Chapter 125: Snape in Menopause

In the box, Hermione was riding on Lu Wei’s back.

The three-headed dog was playing wildly on the grass. It was very happy with Hermione’s arrival. It had not seen its mistress for a long time.

In Lu Wei’s eyes, this girl who has a good relationship with her master will obviously become his future mistress, and it is necessary for her to maintain a good relationship with Hermione.

Lu Wei also wants to compete with Norbert for his position in his master’s heart.

Compared to the cute and cute three-headed dog, Ives prefers the Norwegian Ridgeback. After all, there is no boy who doesn’t like the fire dragon. And there was a slight coolness on Norberta’s body, and he liked to lean on it and read a book.

Hermione had no idea what Lu Wei was thinking. She clutched the fur on its back tightly. The three-headed dog ran so fast that she was afraid that she would accidentally fall.

After Ives fed Norberta a lot of dried meat, he sat under the shade of a tree and took out Dumbledore’s Transfiguration Notes and read them.

Before his butt was even hot, he felt that the magic he had placed at the entrance of the box was triggered.

Someone came in, but Ives wasn’t worried at all. He placed the box in the Room of Requirement, and restricted entry only to people from the Mystery Shop. The person coming was undoubtedly someone they knew well.

A sound of fighting came from far away from the entrance, which made Ives sure that it was definitely the Weasley brothers who entered the box.

“Wow!”There was a burst of exclamation, it was George’s voice

“Although it’s not the first time, I’m still shocked,” Fred continued.

The two of them were struggling to carry a large sack, and they didn’t know what was in it.

Hermione patted Lu Wei. The head in the middle signaled it to go to the twins. Lu Wei obediently stopped, turned around, and flew in front of George and Fred.

In the past few months, Lu Wei’s size has grown again. As its size increased, its weight also increased. Lu Wei took a step forward, and the ground nearby shook slightly.

A strong wind blew by, and it suddenly stopped in front of the twins. The vibration on the ground almost made them both stop standing. Steady.

Hermione slid off the back of the three-headed dog and looked at the big sack curiously,”What did you bring?”

“Some materials and things for research,” George explained hurriedly.

Fred continued,”It’s not safe to put it in the dormitory. The two of us are planning to build a laboratory here.”

As they said that, the two of them looked around, seeming to be looking for a suitable place.

There was another strong wind, and Avis landed here on Norbert.

“Wow! George whistled, his face full of envy,”What a cool way to appear.” Fred leaned over, touched the spikes on Norberta’s wings, and said,”Can you let me ride it too?””

What responded to him was a small spark from Norberta’s mouth. Fred took two steps back, and his hair was almost set on fire.

He said helplessly:”Okay, I knew it was impossible..”

Everyone played around for a while, and made a laboratory for George and Fred not far from the cabin at the entrance.

The two poured out all the contents of the sacks, which were all weird pranks. Props, and things like crucibles

“What are you working on recently?”While helping the Weasley brothers tidy up their rooms, Ives asked curiously.

“Fat Tongue Toffee,” Fred placed the crucible on the table and carefully took out a few test tubes sealed with corks from his arms and put them aside.


the effect? asked Hermione

“The idea is to make the tongues of those who eat Fat Tongue Taffy enlarge.”George explained.

Fred was a little distressed,”It’s just that we haven’t improved it yet, and it will keep enlarging the tongue.”

“But we already have some ideas and we should have it done in a few days.”George said confidently.

The Geminis are really talented in the research and development of prank props. Ives was a little emotional. They can develop a prank product in two months. It’s not like Zuko’s Joke Shop, but the top product is still the best. The big dung egg invented in the century.

All I can say is that the old guys should step aside quickly and make way for the new ones. Next is the era of mystery shops.


After spending the rest of the morning in the box, the four of them left the Room of Requirement and headed to the Great Hall for dinner together.

Elvis and Hermione also had Snape’s Potions class in the afternoon.

As for George and Fred, Ives had left the box in the Room of Requirement, and they would continue to finish their unfinished business in the afternoon.

It’s still the familiar cold and damp Potions classroom, and it’s still the familiar big oily guy.

In the new school year, Professor Snape’s hair was still greasy. Ives looked at his head and wondered curiously: Did Snape really not wash his hair?

As if sensing that Elvis was speaking ill of him in his heart, Snape’s face darkened, and his cold eyes were cast on him, scaring Elvis into quickly lowering his head.

“Mr. Evans, can you see the blackboard when you look down?” Snape’s gloomy voice came,”One point from Ravenclaw.”

Aves had to raise his head and look at him

“What are you looking at me for? Is there anything written on my face? Look at the blackboard, another point will be deducted from Ravenclaw.”Snape roared. His mood today was unexpectedly bad, which made the little wizards wonder if he had reached menopause. The theoretical part ended with Snape’s roar, and then came the practical part.

Fortunately, Ives Although his talent in potions was mediocre, his advance preview allowed him to brew the potion successfully.

It was just that Neville’s performance was as bad as ever. Snape stood behind him and sprayed wildly for nearly ten minutes. Venom.

After class, Neville walked beside Ives, looking like he was about to cry and said,”Ives, am I really as stupid as Snape said.”

Avis comforted him for a long time, and finally Hannah came over and said to him:”Neville, you are really great. At least in the morning’s Herbology class, you answered Professor Sprout’s question and gave Hufflepuff five points. Neville then burst into tears and smiled.

Avis comforted Neville for a long time but failed to improve Neville’s mood, but he smiled at Hannah’s words. Seeing his mood change so quickly, everyone in Avis was dumbfounded. , is this the power of love?

In the auditorium, as soon as Elvis and Hermione sat down, Cedric walked over with a smile on his face. After saying hello, he said mysteriously:”Have you heard?”

“What did you hear?”Hermione was a little curious.

“Lockhart’s poor performance in Gryffindor’s second-year Defense Against the Dark Arts class,” Cedric said without elaborating, running to Cho’s side, still remembering the argument he and Cho had on the train. Look at it this way Come on, he won!

Ives obviously guessed what he was going to say, he was speechless with one hand on his forehead, Cedric, stop showing off, didn’t you see Qiu’s face turned dark!


(End of this chapter)

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