I can extract side effects

Chapter 461 Super Bacteria Under Control

The two put on isolation gowns, masks and hats, and entered the ICU one after the other.

"Director, you are here."

Director Cui nodded and looked at the patients on the hospital bed. They were all intubated in the trachea and connected to a ventilator to assist breathing. He knew that the situation had not improved.

He frowned and asked, "What's the latest?"

"Patient No. 1 is 52 years old. He had blood routine done just this afternoon. The indicators of white blood cells, C-reactive protein and procalcitonin did not drop significantly, and his lung CT showed no sign of improvement. He still had a fever of 39 degrees, and his ability to cough up sputum was poor. , leading to the accumulation of sputum in the lungs, half an hour ago, I just sucked out about 20ml of thick yellow sputum."

"Patient 65 in bed 2 is in a similar condition. The relevant inflammatory indicators are still at a relatively high level, showing a relatively serious lung infection, but his health is a little worse, malnutrition has already occurred, and his condition is more difficult to control."

Director Cui looked at Xue Kun, spread his hands with a wry smile, and said, "This is the case of the patient, it seems quite grim."

Xue Kun carefully observed the two patients. Under the torment of the disease, they all looked so thin that they were terribly thin, which made people feel unbearable.

He put the box on the shelf beside him and urged, "Since it's so serious, then hurry up and take medicine."

Director Cui called the nurse, and after giving instructions, he said with a smile, "Okay, let's start with patient No. 1."

"He has a chronic lung disease. Because of long-term smoking, he has a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease for more than ten years, and has developed resistance to many antibiotics. Now his lung CT is whiter than his face, and the body cannot expel carbon dioxide. There was carbon dioxide retention, so I was unconscious for most of the day, and I had to rely on the equipment to do everything."

As he spoke, he took a syringe out of the cooler.

This syringe is specially used for intrathoracic injection, so there is no needle, and the light green drug solution inside is about 10ml, which is not too much.

Because humans and animals have two layers of pleura, the inner layer wraps the lungs, and the inner and outer pleura forms the pleural cavity to protect the chest cavity.

In the case of a severe lung infection, effusion will form in the pleural cavity. Generally, it is only necessary to puncture the outer pleura during pleural injection to achieve the purpose of injecting drugs. If the inner pleura is punctured, pneumothorax is prone to occur .

At this time, the nurse had prepared the instruments, including sterile thoracentesis kit, sterile gloves, disinfection supplies, anesthetics, adhesive tape, etc., then lifted the patient's clothes and carefully cleaned the entire chest cavity.

Another attending doctor used a portable color ultrasound for positioning and selected the puncture point of the chest.

Director Cui looked at the color Doppler ultrasound image, nodded and said, "Fortunately, the pleural effusion is not too much, so we can directly inject drugs into the chest cavity. Otherwise, we will have to drain all the pleural effusion in stages."

"The patient is currently in a coma, and it seems that there is no need for anesthesia."

He put on gloves carefully, opened the sterile thoracocentesis bag, inside was a thick sharp needle covered with two rubber catheters, and then carefully punctured the needle obliquely into the chest cavity under the guidance of color Doppler ultrasound.

Almost instantly, a stream of pleural fluid slowly flowed out from the double-vena cava catheter.

However, the patient's pleural effusion was not much, and it stopped flowing after two or three seconds.

Director Cui put the central venous catheter on the syringe and slowly injected the medicine into it.

After advancing 3 ml of medicine, he pumped back the pleural fluid, and then pushed again, pulled back, pushed, and repeated this 2-3 times, and then injected all the remaining medicine in the catheter into the patient's chest cavity.

During the whole process, Director Cui's hand remained steady without any shaking.

The patient was also in a coma without any shaking of the body.

After the drug was injected, Director Cui took off the needle and catheter and walked to bed No. 2.

Color ultrasound positioning, disinfection, puncture, drainage of pleural effusion, injection of drugs, and repeated operations.

Finally, the chest injections of two patients were completed.

After finishing all this, Director Cui told the nurse: "In 2 hours, change the patient's position at least every half hour, so that the medicine can be evenly distributed in the chest cavity."

The nurse nodded in agreement, and left with the used equipment for disinfection and disposal.

The attending doctor next to him put away the portable color ultrasound and asked with a smile, "Is this the legendary nano-pill? It seems to be similar to ordinary medicine, and there is no difference."

