"The patients are all awake." The nurse said in surprise.

As the third injection of nano-pills entered the two patients, it didn't take long for them to wake up one by one and regain consciousness.

The patient in bed No. 1 started to cough violently as soon as he opened his eyes, and spit out a large mouthful of white phlegm after a while.

The nurse was overjoyed again after seeing it: "Director, the patient's sputum has become clearer and the airway has become unobstructed, which shows that the treatment effect is very good, and the lung infection has been relieved a lot."

Director Cui stood aside, nodded, and a smile appeared on his face.

"The patient's condition gradually improved, which is not easy."

At this time, the attending doctor hurried in with a stack of video files.

As soon as he saw Director Cui, he looked happy and said, "Director, these are the CT scans of the lungs of two patients, and they are no longer white lungs."

Director Cui took the CT image and looked at it. The upper lungs were no longer white, but returned to normal black, which was in sharp contrast with the surrounding white edges.

He couldn't help admiring loudly.

"It's amazing. In just three days, the CT scan of the lungs is no longer white."

"Related inflammatory indexes have also been reduced a lot, and other organs such as the heart have no signs of infection or damage."

He pondered for a moment, and told the attending doctor: "The main thing now is to design a follow-up ventilator weaning plan and a rehabilitation plan."

"The patient is still relatively weak due to bed rest for more than 20 days. After eating for a few days, the nutrition and energy will be replenished, and the strength will recover to a certain level. He should be able to leave the ventilator and breathe normally."

"Okay, I'll design a plan later and show it to you." The attending doctor nodded and agreed, then smiled at Xue Kun and said.

"Although the sputum has turned white and the symptoms have been relieved, it does not mean that he is completely cured. I am afraid that we must continue to inject nano-pills and take antibiotics for a full course of treatment in order to achieve the best therapeutic effect and avoid a rebound of the disease."

Xue Kun smiled slightly: "It should, it must be used in full amount according to the course of treatment, antibiotics, it's all like this, I understand."

The use of antibiotics should be less harmful than excessive. Once used, it must be used in a sufficient amount to completely eliminate the germs. Otherwise, stop halfway through use, and it is easy to cause drug resistance.

Director Cui looked at Xue Kun with a smile, and gave a thumbs up: "Little Xue, Sanqing's nano-pill has done a great job this time, curing the last two patients infected with MRSA."

"This superbug, which is a headache in any hospital, was easily wiped out like this. Thank you very much."

"The hospital's biggest headache is the nosocomial infection caused by various super bacteria. Nano-pills are a big killer for us."

Speaking of this, he seemed to think of something, and slapped his head suddenly: "I have to publish a paper for such an awesome clinical trial result. Those old men in the top three hospitals in Haishi and Beijing saw it. I don't envy death."

Casually stuffing the case materials into the arms of the attending doctor, he urged: "What are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and write a paper. After writing it, there should be a core paper for this year."

The attending doctor was instantly overjoyed: "Okay, Director, I'll go right away."

Director Cui checked the patient's condition carefully and found that the physical signs were stable, so he took Xue Kun out of the ICU.

As soon as he went out, he patted Xue Kun on the shoulder, and said with a look of fear: "This hospital infection is a big deal. If there is no nano-pill, the patient will have something wrong, it will be a major medical accident, and the consequences will be impossible." Imagine."

"This time I really thank you."

Director Cui's thanks also seemed extraordinarily sincere when no one was there.

Xue Shen was about to say something, when suddenly, a tall, thin, middle-aged male doctor walked up to him.

He originally had a serious face, but after seeing Director Cui, his expression became more gloomy.

"Old Cui, I heard that the patient's lung infection is under control?"

When Director Cui saw him, the smile froze on his face, and he immediately became serious, nodded and said: "That's right, thanks to the nano-pills provided by Sanqing, the patient's condition is gradually improving, and it is estimated that he will recover in two days. Breathe offline."

The tall and thin male doctor said in a cold voice: "Old Cui, you have to bear a lot of responsibility for this nosocomial infection. Fortunately, the patient was rescued, otherwise it would be a major medical accident."

"The dean has given the Department of Infectious Diseases of our hospital full responsibility for handling this matter. I have already reported it to the health department and the CDC."

"According to the results of the on-site epidemiological investigation, after sanitation testing, related specimen collection, etiological examination, etc., the cause has been found out. The main reason is the negligence of your ICU, and the hand hygiene is not standardized, so we must strengthen management. .”

"In the future, I will come over every day to check the sanitation and disinfection situation. Everyone must wash their hands frequently, and the disinfection must be done properly. I hope I won't be disappointed."

