I can extract side effects

Chapter 371 HIV Clearance Program

As time went by, more and more patients found that after completing the clinical trials, the HIV virus in their bodies had been eliminated.

Shocked, they not only reported to the CDC, but also began to communicate among patients.

A WeChat patient group of 600 people.

One message after another flashed quickly, and there were 99+ new messages in less than a minute.

All @ the same person, saying the same thing.

"@军宝妈, true or false? Have you cured AIDS?"

"@军宝妈, you participated in a clinical trial and all the viruses in your body were eliminated?"

"@军宝妈, Sanqing is amazing. When this medicine first came out, I knew it must be extraordinary. I never expected it to be so extraordinary."

"@军宝妈, is there any clinical quota? I want to participate too."

"@军宝妈, congratulations, from now on, HIV is a passerby."

"Don't worry, everyone, it will be your turn when the new drug is on the market, and this time the country is making great efforts to solve AIDS. In cooperation with Sanqing, the latest drug can also be received for free."

"Wow, awesome!"

"My life can finally return to normal, and I can finally stand in the sun without worrying anymore."

"Yeah, it's great to be able to live like a normal person!"

"This life is given by the state and Sanqing together. I am so fortunate to be able to live in such an era."

The same situation also happened in other groups of patients.

Thousands of HIV.

A post titled "Why do foreign countries get the latest medicine for free, but we pay for it at our own expense?" suddenly popped up.

The landlord said indignantly inside: "I heard that foreign countries receive the latest anti-AIDS drugs for free, but we are the only ones who pay at our own expense and cannot buy the latest generic drugs. We can only take those drugs that have been eliminated for more than ten years and have been copied , Inspections cost money, why is it so unfair?"

Soon, the constant replies sprayed him bloody.

Second floor: "The host has two misunderstandings. First, we can also receive medicines for free. Second, foreign citizens must be citizens to receive medicines for free. Even if you are in the past, you can't get them."

The third floor: "What is the purpose of posting this post? If you don't have money, you can earn it yourself. The country is very good."

The fourth floor: "It can't be compared with developed countries. We have a large population, so there are many infected people, and the funds are limited. If all the funds are used for free treatment, it is impossible to cover so many people, and there is no prevention funds."

The fifth floor: "The manpower is short, and the mouth is soft. Although the medicine is not very good, at least it doesn't cost money. If you feel bad, you can take the medicine at your own expense. It is also the latest imported medicine. It only costs seven dollars for a bottle of medical insurance. Eight hundred, with such a hard mouth, you can’t even afford this little money.”

The sixth floor: "Let me popularize science. Although developed countries such as the Eagle Country receive medicines for free, they are all bought by their governments from pharmaceutical companies. They are also spent on taxpayers' money. They are treated as public health problems, and Those who receive free medicines are all uninsured, and those who have insurance also use the insurance money, and the national conditions are different."

"As for drugs, 6 types are provided free of charge in China, 16 types are at their own expense, and there are more than 40 types abroad. This is because our pharmaceutical companies are not up to date. If domestic pharmaceutical companies can develop many kinds of anti-AIDS drugs, the country must also It can be provided to you at a low price. So if you want to blame it, you have to blame the pharmaceutical company, or yourself, and it has nothing to do with others."

Seventh floor: "Lord, I understand you. In fact, it is very painful for me to take free medicine. I have taken it for six years and suffered from slight kidney damage, but I really can't afford the self-paid medicine, and there will be adverse reactions if I take it for a long time. , I can only hold on, hey, who will understand our suffering."

At this time, the eighth floor suddenly posted a few pictures, all of which were their own test reports.

"Brothers, hold on, the dawn of victory is ahead. Here is my test report. Did you see that I took a new domestic drug, and the HIV virus in my body has been cleared. I will post a post to explain it in detail later. Tell me about my experience."

"Lord, don't be too pessimistic. In fact, in order to eliminate AIDS, our scientists and companies have been working hard. Don't be discouraged. Believe me, within half a year, you will also be able to use the world's best new drug for free. "

The manager of this floor immediately became popular, and there were hundreds of replies in an instant, all of them were asking what was going on.