Xue Kun watched the whole process, and was also full of admiration for Director Cui's crisp and neat craftsmanship.

At this moment, a doctor asked a question, and quickly said: "There is still a difference. I don't know if you have noticed. Ordinary drug solutions are white, while nano-pills are green."

"That's because the nanopill is a combination of a green algae and nanoparticles, and if you look closely under a microscope, you can see what it really looks like."

Director Cui suddenly interjected: "Is this drug very irritating to the patient? Will it cause chest pain?"

Xue Kun spread his hands, and said helplessly: "This is the first time it is used on a patient with severe lung infection, so we have to observe the patient's performance to know. I can only say that if it is used on ordinary people, the irritation is very low. Yes, it won’t cause pain, but if the patient has pain, it’s hard to say.”

Director Cui nodded thoughtfully: "Okay then, let's see the specific performance of these two patients."

Xue Kun added: "The nano-pill is injected directly into the chest cavity, and it will soon enter the lung fluid. After about 10 minutes, the antibiotic will be gradually released, and the distribution of teicoplanin is also very fast, and it will soon reach the lung fluid. Very high concentration."

"In general, after half an hour, the antibiotics should be working."

"Observe for 24 hours first to see if the patient's condition has improved. At the same time tomorrow, I will send a second batch of nano-pills and continue to take the medicine until the patient's inflammatory indicators return to normal."

"Okay, I'll let the nurse pay close attention to the patient's condition." Director Cui said as he walked out the door: "That's about it for today."

"By the way, Dr. Xue, it's already half past seven, and it's time for dinner, why don't we go have a light meal together?"

Xue Kun shook his head: "It's okay, I should get off work at this point, just go back and eat."

Director Cui immediately grabbed him, and said with a smile on his face: "It's because of our hospital that you didn't eat so late, why don't you have a meal together, how can I be ashamed, let's just go to the back door You can eat some home-cooked food in the small restaurant."

Xue Kun thought about it, but couldn't hold on, so he went to eat with the two of them.

Director Cui randomly found a restaurant he often went to, ordered a table of dishes, and said with a smile: "I am a little older than you, so I will call you Xiaoxue. How long have you been in Sanqing? Which company did you work for before?" ah?"

"Sanqing only came last year. Actually, I used to work in a scientific research institution of a university. Later, I came here when I saw that the nanolab was established and wanted to recruit people."

Xue Kun sat under the air conditioner, blowing warm air and drinking hot tea. The fatigue of the day disappeared immediately, and his whole body was revived again.

Director Cui was a little surprised: "Which university key laboratory? It stands to reason that few people who stay in universities are willing to switch to enterprises, and they are somewhat unaccustomed to it."

Xue Kun said with a smile: "If it is another company, it may be like this, but Sanqing is different. Its working atmosphere is more inclined to scientific research, not so eager for quick success, but more pure. I am more used to it."

"I am a Ph.D. in physics from Huaqing. After graduation, I worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the National Center for Nanoscience and Technology. Because I had a cooperation project with the Pangu Research Institute in Sanqing, I was sent to do some research on nanomaterials."

"The overall feeling is quite adaptable, so after the postdoctoral fellowship, Sanqing happened to have the opportunity, so I didn't go back to the Nano Center, but went directly to the Nano Lab."

Speaking of this, he suddenly let out a long sigh: "Actually, in domestic academic circles, it is very difficult for ordinary people to make some achievements. There are great constraints in all aspects, and funding is also a problem. It is not as comfortable as enterprises. Qing’s achievements over the years are obvious to all, and it’s not that difficult to make some achievements.”

Director Cui immediately understood. He guessed that Xue Kun was also a marginal person in the original laboratory, the kind that was not valued, so he was sent to Sanqing to do the cooperation project.

He smiled knowingly: "It seems that where there are many people, there are Jianghu. It is not easy to get ahead in the academic circle. It is the right choice for you to come to Sanqing. And Sanqing's salary is relatively low. I have always been generous, and the rewards for making this nano-pill must be quite a lot."

"Isn't doing scientific research just a matter of funding, and Sanqing is not short of money, so the scientific research results must come out in a hurry, not much better than elsewhere."

Xue Kun nodded in agreement: "Indeed, I didn't expect that when I first came to the nano-lab, I would come across the big project of nano-pills. After it was made, even our own people didn't believe it. Hehe, after the clinical trial is successful , this news will definitely shock the entire academic circle.”

