I can extract side effects

Chapter 131 Ten Billion Dollar Molecule

Du Cheng and his party came here in high spirits and returned satisfied.

Wei Kang stretched himself. After a day of talks, he also felt a little tired.

However, things went smoothly. Not only were the two drugs favored by the military and became strategic reserve materials, but they also reached a preliminary strategic cooperation intention with them, which can be regarded as fruitful.

The next step is to improve the hemostatic spray and painkillers according to their requirements, and divide them into military and civilian versions with different efficacy.

The hemostatic spray is relatively simple, but for painkillers, several versions have to be made according to different concentrations and different preparations.

Painkillers are generally administered in three ways: intramuscular injection, subcutaneous injection and oral administration. The easiest and most convenient way is naturally oral administration.

But in this case, there are strict requirements on concentration, sustained release degree, onset time, metabolism in the body, etc.

The injection method is generally used in surgical operations and first aid, and the pursuit of high efficiency and speed.

After the third clinical phase is completely completed, it will be able to pass the approval and officially go on the market.

Due to the addictive nature of painkillers, the drug administrations of various countries are very strict and cautious in this aspect. It is likely that they will continue to conduct phase IV clinical trials after listing to examine the effects and side effects of long-term use.

However, Weikang is confident that Sanqing, a new type of painkiller, will definitely replace the clinical status of opioid painkillers as long as it does not have the fatal flaw of addiction.

After all, who would use those opioid painkillers when there are painkillers with fewer side effects and no dependence.

The only thing that may affect the sales of this drug is the cost.

If the cost is too high and many patients cannot afford it, they will still choose those opioid painkillers.

Fortunately, in China, if it is included in the medical insurance reimbursement list, at least there is a centralized medical insurance procurement, which can reduce the price.

In foreign countries, it is difficult to say, because the painkiller market is very mature now, daily painkillers are very cheap, even addictive painkillers are not expensive.

If a new drug does not have a slight cost advantage, it will inevitably affect its sales and market.

You know, painkillers are a market worth nearly 100 billion yuan.

However, a painkiller with good efficacy and few side effects can become a pharmaceutical company's flagship product and remain evergreen.

Pfizer's Pregabalin (Lyrica) was once the world's best-selling painkiller, with annual sales of US$6 billion, of which US$3.5 billion was sold in the Eagle Country market. One of the top ten medical advances".

This ace painkiller is broadly indicated for its antiepileptic, analgesic and anxiolytic activities, as well as for a variety of neuropathic pain conditions.

But it later discovered that the side effects were extremely terrible and could lead to serious drug addiction. This side effect caused the death of as many as 33 patients in Northern Ireland in 18 years.

Studies have confirmed that pregabalin will double the suicidal thoughts and behaviors of patients. Many patients who take pregabalin for pain relief obviously feel the side effects after taking the medicine. Suicidal thoughts arise.

A considerable number of people said, "I seem to be addicted to it, and I can't do without it. The more I eat, the more I eat, the more I eat more frequently, resulting in a phenomenon of repeated long-term, compulsive and non-treatment continuous drug use regardless of the consequences."

The number of deaths related to this prescription drug has been increasing year by year. Later, Bull Country directly listed this drug as a Class C controlled drug.

Most opioid painkillers cannot escape the fate of addiction, because after ingestion, in addition to pain relief, the human body will also produce strong pleasure and pleasure. The more you ingest, the stronger the pleasure. This process will greatly damage neuronal tissue.

After long-term use, the nerves in the human brain have been damaged, and only by relying on large doses of drugs can they maintain normal. If you stop using it, you will have a strong withdrawal reaction, and your nerves will become extremely sensitive. Even if you lie still, you can feel the pain of being bitten by thousands of ants in every inch of your body.

This is why Sanqing, the painkiller, has been valued.

Wei Kang is very confident that his painkiller directly blocks the transmission pathway of pain sensation in the nervous system, but it will not produce dopamine, and it will not make the patient feel any pleasure, so it will not cause dependence.

When the pain disappears, you can just stop the medicine, and it will not stimulate the nervous system, which is very safe and effective.

Since there is no pleasure, neither patients nor normal people will become addicted. After all, no one wants to suddenly lose the sense of pain, and then be injured by various accidents in daily life.

It can even be used to help addicts with the withdrawal reaction, eliminating the pain they feel after stopping the drug.

In short, it has wide application and great prospects, and it can become the third blockbuster product of Sanqing after anti-cancer drugs and anti-senile dementia drugs.

Moreover, if we improve the preparation and crystal form, we might not be able to snatch the market of moderate to mild analgesics such as ibuprofen and aspirin.

