I can extract side effects

Chapter 183 The Price Limit Shocked the World

The rare disease industry conference lasted for two full days before it ended.

On the first day, all participating pharmaceutical companies signed an industry agreement, and guaranteed that all companies would not attack and compete with each other through illegal means, and promised to communicate with each other and work together in the field of rare diseases.

In fact, these pharmaceutical companies do not want everyone to get together to study a certain rare disease, resulting in too many results at a time, and the competition is too fierce and they have to cut prices.

For example, for Fabry disease, there are only about 300 patients in China. Two innovative drugs from Sanofi and Takeda have already been launched on the market. After some competition, the cost has dropped from millions to hundreds of thousands.

If one more competitor enters this situation, the price will inevitably be lowered. This is undoubtedly a situation that the two pharmaceutical companies do not want to see, because the 300 patients are divided by the three pharmaceutical companies, and the market is too small. I can't support much profit.

Ideally, unless it is a rare disease with a large number of patients, there are only a few hundred patients for a common rare disease. Naturally, it is better for this market to be divided by one or two pharmaceutical companies. The investment will not be repeated, and the price can reach a certain level. A balance of neither high nor low.

Of course, if several pharmaceutical companies really collide, they can only roll up their sleeves and fight based on their strength.

After all, many multinational pharmaceutical companies are generally facing the problem of patent cliff. If they really want to catch the life-saving straw of an innovative drug, they can only ignore it and go to the market first.

The patent cliff problem means that the business income of pharmaceutical companies is highly concentrated in a few products, which will bring great pressure when the drugs enter the mature stage.

Because once the patent protection period ends, generic drugs will occupy a large area of ​​the market. Without the relay of new products, pharmaceutical companies with highly concentrated products are very likely to experience a cliff-like decline in total revenue.

This is why in recent years, multinational pharmaceutical companies have divested mature products, focused on core businesses, and made every effort to develop the field of rare diseases.

During this period, there were also some controversies about the price of orphan drugs, but generally speaking, the whole situation was suppressed by Sanqing, and no one dared to confront Wei Kang face to face, for fear of attracting a powerful competitor who would impose on their own drugs. Ruthless.

The first day is a stage for the CEOs of pharmaceutical companies to show their talents, and the second day is a time for the heads of rare diseases of pharmaceutical companies to learn from each other and exchange technologies.

Putting aside business competition, immersing yourself in pure technology, exchanging the latest developments in related fields with peers, and imagining some new ideas, this atmosphere is undoubtedly intoxicating.

At least Tang Que had a feeling that he was not thinking about leaving. On the first day, he had nothing to do and spent drowsy in the audience.

On the second day, he was surrounded by a group of familiar or unfamiliar colleagues in the center, enjoying the treatment of the stars.

After all, Sanqing's gene medicine is really famous, which attracted the curious eyes of countless colleagues. They came forward to chat with Tang Que one after another.

Which gene editing tool is better to use? Have you found a new Cas protein? How to break through some technical difficulties of lentivirus? Wait, these are topics of great interest to tech giants.

They regard the conference hall as a discussion room, and everyone can take turns to speak on stage and accept questions from the audience.

Tang Que was the one who received the most questions. His speech was very simple, that is, he roughly introduced the two gene medicines of Sanqing, but the questions were one after another, which made his mouth dry and his throat smoke.

He had no choice but to ask for a halftime break, and everyone let him go and continued to the next round of discussion.

It's just that this time, the CEOs are out of their minds and absent-minded.

They sat in the corner one after another, turned on the computer and responded to work emails, and some people went out to answer and make calls from time to time. In short, the business was quite busy.

Weikang is one of them. Chemical pharmacy is the field he is familiar with. He is not very familiar with biopharmaceuticals.

So I took out my laptop and chatted online while processing work.

This meeting has been reported by many international media and has attracted widespread attention.

The media mainly reported on the industry agreement on the first day. As for the technical seminar on the second day, it was too advanced, and most of the media could not understand it.

They didn't even have much ink on the industry agreement, but instead focused on Weikang, annoyed Weikang against multinational pharmaceutical companies, challenged high-priced drugs, and announced high-profile price limit orders in the Huaxia Pharmaceutical market and other domineering actions, adding fuel to the report After a while.

"The rare disease industry conference was held in Haishi, and major pharmaceutical companies discussed the development of new drugs for rare diseases!"

