I can extract side effects

Chapter 190 Biohacking Becomes Famous

When the first gene-edited pig cell appeared before his eyes, Gao Jun was so excited that he almost jumped up from the microscope.

However, this is only the first step on the road to success.

At the beginning of the experiment, he used ordinary pork cells, and then he will work on pig germ cells.

The new gene fragments are introduced into the fertilized eggs of pigs, and then the embryos of disease-resistant pigs are cultivated, and clinical experiments can be started after birth.

It all goes back to the family pig farm, where it happens.

He prepared the things he needed, bought some equipment needed for the experiment from the Internet, and sent them to his home.

Fortunately, he has been working for several years, usually saves food and expenses, and has some savings, which can support him to continue this experiment in a short time.

Then I submitted my resignation with the company, bought a train ticket and went home.

He lives in a relatively remote place and the rent is cheap, so he doesn't have to return the house for the time being, so that if the experiment doesn't go well, he can come back to do the experiment again later.

This time, success or failure.

Of course, it was also because he saw the hope of success that he had the courage to break the boat and go all out.

His hometown is in a small town below the provincial capital of Hunan Province. After running around a lot, he finally set foot on the familiar land.

It was getting late, and carrying a 28-inch suitcase, he jumped onto a tricycle with difficulty and returned home before dinner.

bang bang bang!

He knocked on the door and shouted: "Mom, Dad, I'm back. Open the door!"

There was a sound of hurried footsteps across the door, and soon the door opened.

"I'm finally back, let's come in and eat. Why did you bring such a big box back, is it heavy?"

The mother's eyes were a little red, and she reached out to pick up the suitcase in his hand.

Gao Jun smiled honestly: "It's not heavy, but it takes up more space. I will do it by myself."

"Okay, then wash your hands and come over to eat."

Gao Jun put the suitcase away, walked to the kitchen, washed his hands and asked, "Where are the things I sent back two days ago?"

"It's all in your room, and you won't let me take it apart. What's inside?"

"Hehe, it's nothing, just some experimental equipment."

"Why did you start this thing all of a sudden? You usually work hard, learn more from your colleagues and leaders, and avoid these messy things, and you can't eat them."

"By the way, how long are you coming back to stay? Have you asked for leave?"

"Oh, don't worry about it, I'm probably going to stay for a while when I come back this time."

"How do you have so many vacations? What are you doing at home?"

As soon as he came back, his mother's nagging gave Gao Jun a headache.

He had no choice but to bury his head and eat without saying a word.

Sitting next to him, his father also had a stern face and didn't speak much. He was eating with his head down, but his movements were very slow, obviously absent-minded.

Gao Jun looked at his father's appearance, felt sour, and quickly put a chicken leg in his bowl.

The father looked up at him and squeezed out a smile: "Jun'er, you are back, stay a few more days and have fun."

Gao Jun nodded, an impulse surged up in his heart, he wanted to tell his father about the experiment he was doing, after thinking about it, he felt that it would be better to wait until the experiment was successful and he was sure, so as not to make the old man happy in vain.

After all, the pig cells in the laboratory and the disease-resistant pigs cultivated are two different things. No matter how well done in the laboratory, there is a high possibility of setbacks in reality.

This kind of thing is very normal, and science is like this, advancing through trial and error.

It would be better for him to wait until the trial and error was over before telling his father the good news.

The old man looked not in good spirits, if he was frightened or hit, it was his fault.

After the family finished eating, Gao Jun unpacked all the couriers in the bedroom.

He cleared out the unused storage room next door, and put all the reagents and utensils in it.

"I can only try this first, and if it doesn't work, I'll find a way."

The next day, he followed his father to the pig farm and got the needed fertilized eggs from the sows.

He had already asked his father before, and it happened that the pig farm was going to be bred during this time.

The subsequent gene editing is very simple, just some repeated steps, and the operation only took him five minutes.

Pipette the prepared CRISPR-Cas9 solution onto fertilized pig eggs, then place the dish containing the cells in a rudimentary incubator, and the operation is over.

Just wait 2-3 days, and the targeted gene will be replaced in the fertilized pig eggs.

Of course, the actual operation is not so simple. The most laborious is the preparatory work, such as preparing the guide RNA for the base sequence of the target DNA, and then combining the guide RNA into the plastid and a series of steps.

