Hogwarts: I Really Don't Want to Be a Wizard

Chapter 134 The American Minister of Magic

All roads have an end, let alone the minister's office, which is only one floor away.

No matter how much John Doug's footsteps dragged on, these dozens of steps had come to an end.

However, Gretel noticed that his body, which was originally so tense and stiff, relaxed as he got closer to the upper level.

In other words, it gave Gretel a feeling of resignation.

Speaking of which, Gretel spent a whole day hiding in the American Ministry of Magic, and he basically inspected all the administrative departments of the American Ministry of Magic.

The only one he had never entered was the Minister of Magic's office.

It's not because of anything else, it's just because like those security departments, this place has set up a very alarming warning spell.

Grete tried to get closer, but even the extremely calm magic particles would still bring out extremely obscure magic fluctuations when he lurked inside.

The wizard may not be able to sense it, but the warning spell will never ignore this fluctuation.

In order to avoid alerting the enemy, Grete stopped trying to break in.

But now that John Doug wants to go in, Grete can stick to him and rely on the magic power on his body to hide the magic fluctuations caused by his integration into the magic particles.

Sure enough, when John Doug passed the warning spell at the door, a vague wave swept through his body. After confirming his identity, he settled down again.

This was the first time Gretel met the Minister of Magic in America.

It was different from all the wizards Gretel had ever seen.

If Gretel hadn't known that he was the Minister of Magic, Gretel would have felt that he was more like a politician.

Whether it was the crisp suit, the gold-rimmed glasses on his face, or the flash of light in his eyes from time to time, they all gave Gretel the feeling of a politician.

He doesn't even look like a wizard.

There are few objects from the magical world in his office.

Apart from the wand on the table and the fireplace, which only had the shape of a flame but no warmth, there were no traces of magic.

Placed on the table are the same landline phones used by American politicians.

Behind him is also the flag of the United States of America, and those important official documents are also separated by official document stands.

As for John Doug, after entering the office, he began to hold his breath and concentrate.

Not at all like what Raven Keyes said, John Doug was the Minister of Magic's most trusted confidant.

Gretel was surrounded by magic particles and could clearly feel his stiff muscles.

It was as if he was not facing the Minister of Magic to whom he was loyal, but a silent beast.

That sense of dissonance made Gretel feel as if he had arrived at Voldemort's meeting.

No, that was a hundred times more cautious and fearful than when the Death Eaters faced Voldemort.

"Have you finished processing today's memory?"

When Wright Meyer's voice came out, John Doug's body trembled involuntarily.

Then he nodded nervously, "Yes, Minister Wright, as usual, everything has been dealt with according to regulations."

His voice was extremely dry, like a hinge that had been in disrepair, making an uncomfortable friction sound.

Wright Meier is very old, at least compared to the average age of around fifty for the Ministers of Magic in various countries, which is a bit too old.

Like in other countries, a gray-haired wizard like him in his seventies or eighties should retire early and enjoy life.

It is impossible to still control the Ministry of Magic, which manages millions of people.

After all, the magical world is still different from the Muggle world. If the Minister of Magic does not have superhuman spell-casting abilities, it will be difficult to conquer the various thorns in the magical world.

But Wright Meier, with his gray hair on his temples, held the Ministry of Magic firmly in his hands.

In fact, if you look closely, you can see that although Wright Meier is very old, his appearance does not look senile at all.

Ignoring the information and the white hair, you can tell that he is not actually old.

The years seemed to have only dyed his hair white, but failed to leave many traces of time on other parts of his body.

His smooth skin and shrewd eyes all reflect his superhuman energy.

It can be said that he is an energetic old man.

However, his overly thin cheeks, tall but curved aquiline nose, and dark red thin lips made his whole person look mean.

With his face, it's hard to imagine that he is an easy person to get along with.

John Doug's reaction also showed the personal characteristics of Wright Meier from the side. He was a difficult person to get along with.

After giving John Doug a cold look, he continued to speak.

"The government said that the recent experimental materials are not enough. How do you do things? They have divided you into two more Auror teams, but now you can't even supply the experimental materials there.

If you don't have the ability, I don't mind replacing someone else.

I will give you three more days at most. If the test materials are still not available, I don’t mind filling you in on the list and sending you over to be used as test materials. "

Gretel noticed that John Doug didn't even dare to explain. He just buried his head and accepted the order angrily.

"Okay, later you go to District 51. There is news there that the goblin you sent there yesterday has something to say to you.

Before I go there, though, I need to change your mind. "

When these words came out of his mouth, John Doug's breathing suddenly became rapid. Even if he forced himself to calm down, he couldn't do it.

Gretel was also a little confused as to what Leit Meier was and what the phrase "change your brain" meant.

Of course, he didn't need to imagine all this, because after Wright Meier said this, he stood up.

He walked straight to the only magic item in this office.

He raised his wand and struck it hard on the fireplace.

Seeing his actions, Gretel's eyes widened. This familiar behavior reminded him of the way to enter Diagon Alley.

Triggered hiding spells are generally used to hide buildings.

Sure enough, after Leit Meier knocked, the fireplace in front of him retreated straight away, and then a dark downward passage appeared in place.

After the passage appeared, Wright Meyer never made a sound again, and walked straight down without asking John Doug to follow.

John Doug stood there, took several deep breaths, prepared himself mentally, and stepped in step by step with heavy steps.

