I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 551 Agreement with Girlfriend (Second Larger Chapter, Monthly Ticket)

Chapter 551 Agreement with Girlfriend (Second larger chapter, monthly ticket +)

Zong Ruoan looked at the election briefing given to him by his personal secretary Fang Chengong, frowned and said, "This man's name is Teng Pingmao. He is from a civilian background. He was admitted to Beichen University with the first place in the Kanlixing College Entrance Examination."

"Later, I was excellent in both character and academics in college, with free tuition and a scholarship. After graduation, I joined the First Star Fleet, made many military exploits, and was successfully upgraded to a citizen."

"I retired from the army not long ago and immediately announced my candidacy for the House of Commons in Shaofu Xing Chaoruo City."

"Because he is a fighting hero and an academic who got into Beichen University through his own efforts. He is very popular with the lower-class civilian voters."

"Everyone knows that electing members of the lower house of the Senate is completely different from that of members of the upper house."

"To elect members of the House of Commons, the votes of all commoners, citizens and nobles are needed."

"In our empire, there are more than 150 billion civilians and one billion citizens. There are only about 1.8 million people with noble titles in total."

“And it’s one person, one vote, so as soon as Teng Pingmao ran for office, his campaign team used the slogan ‘civilians help civilians’ and immediately outcompeted me.”

No matter how rich their family is, they cannot spend money to bribe 15 billion civilians.

Besides, if just throwing money at it is useful, why should we hold elections?

The royal family will not let their nobles take advantage of their good deeds.

Zong Ruoan smiled wryly and shrugged, and continued: "It's not my fault. Other opponents in the election also have civilian backgrounds who have been upgraded to citizens, but their resumes are not as eye-catching as his, so they are not my opponent."

The implication is that this person has become his biggest stumbling block.

The eldest princess Tantai Jinyu said unhappily: "No matter how common he is, I don't believe he doesn't have any dirty information! - Where are our people? Where is our investigation team? Are they all just doing it?!"

Zong Ruoan said: "This person appeared for too short a time. Our people are investigating, but it is not so easy to find out in a short while."

Zong Qianxi also said: "Mommy, we also have to be mentally prepared. What if this person just doesn't have any dirt?"

Tantai Jinyu sneered and said: "If there is no black material, the editor will make up one for him! - If you can't do this, why are you still in politics?! Come home as soon as possible for me to be your noble man and noble woman!"

Zong Ruoan and Zong Qianxi looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

Zong Qianxi said: "Mommy, don't think about making up dirty stuff until the last step."

"I was wondering if I could add some highlights to my second brother, something that could be as good as Teng Pingmao?"

Tantai Jinyu frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

Zong Qianxi said confidently: "Teng Pingmao's campaign team attacked my brother because he is the second son of the Zong family, is not down to earth, and does not understand the real needs of the common people."

"I just want to let my brother get closer to the common people as much as possible..."

Tantai Jinyu categorically objected: "This is not okay! Your brother is the heir of my clan and is half of the royal family. Why do you want to get closer to the lowly civilian class!"

The corner of Zong Qianxi's mouth twitched: "Mommy, don't say this anymore. If someone else records the video and puts it on the Star Network, don't choose, just quit."

Tantai Jinyu pursed her lips, fanned herself with a jade bamboo fan irritably, and said reluctantly: "I know, I will pay attention to it in the future."

She is usually cautious about her words and actions, but this time, she was really pissed off by her son's choice.

It was obviously a sure thing, but it capsized in the gutter.

Zong Ruoan also whispered: "Mom, I am not the heir to the Zong family. If you say so, where do you put the eldest cousin?"

The eldest cousin he was talking about was the only son of the Zong family, that is, the posthumous son of his uncle Zong Weiping.

The main branch of the Zong family includes three generations above and below, making a total of seven generations.

Counting from the generation of the head of the family, Mr. Zong, to the great-grandfather, ancestors, fathers, and then to the descendants, nephews, grandchildren and great-grandchildren below.

Mr. Zong has seven brothers in his generation, all of whom are prosperous.

After he inherited the title, he gave birth to three sons, each of whom married and had children.

Not counting the side branches, the main branch of the Zong family is also a big family.

The eldest princess, Tantai Jinyu, married Mr. Zong’s second son, Zong Weiding.

She snorted and said lazily: "I know, you two are really, now, in the Zong family, who is more noble than you brother and sister? But you followed the old man and learned all the old-fashioned ways..."

"Forget it, let's not talk about it. How do you want to solve this problem? Ruoan has a noble status, how can he establish a relationship with the common people... class?"

Zong Qianxi glanced at Zong Ruo'an and said with a smile: "My brother is so good-looking, has such a noble status, and is also gentle and elegant. Among the ladies of our family, who is not attracted to my brother?"

"If I weren't my brother's biological sister, I would be tempted!"