Fortunately, he had already made preparations, and he only needed to do the simplest things when he got home.

Three days later, the fertilized eggs are injected into the sow, and a domestic pig with the warthog genetic modification can be bred.

This is his first clinical experiment, and in order to avoid losses caused by failure, he only plans to breed two genetically resistant pigs.

Once the piglets are a little older, the two gene-edited pigs will be infected with the virus to test the lethality and transmissibility of the new breed and evaluate its performance.

It takes 114 days for a sow to give birth, which is quite a long time. He simply started working in a pig farm and learned pig raising techniques from his father seriously.

Now, not only the mother, but even the father could see that something was wrong.

"Boy, tell me, what's wrong with you? You finally went out to study and found a good job in a big city. Are you planning to come back to raise pigs?"

The parents looked a little anxious and couldn't understand his behavior at all. They felt that he had suffered some kind of blow outside and that he was a little out of order, so they asked him cautiously.

At this point, Gao Jun knew that he could no longer hide it, so he directly admitted it.

"Dad, didn't you say that you don't want to run a pig farm anymore? So I plan to come back and take over this business and continue to run the pig farm."

The father looked shocked, and asked in disbelief: "You, you, why? You don't know how to raise pigs."

Gao Jun chuckled: "I can learn from you. You have so much experience. Besides, my learning ability has always been very strong. I can definitely learn it. You don't have to worry about that."

It took a long time for my father to recover, with a worried look on his face: "Then what if you can't continue? This swine fever is very serious. When the time comes, all the pigs will die, and you will lose all the money you got to marry your wife. You Or go back to work."

Gao Jun smiled and said, "Are you so unconfident in me? In fact, I have already figured out a way to come back this time."

Father snorted: "What can you do? The country can't handle it, but you can handle it? Are you making fun of me?"

The old man was a little angry. He felt that his son was messing around and that his future was gone. It was too unreliable.

Instead, the mother kept persuading: "I think this is okay. What's so good about the big cities? It would be nice if the son can accompany us when he comes back, and this is also called the son inheriting the father's business, right? It's a good thing! Just let Let him try, let’s talk if it doesn’t work.”

"Alas," my father sighed, with a lonely expression on his face: "You can do whatever you want, anyway, there is nothing left in this pig farm, and you can't come up with any tricks if you mess around."

Gao Jun kept a smile on his face. He knew that his mother wanted to go back to his hometown for a long time to take the civil servant exam. As for his father, he didn’t see the result now and didn’t believe it was normal. You will believe the facts in front of you and look at yourself with admiration.

In the next few months, he diligently learned the techniques of raising pigs, and went to the pig farm every day before dawn, starting from the lowest level, not afraid of hardships, tiredness, or dirt, and doing everything.

Especially the sow with the disease-resistant pig is his focus, and he spends some time observing it every day.

In his spare time, he turns on the computer and continues to read papers and materials, and discusses some technical issues with the team members. When other members make small progress, they will also communicate with him.

During this period of time, away from the hustle and bustle of the big city, return to the calmness of rural life, and live an extremely fulfilling life.

Gao Jun gradually fell in love with the life here. It has been seven or eight years since he was admitted to university. Now that he has experienced it again, he deeply feels that the countryside is still very suitable for scientific research.

Now that the countryside has also developed, there is no shortage of everything, and you can order express delivery for everything you need, and access to the Internet. For a senior otaku, it is really very comfortable and comfortable, not worse than staying in the city.

Four months later, the two gene-edited pigs were born healthy and look no different from ordinary pigs.

Of course, he was not idle during this time, and edited some other pig fertilized eggs, which are also waiting to be released in the belly of the sow.

Piglets usually nurse for one month, then they are castrated by a veterinarian, and they are fed for another five months before they can be slaughtered.

Gao Jun was going to start the experiment when the piglet grew up a little bit and became stronger.

For this reason, he also specially built a shed at the foot of the mountain away from the pig farm, and planned to lock the two genetic pigs there.

More than a month later, two gene-edited pigs were infected with swine fever virus and were kept in isolation sheds.

Gao Jun goes to feed, observe and record data in person every day.

At first, the two pigs still had some reactions, and soon they started to have a fever, their skin was red, and they felt very hot to the touch.