Director Cui's face suddenly collapsed, but he knew that the other party was right. Since the nosocomial infection occurred in the ICU, he will take the blame for it, and no one can take it away.

The other party saw that he had a bitter face, and continued to say: "Don't you have such an expression. Although the patient was rescued, he also suffered a lot of extra hardships. I think the family members are very angry. Maybe they have to find someone The hospital has to pay for it."

Director Cui couldn't help being stunned: "I can't, the patients are all rescued, and they are all well."

The tall and thin male doctor sneered and said, "Isn't it rare to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars because of the hospital infection?"

"Fortunately, you were rescued, what if you didn't."

"A few years ago, Shunde Hospital lost 5 infants and young children because of the Pediatric Infection. The top three brands of the hospital were all taken down. The dean and a bunch of directors were all dismissed. You don't know it."

"This..." Director Cui was at a loss for words. The matter of hospital feeling is not big or small.

If it is big, it can knock down all the high-level officials in the hospital, and even pick up the top three brands.

If it is small, it can be calm, without causing any storms, and it can even be regarded as nothing happened.

As for how to evaluate the size, it naturally depends on whether the patient has suffered casualties.

Thinking of this, he felt a little more grateful to Sanqing in his heart.

If two patients died because of this hospital flu, then he would definitely not be able to be the director of the ICU, and his career future might be ruined.

Director Cui pondered: "The patient in bed No. 1 has had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease for many years and has been using antibiotics all year round. He has never undergone invasive surgery in our hospital, so the blame can only be blamed on the poor immunity of the patient, and it has nothing to do with the hospital."

"Only the patient in bed 2 is a bit troublesome, because he just had a craniotomy for cerebral hemorrhage, which is a bit troublesome."

The tall and thin male doctor frowned and said, "Then this is a hidden danger. Who is responsible for this patient?"

Hearing this, the expression on Director Cui's face suddenly became a little strange: "You don't want to be held accountable, do you?"

"Why not? I just got MRSA in the general ward after undergoing invasive surgery. There must be something wrong with it, and the relevant doctors should be held accountable."

Director Cui rubbed his forehead, and said speechlessly: "Then you might as well ask me, old Cui, to hold me accountable. This is Dr. Jian's patient. She went to heaven after the operation. When the patient entered the ICU, she just got off the space station."

The tall and thin male doctor's face became serious: "Is it her patient? It seems that the doctor in charge of the bed didn't take good care of it."

Director Cui said unhappily: "Come on, the situation in the inpatient department is like that, with complicated personnel and family members running around. If you have nothing to do, you might as well go there to get your hands dirty."

"Hehe, in the final analysis, your ICU disinfection is not in place. You'd better pray that the family members don't sue."

The tall and thin male doctor snorted coldly, passed Director Cui, and walked slowly towards the ICU ward.

"It's really bad luck!" Director Cui was in a bad mood immediately, and couldn't help but swear.

Xue Kun watched the whole process from the sidelines. He seldom saw people from the hospital's Department of Insectology. He was very curious about this mysterious department and couldn't help asking: "Is this the legendary hospital's Department of Insectology?"

"Who else is it, that hospital department that manages the sky, the earth, and the weather."

Director Cui was not in a good mood, his wrinkled face was all squeezed into a ball, like a chrysanthemum after a night of rain and wind.

He stumbled and sighed: "This is a terrible situation. If the patient sues for compensation, I, Old Cui, will probably be kicked out."

"Xiao Xue, I'm leaving first, you can go to your own business. If you have something to do, come to me."

He didn't want to talk anymore, so he waved his hand and left in a hurry.

Xue Kun shook his head. He is just a scientific research tool person, and these disputes between hospitals and patients have nothing to do with him.

However, depending on the patient's condition, it is estimated that the infection will be completely cured after two more injections of nano-pills.

This human clinical trial was very successful, and he recorded all the details of the treatment. It seems that the clinical trial can be continued.

Nano-pills have powerful therapeutic capabilities against superbugs, which is undoubtedly a good thing for major hospitals.

You know, in most cases, super bacteria will only exist in major hospitals.

Because of the large number of patients in the hospital and the widespread use of various antibiotics, the bacteria here have strong multi-drug resistance, which is difficult to cure with ordinary antibiotics.

Nosocomial infection accidents in hospitals emerge in endlessly every year, which seems to have become a common public problem.

The hospital has set up a special infection department to manage this matter, which is enough to show how serious the situation is.

It's just that most of the time, the superbugs are contained by advanced antibiotics, and there are no major medical accidents that cause the death of patients.

Moreover, generally infected patients use a lot of antibiotics themselves, and develop drug resistance in their bodies. As long as they have not undergone surgery, they can only blame themselves for their poor health, not the hospital.