She blinked at Zong Ruoan.

Zong Ruoan smiled and patted her: "Don't talk nonsense, talk about the key points."

Zong Qianxi stopped smiling and said seriously: "My idea is to find a commoner girlfriend for my brother."

Tantai Jinyu subconsciously objected: "This is not possible. I have already planned your brother's marriage. Marrying a commoner just for a member of the House of Commons is not worthwhile and the gain outweighs the losses. If this is the case, it is better not to elect this member of the House of Commons. "

Zong Qianxi smiled bitterly and said, "Mommy, where did you think you were?"

"Of course we don't want him to marry his civilian girlfriend... We just need to have this superficial relationship with her when he is running for election, to offset Teng Pingmao's advantage and not let his opinion polls soar so quickly. …”

The eldest princess Tantai Jinyu understood: "Just looking for a fake girlfriend, right? That's no problem, but you also have to think clearly. If these conditions are met, how can those common women let go once they have the chance to fall in love with her?"

"So Ruo'an, you have to remember that it's okay to fall in love, but not to get married, and don't bring her to my home. I won't see her."

"Also, make sure this woman keeps her mouth shut and can't talk nonsense about everything on the Internet. I hate those Internet celebrities the most. No one pays attention to them. It's like their parents are dead. It's bad luck!"

Zong Qianxi covered her mouth and laughed so hard that her shoulders trembled: "Mommy, this is someone else's job. No one pays attention to it, and it ruins people's financial opportunities."

"Destroying someone's wealth is like killing one's parents. Isn't it the same as killing one's parents?"

Zong Ruoan was listening to his mother and sister chatting, and a figure suddenly appeared in his mind, whom he met in Xia Chu.

It's just that even among civilians, she belongs to the lowest class, and the most regrettable thing is that she is not a top student, but a scumbag.

Being a top student is too important and very powerful for the civilian class who are very deeply involved in internal affairs...

What a pity.

In this conflicting mood, Zong Ruoan finally had time to check the screenshot of Xia Chujian's college entrance examination results that Fang Chengong sent him.

"Xia Chu, female, eighteen years old.

Literature: 149 points.

Mathematics: 150 points.

Physics: 150 points.

Chemistry: 150 points.

Total score: 599 points. "

Ranking: No. 1 in Guiyuan Star, No. 1 in Beichen Empire. "

Zong Ruoan stood up suddenly and blurted out with excitement: "I have a solution!"

As he said this, he sent a screenshot of Xia Chujian's college entrance examination results to his small family group of four.

The eldest princess Tantai Jinyu and Zong Qianxi lowered their heads together and looked at their quantum optical brains.

Zong Ruoan simply pulled out a virtual display screen from the interface in the family group. On the top was a screenshot of Xia Chujian's college entrance examination results, and below was his rational analysis.

Zong Ruoan started writing on the virtual display screen.

[Zong Ruoan]: What do you think of her? Her name was Xia Chujian, she was born in the civilian class, and she was the lowest civilian, but she was also a soldier and had just made a great contribution. This is her college entrance examination score, even better than Teng Pingmao!

Zong Qianxi took a rough look at Xia Chujian's identity and conditions, and then replied below.

[Zong Qianxi]: This condition is indeed good. It can offset Teng Pingmao's influence, and it also has many bonus points. However, she is only eighteen years old, will the little girl be unable to control your conditions? These common little girls all have a love brain, which is quite troublesome.

[Mommy]: The external conditions are indeed good, and it can perfectly expose Teng Pingmao's advantages. What does she look like?

Zong Ruoan retrieved a photo of Xia Chujian and sent it to the family group.

The eldest princess Tantai Jinyu and Zong Qianxi were silent together.

Zong Qianxi's mouth twitched: "Brother, why do you have a photo of this girl? By the way, why do you suddenly pay attention to the college entrance examination?"

As a top aristocratic family, their clan can choose universities at will. No matter which university they go to, they can get recommended places.

They basically never pay attention to the college entrance examination.

Although the college entrance examination is the fairest and grandest way to change destiny for civilians and citizens.

Zong Ruoan said with a smile: "Didn't I work in the Special Security Bureau before? When I went to Guiyuan Star, I met this girl and saved her life. So we have friendship."

"Moreover, she is not the kind of person who likes to post everything online to seek attention. She is very low-key. The key is to keep her mouth shut. Tell her clearly and help her, and she will definitely agree."

Zong Qianxi's eyes lit up: "That's great! This is a very good story! The love between a noble son from an aristocratic family and a commoner girl across social classes started with a life-saving incident!"

She snapped her fingers: "Brother, leave this matter to me, and I will help you create a romance on the Internet right away! She will definitely admit it as a matter of course!"

"Then, you ask her to support you during your campaign rally!"

Zong Ruoan said hurriedly: "No! I haven't communicated with her yet. Don't rush into a relationship."