Gao Jun was very worried, but after the two pigs had a high fever for about four or five days, they began to slowly improve, their body temperature gradually dropped, and no other symptoms continued.

Generally speaking, if it is an ordinary domestic pig, the skin will turn purple and have bleeding spots at this time, and then die asymptomatically soon.

But the two gene-edited pigs survived, and after a week or two, they completely returned to normal.

After some tests, the pigs had produced antibodies, and the virus completely disappeared in the two pigs.

Sure enough, after the introduction of the new warthog gene, the immune response of domestic pigs was not excessive, but a normal immune response, producing antibodies and eliminating the virus.

Gao Jun raised his fist excitedly, and spun around several times on the spot.

"Yeah! It worked! I knew it would work."

"However, for the sake of caution, we still need to continue to observe and see if there will be any changes in the future."

"However, I can show it to my father and let him regain his confidence in raising pigs."

Gao Jun quickly called his father over and introduced the situation of the two pigs to him one by one.

Father couldn't understand those advanced techniques and vocabulary. He only knew that the two piglets survived the infection of swine fever virus, and that was enough.

He stretched out his hand to touch the little pig, and couldn't help crying: "That's great, son, you are the best, this book is not in vain. Sure enough, the baby still has to go to college to come up with a good solution."

The corners of Gao Jun's mouth rose wildly, he couldn't help but put his arms around his father's shoulders, and said excitedly: "Dad, now there is hope for the pig farm, let's continue to run it together."

Father nodded and smiled happily: "Of course, if this method is feasible in the future, we will have to expand the scale."

Gao Jun laughed, seeing his father regained his energy as if he had rejuvenated in an instant, he was extremely happy, and felt that all these efforts were worthwhile and not in vain.

The next thing is very simple, that is, to register a patent.

That's why he wants to become a biohacker and go it alone.

If he develops gene-edited pigs with others, or asks others to help with research, it will be difficult to say about patents, and he may have to share patents and the benefits that follow.

And this is what he is unwilling to do. From this point of view, biohackers working alone are much luckier than scientists in universities or companies.

Researchers in many companies have invented a breakthrough and very important achievement, but all they get is the signature on the patent, or a negligible bonus, and all other benefits are taken away by the company.

The best-selling PCR machine in the world, its inventor Mulis is an employee of a small biotechnology company. When he invented this important DNA detection and copying machine, he worked hard to convince the company of the importance of this invention .

This lucky biological company later sold the PCR patent to Roche Pharmaceuticals at a high price of 300 million U.S. dollars, making it the most expensive patent transaction ever. Dollar bonus.

Ten years later, he won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for this discovery, which was a belated compensation and his own reputation.

Scientists may pay more attention to reputation than profit, and the reputation of the Nobel Prize is enough to match, but most people may find it difficult to calmly face the cruel fact that the fruits of patents are taken away by companies.

Invented an important chemical reaction, and the patent sold for a high price of 300 million US dollars, but he did not own the money.

Gao Jun learned from the experience and lessons of his predecessors and wisely chose to go it alone.

Not to mention that he is an amateur, even if he is a scientific researcher working for a biological company, he will resign immediately, and after a few months of rest, he will continue to develop by himself to avoid the tragedy of losing patents.

He quickly registered a patent on gene-edited pigs and even an agtech company.

There is no doubt that if his genetic pigs can develop long-term resistance to African swine fever, this will be an extremely popular product, and the money will bring him a lot of money.

Because traditional breeding methods generally only acquire traits such as size and fertility, traits such as disease resistance are nearly impossible to acquire.

At present, the breeding of most pig farms in China still uses traditional methods. Biotechnology is widely used in plants for agriculture, but in animal husbandry, it is still a brand-new technology that has not been sufficiently developed and applied.

If the clinical trials are successful and the genetic pigs show excellent resistance, he will apply to the Bureau of Agriculture for a license to use them for commercial use.

We must know that products can be popularized, and those that cannot be popularized can only belong to scientific research supplies.

Obviously, what he wants to do is products, not just scientific research supplies

After obtaining the production license, he will be able to sell the disease-resistant genetic pigs to others, completely saving the pig farms that were bankrupted by African swine fever.

Thinking of the huge profits involved, he couldn't help but smile smugly.

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