I can extract side effects

Chapter 132 Withdrawal Response Buster

The young doctor was startled: "Director, what's wrong? What's wrong with you?"

Zhang Chunhua waved his hand: "Don't be nervous, I don't feel uncomfortable, but I feel good. I don't feel any pain at all now, and I don't have any other abnormal sensations. I am very awake, but I don't feel any pain."

The young doctor was pleasantly surprised: "Director, what did you say? It doesn't hurt anymore? It's great."

However, Zhang Chunhua was deep in thought at the moment, and had no time to reply: "Oral medicines are usually absorbed through the stomach and intestines, and it usually takes half an hour to take effect, but this medicine is actually faster and more effective than intravenous painkillers. What kind of medicine is this?"

"Also, we have to see how long the effect lasts? What if it's only a few hours? If it's too short, the effect will be limited."

"No, let's find out sooner."

His heart felt like a hundred claws scratching his heart, and his whole body was itchy and uncomfortable. The pain disappeared, but the itch in his body started to rise.

"By the way, do you have the instructions for this painkiller? I want to see its mechanism of action. How can it have such a good effect?"

The young doctor nodded: "I've read the drug instructions, and the effect is mainly achieved by blocking the pain transmission channel of the nervous system."

Zhang Chunhua exclaimed: "Is it like a patient with congenital painlessness?"

"That's right, they found a new pain transmission channel, and then developed this painkiller according to the target. It will only block the pain and will not produce pleasure, so there will be no dependence."

Zhang Chunhua sighed: "The technology in China is now advanced, and new drugs are released every day. I feel that I can't keep up with the speed of development."

The young doctor smiled and said: "That is, the main three Qings are really powerful, and they can continuously develop new drugs. This is not only good for patients, but also good for our doctors."

"Yeah, back then, how could there be so many good medicines? Hey, I'm getting old."

Zhang Chunhua shook his head and sighed again and again, falling into the memories of the past.

The young doctor smiled and left quietly, so that he could rest quietly and recover soon.

Until the evening, Zhang Chunhua did not feel any pain.

It was rare for him to have a good night's sleep, and when he slept until dawn, he woke up to find that his body began to ache.

However, he didn't care about the pain at this time, because he would have to take the medicine again soon.

The effect of this painkiller can last an amazing 20+ hours, the slow release effect is simply amazing.

And the effect has not decayed, no less effective than those opioid nerve painkillers.

In terms of adverse reactions, because he went to bed earlier, he didn't feel much.

He was overjoyed immediately, knowing that he no longer had to worry about pain.

Time passed quickly, and a week later, he was almost recovered from the operation, with only some intermittent mild pain, which was probably similar to back pain after strenuous exercise, and he could bear it without taking medicine.

He is off pain medication and feels no discomfort.

This means that the drug is not addictive.

That advantage is too prominent.

With its efficacy and safety, it beats those nerve anesthesia painkillers.

Zhang Chunhua leaned on the bed and asked carefully: "By the way, has my inspection report come out? Will it affect my condition?"

The young doctor seems to have returned to the time when Lao Zhang was the director.

"Congratulations to the director, the report came out, and the blood test and MRI scan showed nothing wrong. There was no damage to the internal organs or brain, and your surgical site has recovered very well."

Zhang Chunhua laughed happily: "Haha, it seems that this painkiller is really good, and it should be promoted well to benefit the patients. I will have a lecture at Haishi Medical University in two weeks, and I must publicize it well. this matter."

How many patients are suffering from the pain of the disease, the pain is unbearable, but they cannot use opioid painkillers because they are worried about addiction.

Especially in China, the vigilance of drugs in this area is very high, and the management is very strict. All related drugs are controlled products.

As a result, many patients can only tolerate it forcibly, or use very small doses.

It's not nearly enough to solve their pain problems.

If there is a painkiller with strong and rapid pain relief, no toxic side effects, and no dependence, it will be a boon for many patients.

Now, when Sanqing's new painkiller comes out, it can finally completely solve the pain problem.

Those patients who are dying of pain can at least get a good night's sleep.

After Zhang Chunhua was discharged from the hospital, he continued to collect the clinical data of this drug, and was surprised to find that this painkiller was even better than he had imagined.

No matter what kind of pain, the medicine can relieve the pain, and the patient has not developed addiction after taking it for a month.

