I can extract side effects

Chapter 189 A genetically modified disease-resistant pig

On Saturday afternoon, probably because of the location, there were not many people in the cafe, and there were a few customers sitting here and there, which seemed quite cold.

The formation of the biohacking group was fairly low-key and went unnoticed.

Even though several people applauded warmly for the establishment of the group, they did not attract any attention from others.

After Zhang Han finished his speech, he opened a small paper box on the table.

This carton is about the size of a shoe box, and inside it are 12 small glass bottles, two in groups, a total of 6 groups.

While distributing the glass bottles to everyone, he said with a smile: "This is a gift I gave to everyone, I hope you like it. How to say it, life should have a sense of ceremony, so the establishment of the group also needs A ritual unique to us biohackers."

"Everyone may have heard of this experiment, and it would be perfect to use it as an initiation ceremony."

"Wait a minute, let us personally try the wonderful feeling of holding the code of life in our hands."

Everyone smiled knowingly, and looked at the two glass bottles in front of them.

Both bottles have slightly wider mouths and are tightly capped. They are half filled with liquid, about 20 milliliters. The liquid on the left is light red, while the liquid on the right is colorless and transparent.

Gao Jun curiously opened the lids, put them in front of his nose and sniffed them one by one. The light red liquid had a peculiar smell, an aroma of fresh strawberries mixed with an artificial chemical smell of dish soap.

The smell of the colorless liquid on the right was very simple, and he could smell it right away. The pungent smell was exactly the smell of disinfectant alcohol.

Others followed his lead, opened the lid and smelled it, and then fell into deep thought.

Not long after, everyone showed a look of sudden realization, and their faces were filled with anticipation.

Li Chengmin had already guessed what the experiment was, and he rubbed his hands excitedly.

"Leader, when will it start? This experiment is very interesting, and I can't wait."

"What's the rush?" Zhang Han looked at the watch on his wrist, and said slowly: "There are still a few minutes, how about it, let's set the time at three o'clock, and when the time comes, everyone will act together."

"Okay. No problem." Everyone nodded in agreement.

It was only a few minutes until three o'clock, and it was idle anyway, so Zhang Han started explaining by the way.

"Everyone should have seen it. The light red one is the DNA extract of strawberries. The other bottle is the last ingredient needed to complete the extraction. We will pour the contents of one of the cups into another cup later. You can witness a miracle.”

"Remember to be gentle, and slowly inject the colorless liquid along the wall of the bottle, and keep the ratio of the colorless liquid to the light red extract at about 1:1."

"At this time, although the liquid in the bottle smells like alcohol, this is not a strawberry cocktail. Please don't drink it, hehe, because it is already poisonous."

"Next, everyone just wait quietly."

Everyone nodded, indicating that they understood.

"Okay, it's time. One, two, three, Action!" Zhang Han shouted lightly, and was the first to act immediately.

Everyone else poured disinfectant alcohol into another bottle one after another.

Colorless disinfectant alcohol was slowly poured into it along the bottle wall, and soon, the alcohol began to suspend in the top layer.

Six pairs of eyes stared motionlessly at the layered liquid in front of them, waiting with bated breath.

Now, everything is left to time.

In less than a minute, a magical scene happened.

Viscous white flocs slowly came out of solution and floated quietly in the bottle.

"Wow, the DNA of the strawberry has really been isolated!" Li Chengmin exclaimed.

"What a miraculous experiment, this is DNA!" Gao Jun picked up the bottle, looked at it carefully, and sighed.

Zhang Han looked at everyone's reactions with satisfaction, and smiled: "It's really amazing, but this experiment is very simple, and it uses some common materials. This experiment is very popular among biohackers. It's like It's like magic, everyone screams when they see it."

"All it takes is some table salt, dish soap, a few strawberries, and a bottle of disinfectant alcohol."

"However, it can separate the DNA and present it in front of everyone."

"I will send you the detailed recipe later. You can also do this experiment at home, and you can also try other plants."

Gao Jun picked up a wooden stick for stirring coffee and put it into the glass bottle, ready to pick out the precipitated DNA from it and observe carefully.

He first picked up the flocculent DNA, tapped it on the bottle wall a few times, and the size of the clump instantly became smaller.

