I can extract side effects

Chapter 179 SMA Drug Price Announcement, National Alliance of Rare Disease Patients

During this period, the Phase III clinical trial of SMA gene medicine has been steadily advancing.

The experimental report finally came out. Since it is an orphan drug and a breakthrough medical achievement in China, the Food and Drug Administration has given great cooperation and support and opened a green and fast approval channel.

After the price was determined, Sanqing also negotiated with the medical insurance fund to include this SMA gene drug in the medical insurance catalogue.

Innovative drugs are generally negotiated by individual pharmaceutical companies with the medical insurance company to decide whether to enter the medical insurance system. This kind of negotiation is mainly to reduce the price and exchange the price with the quantity. There is usually no centralized procurement of innovative drugs, and centralized procurement is only for generic drugs.

There is a big difference between medical insurance negotiation and centralized procurement. Centralized procurement is to force hospitals to use winning products.

The negotiation of innovative drugs only decides whether to enter the medical insurance, and does not stipulate what products doctors use. The purpose of entering the medical insurance is only to reduce the out-of-pocket part of patients and increase the popularity.

The price line for drugs to enter the medical insurance has always been stuck at 300,000 years, and drugs that exceed this cost are exempt from discussion. Sanqing’s genetic drug is just stuck in the line.

Coupled with the support policies for orphan drugs in various places, the proportion of patients' self-payment will be correspondingly higher.

Subsequently, Sanqing announced the price of the SMA gene drug, which instantly caused an uproar across the Internet.

When I heard that the domestic drug price is only 300,000 yuan, after entering the medical insurance, patients only need to pay more than 100,000 yuan to be completely cured.

Many family members of patients were moved to tears.

Netizens were also overwhelmed by the comparison of imported medicines with sky-high prices.

"14 million VS 300,000, I have nothing to say."

"What is socialism! This is it!"

"Moreover, Sanqing also has a charitable drug donation channel, which is dedicated to caring for poor patients. Mr. Wei is worthy of being a people's entrepreneur."

"With Sanqing here, I am no longer afraid of looking down on doctors and medicines."

"This price is already affordable for many families. It is not too friendly compared to imported medicines that cost millions. To be honest, I am worried that Wei is always selling medicines at a loss."

"Sanqing has always been a conscientious pharmaceutical company, so I have nothing to say. I am going to support a wave of Sanqing's products."

"Sanqing has developed orphan drugs one after another. It seems that they want to show their power in the field of rare diseases. The patients with genetic diseases are finally saved. It is a great merit!"

"Before, some idiots on the Internet said that individuals with genetic defects and genetic diseases should be prohibited from having children and should be legislated. Ahhhhhh, look at me if I don't slap his stinky face."

"It's not rough, it's better for people with genetic defects to have a check-up before giving birth. Giving birth to a sick child can save hundreds of thousands of treatment costs, which is also a good thing.”

"Hey, let's be a person upstairs, according to what you say, people who are sick don't have the right to reproduce?"

"It's true that standing and talking doesn't hurt your back. Those with genetic diseases deserve to be extinct? It's simply unreasonable."

"Hehe, don't pay attention to this kind of idiot. Sanqing has already made a choice with actions and is constantly developing genetic medicine."

In foreign countries, Western netizens were speechless after hearing the expensive price of 300,000 US dollars.

The price is too high for them.

Although much cheaper than the $2 million drug, it is still out of reach for most people.

Even with insurance, out-of-pocket expenses are expensive.

And not everyone has expensive health insurance.

That damned Chinese man, Wei Kang, can create miracles every time, constantly overcome medical terminal illnesses, and save countless patients and families.

But why is he so unfriendly to the people of overseas countries?

Why do patients in Western countries have to endure such expensive medicines.

Anti-cancer drugs, specific drugs for Alzheimer's disease, this time it is SMA gene drugs.

Every life-saving medicine is so expensive, this sickle for harvesting the sick is as painful as the sickle of death.

Western netizens loved and hated Wei Kang on the Internet.

"Fake, this damned Chinese, is simply more capitalist than a capitalist."