After stopping the drug, after a week of continuous observation, there was no dependence.

Of course, in this process, as the patient's condition improves, the pain will also decrease, and doctors need to reduce the use of painkillers according to the actual situation of the patient.

Every patient who has used this medicine is full of praise.

Zhang Chunhua understands the feelings of patients and hopes that this drug can benefit more patients.

He decided to promote the drug well in the medical circle, and at the same time, write a clinical research paper based on the collected data, so that after it is published, more people can see the real effect.

So, while writing his thesis, he went to Haishi Medical University to give lectures.

In this way, Sanqing's painkiller has already gained a reputation and gained popularity in the circle before it was launched on the market.

Generally speaking, most doctors focus on prudence in medication, and they feel a little bit of a shadow of a snake against the problem of addiction to painkillers. Therefore, when the market is mature and there are abundant drugs to choose from, they will not take risks. .

Especially for newly marketed drugs, which have not yet undergone long-term clinical trials, doctors are very afraid of potential adverse reactions that may cause damage to patients.

After all, painkillers are not as life-threatening as anticancer drugs, and doctors will be more conservative in their medication and will not be aggressive.

If the patient does not use the anti-cancer drugs, he will die. If the painkillers are not used, the patient can use other methods, which will not be life-threatening anyway.

Therefore, a new painkiller can have a good reputation in the doctor circle, and it is still very effective in promoting sales.

After all, it is the doctor who prescribes medicine to the patient, and which medicine from which pharmaceutical factory the patient uses is a matter of the doctor's thought.

Otherwise, there would be no such profession as a medical representative with extreme reputation.


Shangdu City, Outpatient Clinic of Drug Maintenance Treatment Center of Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

In the outpatient department, a huge iron fence divides the entire room into two halves, and there is a medical staff wearing a mask and a white coat sitting inside.

Dou Jian wore sunglasses and a hat, covering himself tightly, as if he was afraid that others would see his true face, and hurried in.

He came to the iron fence, reported a series of numbers, and then handed over 10 yuan through the gap between the stainless steel bars.

The staff took the money, typed a string of words on the computer keyboard, and then poured out a cup of reddish liquid from an instrument shaped like a bucket of pure water, but only half the size, and handed it to him.

The liquid was contained in a disposable cup, which was about half full. Dou Jian took the liquid and drank it down without saying a word.

Afterwards, he took the cup and took a cup of water from the water dispenser outside the iron fence, and drank it again in one gulp.

After throwing away the cup, he opened his mouth towards the staff to signal that the liquid had been swallowed.

The staff nodded, and he just turned around and left, the whole process took no more than 5 minutes.

Scenes like this happen every day in Dou Jian's life.

On the surface, he wakes up in the morning and goes to bed late every day, busy and busy, no different from ordinary people.

However, every day he needs to go to a fixed place, just to take a sip of the potion.

This place is the Drug Maintenance Center Outpatient Department.

That reddish liquid is methadone.

The potion is only 20ml.

Everyone is required to swallow it and drink a glass of water to prove themselves.

In order to prevent some people from collecting methadone and reselling it to others.

Here is the legendary methadone clinic.

Only here, Dou Jian will remember that he was once a drug addict.

Methadone is a drug that has analgesic properties similar to morphine. In the early 1960s, it was discovered that it has the medicinal effect of treating conch seal detoxification and replacing maintenance therapy.

Methadone maintenance treatment is not "drug detoxification" in the traditional sense, nor is it "substituting a small drug for a big drug", but a new type of treatment for addicts. The purpose of preventing and alleviating the withdrawal reaction is achieved by regularly providing a limited amount of methadone for maintenance.

The advantage of methadone maintenance therapy is that the withdrawal symptoms of drug addicts are mild, painless, and have few side effects.

There are similar methadone clinics in many cities across the country, and the three clinics in the entire commercial city have treated more than 2,000 people.

Dou Jian has been treated here for 2 years, and now he has returned to his normal appearance. He is 1.8 meters tall, weighs 80 kg, has a ruddy complexion, and seems to be improving.

Today, he had breakfast, took a walk, and after doing some simple exercises, he finally arrived at the outpatient department at nine o'clock.

However, after he handed in another 10 yuan.

The staff did not touch the pure water bucket, but took out a yellow soft capsule from the drawer, put it in a cup and handed it to him.