It is considered a major medical accident only after the surgery, if it is infected by bacteria and many people die at once, which is also very rare in the industry.

Every discovery is to the extent that it can be on the news.

A few days later, the patients in the ICU continued to improve, were released from the ventilator, and were quickly transferred to the general ward.

So far, the first human clinical trial of nano-pills has come to a successful conclusion.

After exempting the patient from the treatment fee, the family members did not pursue any further investigations.

Director Cui's career was finally saved.

In fact, the family members of the patients came to the hospital for their health. If the patient did not have a serious problem, the family members would not sue the hospital.

So the hospital feeling is a lose-lose, neither the patient nor the hospital wants to see such a thing happen.

Even if it happens, it is best to treat it as soon as possible, calm down quickly, and control the loss within a small range.

The medical circle is small, and the news spreads extremely fast. The fact that nano-pills have shown their skills in the hospital in Kunming quickly spread to other tertiary hospitals, causing a sensation.

Nano-pills can treat patients' infections at a dose of one-thousandth and reduce the resistance to antibiotic abuse, which is undoubtedly very attractive to hospitals.

All hospitals with patients infected with superbugs are willing to try the novelty of nano-pills.

This undoubtedly accelerated the progress of clinical trials.

In addition, there are some special patients in the hospital who also see the hope of cure.

These patients, due to various reasons, are long-term users of broad-spectrum antibiotics, and their bodies have already developed resistance to most antibiotics.

Even if they try new antibiotics, due to the large dosage, long-term use and certain toxic side effects on the body, often after a period of time, the bacteria develop resistance and come back again.

In fact, the emergence of drug resistance is inevitable.

Antibiotics are weapons that bacteria use to kill other bacteria.

Bacteria, on the other hand, are living organisms that can easily mutate, rendering commonly used antibiotics ineffective.

For example, under long-term exposure, bacteria adapt to the efficacy of antibiotics, produce enzymes that inactivate drugs, or change the permeability of cell membranes, thereby preventing the entry of drugs, and even changing the original metabolic process, all of which will cause resistance. Medicinal properties.

The longer an antibiotic is used in society, the more pathogenic bacteria come into contact with it, and the more likely it is to develop resistance.

Moreover, drug resistance genes in bacteria can be passed on between the same species and different species of bacteria through genetic material such as plasmid DNA.

It can be said that as long as a bacterium has a drug-resistant gene mutation, most bacteria will soon have this drug resistance.

Bacteria evolve in a savvy way. When penicillin is administered to a bacterial colony, most of the bacteria are killed, but occasionally a very small number of bacteria develop a mutant gene for resistance.

In this way, they survived fortunately.

The bacterial variant then passes on its drug-resistant genes to its offspring, and what's more sinister, it can easily pass on its own drug-resistant genes to unrelated microorganisms.

In passing, one microbe emits an provoker that attracts another.

When two bacteria come into contact, they open pores and exchange DNA loops called cytoplasmic genes.

This process is called unsafe bacterial sex.

Through this mating, the cholera bacteria acquired resistance to tetracyclines from ancient common E. coli in the human gut.

This kind of transmission is often carried out through the general environment, which is hard to guard against.

Especially now that antibiotics are being abused, rivers, soil, and animals are full of drug resistance genes.

For bacteria, this has become part of the environment and is available almost everywhere.

For example, Staphylococcus aureus, which exists widely in nature, is originally a harmless microorganism to humans and animals, and it is easy to be killed.

For humans with normal immunity, it can live in peace with humans. If the resistance is weakened, some common infections will occur, causing acne, or food poisoning and diarrhea.

But when Staphylococcus aureus receives drug resistance genes from other bacteria, it will grow into the famous superbug - MRSA, which is multi-drug resistant to many antibiotics and becomes a frequent visitor to nosocomial infections.

Many patients were fine, but they were infected with superbugs after being admitted to the hospital without an operation, and changed from a common cold to pneumonia.

It is likely that the Staphylococcus aureus carried on the body passed genes with other bacteria in the hospital, acquired drug resistance, and mutated into MRSA.

This is a war of arms between bacteria, and human beings have only cleverly used the arsenal of bacteria.

Only enough foot therapy and regular medication can keep the drug in the body at a reasonable concentration, and try to kill pathogenic bacteria while minimizing toxic and side effects, so that the possibility of drug resistance can be reduced.

The so-called complete all its merits in one battle, that's it.

Nano-pills, which can eliminate germs with only a small dose, will undoubtedly play a powerful role in reducing the use of antibiotics and reducing widespread drug resistance.

Almost instantly, nano-pills became famous and became very popular.

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