"Shocked! Weikang actually issued a price limit order at the Rare Disease Industry Conference!"

"Weikang's domineering declaration, three sentences cost multinational pharmaceutical companies 100 million!"

"On the feasibility of the price limit order in the pharmaceutical industry."

"Sanqing launches a challenge to the world's high-priced drugs, setting a precedent in the industry!"

In an instant, the emotions of netizens were ignited, setting off a wave of Internet craze.

"Mr. Wei is domineering and mighty! It's a show of our country's prestige!"

"That's it. The pharmaceutical industry really needs a price limit order. The government will act when it is time to act. It must not sit idly by and ignore sky-high prices."

"The pharmaceutical industry is closely related to the national economy and the people's livelihood, and it is also a necessity. Why should food be controlled, but medicines can be priced at will?"

"Sure enough, ordinary people still have to rely on their own pharmaceutical companies to afford medicines and get sick! Imported medicines can't be counted on anyway, and they will just treat patients as fat sheep!"

"Even if the cost of research and development of new drugs is high for pharmaceutical companies, the price should not be too outrageous. I hope there will be no more drugs for 14 million injections!"

"That's right, what's the point of this kind of medicine? If you develop it and no one can afford it, isn't that a waste? Then I would rather you not develop it at all, so that people will not be so desperate!"

"Isn't it? Having a terminal illness is not the scariest thing. The scariest thing is to find out that your terminal illness is poor!"

"Life is already so difficult. I hope that pharmaceutical companies can give patients some hope, instead of taking everything from patients with sky-high prices and pushing them into the abyss."

"Support Mr. Wei! Mr. Wei is so socially responsible, he deserves to be the husband of the nation. This is the real national entrepreneur."

"The only thing I worry about now is that we can't let Mr. Wei sell medicines at a loss. In other words, should the prices of some products of Sanqing be raised? I always feel that they are sold too cheaply, especially skin care products. I often do activities. Pay back."

"You think too much, and insiders tell you that Sanqing's skin care products are so cheap, mainly because they save a lot of marketing and advertising expenses. They use unknown models, and they don't spend a lot of money to hire traffic stars to endorse them. , in order to benefit consumers."

"Upstairs is right. The only traffic star of Sanqing is Mr. Wei himself, who spends no money at all. The marketing expenses are rounded up to about zero, and the cost can naturally be saved a lot. But I support raising the price of health care products. You can buy health care products. People with high-quality goods should not be short of that little money, and the price increase can be regarded as supporting terminally ill patients and doing charity."

Netizens were discussing and applauding Sanqing's price limit order.

The news even spread abroad.

Overseas netizens were also shocked, and they all applauded Sanqing's feat.

Especially Yingguo netizens, with tears in their eyes, were completely moved by Sanqing's price limit order.

Because the medicine sold in Yingguo is too expensive, they really empathize with them. The sickle of this sky-high price medicine cuts on them, and it really hurts extraordinarily.

And this high-priced drug does not only refer to high-tech innovative drugs such as genetic drugs for rare diseases, even some old-fashioned drugs that have been available for many years are also very expensive, which is unbearable for most patients.

The most famous example is insulin. 100 years ago, Sir Banting, the medical scientist who invented insulin, sold the patent right for $1 because he believed that "insulin belongs to all mankind, not to myself".

In Eagle Country, however, the price of insulin continues to rise at an unbelievable rate every year.

The reason is that Eli Lilly, Novo Nordisk, and Sanofi, the three major insulin manufacturers have completely monopolized Eagle Country's insulin market.

Note that there are only these three major pharmaceutical companies, and there are no other small pharmaceutical companies, and the small ones cannot enter this market at all.

Insulin prices in Eagle Country have risen more than 10 percent over the past 25 years, and 20 percent a year in the last decade.

The price increase speed of insulin roller coaster makes patients have to choose, whether to skip meals, save money to buy insulin, and finally starve to death? Or eat to buy insulin, and finally die of diabetes?

There are 34 million diabetics in Eagle Country, of which more than 7 million patients are dependent on insulin, and 25% of patients cannot fully pay their monthly insulin costs.

The most outrageous thing is that the price of insulin in Eagle Country is 10 times that of Maple Leaf Country next door.

According to reports, a mother from the Eagle Country had to go to the Maple Leaf Country in order to buy insulin for her 13-year-old daughter with type 1 diabetes. drug.