"This is a new type of drug that has a good analgesic effect on withdrawal reactions. You can eat this today, just like before, bite and swallow, then drink a glass of water, and open your mouth to say something to me."

Dou Jian was puzzled, but he didn't say much, and he didn't ask why.

He took the cup and hesitated for a while. The yellow capsule was soft and seemed to be filled with liquid. It was as big as half a thumb. If you swallowed it directly, it would definitely get stuck in your throat.

Putting it in the mouth, the teeth cracked with a slight bite, and a sweet liquid flowed down the throat in an instant.

Then I swallowed the capsule again, took a glass of water and drank it, and it was the same as before.

He opened his mouth and said thank you.

The staff nodded in satisfaction, turned to look at the computer, and ignored him.

Dou Jian turned and left, still thinking about it.

Why did you suddenly change the medicine?

Will it affect me in any way?

Although I have quit for two years, if I stop taking methadone, there will still be some adverse reactions.

Once when he went on a trip, he couldn't find a methadone clinic in the local area, so he stopped taking the medicine for a day.

As a result, on the train back, I had constant headaches, dizziness, nausea, and sweating.

It wasn't until the next day that I took the medicine again that it returned to normal.

Dizziness, nausea, and sweating are not serious reactions. Only the headache makes him very uncomfortable, which will seriously affect daily life.

The feeling that there is an electric drill in his head is drilling hard, it just drives him crazy.

If the headache has been splitting, it is hard to say whether he can persist.

I hope that the medicine I changed today will not give me a headache again.

He comforted himself like this, and went home anxiously.

Because of the impact of this incident, he has never had a family, and lives alone in a two-bedroom house, leading a self-disciplined home life.

Time flies, and before you know it, one day has passed.

Before going to bed at night, Dou Jian lay on the bed, dazed.

I didn't feel any discomfort all day today. I don't know what kind of medicine it is, but it has the same effect as methadone.

It seems that I have to take this medicine all the time, I hope it will not be addictive.

While he was curious, he felt a trace of uneasiness at the same time.

In this way, I fell asleep until dawn with my head full of cranky thoughts.

When he came to the outpatient department on time and handed over 10 yuan, he hesitated for a while, but decided to ask.

"What is this new drug? Is it the same as methadone? Will it become addictive?"

Facing his three consecutive questions, the staff smiled and explained.

"This is a new type of painkiller that can effectively relieve the pain after methadone withdrawal. You have stopped taking methadone now, so you need to take this drug. After half a month, you can take the medicine again the next day to see the effect. how."

"However, the therapeutic effect of this drug on withdrawal reactions is still under study, so I can't buy it for the time being, so I can only come here to take it. I hope you can get better soon."

Dou Jian instantly felt a tinge of warmth. Although the staff member didn't speak much at ordinary times, he was still kind and explained clearly.

He nodded to show that he understood, and without asking any further questions, he turned and went out.

After taking it like this for a month, one day, the staff suddenly told him that he was going to stop taking the medicine, so he stopped taking the medicine today to see how it works.

Dou Jian was a little worried, but he went home anyway, nervously waiting for the withdrawal reaction to come.

However, everything was as usual, no different from the past after taking the medicine.

When he woke up in the morning, he suddenly became dazed.

I didn't even take any medicine yesterday, and I slept normally until I woke up naturally.

This should be a real normal person.

"It's been a long time," he said silently in his heart, "I haven't had this kind of life for five years."

He quickly came to the outpatient department, feeling a little excited, and poured out all the problems in one breath.

"I didn't feel any pain or adverse reactions yesterday. Does this mean that I'm completely healed and I don't need to take any more medicine?"

The staff member had a surprised expression on his face. He typed quickly on the computer, and after recording it, he nodded and said.

"That's right, you don't need to take medicine from now on, unless you feel unwell again, you can come over and continue to take it then."

A smile finally appeared on Dou Jian's face. He nodded emphatically, and thousands of words converged into one sentence: "Thank you! Goodbye!"

Walking out the door, he raised his head, looked at the bustling crowd of people in front of him, and slowly took a breath of sweet air.

This is the taste of freedom, and it is also the taste of normality.

Suddenly, he took off his sunglasses and hat and threw them into the trash can beside him.

Immediately, he strode towards home with great strides.

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