Gretel hurriedly followed, and after scanning the spell waves in more detail, he followed John Doug in.

The passage is very long, and the green torches elongate John Doug's figure and twist it into a weird shape.

He turned countless corners and experienced more than ten warning curses along the way.

If Gretel hadn't been cautious enough and never left John Doug's body, he might have been exposed by now.

The deeper into the passage, the more Gretel could feel the surrounding atmosphere becoming colder and colder.

In the entire passage, there was only the sound of John Doug's increasingly heavy footsteps.

Not far away, Leiter Meier looked like a robot, each step seemed to be carefully measured and the strides were even.

He never looked back or spoke to John Doug, the tail behind him.

He just led the way blindly, waving his wand from time to time to turn on the warning spell or turn off the alchemy mechanism.

Feeling those obscure but threatening mechanisms, Gretel couldn't help but feel dumbfounded.

Grete can be sure that the security here is far superior to that of the British Ministry of Magic.

In other words, lost Europe has long lost the ability to build such confidentiality-level buildings.

Even the goblins in Gringotts, the security device they set up is just on par with this place.

That is an ancient race whose inheritance has never been cut off. They have worked tirelessly to rebel against the wizards and have not been wiped out.

At the end of the passage, there is an even colder secret room, and Leiter Meier's performance is finally no longer so casual.

When I followed John Doug here, I could see the old man Wright opening his palms without changing his expression.

Along with the chanting of the magic spell, the blood gradually steamed, covering the entire end of the passage.

The dim green light and the strange blood color made Grete doubt for a moment whether he had come to the American Ministry of Magic or some place where a cult ceremony was held.

Fortunately, the blood color did not last long.

The wound on Leit Meier's palm also healed after swallowing a bottle of something unknown.

Gretel was still doubtful until he saw the scene inside the secret room.

But when the door to the secret room was completely opened, his horizons were completely opened.

The secret room is semicircular in shape, with transparent display windows reaching up to the dome arranged close to the inner wall of the secret room. The display windows are also divided into small grids.

Each grid contains body tissue in jars.

Limbs, internal organs, eyes, and brain...

Grete clearly noticed that these tissues still retain strong activity even if they are separated from the body.

The last time I saw such a scene was in the corridor next to the Potions classroom.

However, the organizations there are all kinds of potion materials, coming from various magical creatures.

It was different here. Grete could clearly tell that most of the tissues here came from the human body.

There are only some particularly precious body tissues of magical animals, such as the nerves of the dragon, the wings of the thunderbird, the horn of the unicorn...

Only then did I have my own showcase.

Since entering the secret room, Leitmeyer's mood became more excited. He walked to the display window where the brain tissue was stored, and after picking for a while, he took out a box with the name of John Doug from the corner. jar.

At this time, John Doug finally calmed down after experiencing violent trembling, and walked step by step to the operating table placed in the center.

What happened next was completely beyond Gretel's imagination.

Wright Meyer was like a brilliant surgeon and a cruel butcher, opening John Doug's head.

Even though Gretel had done some mental building up for himself, he almost couldn't hold on and was almost ejected by the magic particles.

Wright Meier directly separated a piece of John Doug's brain tissue and then filled in a new piece.

To be honest, if it weren't for the magic potion and the curse hanging on John Doug's life, Gretel believed that he would not have been able to survive the operation.

After everything was over, Leitmeier skillfully cast an oblivion spell on John Doug, who was still awake.

Gretel could distinguish the magical fluctuations of the Forgetting Spell's woven memories even if she closed her eyes.

By the time John Doug woke up, Wright Meier had already taken care of the beginning and end, and the organization of that wall was also hidden.


"Okay, go ahead, as usual, don't worry about Legilimency.

However, again, I hope you will remember firmly in your heart who you are working for.

If I find out that you have betrayed me again, I will really turn you into experimental material and send you there. "

After replacing his brain, John Doug's movements became noticeably sluggish.

After undergoing brain surgery, he has lost his memory. All the memories he has now are undoubtedly woven by Wright Meier using a magic spell.

But even so, after hearing Wright's words, his body still shivered involuntarily.

It seems that the shadow caused by Leiter Meier has not disappeared due to the loss of memory, and it is unknown how many times Leiter has tortured him before causing this kind of stress reaction in his body.

After John Doug left the Ministry of Magic, Gretel tried Legilimency to see if he could get the information he wanted from John Doug.

The final result disappointed Grete. No matter how Gretel probed, the memories he saw seemed to be separated by thick glass.

Grete had felt that familiar feeling before coming to America.

However, they did not do anything to the brain. It was just Gretel who broke into the Death Eater's brain and used the forgetting spell to weave countless memories.

That was the case at the time. Among the memories read by Legilimency, any one woven through the Forgetting Curse had no clear image. It gave him the feeling that he was dreaming.

However, other memories can still be read out as usual and will not change due to the obscuration of the Forgetting Curse.

Grete really didn't know where Leiter Meier learned such extreme methods.

Even the most vicious dark wizard in history didn't open anyone's head.

Although others are playing with souls, to a certain extent, they still respect the dignity of human beings as intelligent beings.

Wright Meier's behavior would not have been forgiven even in barbaric ancient times.

However, although the method was barbaric, Gretel had to admit that it was very effective.

After all, if even the memory storage part is gone, what else can others read?

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