Carefully lift it out of the solution, and immediately you have a long, thin filament.

He couldn't help but think of some detailed introductions about DNA, and compared with the real thing in front of him, his feelings suddenly deepened.

Because DNA is sticky and can be loosely or tightly coiled, he saw a decrease in the size of the clumps, actually more tightly coiled DNA in a loose state.

The filamentous DNA extracted from the solution was a long string of individual DNA strands that stuck together when lifted out of the glass vial.

Afterwards, he gently pinched the white filament with his left hand, and immediately felt a strange feeling.

He actually grabbed a long strand of DNA with his own hands, and a violent impact hit him, causing his mind to shut down.

There is nothing better than the feeling of having the code of your life in your hands.

Although it feels a bit like snot to the touch, it also looks like snot.

But this did not prevent him from having a trembling sense of mastering the mighty power of science.

It's like the magic apprentice released the fireball for the first time. Maybe he didn't even light the cigarette, but it was a real spark.

At this moment, he suddenly had a sense of the Creator.

It turns out that science can really make people have the power of gods!

Now he can extract and isolate DNA, and he can't even imagine what he can do when he fully masters the genetic tools.

He just felt that he was getting closer and closer to his goal.

Others also had the same experience as him, with unpredictable expressions on their faces, with surprises, shocks, expectations, and excitement.

Gao Jun suddenly said: "Leader, I think this ceremony must be preserved. Every time a newcomer joins, we will come here once. I really look forward to seeing the expressions on their faces."

"Hahaha. That's right, this kind of shock of facing the essence of life is definitely the best gift for a newcomer, and it will surely make him unforgettable."

"Even though I've seen the cells under the microscope, the experience is unique and amazing."

"Thank you for the gift from the team leader. Send me the checklist and steps back, so that I can let others experience it in the future."

Everyone praised and nodded in agreement.

Zhang Han nodded with a smile, as if he was lost in memory.

"When I joined a biohacking group abroad, someone brought me two cups like this. I thought it was strawberry juice and a cocktail, and I almost drank it. It was so embarrassing. Oh, really Forget the past."

"Unexpectedly, the team leader will have a day as a rookie. Haha!"

"Thinking about that scene, it's so simple. Fortunately, you weren't allowed to drink together."

"Hahaha, doesn't that mean that the DNA will be precipitated out of the mouth."

"Damn it, DNA tastes like snot."

"I don't know, do you want to try?"

"Forget it, it looks like snot, it feels like snot, and it sure tastes like snot."

"It's not a matter of snot or not. As you know, this solution is poisonous and cannot be drunk."

The members laughed loudly, the atmosphere instantly became cheerful, and the whole group became happy.

The party didn't break up until very late, during which the six of them had dinner together, a case of beer went down, and everyone was as affectionate as brothers in a pair of pants.

When Gao Jun returned home, it was almost 11 o'clock. Although his clothes still smelled of alcohol, he was not drunk.

After taking a quick shower and changing into his pajamas, he immediately felt refreshed.

Turn on the computer and continue to look up the information.

Gao Jun is a problem solver who came out of his hometown in the countryside, but his family is a little better, and his family opened a small pig farm.

After graduating from university, he didn't want to go back to his hometown for the time being, but wanted to work hard in a big city, so he found a job in Haishi.

Originally, the conditions of the family were not bad, and the parents had little savings, so it was not a problem to provide for the elderly.

Unexpectedly, an African swine fever that swept across the country last year caused disasters to the family's pig farm.

More than half of the 500 live pigs in his family were ill, and the death rate was astonishing, which can be described as a heavy loss.

The local area activated the emergency response mechanism according to the requirements, and carried out harmless treatment of all the dead and culled pigs. At the same time, the entire area was blocked and the transportation of all live pigs and products was prohibited.

After this battle, the family's pig farm was about to close down, and the remaining dozens of pigs were also sick, which can only be described as lingering.

When his father called him, his voice was hoarse, and he almost couldn't control his emotions and cried out.

He went home in a hurry, and he calmed down a little, and his parents stabilized.

It's just that my father seems to have been completely disheartened about the pig raising business, and plans to close the business for the elderly after selling the remaining pigs.

