I can extract side effects

Chapter 106: The Prince's Confrontation with the Bald God

At this time, Sanqing Beauty is also continuing to push the hair tonic to overseas markets.

Since the sales of cosmetics in countries like the Eagle Country, especially hair tonics that are partial to pharmaceuticals, FDA registration and certification are required.

So the time to market will be later than in China.

As the domestic media rushed to report the miraculous effect of Sanqing Hair Tonic, the news spread overseas at the speed of light.

Overseas netizens couldn't sit still for a moment, and they rushed to buy this miraculous oriental hair tonic.

Due to their diet and living habits, foreign men have a very high prevalence of baldness, and royal family members in many countries are the hardest hit by baldness.

Moreover, hair transplant surgery in foreign countries is very expensive, which is not affordable for ordinary people.

Those who can save baldness with generous hair transplants are often rich people. For example, Mabuse, the richest man in the world, once had hair transplants.

This quickly led to a hot hair growth agent purchasing business, and the price has also risen, from 528 yuan to 528 US dollars, and the supply is still in short supply.

Countless overseas Chinese have contacted their relatives and friends in China to purchase on behalf of them, earning a lot of money.

This behavior led to the rapid out-of-stock of Sanqing Hair Tonic, and Sanqing Beauty Cosmetics had no choice but to limit the purchase, and each ID could only purchase three bottles.

It is exactly the same as the incident when foreign baby milk powder swept the domestic milk powder market and triggered a shopping frenzy.

However, this time it was replaced with a domestic product called Sanqing Hair Tonic.

Moreover, Huaxia people are obviously very qualified, and they didn't talk about the out-of-stock phenomenon. Instead, they felt very proud. They were happy to see their own domestic products sweeping overseas markets, reflecting the excellent quality of self-confidence and tolerance.


Europa, the capital city of the Bull Country.

The royal family of the Bull Kingdom suffered from the curse of baldness, a family cursed by the bald god.

Baldness is the most orthodox royal gene in the royal family.

In people's imagination, princes are tall, handsome, elegant and unrestrained, and they are the ultimate body of the dream lover of thousands of girls. However, in the Bull Country, the most advocating monarchy in the world, the hair loss gene has always enveloped the royal family. A prince from the bull country, no matter what his appearance is, must be bald.

Not only the royal family is like this, men in the entire bull country have a very high chance of hair loss. According to a survey, the adult males in the bull country have a baldness rate as high as 40%, and almost everyone is bald. Therefore, it is normal for the royal family to inherit the hair loss gene.

And the hair loss of the princes also proves a pessimistic fact. No matter how healthy your life is, how regular your diet is, and how rich your economy is, you still cannot escape the bad luck of hair loss. This is determined by genes and cannot be changed, and the prince is no exception. !

In order to get back their hair from the bald god, men have fought unyieldingly for thousands of years.

Men worldwide spend £2.7 billion a year on hair loss treatments. That's right, while men are spending a fortune on their hair, less than £200 million is spent on malaria control every year.

In the eyes of men, baldness is more than ten times more terrifying than malaria!

Therefore, from the bald princes to the celebrities with hair loss in the Bull Country, all of them cannot do without hair transplant surgery. They have spent a lot of money in private clinics, spending huge sums of money to reshape their hair, intending to restore their peak appearance.

Among these people, there are famous sports players, well-known singers, and celebrities in politics. Football has become a hair transplant meeting for friends. Almost the entire national team and coaches have had hair transplants. .

Although these celebrities are not short of money, and the hair transplant effect looks good, but limited to the level of hair transplant in the world today, there are still various problems and shortcomings in hair transplant surgery, among which sustainability is the biggest problem, often after one or two years of hair transplant. Lost.

Another thing is that if there are too many bald areas, it is difficult for the hair transplant to be successful. The prince of the Bull Kingdom regrettably missed the hair transplant surgery for this reason.

However, now their chance has come.

