I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 550 I won’t be beneath him (first update)

This man seemed to have issued an order at will, but the people below immediately took action urgently.

Order after order passed from one city to another.

And from one planet to another.

Finally, in a specially encrypted video call using a quantum optical brain, a name was finally transmitted from one end of the video call to an ordinary hotel room at the other end.

However, just after they confirmed the name they wanted to change, when they went to the system to change the name, they found that no matter what, they could not change the name and identity of Xia Chujian, the number one in the empire!

It is conceivable that these people can directly enter the closely guarded college entrance examination system to modify their scores, and they must have deep back-end permissions.

But at this moment, they discovered that not only could they not modify Xia Chujian's system records, but they were also locked in reverse the moment they tried to do anything!

These people realized that something was wrong and were very decisive. At the critical moment when they realized that their network coordinates were reversely locked, they suddenly disconnected all contacts, quickly left the hotel room, and even set a fire. , burned the hotel to the ground.

By the time people from the Enforcement Department of the Special Security Bureau arrived, those people had already fled.

It only takes five minutes.

The entire hotel has been burned to the ground.

Fortunately, this was not on the Beichen Star, but on the Guiyuan Star. It was mid-afternoon, and the fire alarm in the hotel rang in time. Everyone ran out, and no one was injured.

But the property damage was relatively large.

And in this way, the Special Security Bureau can't even conduct surveillance.

Because such a third-rate hotel on a remote planet cannot be on the special surveillance list of the Special Security Bureau. Apart from the hotel's own monitoring equipment and cloud backup, the Special Security Bureau does not have any archives.

When the Special Security Bureau went to check the cloud backup of the local network provider, it was too late.

A fire broke out in the computer room used by the network provider for cloud storage, and all cloud records were wiped out.

Xia Chujian had no idea that within just ten minutes after the college entrance examination results were announced, Kang Shanxing and Meng Guanghui had led the Intelligence Department and Execution Department of the Special Security Bureau respectively to engage in a battle with a group of invisible enemies.

Kang Shanxing looked at the report sent back by his men from Guiyuan Star, his face was livid, and he said angrily: "A bunch of trash!"

"I gave you all the coordinates, but you still can't catch anyone!"

He and Meng Guanghui went to Huo Yushen to admit their mistakes with a calm face.

Huo Yushen did not blame them, but just said: "There are not many people in the entire Beichen Empire who have the authority to enter the back-end system of the college entrance examination results of the Cabinet Department to make modifications, and have such powerful anti-reconnaissance capabilities."

"Our people failed to catch them like this. The more clues they exposed, the more clues they exposed."

Kang Shanxing's eyes moved slightly: "Inspector Huo means, how far can we deduce the person behind the scenes?"

Huo Yushen's expression was still very cold, but he still nodded and said: "Well, we can basically delineate the general area. You go down and arrange it. They won't succeed anyway, so we will monitor it first."

Kang Shanxing understood immediately and immediately raised his hand in salute and said, "Yes, Inspector!"

Huo Yushen looked at Xia Chu again and saw the college entrance examination results. A trace of warmth flashed across his cold face.

This girl is truly a once-in-a-lifetime talent...

Originally, her special physique was already unique in history. Coupled with her college entrance examination results, this proved that there was no problem with her IQ.

Given time, her achievements will not be inferior to his!

Huo Yushen left Meng Guanghui alone and said quietly: "Your subordinate's college entrance examination results are out. Remember to remind her of the school and major she wants to apply for."

Meng Guanghui was sent by Huo Yushen to cooperate with Kang Shanxing's actions before he saw Xia Chujian's college entrance examination results.

Only then did he look at the physical high-definition display in front of Huo Yushen.

When he saw the college entrance examination results in the rankings, "Guiyuan Star ranked first, Beichen Empire ranked first", he was so happy that he didn't pay attention to what Huo Yushen said next.

Huo Yushen just reminded him and went to prepare for his work after sending it.

In the chief legal counsel's office in the Beichen Star Cabinet Building, Quan Yuxun was also looking at Xia Chujian's college entrance examination results in a daze.

He knew that Xia Chujian's grades were not good. One minute before he saw the results, he was still thinking about whether to get a recommended spot for Xia Chujian and let her repeat her studies for a year and take the class again next year.

Because the recommended quota must be settled before the college entrance examination.

The recommended quota after the college entrance examination will be postponed to the next year.

The results showed that Xia Chujian's college entrance examination results were updated, and he thought he had made a mistake.

After staring at Xia Chujian's name for a long time, he almost didn't recognize the three characters.

After a while, he pinched himself hard and came back to his senses. He couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips and showed a knowing smile.

This smile is fundamentally different from the "Quan Yuxun's smile" widely circulated on the Star Network.

Because this time, he smiled truly.

The reason why "Kwon Yo-hun's smile" is scary is because he doesn't mean to smile, but just smiles habitually to cover up his ruthless attacks.

