Seeing Peter's incredible expression, Dumbledore said with a smile:"Adults always despise children, so only if you show enough strength will they be willing to believe it!"

"Of course I'm not suggesting that you go make a scene at the Ministry of Magic! Just be bolder when someone questions you!"

Dumbledore patted Peter on the shoulder and strode out of the classroom.

This Defense Against the Dark Arts class has completely turned into a game for the students. The students happily followed the goblins and used various methods to drive them away.

Goblins are distributed One of the most common harmful garden animals in northern Europe and North America.

It can be up to a foot tall, has a large head that is disproportionate to its body, and has a pair of strong, bony feet.

They live underground as goblins. holes, where they dig up the roots of plants and generally make a mess.

They are also a sure sign that a house belongs to a wizard when there are goblins around.

Goblins are very stupid, so when they realize that goblin removal is in progress, They all scurried out of their holes to see what was going on. This feature made them very easy to catch.

When Dumbledore announced the start of the game, everyone started to move, including the Weasley twins. They had the best results. They made noises to attract the goblins near the goblins, then grabbed their feet, spun them around a few times to stun them, and then threw them directly out of the vegetable field fence.

"The two Mr. Weasleys did a great job, 10 points for Gryffindor!"Dumbledore praised

"That's awesome, George Fred!"After Peter knocked a goblin away with a repel spell, he gave the twins a thumbs up and said

"Well, if you were often punished by your mother to deal with gnomes in the garden, you would be so skilled!"The twins said with a grimace.

Peter was bored and picked up a goblin to play with. The little goblin was not afraid of people at all. He kept punching and kicking him in his hands and shouted,"Let me go!""

A Defense Against the Dark Arts class ended in a playful manner. The students left the vegetable garden and returned to the castle happily.

Peter gave up on this class completely. Even Dumbledore was so reluctant! No wonder Dark Magic The defense teacher was either an animal dealer, the stammering Quirrell, the liar Lockhart, the werewolf Lupin, or the Death Eater Crouch. None of them were ordinary people!

After class, Peter said goodbye to his companions and followed Dun Behind Bledo, come to the grass outside the castle

"Grab my arm, Peter!"Dumbledore said,"We are going to the Ministry of Magic!"

"Can't you use the Headmaster's fireplace to get to the Ministry of Magic?"Peter said with a face of resistance. To be honest, he didn't want to use Apparition. I heard that this thing is like stuffing a person into a sewer, which is very uncomfortable!

"Or do you summon your phoenix to send us a piece? Phoenix teleportation is very safe and comfortable!"

"The fireplace is an emergency access and is no longer available! Dumbledore smiled and shook his head,"And Fox has been angry with me these days and has gone on strike!""

"Okay, hurry up, the trial will be held at six o'clock in the afternoon, it's already five-thirty! We have to rush there, we can't be late!"

Well, Peter grabbed Dumbledore's arm helplessly, and then the two of them disappeared directly.

After experiencing dizziness, the two of them appeared in the center of London!

"Come with me!"Dumbledore said, ignoring the strange looks around him, and said to Peter.

Peter looked at the clothes of ordinary people around him and realized that he was wearing the Hogwarts wizard robe uniform!

However, considering that Halloween had just passed a few days ago, As well as Peter's eleven-year-old appearance, the people around him only thought he was a child who loves wizards, and showed a kind smile to him. As they walked forward, the buildings on both sides of the street gradually became less majestic and spectacular than before.

Finally, they Coming to a desolate side street, there were only a few shabby-looking offices, a tavern and a dump truck that was almost overflowing. Peter did not expect that the entrance to the Ministry of Magic was set up in such a desolate place! Then!

The two came to a dilapidated red phone box and walked inside.

Dumbledore pressed the phone button a few times, and a cold female voice came from the phone:"This is the Ministry of Magic. Please tell me your name and where you are from." Do something!"

"Albus Dumbledore and Peter York, come to the Inquisition to attend the trial!"Dumbledore replied.

The voice on the other end of the phone paused for a moment, and then an emotional female voice came out,"Welcome to the Ministry of Magic! Mr. Dumbledore!"

After saying that, two silver badges fell out of the coin refund slot. The two put the badges on, and then the phone booth gradually sank into the ground!

In the blink of an eye, the two of them were already in a gorgeous elevator.

"Professor Dumbledore, which floor are we going to?"Peter asked curiously

"We were originally going to go to the main hall on the eighth floor for wand inspection first, but time is urgent now, so we went directly to the Wizengamot Courtroom!"Dumbledore said with a smile,"As a celebrity, you always have some privileges!"

The elevator soon stopped at the tenth floor. Dumbledore took Peter off the elevator and came to the lobby. Then he turned the corner and came to a black wooden door.

Standing at the door was an elderly woman with a ball on her head. Wearing a hat with a stuffed vulture, wearing a long skirt, and a serious look on her face. As soon as she saw Dumbledore, she walked over quickly in surprise and said:"Albus, I thought you weren't coming!""

"Augusta, you have to consider that a person who is over a hundred years old will always move slower. Dumbledore said with a smile,"Also, I happened to be taking over the class today to teach the students Defense Against the Dark Arts class, so I had to rush over after class!""

"Attend class? Arbus, you haven’t taught for more than fifty years. I never thought that this batch of students would be so lucky to be able to take your class! Augusta Longbottom said in surprise, and then regretfully said,"My grandson Neville has two years left before he can enter school. I'm afraid he won't be able to wait for your class!""

"Dumbledore was just mud and goblins that got us through one lesson!"Peter couldn't help but interjected, what's the pity that Dumbledore, who is used to paddling, is taking classes?

"Albus, who is this?"Ms. Longbottom looked at the little boy behind Dumbledore in surprise.

"His name is Peter York, the man who exposed and captured Green. This time he came as a witness to prove Green's crime."Dumbledore introduced, and pulled Peter forward,"Of course, he was also one of the victims. Green used a death curse on him, but he escaped!

Old Mrs. Longbottom looked surprised and incredulous. Then she looked at the Slytherin decoration on his body and couldn't help but ask:"Which family is this child? Is he really only eleven years old?" It’s so awesome!"

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