When the miracle of the Sanqing Hair Tonic spread to the Bull Country, the eldest prince couldn't bear it for a moment, and immediately contacted the relevant personnel to urgently purchase a batch of hair tonic and return home.

At this very moment, the eldest prince received this super human flesh delivery at Beckenham Palace.

The eldest prince excitedly took out a bottle of Sanqing Hair Tonic, while his beloved son George Jr. was sitting on the carpet, looking curiously at the small black bottle in his hand.

He was surrounded by the eldest princess, the second prince and the old prince, rubbing their hands excitedly.

The eldest prince rushed into the bathroom quickly, and covered the top of his head with a thick layer of hair growth serum in front of the large gilded mirror.

The liquid, although black, absorbed quickly without leaving any traces, which pleased him.

Every day that followed, the eldest prince would smear the hair tonic all over his head with a sacred expression, and then prayed for a miracle to come.

God, please kiss the top of my head and let a miracle happen.

This family, and even the entire country, desperately need a man who is not bald.

The eldest prince was also a handsome young man. When he was still young, he was the dream lover of girls all over the country, and also the Prince Charming in the heart of the eldest princess.

It's a pity that before the age of 30, the bald gene shows its strength. When the eldest prince appears in front of the public every year, his hairline will disappear a bit. When Prince George arrives, the top hat can't hide his baldness.

Moreover, his younger brother, his father, his uncle, his grandfather, and his hairline are all firmly controlled by Bald God.

Every family dinner, the queen and princess are surrounded by a circle of bald men. Even at night, even if all the lights in Beckenham Palace are turned off, the queen can still see the bright moonlight reflected from the heads of her sons and grandchildren. , every corner of her heart was illuminated by this diffuse moonlight.

Half a month later, the eldest prince looked at himself in the mirror, and was too stunned to speak.

The top of his head has grown like the fertile soil in spring, with a piece of green and soft buds.

God, you still care about me after all.

The eldest prince fell to his knees piously, and after praying, tears were streaming down his face.

He immediately rushed into the resplendent hall, and his loud voice resounded throughout the empty floors.

"Father, brother, wife, son, where are you? Come and see my hair!"

The family who heard the news looked at the new hair growing on his head, and all shed tears of excitement.

The princess even hugged Prince George, and was so moved that tears filled her eyes: "Dear little George, don't worry, mom, your hair will disappear."

The old prince and the second prince saw that the effect of the eldest prince was so outstanding, they eagerly took out a few bottles of hair tonic, rushed into the bathroom, and started to apply it.

A month later, audiences across the country, no, the world, were stunned when the entire Bull King family attended the ceremony.

Are these three handsome middle-aged and old men with thick hair still the three bald princes in our impression?

The bald men in the bull country instantly boiled over.

The rich and famous immediately asked the royal family for the secret of defeating the bald god.

Soon, Sanqing Hair Tonic became very popular.

It is said that God once gave men in the Bull Country two choices, the hairline or the World Cup. The Bull Country gritted its teeth and stomped its feet. No matter how big the World Cup is, it can’t hold my hair. I want a hairline.

Men in the Bull Country should be grateful for the timely appearance of Sanqing Hair Tonic, they finally don’t have to trade the only World Cup for their hairline.

After Sanqing Hair Tonic Essence passed the FDA certification of Eagle Country and the certifications of other countries, and entered the markets of various countries.

In the afternoon of Foggy City, the sun is warm and soft, and there is still a thin mist floating in front of Big Ben.

Two bull country gentlemen, Edward and David met in a coffee shop for afternoon tea.

They met, shook hands, greeted each other, then sat down, looked at each other for a while, and smiled at the same time.

Then, the two took off their hats together, and the top of their heads no longer reflected the afternoon sun, but was glowing with a golden brown luster, thick and extremely dense, like, like the thickest fog in the morning.

Thank you for the 100 tip from Yi Ming.

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