He said to himself: "...If you do so well in the exam, even if you are a common friend, you have to give some gifts..."

As he said that, he had opened the dialog box of his personal secretary and sent him a message.

[Quality and Training]: Prepare a real estate transfer contract to transfer a three-bedroom high-rise apartment in a boutique community near Beichen University to classmate Xia Chujian as a college entrance examination gift.

The chief mecha master's office area in the royal mecha headquarters is the most confidential place in the imperial capital of the Beichen Empire, other than the imperial palace.

The same level of confidentiality as the Secret Service headquarters.

Su Buyan was sitting alone in his office, with a huge physical high-definition display in front of him.

What is displayed above is Xia Chujian’s college entrance examination results.

Looking at the results, he laughed so much that he almost burst into tears.

So much so that when the subordinates outside the glass wall saw their recently grumpy boss suddenly laughing so happily, they thought that the boss had made another breakthrough in mecha manufacturing!

Everyone is also happy.

Ever since Su Buyan got a mecha figure in the shape of a phoenix bird, he has been obsessed with it and wanted to copy such a mecha.

But the materials are always unsatisfactory.

Even if the appearance is similar, it can't perform one of the functions of the legendary Phoenix Bird Mecha.

Of course, he later learned about the function of the so-called Phoenix Mecha from Meng Guanghui and his subordinates.

He knew that there might be some lies and exaggerations in those people's words, but these people's mechas themselves had been upgraded to a level that even he had to struggle to reach, which was a bit fucked up!

Therefore, he has been very irritable these days. Until today, he was alone in his office, smiling like a child weighing 150 pounds...

Su Buyan murmured: "If you do so well in the exam, I, the master, can't do it without giving you a reward!"

With that said, he clicked on his quantum optical brain and sent a message to his robot butler.

[Master of Suwuyan]: No. 1, prepare a property transfer letter to transfer a villa property near the Royal Second Military University in Kanli Star, an autonomous aircraft, and a butler robot.

Su Buyan wanted Xia Chu to meet his alma mater, Kanlixing, to study mecha manufacturing at the Royal Second Military University.

Then, he sent a message to Xia Chujian.

[Su Bu Yan]: Disciple! You are amazing! Master is proud of you!

Xia Chujian replied immediately.

[Xia Chumei]: Thank you, Master! I also want to be proud of Master!

At this time, in the eldest princess's palace near the Imperial Palace of Beichen Star, Zong Ruoan's personal secretary Lu Jianpeng took a screenshot of Xia Chujian's test results page and sent it to Zong Ruoan.

Zong Ruoan is having a meeting with his own people.

Today's situation is quite special. His mother, Princess Tantai Jinyu, and sister Zong Qianxi are also here to help him with advice.

The Senate is divided into the Upper House and the Lower House.

The Upper House can only be elected by nobles, and the number of people is very small. According to the planet, there are ten people from each planet, so there are only fifty people in total.

The term of office of these fifty people is ten years.

The current longest-serving member of the Senate has only been serving for five years.

In other words, it will be five years at the earliest before there is a chance for members of the House of Lords to be re-elected.

There are far more people in the House of Commons.

Members of the lower house of the Senate can be elected by nobles and citizens.

The number of members of the House of Commons is divided according to population and region.

The number of representatives is adjusted based on the population of each constituency.

What Zong Ruoan wants to choose this time is a member of a constituency in Shaofu Xingchaoruo City.

He was born in this constituency and is registered as a voter here.

Their constituency, based on population, has a total of more than 200 members.

It happened that a very old member of the House of Commons in their constituency retired. Zong Ruoan, who wanted to take the Senate route, started to run for the position of member of the House of Commons in this constituency under Zong's arrangement.

However, although the number of members is determined based on the number of people in their constituency, the number of people who vote is not limited to the residents of this constituency.

The members of the lower house of the Beichen Empire Senate are different from the members of the upper house.

Members of the House of Commons, no matter which constituency they come from, must be voted for by civilians, citizens and nobles throughout the Beichen Empire.

Humanoid pariahs and humanoid slaves cannot vote.

The royal family also cannot participate in the voting, as they are the overseers of the elections.

Zong Ruoan's plan was to first run for membership in the lower house, and then five years later, when he had enough seniority in the senate, he would be able to run for the upper house of the senate.

After listening to the report from her subordinates, the eldest princess frowned and said, "Ruo'an, your choice is not good."

"I remember two weeks ago, you were still far ahead in the polls. Why are you suddenly so far behind?"

Zong Qianxi said: "Not only was he overtaken by others, he was also surpassed by others. Brother, how did this person suddenly appear in two weeks and come from behind?"

What they were talking about was the seat in the lower house of the Senate that Zong Ruoan was running for.

This is the first update, the second update will be at 1pm.

It’s Monday, so don’t forget to vote for your recommendations!

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