I can extract side effects

Chapter 372 Overseas leeks grow gratifyingly

When the FDA passed the review of "Duan Ailing" and allowed this drug to be marketed in Eagle Country.

Other western countries followed closely behind and passed the approval one after another, approving the local shelves for sale.

The well-trained overseas marketing team early in the morning sold this drug to every pharmacy and hospital overseas as soon as it was approved.

The price is also, as always, characteristic of Sanqing.

In China, a bottle of 30 tablets, taking one tablet a day can keep you healthy for a month. The price is 2,000 yuan. After entering the medical insurance, patients can buy it for only a few hundred yuan according to different reimbursement ratios.

However, the price Sanqing sold to the CDC was more than 200 yuan at cost, so that it could be provided free of charge to AIDS patients across the country.

The price of the same bottle in Eagle Country is 2,000 US dollars, and the drug cost of 24,000 US dollars a year is very expensive even for most people in Eagle Country.

But this price is not expensive compared with Gilead's flagship drug Bitovi, because the monthly cost of the latter is as high as $3,600.

In comparison, the price of Sanqing is already a conscience price.

Under the appeal of the public, this drug has also entered the commercial medical insurance of Eagle Country. In this way, it only costs thousands of dollars a year, and more people can afford it.

Due to the implementation of free medical care in European countries, the annual cost of patients varies from tens of dollars to hundreds of dollars. This depends on the price negotiated between each country and Sanqing.

In short, the netizens of Yingguo took a look around and found, not surprisingly, that their medicines are still the most expensive in the world.

As the richest country in the world, the growth of leeks in Eagle Country has been gratifying.

Under the long-term training of major multinational giants, the people of Eagle Country have long silently accepted the reality that medicines are expensive.

There doesn't seem to be much to do other than keep cursing the pharmaceutical companies.

"God, the devil Sanqing is waving his sickle again to harvest our wallets."

"That man named Wei Kang is simply the incarnation of Satan and angels. On the one hand, he has saved countless people, and on the other hand, he is crazily sucking our blood. Damn it! A bottle of medicine costs 2,000 dollars, why doesn't he go and grab the Eagle Country treasury gone."

"Damn Orientals, I heard that in their country, the price of this bottle of new medicine is only 200 US dollars, and the government will even give it to patients for free."

"Fack! This despicable and shameless capitalist should really be sent to the gallows!"

"Why can't we get medicines for free? Can we just endure the harvest of expensive medicines?"

"Damn pharmaceutical companies, they simply raised us like pigs. There was insulin before and anti-AIDS drugs later. When will the days of suffering be the end?"

"Brothers, let's resist together. I have united a group of patients and brought Gilead to court, suing it for bribing generic drug companies to monopolize the price of anti-AIDS drugs. Those who are interested in joining please click on this address, we Let's peel off the skin of these blood-sucking drug companies together."

"Down with the damn Gilead, Bitovil, the dogs won't eat it!"

"Be content, Sanqing's medicine is very effective, so the price should be more expensive, anyway, it's cheaper than Gilead's medicine."

"If I hadn't had side effects from taking Bitovi, and the HIV virus load has been repeated, I wouldn't have bought out Ailing."

"Upstairs, tell me in detail, how is Duan Ailing better than Bitowei?"

"It goes without saying that there are no adverse reactions, the virus test has returned to zero, and the price is still cheap. Are you stupid for not buying out Ailing?"

All of a sudden, Yingguo netizens spat Sanqing on the Internet.

Of course, scolding will be scolding, but it will not affect their speed of buying medicine at all.

After a wild spray, the patient quickly rushed to the pharmacy and queued up.

Contrary to ordinary people, those rich and famous people praised Duan Ailing and lavishly praised Sanqing, saying that he had made a great contribution to the eradication of AIDS, a terrible disease for human beings.

After all, the most prevalent circle of AIDS is certain people, and this group is at the commanding heights of political correctness.

Not only Mabuse tweeted: "The launch of Duan Ai Ling means that the days of the complete extinction of the HIV virus are about to enter the countdown."

Fruit CEO Cook also rarely spoke out, praising the humanitarian brilliance brought about by this technological progress.

The international superstar Justin even led a group of stars to speak, praising Sanqing Ai Ling for saving the lives of several of his friends.

As a result, the lines outside the pharmacy just got longer.

Eagle Country, Nevada.

The state, which has the highest HIV infection rate in the country, has a special law that allows pharmacists to dispense HIV prevention drugs without a prescription.

Prophylaxis is divided into post-exposure prophylaxis and pre-exposure prophylaxis.

And AIDS treatment drugs like Duanailing can be taken as blocking drugs for post-exposure prophylaxis.

Therefore, in the pharmacies here, Duanailing is also extremely popular.

Many people who have not yet been infected with AIDS, but have a high risk of infection, will come to buy a bottle to take precautions in advance.

The main reason is that other blocking drugs have various adverse reactions, Duanailing's low side effects and zero HD rate greatly attracted them.

Jerry is one of them. He is going to the beach next week to participate in a climbing ladder. After much consideration, he decided to buy a bottle of the most popular anti-AIDS medicine recently for prevention.

When he came to the largest pharmacy nearby, he couldn't help but stare at the long S-shaped queue.

what happened? Why are there so many people queuing up?

There are many strange faces in it, with various accents, from all over the place, and there are even many male and female couples.

Looking at this scene, Jerry opened his mouth in shock.

After reacting, he hurried to the end of the line and asked the elder brother in front while queuing.

"Brother, what's going on, why are there so many people?"

"Hey, you are also scared by so many people, ha ha," the old man in front of him has a big arm and a round waist, the tattoo on his arm is very hideous, but he smiles very kindly: "Actually, I was also shocked, although there are many AIDS patients here, But not so much."

"After asking the people in line in front, I realized that they all rushed over from the next state. This black old man, he was going to the Philippines on a business trip, and he had to buy some medicine for prevention. The loud old man was from Tianzhu. In China, there are a lot of AIDS patients in the community where he lives, so he can only buy it for the sake of health, and they all have a good employer and have medical insurance, so don’t worry about the price.”

"The main reason is that other states need a prescription to buy preventive drugs, but our state does not, so many people from other places have rushed over."

Jerry nodded thoughtfully, looking at the endlessly long team and the dark crowd rushing over like a zombie siege in the distance, he almost cried.

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