It is conservatively estimated that it is not a problem to reach the sales volume of pregabalin of 6 billion US dollars. If other uses are developed, the annual sales volume of over 10 billion is just around the corner.

Wei Kang chuckled, as if a gleaming golden mountain appeared in front of his eyes.


Kunming, First People's Hospital.

Zhang Chunhua is a retired chief doctor and honorary professor of Haishi Medical University.

He had recently had surgery and is recovering in the hospital.

Lying on the hospital bed, he felt pain all over his body, and felt that every piece of flesh was being cut severely with a knife.

I can only take one tablet of tramadol every day to relieve pain, but the effect is not particularly good, it can only relieve the pain slightly, and it only lasts for a few hours.

He also didn't dare to take painkillers such as morphine, for fear that he would become dependent and lead to addiction.

Even tramadol is addictive to a certain extent, he can only take one, and after the effect of the medicine wears off, no matter how painful it is, he can only bear it.

Especially at night, he often groans in pain, can't sleep at all, and his mental state is extremely poor.

After finally staying up for half the night, I was so sleepy that I could only sleep for two or three hours.

At this moment, he clutched the quilt with both hands, gritted his teeth and endured it, sweat beaded on his forehead.

The young doctor who came to make the ward round couldn't bear it any longer, and persuaded him, "Director, why don't you give me an injection? It's too uncomfortable for you. You need to rest after the operation, and it's not conducive to your recovery if you stiffen like this. "

This doctor was Zhang Chunhua's former subordinate. When he was an intern in the department, he was taken by Lao Zhang. Even after Lao Zhang retired, he still respectfully called him the director.

"No! This kind of thing can't be used casually, I can hold back." Zhang Chunhua gritted his teeth and said tremblingly.

The young doctor couldn't help shaking his head, he knew his old boss's stubbornness, pondered for a while, and then said: "Director, how about this, recently the hospital has a new type of painkiller from Sanqing in the third phase of clinical trials, I see the effect It's not bad, and it's not an opioid nerve pain reliever, so it won't cause dependence. Would you like to try it?"

Clinical trials?

Zhang Chunhua was in a trance for a while. He used to give patients clinical trial medicines, but now it's his turn to try medicines?

However, the word Sanqing moved him. Thinking of the reputation of Sanqing Pharmaceutical, he held back the pain and squeezed out two words from his jaw: "Try! Try!"

The young doctor nodded: "Okay, don't worry, I read the data of other patients, the pain is reduced quickly, and the side effects are very small, such as nausea, drowsiness, and weakness. These adverse reactions are not good for your body. What will happen."

Zhang Chunhua hummed a few times, groaned, and could no longer speak.

At this moment, he can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor. As long as he is not addictive and can relieve pain, he wants to try it.

A few adverse reactions are nothing, can it be more uncomfortable than the pain of cutting his flesh with a blunt knife?

The young doctor quickly brought a tablet, poured a glass of water, and placed it in front of him.

Zhang Chunhua couldn't help being stunned: "Why is it an oral medicine? Not an injection? Can the pain relief effect be good?"

But he is in too much pain now, so he can only hope for the brand effect of Sanqing.

I hope that the products of big companies can have some effect. If it doesn’t work, I will use my spare heat to contribute to medical experiments.

Stretching out his trembling right hand, he picked up the pill from the plate, swallowed it in one gulp, and then drank water.

The young doctor put the water glass aside and took out a clinical drug trial document.

"Director, let's go down the process. I'll ask you an answer. Fill out this form and sign it."

Zhang Chunhua nodded, he was very familiar with these things, but this time it seemed to be reversed, he became a drug tester, no longer a doctor who gave medicine.

So, the two asked and answered, filled in some basic information, and Zhang Chunhua signed again, and this was the end.

Suddenly, the young doctor asked: "Director, do you feel better? It seems that I haven't heard your groan for a while."

Zhang Chunhua was taken aback for a moment, he looked at his hands, his clenched fists had been stretched out, his legs were no longer curled up, but stretched out, even the most painful back pain disappeared, unknowingly He had returned to his normal sitting position.

He touched his face, but he still had a sense of touch, indicating that the nerves were not paralyzed.

Just no pain.

"Fuck!" Zhang Chunhua couldn't help but swear: "This is not right, how come it works so fast, it only took a few minutes?"

It took about five minutes from the time he drank the medicine to the time he filled out the form.

Has his pain of cutting flesh with an electric knife completely disappeared?

Even a shot of morphine doesn't work so fast!

This is so outrageous.

There is another chapter in the evening. I changed my job recently, so I should be able to update it twice a day.

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