Soon, the eighth floor posted a separate post: "The three new medicines 'Duan Ailing' completely cured my HIV, and soon everyone will be able to receive the medicine for free."

This time, it was like a drop of water falling into a frying pan, and the entire HIV bar boiled.

This patient described in detail that he had been ill for many years. Due to the emergence of resistance to several drugs, the disease flared up, the immune system of the whole body was destroyed, and his life was at stake.

He also got a blessing in disguise and got a valuable place to participate in the clinical trial of three new drugs.

After taking the medicine for two courses, what shocked him was that not only his immune system was rejuvenated, but the HIV virus in his body was completely eliminated.

Because the virus has been raging for many years, HIV virus gene fragments can still be found in the DNA of some organ cells in his body.

However, these virus gene fragments are hidden in the body, and they are temporarily unable to wreak havoc. Maybe after a period of time, the virus will be replicated from the cells again, but as long as they continue to take medicine, they can maintain this healthy state.

He sent out the test data before and after taking the medicine, one by one, in great detail, and described his physical feelings before and after treatment in detail.

All this has deeply touched many netizens who have the same situation.

Faced with such a detailed treatment process, everyone believed that a brand new domestic drug would be launched soon.

Not only can the HIV virus be completely eliminated, but patients can receive it for free.

In an instant, an atmosphere of joy filled the entire HIV Bar.

Netizens frantically posted posts, imagining their future after recovering from illness.

Here, for a long time, no more hopeless and sad posts.



Director Han sat at the desk, looked at the report materials in his hand, and slammed the table.

"Great, have you seen the feedback? The situation is going well, it's very gratifying."

He waved the report in his hand and talked to the secretary next to him with a happy face.

After finishing speaking, he read and read the report carefully, took a deep breath, signed it, and waved resolutely.

"Since Sanqing's medicine is so powerful, it's time for me to start my own work."

"Immediately release an official message and start the HIV virus elimination plan."

The secretary nodded with a serious face, and took the signed document respectfully.

"Understood, Director Han."

"We will immediately start the publicity of this plan. We will control the information of all AIDS patients and carriers in the early stage. After Sanqing's drug is approved by the Food and Drug Administration and can be launched on the market, the plan will be launched immediately, and all patients will be forced to receive the drug for treatment. Avoid infecting more people."

"Strive to maintain all HIV-infected people in the country at the current situation before the end of the year, and we must eliminate all new additions as soon as possible."

"In this way, next year we will be able to completely eradicate AIDS ahead of schedule and turn it into a manageable chronic disease."

"This will be the biggest victory the CDC has ever fought since you became the director of the CDC."

"As a subordinate, I congratulate you in advance and wish you every step of the way!"

A reserved smile appeared on Director Han's face: "Hey, I just met at the right time. In fact, the main credit for this matter has to go to the Sanqing Group. They sacrificed their own interests for the country and the people, and they deserve a great credit. "

"Of course, the people will not forget it, and neither will we." The secretary agreed with deep approval.


A few days later, the major media jointly released a blockbuster news.

"It has been more than 40 years since the HIV virus first appeared. With the continuous development of science and technology, human beings finally have a drug that can completely cure AIDS."

"Sanqing Group's latest anti-AIDS special drug 'Duanailing' is in the third phase of clinical trials, and the data is performing well, which is enough to prove the lethality of this new drug against HIV."

"For a long time, we have made great efforts to eliminate this highly contagious disease, but these are far from enough. There are currently millions of HIV carriers in China, which has caused great hidden dangers to public health."

"The National Center for Disease Control and Prevention and Sanqing Group jointly decided to launch an HIV virus elimination plan that has never been seen before or since."

"The plan is divided into three phases. The first phase will be implemented from tomorrow. It will strengthen statistics on the information of every HIV patient and carrier in the country, strive to make everyone controllable, and make a solid foundation for the second phase of the plan. basic work."

"In the second stage, after Sanqing's new drug is officially launched, it will be sent to every patient free of charge through the CDC immediately, and everyone will be forced to receive active treatment. After treatment, the HIV virus in their body will be completely eliminated. The parameters are no different from those of healthy people and will no longer be contagious."

