I can extract side effects

Chapter 130 Another Strategic Material

A group of people came to another laboratory, where a few mice were locked in a cage in the corner.

Under Wei Kang's signal, the researchers introduced in detail.

"These five mice were just injected with a new type of painkiller five minutes ago, and it should have taken effect now. The mice should have temporarily lost their sense of pain. Let us verify how effective the drug is."

The researcher took out a mouse, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, he raised a knife and cut off a section of its tail.

The expected squeak didn't come, and the mouse remained indifferent and didn't react at all, as if it hadn't been cut off its tail, but just lost a few hairs.

Du Cheng opened his eyes wide and observed the mouse carefully, amazed.

The mouse that lost its tail was simply bandaged, put back into the cage, walked to the food bowl as if nothing had happened, and ate with relish.

The visitors were amazed at the scene in front of them. At this time, the researchers handed over several phase III clinical trial reports.

"This painkiller has reached the third phase of clinical trials. If everything goes well, it will soon be approved for marketing."

"This is a new type of non-opioid painkiller, which can block a certain ion channel in neurons involved in the transmission of painful stimuli. It has high safety, strong analgesic ability, no sedative effect, and no addiction."

Du Cheng's eyes lit up, he reached out to take the Phase III clinical trial report, and read it carefully.

Several other people also showed expressions of interest, flipping through the report very seriously.

Painkillers are a very old and huge market, which originated from ancient opioids, and drugs such as morphine extracted from them, have been widely used in people's lives until now.

As the world ages, more and more people will be affected by chronic pain. In addition, the increase in surgical and oral operations in recent years has also promoted the demand for painkillers, and people's demand for painkillers is increasing day by day.

The global pain medication market size is valued at USD 71 billion and is expected to grow to USD 92 billion over the next five years.

At present, opioid painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) occupy the mainstream position in painkillers, among which opioid painkillers occupy the mainstream in overseas markets, while the latter leads in other regions.

China's painkiller market is relatively small, currently about $530 million, and most of it is used for surgical pain relief. There is a big gap with developed countries in this aspect, but with the rapid increase in the incidence of aging and cancer, chronic pain relief drugs led by opioids are gradually occupying the domestic pharmaceutical market.

Pain can be divided into acute pain and chronic pain. Acute pain includes trauma and postoperative pain. Chronic pain involves a variety of diseases, including neuropathic pain (neuralgia, migraine, diabetic neuralgia, etc.); nociceptive pain ( Osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis), organ-related pain (visceral-related pain, pancreatitis, etc.), mixed pain (low back pain, cancer pain, fibromyalgia, etc.), etc.

According to statistics, the global incidence of pain is about 20%, half of which comes from chronic pain.

Opioids mainly achieve the purpose of analgesia by inhibiting the pain center, and have strong analgesic effects. They are often used for acute and postoperative pain, pain caused by cancer, and moderate to severe chronic pain.

Opioids have no ceiling effect and can increase the analgesic effect by increasing the dose, but long-term use can lead to addiction. Common drugs include morphine, oxycodone, fentanyl, and tramadol.

Drug addiction caused by the abuse of such painkillers in overseas countries has always been a very difficult social problem.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs achieve analgesic effect by inhibiting the synthesis of inflammation-related pain-causing substances. Suitable for pain caused by inflammation, postoperative pain.

This type of analgesic is non-addictive, but the analgesic effect is weak and has a ceiling effect, that is, after the drug dose reaches a certain level, increasing the dose will not enhance the analgesic effect, but will only increase the pain, including gastrointestinal bleeding, myocardial infarction, etc. and various side effects of stroke. Commonly used aspirin, ibuprofen, etc. all belong to this category.

Opioids are on the wane as companies producing various opioids withdraw their products and stop promoting them due to the growing problem of opioid abuse.

The analgesic effect of NSAIDs is too weak to be satisfactory.

Therefore, major pharmaceutical companies have set their sights on the research and development of other types of painkillers, and they are extremely eager to discover a new type of powerful painkiller.

However, non-addictive, non-sedating strong painkillers are still just a dream. Until now, the most effective painkillers are still opiates that have existed since the Stone Age.

Opiates are not only the best-selling painkillers in the world, but also the highest-selling drugs among all drugs every year. Every year, hundreds of millions of prescriptions are prescribed for this kind of painkillers to relieve people's severe pain. .

However, with the development of science and technology, in the past 20 years, major pharmaceutical companies have been inspired by patients with congenital painlessness and discovered a channel that controls the entry of sodium ions into sensory neurons. Stimulus insensitivity quickly made neuronal pain-relieving pathways a potential analgesic target.

Sanqing's painkiller is a new type of drug that can act on the analgesic pathway, which can suppress any degree of pain, which is equivalent to temporarily cutting off the pain transmission between neuron networks, so that people cannot feel pain.

After taking it, people can perfectly experience the feeling of congenital painlessness.

Pain-free sounds great, but in reality, it's a scary thing to do on a day-to-day basis.

Pain can help people avoid injuries, such as putting their hands in boiling water or smashing their heads on their legs.

In developing countries, people who are so incapable of feeling pain often die very young. In developed countries, they live to adulthood if their families have the resources to monitor them 24 hours a day to ensure they are not injured.

Fortunately, painkillers only make people temporarily lose their pain sensation, which is a dream for patients who suffer from long-term pain.

Pain is one of the most common human afflictions and a symptom experienced by everyone.

Sanqing, a new type of painkiller, can provide a more reliable and safer treatment plan than other painkillers, which will be good news for everyone.

"Great! These clinical trial data are simply amazing." Du Cheng couldn't help but be overwhelmed.

"The drug Sanqing has a good performance in the treatment of more than ten kinds of pain such as neuropathic migraine, rheumatoid arthritis pain, chronic cancer pain, etc. It can greatly relieve the pain of patients, and is durable It was well tolerated and had no obvious adverse reactions."

"This is exactly what our soldiers need. In terms of battlefield treatment, not only hemostasis is very important, but pain relief is also an essential part."

Du Cheng closed the test report and said to Wei Kang excitedly: "I believe that the hemostatic spray and painkillers can not only become special medicines for the army, but also important strategic materials."

"Mr. Wei, please register the military approval for painkillers as soon as possible, and submit the clinical data. We will expedite the approval. We will continue to discuss the specific requirements in the afternoon."

Wei Kang nodded with a smile. This result was within his expectations. Sanqing released two special military medicines at once, which is a good thing no matter how you look at it.

I just don't know what this so-called strategic material means, and what impact will it have?

After all, painkillers are a gold molecule worth tens of billions of dollars.

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