Although he didn't say it clearly, he couldn't hide the exaltation in his expression, as if he had been depressed for many years, and after he achieved success, all of it turned into joy from the brows.

Director Cui laughed loudly: "In this case, I will congratulate you in advance."

The attending doctor next to him also smiled wittily: "Then it seems that we have to drink some beer tonight to celebrate."

Director Cui patted his thigh and said, "Must, boss, three bottles of beer."

After finishing speaking, he smiled at Xue Kun and explained: "After eating, I have to go back and watch. When the patient's illness is completely cured, let's have a good drink, and then we will definitely not be drunk."

While talking and joking, the boss served beer and food, and the three of them immediately began to feast on it.

After drinking and eating, Director Cui waved while picking his teeth: "Boss, pay the bill."

As soon as the voice fell, the mobile phone on the table vibrated crazily.

Director Cui grabbed the phone and turned pale with shock: "It's actually Nurse Li from the ICU, so she won't make any trouble."

"Hello, what's the matter? Is there anything wrong with the patient?"

The nurse's surprise voice came from the phone: "Director, the high fever of the patients in beds 1 and 2 is starting to subside, and their condition is already improving. This should be due to the effect of the newly injected drugs."

"What?" Director Cui stood up abruptly: "The fever went down so quickly?"

"Yes, the body temperature has dropped to 37.8. According to this trend, it is estimated that the fever will completely subside tomorrow morning."

Director Cui was shocked instantly, and muttered to himself: "This is too fast, it only takes a meal."

As if he suddenly remembered something, he looked at the time, and it was already 9 o'clock in the evening, exactly one and a half hours before the patient finished injecting the medicine.

"I just finished eating here, and I'll come to the ICU right away. You should watch it first, but don't let the patient's condition rebound."

Director Cui gave some hasty instructions and hung up the phone.

He walked to the counter with his mobile phone in his pocket, and ran back after quickly paying the bill.

"Hurry up, the patient's fever has subsided, and I have to go back immediately to have a look." Director Cui said happily.

The expression on Xue Kun's face remained calm, because he had seen the effect of nano-pills before, and this time it was not unexpected.

The doctor in charge was taken aback, and stood up: "Director, the patient's fever has subsided? Is this the effect of the nano-pill? It's too fast, logically, it doesn't take effect so quickly for Coranin."

Xue Kun explained: "Did you forget that nano-pills are injected directly into the chest cavity to reach the lesion to take effect? ​​Teicoplanin used to be administered intravenously, and it often needs to be distributed throughout the body to exert its effect. Naturally, it is not so fast."

"This also shows that your antibiotic regimen of choosing teicoplanin is very effective."

The attending physician patted his forehead and suddenly realized: "That's right, from this point of view, the effect of the nano-pill is indeed very good."

Director Cui was a little anxious at the moment: "Don't talk about it, if you have anything to say on the road, it's better for us to go back and see the patient's condition."

"Xiao Xue, then we will go back to the hospital first, and you should go back to rest earlier."

Xue Kun hurriedly said: "Director Cui, since the patient's effect is so good, I must go to see it, let's go together."

The three hurried back to the hospital, put on isolation suits and entered the ICU again.

When the nurse saw them, she immediately greeted them in surprise.

"Director, the patient's body temperature has returned to normal."

Director Cui looked at the patient's vital parameters, all the indicators were very stable, he nodded repeatedly and said, "That's right, you can do a blood routine for the patient, and I'll see if the inflammatory indicators have dropped."

The nurse showed a look of embarrassment: "Director, it's so late, and the people in the laboratory have already left work."

Director Cui waved his hand, and said with a bit of resentment: "Oh, you should be more flexible. The emergency room has a portable first-aid kit, and there is a portable biochemical analyzer in it. Just use it to check the blood routine."

"Okay, then I'll go right away." The nurse suddenly realized, and hurried to the emergency room.

Five minutes later, the nurse came back with a portable biochemical analyzer.

Everyone worked together to perform routine blood tests on the two patients.

When the clicking sound continued and the test sheet was slowly spit out from the biochemical analyzer, Director Cui waved his hand violently and grabbed it.

"The percentage of white blood cells and neutrophils has decreased, and the C-reactive protein has also decreased. Although it still shows signs of inflammation, it is much lower than the previous parameters."

Director Cui glanced at ten lines at a glance, and cheered instantly.

"Thankfully, the superbug is finally under control."

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