"It's better to be safe."

Zong Qianxi regretfully boasted about her newly made manicure and said, "I have a lot of writers over there, and they are the best at writing small compositions like this."

"Brother, just send her a message. Do you need to go to such trouble?"

Zong Ruoan said seriously: "Yes, when I first met this girl in Xia Chu, she was a little different from other girls. She was a bit...serious."

What he actually wanted to say was that Xia Chujian was more likely to cause trouble.

But thinking about the recent turmoil caused by Xia Chujian, he was worried that speaking out would make his mother and sister have a worse impression of Xia Chujian, so he subconsciously chose to conceal it and used the neutral word "serious".

Zong Qianxi frowned: "Are you being serious? Does that mean you will accept death? What if she thinks you are her...beloved man and refuses to let go even after the election?"

The eldest princess Tantai Jinyu also said: "Ruo'an, don't underestimate yourself. Even if you are not my son and you are not from a clan, you know that those little girls will not let go."

Zong Ruoan said displeasedly: "Sister, Mommy, don't be like this. In your eyes, I am all good, but when I meet Xia Chu, she is different."

He couldn't tell what was different, but his intuition was that Xia Chujian was different.

She didn't look at him with that meaningful look in her eyes like those women.

She didn't always agree with him.

Although she didn't say it out loud, Zong Ruoan also felt it.

However, he felt that she didn't understand him well enough.

If she knew he truly meant her best, she would understand.

Zong Ruoan continued: "Xia Chujian is a very reasonable person. As long as you talk to her rationally, she will be obedient."

"So don't worry, she won't take hard advice."

Zong Qianxi and Tantai Jinyu laughed together.

Zong Qianxi even said meaningfully: "Brother, it seems that you know this girl very well. You even know whether she is soft-spoken or not..."

The tips of Zong Ruoan's ears turned red, but he didn't realize it.

The eldest princess Tantai Jinyu saw it, but she didn't say much.

Although it is difficult to marry such a girl directly as a wife, if Ruo An likes it, it is not impossible to keep her as a mistress outside.

Moreover, this girl can get the top score in the Imperial College Entrance Examination, so her IQ is definitely not low.

Children born to such a woman must be smart.

When the time comes, nurturing and nurturing will also be a big help to the family.

Among the small aristocratic families below, which family does not have mistresses and illegitimate children raised outside?

These are their periphery, and the nobles are in danger of having their homes confiscated and their titles even exterminated.

Once this happens, those illegitimate children raised outside will be the continuation of their bloodline.

This is also a replica of the risk diversification test where eggs cannot be put in the same basket.

Although their four top nobles are not in danger of seizing their titles and annihilating their families, they do have some people who have mistresses and illegitimate children outside.

This phenomenon is a tacit and legal behavior for the nobles and royal family of the Beichen Empire.

It's just that the eldest princess Tantai Jinyu was a little disgusted with Xia Chujian's appearance and said, "It would be more suitable if she looked better."

She is a face-controlling, unattractive person who doesn't even bother to look at her.

Zong Qianxi said: "Mommy, if you think about it from another perspective, with her appearance, even if I announce my breakup with her in the future, it will not cause greater fluctuations in public opinion."

"And just because of her appearance, she won't think too much. As long as she pays enough money, it's no problem to keep it secret."

The eldest princess Tantai Jinyu nodded happily and said, "I am very satisfied that you brothers and sisters can help each other and that brothers and sisters are of the same mind."

Then he said disdainfully: "That dandy boy from Dafang, let alone compete with your brother, even we, Qianxi, are better than him. But the one who wants to inherit the title is actually that good-for-nothing!"

Neither Zong Qianxi nor Zong Ruoan wanted to talk about this topic.

The two looked at each other and unanimously diverted Tantai Jinyu's attention.

Zong Qianxi stood up and said, "Mommy, I still have a few publicity planning projects, please help me refer to them."

Zong Ruoan stood up and said, "Mom, I want to hold a meeting with my subordinates to listen to their opinions."

How could the eldest princess Tantai Jinyu fail to understand what the two brothers and sisters meant?

She didn't expose it, and said with a half-smile: "Okay, I won't interfere with your business, I will go back to Shaofu Star. I don't like living in Beichen Star, you can figure it out."

"Don't worry too much. Even if you can't choose, it doesn't matter."

She waved to them and turned to leave.

Zong Qianxi also followed and walked out.

Zong Ruoan looked at the virtual display screen in front of him again and slowly frowned.

Although he planned to find Xia Chujian as his girlfriend and help with the campaign, he couldn't make such a hasty decision.

This is the second larger chapter, including September monthly passes worth 600+.

There will be an update at 05:00 in the evening.

PS: For a man who is 1.8 meters tall, 150 pounds is the standard weight. Hope everyone knows. (*^▽^*).

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