What is the concept of 12,000 US dollars? The average annual income of Eagle Country households is only about $61,000!

To give another example, in order to buy cheap insulin, diabetics working in Eagle Country will go to Cactus Country with other patients. They can buy insulin from San Diego to Tijuana for a $5 round-trip ticket.

The 6-month supply is almost $100, and if these quantities are purchased in Eagle Country, even with medical insurance payment, it will cost $1,300!

Therefore, diabetic patients in Eagle Country suffer from high-priced medicines. They have seen through the essence of Eagle Country's medical system, which is entirely due to the collusion between the Eagle Country government and pharmaceutical capital.

In their minds, pharmaceutical companies are all vampires, but now, seeing the spectacle of Huaxia pharmaceutical companies actively issuing price limit orders, their eyes glow red with envy.

"God, there is such a great pharmaceutical company in Huaxia, who not only voluntarily limit the price, but also crack down on competitors' high-priced drugs."

"Why doesn't our Eagle Country have such a great pharmaceutical company, but only a bunch of greedy and disgusting vampires?"

"Eagle Nation has the best health care system in the world, a mythical human purification system that's designed to bankrupt or die Eagle Nation people because they can't afford the medicine."

"This is the soil where the flower of evil is born, and this is the soil where the tree of despair sprouts. All of these are problems of our conquest and system."

"I have never had the desire to immigrate to Huaxia at this moment. I want to be a healthy and happy New Huaxia person. There, there is a powerful Sanqing. If you are sick, you don't have to worry about being unable to afford medicine or seeing a doctor. There is a lot of care for patients in the Eagle Kingdom. It's heaven."

"Brother, you can go to Huaxia to see a doctor without immigrating. It's really a great experience. I went there once to see a doctor, and then I fell in love with it. I go on vacation every year."

"I really envy you. It seems that I have to work hard and try to go to Huaxia for treatment next time I get sick."

"Hateful capitalism, after all, is no match for socialism. Now I miss the existence of the red country, it left too early."

Just when Yingguo netizens were envious and jealous, Wei Kang couldn't help smiling as he read the comments on the Internet.

At this time, Jian Jianyun sent a message: "Issuing a purchase restriction order to a multinational pharmaceutical company, you really have it, our national entrepreneur! [Compare Heart]"

The corners of Wei Kang's mouth rose crazily. If it wasn't because he was still in the venue, he would almost have burst out laughing.

"Where is it? It should be. After all, Sanqing's purpose is to make sure that all patients can afford medical treatment and medicine."

"Yes, when you said this before, no one believed that you could do it, but now that you say this, everyone believes that you can do it." Jian Lianyun said with great emotion.

"Of course, Sanqing has been using actions to conquer patients step by step, which is why it has today's reputation and status."

"I really admire you more and more. [Shy]"

Wei Kang chuckled: "Then I have to continue to work hard so that you will always worship me so much."

Concisely said: "..."

What's the matter with suddenly wanting to drop the phone, why is this person so thick-skinned, he is not humble at all.

She covered her hot cheeks, and planned to change the topic, but the news from the other side kept coming.

"But is Dr. Jane very busy recently? Why do you always think of me when you see the news?"

"The main thing is that you don't post on Moments, and you can't see your situation except in the news. [Grievance]"

Wei Kang suddenly realized: "Indeed, I'm too busy to post on Moments. Hey, how many beauties have I missed in this way!"

He raised his mobile phone, snapped a few photos of the venue, and posted them on Moments: "On the second day of the Rare Disease Industry Conference, listening to the conversations of all the tech giants up close is very rewarding!"

Sure enough, there were countless likes as soon as it was posted.

Not only Jian Lianyun and Sheng Changya liked it immediately, but also a beautiful woman named Yan Anan.

Although he can't remember when this beauty was added, he still remembers the name, it seems to be a female star.

Therefore, Wei Kang pondered for a second, and happily made a decision.

"Anmei, as my electronic secretary, I will leave it to you to send my WeChat Moments in the future."

"No problem, Anmei must have done a great job."

"Your tone is not very professional, remember to use my tone when posting status in the future."

"Okay, Mr. Wei, what are your requirements for the frequency and content of posting status?"

"Uh, let's just post about daily life, and some activities can also be posted. By the way, you can also take over my Langbo account."

"Dear President Wei, as you wish!"

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