Gao Jun saw his father aged ten years visibly to the naked eye, his hair became gray overnight, the wrinkles on his face deepened, his expression became haggard, and he seemed to have lost all energy.

In the few days at home, every time my father finished eating, he sat there silently, bowed his head in silence, and did not respond much to his words.

A look of grief greater than death made him feel a dull pain in his heart.

At that time, he just came into contact with biohacking and became very interested, so he searched for information about African swine fever on the Internet.

African swine fever is caused by a highly contagious swine virus. Symptoms include high fever, loss of appetite, and bleeding from the skin and internal organs. Affected pigs die within 2-10 days on average.

The disease used to appear only in the Philippines, but since the 1950s, it began to spread to Europe, followed by some sporadic outbreaks.

Europa eradicated it through mass slaughter, but it has been unable to completely eradicate it, and later spread to the world many times, posing a serious threat to domestic pig farms around the world.

Last year, the disease caused a catastrophe to pig farmers in the country, and even triggered a nationwide pork shortage and price hike.

As a second-generation farmer, Gao Jun is very aware of the horror of this pig virus. After he came back, he began to study relevant information without sleep and food, trying to find a way to suppress it and save his father's pig farm.

Not long after, he discovered the research done by some scholars on this aspect, and specially downloaded the published papers to read.

If you can’t understand professional vocabulary, use translation software to translate one by one, and then read down sentence by sentence.

Fortunately, he can learn English well, and he has joined a foreign company to work, so the language is not a problem for him.

He showed his enthusiasm for the college entrance examination back then. After work every day, he was either looking up information or reading papers. He completely lost his spare time.

After some hard work, he discovered that genome-editing technology has potential in this regard, and can be used to develop animals that are resistant to disease.

Scientific studies have found that domestic pigs react very strongly to the porcine virus, whereas wild warthogs are much less affected.

This is because of a difference in the activity of a gene involved in the immune response, nuclear factor xB3, which is much lower in warthogs than in domestic pigs, and the low activity of this gene turned out to be beneficial in African swine fever infection.

The immune system of domestic pigs reacted violently and excessively to something that was not too harmful, and they died.

Although warthogs can also be infected by porcine viruses, due to the low activity of this immune gene, they will not die suddenly.

This information made his eyes shine immediately, and he immediately came up with the idea of ​​developing gene-edited disease-resistant pigs himself.

Fortunately, CRISPR-CAS9 gene editing technology has swept the world, and it is not difficult to learn related technologies. Moreover, this technology is very simple, effective, cheap and convenient, and the reagents used can be affordable even by ordinary people.

So, he studied relevant materials from scratch, and got acquainted with Zhang Han and others.

Everyone has the same goal, and they soon got together and became a biohacker.

When Zhang Han was studying abroad, he joined a biohacking organization in Wudu, but he had no choice but to quit when he wanted to return to China.

So he simply started a new one in China and set up his own company. Because of his rich experience, he quickly became popular on the Internet and attracted a lot of like-minded people.

However, many people's interest is only on the lips, and there are not many people who want to really get started.

Gao Jun, Li Chengmin and the other five were the last few left. They not only regarded learning biology as an interest, but they all had strong desires and firm goals, so they could persevere.

With like-minded companions, we found a shared laboratory and finally set up a biohacking group.

The first goal was successfully achieved, and the next step was to rush towards the road of gene editing.

Sure enough, interest is the greatest teacher, and desire is the strongest motivation.

Everyone started to do experiments in the shared laboratory, learned from each other, made rapid progress, and quickly got started.

Gao Jun didn't expect that he had the talent to do experiments by hand, so he couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised.

Since most of the wild warthogs are in the Philippines, he had no choice but to search for Chinese in the Philippines through the Internet to purchase them. It took a lot of hard work and twists and turns to buy some warthogs and fur, and got genetic samples.

At the same time, he is also collecting different types of wild boar genes in China, striving to expand the sample bank.

Then, use the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) machine in the shared laboratory to detect related gene mutations in wild warthogs and domestic pigs, try to design the corresponding RNA, and then use the CAS9 protein to edit, and finally try to convert the warthog Low-activity immune response gene fragments were introduced into the genes of domestic pigs.

I don't know if it's because of the strong driving force or the good luck, but it really made him do it.

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