretel couldn't help but wonder, is it possible that John Doug, the confidant of the Minister of Magic, also needs to be treated by the Oblivion Curse?

Thanks to book friend wxtz025 for his monthly support

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