Chapter 106 Early morning at the Burrow

In the principal’s office,

Dumbledore continued:”Minerva, a very coincidental thing happened. I happened to know an old wizard who used the humanoid restoration spell to defeat the Volga werewolf.”

“However, I visited him some time ago and found that he had lost that part of his memory.”

Professor McGonagall raised an eyebrow.

“After that, I started following all the Lockhart books.”Dumbledore said calmly,”What’s even more coincidental is that I can find the prototypes of all the stories he wrote, but they all lost that part of their memory without exception.”

After listening to his account, Professor McGonagall was in disbelief. She stood up angrily and slapped her right hand heavily on the pile of documents in front of her,”This is a crime! He should be imprisoned in Azkaban!”

“Minerva, I know you are angry,” Dumbledore said distressedly,”I am too, but we have no evidence.”

“So, you let him come to school as a professor?”

“Yes, I believe that as long as Lockhart is placed in a normal school life, his scam will be exposed,” Dumbledore said seriously

“What’s more, there are really no candidates for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class next school year.” Dumbledore smiled bitterly,”So I took the initiative to find Lockhart and hinted that he could teach Harry Potter and Harry Potter who were about to enter their second year. Ives Evans”

“And being a teacher as ‘Harry the Savior’ and ‘the youngest recipient of the Order of Merlin’ would obviously make him more popular than doing anything else. As I expected, he agreed to my proposal almost without hesitation.”

Professor McGonagall was silent for a moment and asked slowly:”But, what can our students learn from this vain fame-seeking man?”

Professor Quirrell didn’t teach anything useful last school year. If Snape hadn’t taken over for the last few weeks, the students would have wasted the entire school year’s Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

And now, Lockhart has taken over. He is a waste who knows nothing but bragging. What will the senior students who are about to face the Owls and News exams do?

Professor McGonagall was thinking about it. She was already considering whether to wait until Lockhart showed up after school started. If he found out the truth, he would be sent directly to Azkaban. Then he would continue to let Snape take over the teaching. He seemed to be happy to do the job.

Dumbledore’s voice brought her back from her wandering thoughts, and he said warmly:”I have always felt that we have neglected the ideological education of students”

“Our students can learn a lot from Lockhart. For example: what kind of things not to do, what kind of person not to be. I always believe that we should not focus on students’ magic level, but more on how to teach them how to behave and do things.”

Looking at Professor McGonagall’s thoughtful eyes, he continued:”I have some ideas. I want to change the existing teaching methods at Hogwarts.……”

The serious expression on the principal’s face made Professor McGonagall realize his determination,”Albus, as long as you have an idea, no matter what other professors think, I will always support you.”

Just as she said, Minerva McGonagall Greg will always firmly follow Dumbledore’s footsteps

“Thank you,” Dumbledore said with gratitude behind his semicircular glasses. He opened his mouth slightly.


“Unknown ceiling……”

In the early morning, Ives slowly opened his eyes and saw an unfamiliar ceiling.

When he slowly sat up, he realized

that he was a guest at the Weasley family.

Ever since Sirius overturned the verdict, the Weasleys’ affection for Ivis has reached its peak. They have warmly invited Ivis to the Burrow more than once.

Coincidentally, Ives was also very interested in the life of wizard families, so he agreed.

Harry and Hermione came too.

After the incident with Regulus, Sirius felt depressed and postponed his original travel plan for a few days. Harry also saw that his godfather wanted to be alone for a few days, so he agreed to Ron’s invitation.

Hermione came with Ives, and they obtained the consent of Mr. and Mrs. Weasley in advance.

Two uneven breathing sounds came from the side, and Ives turned his head to look. George and Fred hadn’t woken up yet, and were still lying on the bed, sleeping soundly. Their posture was very unsightly.

George spread his limbs and fell asleep in a big letter shape. He was only wearing a pair of underpants, and the orange-red quilt was kicked to the bottom of the bed. If George’s sleeping position was simply unsightly, then Fred’s sleeping position was truly bizarre – he was lying on the bed with his butt raised high in the air.

I don’t know how Fred fell asleep, Ives thought in surprise.

Without waking the two of them, Ives quietly left the room, washed up and walked down the stairs.

The stairs were winding and winding, and there was a door ajar on the second floor. Percy was sitting at his desk, writing a letter with a newly bought quill.

Not far from him was a very beautiful brown owl. George introduced Ives to the owl that Mrs. Weasley rewarded Percy for becoming a prefect.

Hearing the noise coming from the stairs, Percy carefully protected his letter with his hand, and then said hello:”Good morning, Ives, you got up so early.”

Ives nodded and said with a smile:”Morning, Percy.”

After saying hello, he continued walking down.

Seeing that he didn’t pay attention to the letter he wrote, Percy was relieved. He carefully walked to the door of the room and closed the door tightly.

The first floor of the Burrow is the living room and kitchen. The space here is small and quite crowded.

In the middle is a large long wooden table that can seat eight or nine people. Considering the number of people in the Weasley family, this long wooden table will have to be doubled in size when the male members of the family grow up..

Several chairs were neatly placed around the table, which had been wiped clean.

On the wall under the stairs, there is a wall clock with only one needle and no numbers. The clock says”Make tea.””、”Feed the chickens”、”You’re going to be late” and the like.

Next to the mantelpiece was a large mirror. When Ives passed by it, the mirror suddenly shouted:”Tuck the hem of your short sleeves into your waistband, you’re sloppy. Sloppy!”

Hearing this, Mrs. Weasley came out of the kitchen with a breakfast.

Seeing Ives, she was a little surprised, and then smiled and said:”Sit down, kid.”

Ivis pulled out the chair closest to him and sat in it. Mrs. Weasley placed the breakfast in front of him.

“Thank you,” he whispered.

“You’re welcome,” Mrs. Weasley said softly,”If you don’t have enough to eat, just tell me.”

Then she turned around and went back to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for others.


Thank you for your support, thank you book friend Crazy Spider Monkey for your reward, thank you(・ω・)ノ

Adjust your schedule and take a day off. I haven’t gone to bed until 3 or 4 o’clock these days. I’m going to die suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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