Hogwarts vampire professor

Chapter 4 Meeting the Savior by Chance

"Is this... gloomy wood?" Looking at the wooden board that Dracula took out, Ollivander had a surprised expression on his face, "This is one of the most suitable materials for necromancy and black magic in the records!"

Then he scratched his chin again and wondered, "But as far as I know, this kind of wood seems to have been extinct for many years..."

Ollivander stared at the hexagonal board in Dracula's hand, pondering the hexagonal shape that was just the size of a person, and gradually opened his eyes.

"You couldn't have lifted someone else's coffin, right?!"

Dracula's face darkened.

"Stop talking nonsense, just tell me whether to do it or not!"

"Do it, of course!" Ollivander said slightly excitedly, "How could I miss such a rare material!"

"Which wand core do you want, dragon heartstrings or phoenix feathers? Forget about unicorn tail hair, it's not suitable for you..."

When the topic of making wands came up, Ollivander immediately became chatty.

Dracula raised his hand and interrupted his babble.

"I'm not interested in these three types of wand cores. Are there any other options?"

"Responsibly speaking, I have come to the conclusion after decades of testing - the three cores of unicorn tail hair, dragon heartstrings and phoenix feathers are the most stable of all cores!" Olivan De said confidently. "So I never use materials other than these three to make the core of the wand!"

Hearing this, Dracula raised his lips with interest.

"Can't we add more money?" he asked.

"Sorry, I am a principled person, I think you have misjudged the wrong person." Ollivander was unmoved.

"Principles can change, can't they?"

Dracula said softly, while pinching the little finger of his right hand.

With a "click" sound, the little finger of his right hand was broken and then pulled off.

A dark and cold flame flashed across, leaving only the slender white phalanges on the little finger, as smooth as jade...

Ollivander's eyes widened, and he watched Dracula's indifferent expression, as if he was a bystander, indifferently handing over the knuckle bone.

The little finger on his right hand grew back at an astonishing speed, returning to its intact, pale and slender appearance in the blink of an eye.

"You...you are..." He looked at Dracula's deep burgundy eyes and long silver hair, showing a somewhat understanding expression.

"Watch your mouth." Dracula's eyes were dangerous.

"No, no, no, I wanted to follow up on what I said before..." Ollivander immediately changed his words and said with a flattering smile, "I mean, you are a good judge of people!"

As he spoke, he warmly took Dracula's coffin board and little finger bone.

"The wand material is made of spooky wood, and the core of the wand is made of powerful magical creatures. What a perfect combination!" Ollivander praised, "Don't worry, the wand produced by Ollivander will never let you down!"

Just then, a tinkling bell rang.

This means there are new customers coming to Ollivander's Wand Shop.

Upon seeing this, Ollivander immediately suppressed the smile on his face and once again showed an inscrutable expression.

Dracula looked curiously at the door of the store and saw two figures, one large and one small, hesitantly walking into the narrow space.

This difference in body size is extremely exaggerated——

The smaller one is a boy, short and very thin, giving people a sense of stunted growth; while the larger one looks like two strong men stacked together, whether horizontally or vertically. A small shop that nearly squeezed out Ollivander's door frame.

"Good afternoon," Ollivander said softly, "Yes, yes, I know I will see you soon, Harry Potter, and that won't be a problem. Your eyes..."

"Hey, aren't you the kid who was surrounded by a group of people before?" Dracula looked curiously at the thin boy wearing round glasses, interrupting Ollivander's newly brewing mood.

"Don't you know me?" The boy was a little surprised.

"Should I know you?" Dracula asked amusedly.

Before the boy could speak, the super big man next to him said in shock: "What? You don't know Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived?!"

His voice was so loud that it shook the wand boxes stacked almost to the ceiling in Ollivander's Wand Shop.

Dracula glanced at the dust flying in the shop with disgust, moved his sleeves slightly, and fanned a breeze to blow the dust out of the shop.

Then he walked up to the boy and looked at the lightning-shaped scar on his forehead that was more than half hidden by his hair with interest.

"So you are the savior Harry Potter? You really can't tell from your appearance." Dracula looked at the boy's thin body and shabby clothes and marveled.

"If nothing else happens, I should be your Defense Against the Dark Arts professor after you enroll. You can call me Professor Dracula." The dedicated vampire professor immediately assumed the role of professor and said to the first student he met.

"We will have enough time to study how you defeated Voldemort."

Hearing Dracula's unabashed address to Voldemort, both the big man and Ollivander shivered involuntarily.

The difference was little Harry, who looked up at the tall and handsome silver-haired man in front of him, and was even a little moved.

In just one day when he came from the Muggle world to the magical world, he heard too many wizards mention "Mysterious Man" in front of him.

It was as if everyone knew that Harry defeated the "You-Know-Who", but they didn't know that man's name was actually Voldemort.

At this time, Dracula's image suddenly rose in little Harry's heart.

But at this time he still had a question.

"Professor, but when we were in the Leaky Cauldron just now, a Professor Quirrell said he would be my Defense Against the Dark Arts professor." Harry asked, "Are there two Defense Against the Dark Arts professors?"

Hearing these words, Dracula's face darkened.

"Oh? Someone actually claimed my position?" He sneered, and the air in the shop became a few degrees colder.

"No one can take this kind of interesting work away from me."

As he said that, he waved to Ollivander and Harry and walked straight to the Leaky Cauldron.

The three people in Ollivander's Wand Shop watched Dracula leave tremblingly, and they were relieved when he was completely away.

"Where did Dumbledore find such a scary professor..." Hagrid muttered, rubbing his stiff face.

At this moment, Ollivander, who was relieved, picked up the words he had not finished speaking before, and said to the savior boy enigmatically:

"I know I'll see you soon, Harry Potter, and that won't be a problem. Your eyes are just like your mother's. It seems like only yesterday that she came here to buy her first wand. …”

But at this time, Harry had completely lost interest in his words, and his mind was filled with longing for the future Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

"Compared to the stuttering Professor Quirrell wearing a strange turban, the powerful and handsome Professor Dracula is indeed more reliable!" Harry thought.

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