Peter silently memorized the names of these two curses. He must pay attention to this aspect in the future, otherwise his behavior will be"revealed" by others, and his secret will be exposed!

After collecting the evidence, the group mounted the broomsticks again and flew out of the Forbidden Forest with the injured magical animals.

In the next few days, Peter continued to cycle between classes, the library, and the dormitory every day. Except for his sudden increase in fame and being pointed at wherever he went, nothing changed.

On Thursday afternoon, during the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Peter followed everyone to the classroom. Defense Against the Dark Arts is a big class, and people from four colleges take it together.

So on Peter's left are Alan and Cedric of Hufflepuff, and on the right are the Weasley twins! Five people were crowded together, which was incompatible with the distinct appearance of the surrounding colleges!

"Peter, you've killed our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, who's going to teach us now? Is there no one coming?"George said expectantly

"What do you mean I didn't get it? The Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher in our school changes once a year, and this time it was just Professor Green who did something bad and got caught! Why should you blame me?"Peter retorted, and he would firmly resist this idea, making him look like a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor killer!

"But according to the usual practice in previous years, Professor Snape should be the one to teach us! After all, I heard that Professor Snape had been applying to Dumbledore for this position!"Peter said with a smile.

"What, Professor Snape? Merlin, kill us!"When the twins heard that Professor Snape was here to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts, they collapsed instantly,"We don't even want to take his Potions class, and now we have to add Defense Against the Dark Arts!"

Peter looked at their expressions funny. These two guys were not even afraid of Professor McGonagall in school. They were only as good as kittens in Potions class, but they were still disliked by Professor Snape. He looked for an opportunity to deduct points. He looked too angry and dared not speak out, so he could only secretly call him"Old Bat" behind his back.

As the class bell rang, everyone sat obediently in their seats, waiting for the substitute teacher. arrived.

The classroom door opened, and Peter looked back, his face full of surprise. The person who walked in was not Professor Snape whom Peter thought he was, but Dumbledore!

"Principal Dumbledore! How did you come?"Peter asked in surprise.

"Oh, considering that our original Professor Green has only taught Defense Against the Dark Arts for two months, and there is no other professor to take over for the time being, I am the only one who can take part!"Dumbledore was wearing a moon-white robe, and his long beard was tied with a colorful rope with a bell, and he said with a smile.

"Principal Dumbledore, do you mean that you will teach us the next lessons?"Peter asked with some surprise. If this is the case, it would be a benefit for their current class of students.

Dumbledore shook his head and said:"I am just here to take over the class temporarily until I find a suitable professor. You have to Be considerate of my old bones."

There was a sound of disappointment in the classroom. Everyone knew that Dumbledore was the most powerful wizard. If he could become their Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, he would definitely be better than everyone else! Looking at the disappointed expressions of the students , Dumbledore said happily:"I'm glad that you are looking forward to my class so much, but I will find the best professor for you later, not this bad old man like me."

"Principal Dumbledore, you are the best professor!"Fred said excitedly

"Oh, thank you Mr. Weasley for the compliment. But in terms of teaching, I still believe that there are specializations in the field, and there are many professors who are better than me!"Dumbledore said, waving his wand, and the textbooks in front of all the students were closed,"We don't need textbooks today."

"yeah!"The students liked to hear this sentence the most, and they all cheered happily.

Dumbledore looked at these students with a smile, then opened the classroom door and said:"We went to the vegetable garden today, and they just moved there. A bunch of goblins are destroying our vegetable garden right now!

Your task today is to use the magic you have learned to find a way to drive away these little guys! Remember not to harm their lives! Let's go!"

As soon as they heard the mission, everyone left the classroom happily. The Muggle students had never seen goblins, and the wizards born in the wizarding world wanted to play and were very interested in the content of this lesson.

"Peter!"Dumbledore stopped Peter and said to him,"Come with me to the Ministry of Magic after class!"

"Has Green's case gone to trial?"Peter asked speculatively.

Dumbledore nodded, looked at Peter and said,"This incident is the biggest case in recent years, and it also involves the Death Eaters and the Longbottoms, so I'll ask later. During the interrogation, if someone deliberately makes things difficult, just ignore it. You are just going to be a witness! do you know!"

"Hasn't this evidence been found? Is there anyone else who wants to excuse him?"Peter asked in surprise.

Although Peter was only eleven years old, Dumbledore did not regard him as a child, so he explained directly:"Some people in the Ministry of Magic believe that Aurors are Death Eaters. , will affect the reputation of the Ministry of Magic! So they thought it would be best to keep it hidden and just keep the crime of selling animals!"

"Only keep the crime of animal trafficking? Oh, doesn’t that mean that you can be released after just a few years of imprisonment?"Peter sneered, this kind of magic is really rotten!

"Even disregarding the fact that I was almost killed by the Death Curse! Don't they think about the battle hero Longbottom and his wife? You know, they are still lying in St. Mungo's Hospital! Green is responsible for this!"

Peter felt that maybe after Voldemort took control of the Ministry of Magic, he could justifiably destroy the existing Ministry of Magic system and directly sweep these backward and corrupt things into the dust of history.

Dumbledore looked at Peter's angry look and smiled. Comforting:"Actually, you don't need to be too angry, this is just their wishful thinking.

The Minister, Millicent Barnold, and the Director of Legal Affairs, Amelia Burns, are firmly on our side.

Also, I have contacted Augusta Longbottom, who is Frank Longbottom’s mother, and she will also appear in court, so our side is not weak and the evidence is sufficient!"

"I am asking you to be mentally prepared to prevent someone from depriving you of your witness status by taking advantage of the fact that you are underage! And they have reason to doubt how you, a first-year student, escaped the pursuit of the old Auror and defeated him?"

"So, what should I do to make them believe that I really defeated and captured Green?"Peter asked curiously

"Just show them what you're made of, Peter! You must know that although there are many frameworks in the magic world, strength has always been an important indicator!"Dumbledore said seriously,"They may doubt you because of your age, but they will not doubt your strength!"

"Professor Dumbledore, this is not something you would say!"Peter looked at Dumbledore in great surprise.

In his impression, the white wizard, at least on the surface, should be the kind of person who would tell Harry Potter,"This is love, Harry!""The image of a good old guy.

Instead of telling him to speak with his fists like now! This is too weird!

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