"In the third stage, we will maintain long-term monitoring of existing HIV carriers to ensure that they are always taking medicine and maintaining a healthy state. In this way, the chain of AIDS transmission will naturally be cut off, and it is hoped that this raging 40-year-old virus will be completely eliminated. The public enemy of mankind for the rest of the year."

"If foreigners are diagnosed, they can receive the latest drug treatment at their own expense, otherwise they will be forced to repatriate."

"Whoever deliberately conceals his illness and resists treatment, no matter who he is, will bear legal responsibility."

After this news was announced, it caused an uproar in an instant.

The whole country applauded, and everyone chanted long live, saying that soon there would be no need to worry about HIV anymore.

And those HIV patients and carriers were also pleasantly surprised and cheered.

The diagnosed patients have actually heard about this policy for a long time, and they finally heard the clear message today, and they are very happy that a stone has finally landed in their hearts.

They have been suffering from serious diseases and taking expensive medicines at their own expense. Now they have the latest medicines for free, which can completely cure the disease.

And some carriers who concealed their illnesses raised their heads like ostriches buried in the sand.

These people know well that since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is going to vigorously rectify it, they can't hide it at all. They can only report it as soon as possible and strive for free treatment.

After all, AIDS can be cured, so there is no point in concealing it or not. Instead, it is not cost-effective to bear legal responsibility. A fool knows how to choose between the two.


The news quickly spread overseas.

The majority of AIDS patients are mostly abroad, concentrated in the Philippines and developed countries. Netizens in these countries are very envious when they hear the news.

And some Yingguo netizens also affirmed the curative effect of the three fresh medicines on the Internet.

"Brothers, let me tell you anonymously, Sanqing is called a drug to cut off AIDS. It is very effective. My grandma was blessed by the spirit of heaven and got a place for a clinical trial. After two courses of treatment, HIV is no longer detectable in my body. There is a virus, and the doctor said that as long as you continue to take the medicine, you can maintain this state, and now I am looking forward to the early release of this medicine."

"Stupid FDA, why is it so slow, such a good drug, why didn't it go on the market immediately, I really want to buy it."

"I am also a clinical drug tester. Like the buddy above, I am no different from a normal person now, but I can't buy this drug now. I am worried that I will relapse in a few months. I am really a little Panic."

"Have you heard the news? Huaxia said that it will provide this drug to all AIDS patients free of charge. It doesn't cost money. It's really enviable."

"Poor us, we are Sanqing's leeks every time. I remember this damn broken company. All the medicines are sold at extremely high prices in Eagle Country. They simply don't treat us as human beings."

"There is no doubt that this drug will also sell for a high price. I am now praying silently, hoping that my expensive medical insurance will also cover this drug."

"Hey, buddy, you can actually go to Huaxia for treatment. Their medical level is very good, not worse than Eagle Country, and the price is also cheap. As long as your insurance is willing to reimburse you, it is definitely worth a five-star recommendation."

"Why can Chinese people receive the latest free medicines, but we can only take those outdated medicines that have been on the market for several years, and have to suffer various adverse reactions? This is too unfair."

Yingguo netizens vented their dissatisfaction angrily. After venting, they began to look forward to the launch of the drug Sanqing.

All of a sudden, the phone calls of Yingguo Medical Insurance were buzzing with customers asking whether the newest drug, Sanqing, would be included.

The FDA is also under pressure from all directions. After all, AIDS is really rampant in the Eagle Country, and a large number of patients can't wait for this drug that is said to be completely curable.

This also includes some wealthy people and celebrities in the entertainment industry. Many of them are hidden patients. Some of them participated in clinical trials and obtained satisfactory results, which quickly spread in the circle of friends.

But now, after the clinical trial is over, they can't take the medicine for a short time, and they are eager to continue to get this new medicine and maintain the state of healthy people.

As a result, under the fuel of various aspects, the clinical phase III trial of anti-AIDS specific drugs soon came to an end.

Almost at the same time, it passed the double review of the Food and Drug Administration and FDA.

The drug's launch date came earlier than Weikang's expected date.

Typos are corrected first and then corrected.

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