I can extract side effects

Chapter 105: A Programmer's Dream Comes True

At 10:30 in the evening, in a community in Hangzhou.

Exhausted, Zhang Jun opened the door and went home, changed his shoes, and collapsed on the sofa, not wanting to move for a long time.

He is a senior programmer of a large Internet company. Although his income is fairly generous, his work is very intensive, and it is common for him to work overtime until late at night.

Their industry is very complicated, everyone works very hard, and they all want to be promoted early, so as to avoid the tragic fate of being persuaded to quit after the age of 35.

This causes everyone to have some more or less health problems, such as staying up late, and hair loss caused by endocrine disorders is the fate of most people.

It's not too late to come back today, he took out his phone from his pocket, and was about to swipe the video to decompress it.

Because of his industry relationship, Zhang Jun is very enthusiastic about various electronic products. He follows many technology bloggers and often watches evaluation videos of mobile phones, computers and other products.

It happened that the mobile phone pushed a new video of his favorite digital UP master, so he quickly clicked in to watch it.

As soon as he entered the latest video of this UP master named Luo Xiaohei, he was stunned.

This UP master has always been wearing a baseball cap in the videos, covering his head tightly, never showing a trace of hair, so he is always ridiculed for being bald, and fans have already agreed that he is a bald guy.

Unexpectedly, he took off his hat today, revealing his shiny black hair, and explained the latest rice mobile phone energetically.

The bullet screen was scrolling crazily, everyone was admiring his black hair, and no one paid attention to the phone at all.

"It was agreed to be bald until old age, but you secretly went to have hair transplanted", "Xiao Hei has hair!" are all barrages like this.

Zhang Jun sat up in an instant, and couldn't help touching the top of his head.

The daily work pressure is so great that he has been losing his hair for several years since he was just 30 years old. Last year, he lost all his hair on the top and became completely Mediterranean bald.

I had a few blind dates last year, and each time we had a good chat. As soon as I saw his bald photo or the real person, the girls became cold at the speed of light, and immediately disappeared.

This also made him feel a little inferior. He was a guy with good conditions, but he was always reluctant to let go in front of girls.

He even had the idea of ​​getting a hair transplant, and last week he took the time to search for hair transplant experience sharing posts on the Internet.

Now seeing the very familiar UP owner suddenly revealing his thick hair after wearing a hat for three years, how could he not be shocked.

He stopped watching the video and hurried to the comment area, and he found the answer.

"It turned out to be Sanqing Beauty's hair tonic!"

Zhang Jun muttered to himself, and immediately came to his senses, opened Sanqing's Maotao flagship store, and found the page for hair tonic.

The hair tonic has been officially launched, a bottle of 100ml, priced at 528.

It's not cheap, but if it works, it's worth it.

The speed of light browsed the details page, mainly to see the instructions for use and the course of treatment.

Generally, one bottle for hair loss can make the hair grow back, two or three bottles may be needed for baldness, and about five or six bottles are enough for severe baldness.

However, although the hair grows out, if the living habits do not change and the cause of hair loss remains, the hair loss will continue. To maintain the effect, you need to continue to use it.

To maintain the effect, the required dose is much less than the treatment, and one bottle per month is enough.

Fortunately, in the eyes of those who just need hair, the price of a few hundred yuan a month is really nothing to keep the hair thick.

Looking at the comments again, there are already more than 10,000 comments, all of which are positive, and there are hundreds of clear pictures for comparison.

He couldn't hold back any longer, and in agitated mood, he immediately ordered three bottles.

After placing the order, he flipped through the pictures carefully. He had a strong sense of substitution. He seemed to see his heroic appearance with fluttering hair, and couldn't help laughing.

I received the package the next night, and when I opened it, it was very beautifully packaged.

He opened the black jade-like bottle, poured some on the top of his smooth head, and poured some on the surrounding thin and soft hair. Feeling the refreshing feeling on the scalp, he smiled with satisfaction.

Soon, due to the relatively large amount he used every day, one bottle was quickly used up.

Visible to the naked eye, I saw a slight stubble growing on the top of my head, and I was immediately pleasantly surprised.

After the two bottles were used up, a half-centimeter-long new hair grew on the top of the head. It was black and shiny, and the hair around it was much thicker and thicker.

Zhang Jun screamed and danced happily in the bathroom, wishing he could run out for a blind date immediately.

When his mood stabilized, he fondled his hair fondly, and couldn't help but marvel at the miraculous effect of Sanqing Hair Tonic.

When he went to work the next day, he finally didn't have to wear a hat anymore.

When he arrived at the office, he looked around, overjoyed, and was about to show off his hair to a few colleagues.

Suddenly, he rubbed his eyes, and for a moment, he thought he was dazzled.

I saw that in the office, everyone had black and thick hair on top of their heads, and the scene of hats in the previous impression was no longer there.

Zhang Jun was stunned for a while before he realized that every colleague had secretly bought Sanqing Hair Tonic and used it.

He sat down with a smile, shook his head, lamented his dullness, stared at the computer in front of him again, and devoted himself to infinite work.

As Sanqing Hair Tonic continues to sell well, there are more and more people like Zhang Jun.

In the beginning, they didn't really believe in the news on the Internet. They always felt that it was too exaggerated.

I didn't really believe it until I saw the effect of my friends, colleagues or familiar people after using it, so I immediately placed an order to buy it.

Related products on the domestic market now are mainly two classes, one is the anti-hair loss shampoo, and the other is the products and instruments for treating hair loss such as hair growth liquid and hair growth comb.

Most of the anti-hair loss shampoos have no effect after use. At most, the hair will fall a little less, from one hundred to seventy or eighty per day. It can only be said that using it is better than not using it. leave.

As for the treatment of hair loss, the effect of using it is very metaphysical. It mainly plays a psychological role. After all, ordinary people will have new hair growing every day, and some people even have side effects after using it, scalp itching, rashes and the like. of.

Therefore, when Sanqing's hair tonic appeared, it immediately had the effect of reducing dimensionality, and the sales of all other competing products fell precipitously.

Manufacturers in the market suddenly complained, they didn't expect that a hunk would suddenly fall from the sky and blow up their own products.

The opponent is not only effective, but also not expensive, and is not an opponent at all.

After buying hair tonic, many customers saw the same series of shampoo and other care products, and bought a set to go back to use as a set.

This set of cleaning and care product line includes shampoo, conditioner, hair mask and other products, which are suitable for all hair types and are very streamlined.

Shampoo can be used by both men and women. The price is about 128 for 300ml, 228 for 700ml, and 368 for 1.5 liters.

Many people often buy large packages and use them at home.

Soon, Sanqing Hair Tonic took over half of the market, and its market share reached a terrifying 80%.

The peers either transformed one after another or went bankrupt directly.

Only some very cheap products are left, and some imported products are still on sale, but sales are also declining.

It is estimated that after a period of time, the market share of Sanqing Hair Tonic will exceed 90%, and it will completely occupy this market and become the product of choice for every hair loss person.

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