"Why isn't he from Eagle Country, so that the price gap with Huaxia won't be so big."

"You should be glad he's not from Eagle Country, otherwise the drug would have sold for $3 million instead of $300,000."

"God, at least he made both Novartis and Roche cut their prices, didn't he? You know, Novartis' SMA gene drug costs $2 million."

"Shit, my newborn daughter has this disease, it looks like I'm going to take her to Huaxia for treatment."

"Good idea. I just came back from Huaxia last year. The level of medical treatment there is quite good, not worse than Eagle Country, and the price is cheap. The price of Sanqing's medicine is also very low there. By the way, you can also travel. Huaxia is also a beautiful place. All in all, it is worth visiting, and I highly recommend it!"

"Thank you for the suggestion above. God bless you. I used to go to Tianzhu to see a doctor, but they don't have the medicine for Sanqing. I think it's better to go to Huaxia."

Some family members of SMA patients who couldn't wait, after some difficult considerations, resolutely embarked on a journey to China for medical treatment.

As expected, the stock prices of Novartis, Biogen, and Roche fell by the limit again.

The CEOs of the three companies announced a new round of price cut notices with a livid face.

So far, the SMA genetic drug market has shown a situation where the top four are competing for supremacy, and the prices have all dropped to the range of US$300,000-500,000.

As a result, Sanqing won the title of "sky-high price medicine harvester".

No matter how proud and stubborn the patients are, pharmaceutical companies have to lower their high heads in front of Sanqing.

You must know that it is never anything else that can lower the price of pharmaceutical companies, but the entry of competing products.

The announcement of the price of the SMA gene drug, the successful development of the Menkes gene drug, and the release of the gene editing documentary.

This series of events has undoubtedly established Sanqing's absolute authority in the field of rare disease gene therapy.

All over the country, as long as the patients with rare diseases can access the Internet, they all know that Sanqing can and is willing to develop genetic medicines.

Even the ill-informed patients received strong recommendations from doctors in the hospital.

"Your child's disease is a rare disease caused by a gene mutation. In the past, there was no way to completely cure it. You could only take some medicines to relieve it. But now Sanqing is carrying out gene therapy in this area, and it is very likely to develop a completely Genetic medicine for the cure."

"You can download an app called Longtu and pay attention to this information. Maybe there will be good news in the near future."

Every doctor said so, they are actually very sad when they face terminally ill patients. After seeing so many lives and deaths, which doctor would not want to save lives and heal the wounded.

Now that there is hope, we must tell the patient, let the patient live strong, and wait for the dawn in the darkness.

With the hype of doctors and the Internet, coupled with the crazy Amway of the family members of the patient group like tap water.

Like a spark, the Longtu APP quickly spread among patients with rare diseases.

Even the popularity rate among ordinary netizens has been rising steadily, reaching an astonishing number.

"My God, the Longtu APP has already had 15 million downloads, and it is still growing by hundreds of thousands every day!"

Looking at the numbers in front of him, Xiang Gaofei was so startled that he almost jumped out of his seat.

He and Wang Dong looked at each other, with unconcealable joy on each other's faces.

Xiang Gaofei grabbed the data report and said with ecstasy, "I'll report to Mr. Wei and get more resources to support as soon as possible."

Wang Dong raised his fist and shouted excitedly: "I have been working for so many years, and I have never seen such good data. Will you continue to be steady and make progress step by step?"

Xiang Gaofei's expression suddenly became unfathomable: "Wrong, this time we will take advantage of the momentum to pursue, chase and fight fiercely, strive for a wave of drainage, and push the data to the peak. Ten million downloads are just the beginning, and it is far from enough. Limit not reached."

Wang Dong was stunned: "Didn't you say that there are only 20 million patients with rare diseases? Let's continue to be stable, and we will reach this number sooner or later."

Xiang Gaofei raised his mouth high, and said triumphantly: "Who told you that Longtu can only be used by patients with rare diseases. As long as they are patients, they are all our customers. Even if they are not patients, they will have to be patients sooner or later." our client."

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