Chapter 107 How can I sleep at this age?

The Weasley family’s breakfast is very rich, including a glass of milk, a bacon sandwich with gravy, a fried egg and a small bowl of salad.

Ives picked up the sandwich and took a bite. His eyes widened and he praised sincerely:”It’s delicious!”

The bacon sandwiched in the middle of the sandwich had a strong smell of ripe tomato juice, and the bacon was layered on top. The cheese is also fried, and there is crispy romaine lettuce. It can be seen that even if it is a simple breakfast, Mrs. Weasley is not perfunctory at all and treats it with great care.

In the kitchen, Mrs. Weasley was still frying bacon and eggs, filling the room with the aroma.

While Ives was working on the salad with his fork, the door to the first floor opened and it was Mr. Weasley, his legs covered with fresh dirt and weeds.

Mr. Weasley was obviously a little surprised when he saw Ives. In his impression, little wizards of this age generally would not get up so early.

“”Good morning, Ivis,” Mr. Weasley said hello with a smile, while pointing his wand at himself and using the cleaning tool to clean up all the dirt on his body.

“How did you sleep last night?” He pulled out the chair, sat down and asked kindly.

Ives hurriedly swallowed the salad in his mouth and replied casually:”Not bad, the bed is very comfortable, and George and Fred don’t have the habit of snoring.”

While speaking, Mrs. Weasley brought another breakfast and placed it in front of Mr. Weasley. She put her right hand on Mr. Weasley’s shoulder and said with some concern:”Arthur, those annoying people in the garden The goblins are going crazy again”

“I know,” Mr. Weasley took her hand, patted it twice, and comforted:”I just went to deal with it, and I promise that they won’t cause trouble again in a short time.”

“That’s good.”Mrs. Weasley breathed a sigh of relief, bent down close to Mr. Weasley’s cheek, and gave him a quick kiss.

“Ivis is still watching.” Mr. Weasley’s reminder made Mrs. Weasley blush, but she immediately regained her composure.

Mrs. Weasley muttered dissatisfiedly:”George and the others can’t learn from Avis. Are Wes and Percy still sleeping at this hour? How can they sleep at their age?”

“It’s summer vacation now, so it’s not a big deal to let them sleep a little longer,” Mr. Weasley rarely had the opposite opinion to his wife.

Mrs. Weasley glared at him, said nothing, and walked back to the kitchen to continue preparing breakfast.

While the two were busy finishing breakfast, there were footsteps coming from the stairs.

The brown-haired girl was wearing a pink and white home clothes. She quickly opened the chair next to Ives and sat in, saying hello sweetly. :”Good morning”

“Morning Hermione, is Ginny awake?”Mr. Weasley asked. The rooms in the Burrow are very limited. Naturally, the two little witches of similar ages sleep in the same room.

“She’s awake, she’s still washing up, she’ll be down in a moment,” she answered Mr. Weasley’s question while whispering thanks to Mrs. Weasley who handed her breakfast. After hearing her answer, Mrs. Weasley His brows furrowed,”Those brats haven’t gotten up yet!”

As she said that, she stood angrily at the top of the stairs, raised her head and shouted upwards:”Ron, George, Fred, get up and come down to eat!”

Percy on the second floor heard the sound, opened the door and carefully stuck his head out, like a microphone, and shouted:”Get up and eat!”

Noisy noises came from the third floor. Apparently both

George and Fred were woken up by shouting. George’s voice came:”I know, Mom!”

“Fred, are my socks at your place?”

“You fart, how can your things be here with me?”The conversation between the twins was faintly heard.

Probably because the room was on the top floor, neither Ron nor Harry responded.

Click, click, click.

Mrs. Weasley stepped on her slippers and rushed up.

Very quickly. Quickly, there was a knock on the fifth floor.

Harry opened the door sleepily and looked at the angry Mrs. Weasley with a confused expression.

When Mrs. Weasley saw him, she immediately changed her expression and said softly:”Harry, you’re awake, let’s go downstairs and eat. Then she crossed Harry and stood in front of

Ron’s bed. She changed back to her angry expression and said coldly:”Ron, don’t eat until you get up.””

Ron opened his eyes in confusion. What’s going on? Why don’t I have anything to eat?

Five minutes later, the Weasley family sat neatly at the dining table.

Mrs. Weasley, who was sitting at the head, was When she lectured, she looked like she hated the iron,”Can’t you just learn from Ives and Hermione and just sleep in all day long?”

Ron, George and Fred lowered their heads and buried themselves in their food, not daring to refute. Even Harry looked ashamed.

Percy, who was sitting on the left side of Elvis, puffed out his chest, turned his head to the side and whispered softly:” Ives, if you ask me, you shouldn’t hang out with those two troublemakers, George Fred.……”

He has always been resentful about Avis’ invitation to the twins to attend the Merlin Medal Award Ceremony. In his opinion, his two younger brothers can only cause trouble, so it is better to take him to see the world.

Elvis didn’t speak, but George and Fred turned to glance at Percy. Then they both looked at each other, mentally trying to figure out how to entertain Percy.

While they were eating, they chatted about various things that had happened recently. The atmosphere was very harmonious for a while, except for Ginny’s behavior, which seemed out of place.

She blushed slightly and looked up from time to time to glance at Harry secretly. Once others looked over, she would lower her head deeply like an ostrich.

Ginny had become like this since Harry arrived at the Burrow last night.

Hermione’s eyes circled around Ginny and Harry thoughtfully. Last night, the two girls talked about a lot of things, and Hermione also knew that Ginny had a crush on the person –


That’s why she acted nervous and shy in front of Harry. Thinking about it, Hermione turned her head and looked at Avis’s cheek.

Ivis was chewing hard on a bacon sandwich. The sandwich made by Mrs. Weasley was so delicious that he couldn’t help but ask for another one. As soon as Hermione’s eyes fell on him, he turned his head away keenly.

The four eyes are facing each other, and they are separated by one touch.

Hermione tilted her head shyly, and Elvis stood there in confusion, not knowing what she meant.

Suddenly, there was a sound of flapping wings, and several owls flew in, dropped a newspaper and a few letters and left.

The little wizards here all received the letter, and they immediately realized that it was a letter from Hogwarts. Only Ginny was particularly excited. She had already opened the envelope and shouted happily:”I received the admission notice to Hogwarts!”

Everyone sent congratulations, and they also showed the same behavior when they received the admission notice.


(End of this chapter)

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