I am Quaresma

Chapter 265 The Best Arsenal

As for how to defend Quaresma, each team has no good way, just like everyone has no way to defend Drogba.

It is actually quite simple to completely block Drogba. As long as four people surround him, it is not so easy for Drogba to grab the ball. After all, he is also a meat product, not a real metal tank.

The same is true for Quaresma. If he can be surrounded by four people, he has no chance to connect the ball, so what is the threat.

But the key point is that Quaresma is different from Drogba. He doesn't enter the penalty area very often. Is there a need for four people to surround Quaresma outside the penalty area?

Then you might as well pull a few people into a circle and wrap the Quaresma in it!

The last time they faced Arsenal, it was Quaresma's excellent performance that helped Arsenal beat Manchester United, so this time, even if Ferguson asked Evra and Park Ji-sung to defend Quaresma, he was not too sure.

It's not that we don't work hard, but Quaresma is too strong!

If Evra's newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, he just transferred from Monaco and he doesn't know how strong Quaresma is, but Park Ji-sung knows it all too well. Therefore, after learning that he started and was entrusted by Ferguson , I was always anxious.

Although it is said that professional players should have a brave heart, there are very few who can remain calm and believe that they can win even though they know that their opponents are far stronger than themselves.

According to statistics, the top wing players will dribble more than 4 times per game, even close to 5 times, and the success rate is more than 50%.

And Quaresma has done things that others can't do in terms of breakthroughs. His average number of breakthroughs is definitely more than 10 times, and the success rate is as high as 80%. This is the most terrible Quaresma in world football. The place.

Park Ji-sung set himself a goal in this game. Although he cannot stop Quaresma's breakthrough willingness, he wants to reduce Quaresma's breakthrough success rate to 60%. If it is achieved, then he will play this game. performance is enough to be called a success.

It is true that his body is not as strong as a beast's waist, and his defensive skills are not as good as those of those midfield professional sweepers, but his inexhaustible physical fitness and tenacious will are the foundations that support him in defending Quaresma.

Evra is also barely regarded as a first-class full-back. With the strength of the two, if Quaresma cannot be limited, then Quaresma is too defiant.

I have to say that Park Ji-sung's idea is very good, and it seems that the goal is not too unattainable.

However, within 10 minutes of the opening, Park Ji-sung's expression management was a little out of control.


In 10 minutes, Quaresma got the ball twice on the right, and he passed Park Ji-sung twice. The success rate of the pass was 100%. In front of Quaresman's unpredictable fake moves, Park Ji-sung thought that. There is no room for Ao's physical fitness at all - after being passed, he can't keep up with Quaresma at all...

This is a little embarrassing!

That is, Quaresma's final cross was not grabbed by Henry, otherwise Manchester United would be in danger of falling behind at the start.

Park Ji-sung is now full of fear in his heart. Fortunately, in the 2002 World Cup, Portugal did not have Quaresma in the squad. effect.

Now, the game seems to have returned to the situation when the two sides played against each other in the first round of the league - each created a threat to the opponent through the flank.

Arsenal's offense is mainly initiated by Quaresma's side, while at Manchester United, Ronaldo is responsible for the assault. The Portuguese twins are the most threatening players on the field.

Cristiano Ronaldo's speed of progress has always been the proudest part of Ferguson. Cristiano Ronaldo is the core of Manchester United despite all the opinions, and it is gradually coming to the harvest season, so he will be very angry at Ruud van Nistelrooy's behavior.

However, every time he saw Quaresma's phenomenal performance on the court, Ferguson would regret not buying Quaresma and Ronaldo together.

The situation on the field was very stalemate. Originally, the Manchester United midfielder should have some advantages, but today Xiaofa's performance is very commendable. The organization and scheduling seem to have matured a lot overnight.

Even in defense, Xiaofa, a defensive black hole that was not much better than Quaresma, was actively fighting for it, and his effort was comparable to meeting a superb milf.

Quaresma couldn't help nodding secretly, this is what that midfield genius should have!

Without this performance, how could Arsenal have reached the Champions League final in the previous life!

Because of the strength of the midfield, Quaresma played a lot easier and easier than usual. The situation that originally required him to break through, may now only need a support from his teammates, and he can easily solve the opponent.

I couldn't help but feel hot in my heart. Could this be the strongest version of Arsenal?

If Xiaofa can prove that he is not a flash in the pan and can always maintain the current level, then Quaresma has absolute confidence to play Barcelona in the Champions League final.

Of course, that is the future. What Quaresma has to do now is to beat Manchester United with Arsenal and win a championship first.

In the 15th minute of the first half, Arsenal played the most threatening attack since the opening.

Quaresma made a breakthrough on the right. With the support of Xiaofa and Lauren, he played three-legged cooperation in a row, and without even a personal breakthrough, he kicked through Manchester United's wing defense. Whether Evra or Park Ji-sung, they were a few of them. The individual's small-scale and rapid transmission can't find the direction.

Slipped into the penalty area along the bottom line, Quaresma saw Henry's movement and seemed to send the ball to the goal, but after confusing the Manchester United defenders, he suddenly made an inverted triangle pass and sent the ball to the middle of the penalty area. , there, Xiaofa has been connected in place.

Lifting the foot is a rush shot. No defender can stop Xiaofa, and even Van der Sar's save has not been able to touch the ball shot by Xiaofa.

However, just when the Arsenal players were about to celebrate the goal, there was a crisp sound, the ball hit the post accurately, bounced back into the field, and was freed by Ferdinand, who had survived the disaster.

Xiaofa held his head in disbelief, and his expression was as incredible as if he had lost one hundred million.

Just 10 centimeters away, Arsenal's attack will break Manchester United's goal, if the small law can score the goal, then the game situation will become completely different.

But at this time, there is no need to be upset. Although it was bad luck to hit the goal post, Arsenal's offense has already achieved results. This time they didn't score, so next time, Manchester United can't rely on the goal post to help every time.

Now, it's Manchester United's turn to suffer!

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