Chapter 126 Lockhart’s Defense Against the Dark Arts class

That night, what happened in the second-year Gryffindor Defense Against the Dark Arts class spread throughout the school.

Ron was standing on the Gryffindor table loudly recounting what happened in that class, with a circle of people surrounding him.

Elvis and Hermione were also in the crowd, it was Cedric’s fault for not explaining in detail!

According to Ron’s description, Lockhart released a group of Cornish elves in class, and then he ran away, leaving only a group of young wizards to deal with the troublemakers.

In Ron’s words, if he hadn’t been afraid of danger and took action brazenly, those elves would have demolished the entire classroom.

However, Harry silently interrupted him and told the truth:”If Seamus hadn’t used an unknown spell to cause an explosion and knocked out all the elves flying in the air, otherwise we would all I want to be hung on the chandelier.”

Ron was neither blushing nor angry after being interrupted. He angrily accused Lockhart of inaction. How could any professor leave his students and let them face danger alone?

Lockhart fans gathered around Ron to make excuses for their idol,”Lockhart must be here to hone your ability to face dark creatures.””

“Yes, yes.”A group of people echoed

“Besides, Cornish elves are not particularly dangerous creatures.”

“That’s right, that’s right.”That group of people affirmed again.

“Professor Lockhart definitely thinks that the Cornish elf is not worth his while. Think about the dangers he has faced. Those fire dragons, trolls, and vampires, none of them are more dangerous than the Cornish elf.”

“Yes Yes.”Lockhart’s fans were frantically cheering for their idol.

Ron and Harry were surrounded by the crowd, looking at the fans with fierce looks on their faces in horror, not daring to express their anger.

Some people have begun to realize Is Lockhart really as powerful as he writes?

Of course, his fans are still willing to believe this, thanks to Lockhart’s beautiful resume, good external image, and historical level of excuse making ability. Just an…accident


Room of Requirement after curfew.

Although it is late at night outside, it is still daytime inside the box, and the division between day and night here is achieved by magic.

Cedric looked proud:”What am I talking about? Lockhart is just a useless pretty boy.”

Qiu crossed his shoulders and turned his face to the side angrily, ignoring the frustrated Cedric.

Fred was tinkering with the prank props in his hands. He sighed and said to George:”It seems that we can’t learn anything useful in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class this semester.”

George picked up the candy stuffer in his hand. When he entered his mouth, his tongue suddenly swelled bigger and bigger, and he replied vaguely:”Yes.”

Fred looked at him with a look of surprise,”Successful?”

George shook his head, his face a bit expressionless. In pain, Fred quickly gave him a curse to stop, and his tongue retracted.

“Failed again,” the two sighed at the same time, then cheered up and began to discuss the improvement plan in a low voice.

On the other side, Neville and Hannah were taking care of the nearly mature white fresh meat in a fenced field.

Hermione was She was chewing hard on a book of advanced potions, and there were still many orders for potions for her to make.

Ives was still looking through Dumbledore’s notes, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

The next morning, Ravenclaw had A Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Ivis and Hermione were walking down the corridor on the fourth floor, holding three thick books by Lockhart. Ivis’ tone was a bit expectant:”I don’t know about Lockhart.” What kind of work will be done?”

He had already made up his mind to watch Lockhart’s class for fun.

Entering the classroom, Ivis took Hermione to a seat in the last row and sat d


Lockhart was standing behind the podium, Maintaining a smiling posture, it seemed that because his performance yesterday was already known to everyone, he did not choose to pester Ives.

After a while, other students walked into the classroom chatting.

After everyone was seated, Lockhart stood on the podium and cleared his throat loudly, motioning for everyone to look over.

He walked out of the podium, picked up the book”Breaking with the Ghost” from a young wizard in the front row, held it in his hand, and showed him the picture on the cover. A photo of me blinking my eyes

“”I,” Lockhart pointed at his photo and said with a wink,”Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, honorary member of the League Against Dark Arts, five-time winner of Wizarding Weekly’s Most Charming Smile Prize—but I don’t talk about that. I don’t drive away all the female ghosts by smiling!”

He waited for everyone to laugh, and several people smiled in cooperation.

“I saw that you all bought several copies of my books——”

Isn’t this what you asked us to buy? Ives complained in his heart

“That’s great, I think we’ll do a little test today. Don’t be afraid – just see how you read and how much you understand……”

Lockhart quickly distributed the papers. After the papers were distributed, he returned to the podium and said:”I’ll give you thirty minutes. Now – start!”

Ives looked at the papers:

【1. What is Gilderoy Lockhart’s favorite color?

2. What is Gilderoy Lockhart’s secret ambition?

3.What do you think is Gilderoy Lockhart’s greatest achievement to date? 】

And so on, three pages of paper, the last question is:

【54. When is Gilderoy Lockhart’s birthday? What would be his ideal birthday gift? ]

Ives answered the question quickly, and Hermione looked at him in surprise and whispered:”Don’t you dislike him?”

“Alas, who gave me the time to read these books?”Ives said helplessly. It was all because of Hermione’s talent that he could not forget the contents of the book.

Hermione noticed that Ives glanced at her with a strange look, which made her feel a little baffled.

Half an hour later, Lockhart put the papers away and looked through them in front of the whole class.

“Gee – almost no one remembers that lilac is my favorite color. I mentioned it in Vacationing with a Dominatrix. Some students want to read”Walking with Ghouls” carefully.》——I made it clear in Chapter 12 that my ideal birthday gift would be for all magical and non-magical people to live in harmony – but I wouldn’t say no to a big bottle of Ogden’s Aged Fire Whiskey either!”

Lockhart winked mischievously at the little wizards, and then he suddenly raised his voice and said:”But Miss Hermione Granger and Mr. Ivis Evans both know that my secret ambition is to eliminate the world from the world. of evil, as well as selling my own line of hair conditioners – good boys! in fact——”

Lockhart took out the two test papers and said,”One hundred points! Where are you?”

Ivis and Hermione raised their hands reluctantly. They did not want to be named and praised by the professor for this kind of test paper.

“great! Lockhart smiled and said,”Very good!” Much better than Gryffindor, no one got a hundred points in the last class. So I’m going to give Ravenclaw twenty points! Now, back to business……”

He was really happy. Yesterday’s contact made him think that Elvis hated him. Now Lockhart felt that he was okay again.

Just when Ives thought that Lockhart would bring out a cage of Cornish elves or other magical animals, he just opened the book”Breaking with the Female Ghost” in his hand, and then commanded:”Please read the book Go to page 46 of the book”


Thank you all for your monthly votes, thank you(・ω・)ノ


Fortunately, there is a leave request form for me to make up for my attendance, otherwise I would have mailed in my full attendance this month.

(End of this chapter)

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