I can extract side effects

Chapter 529 Blood vessels are as thin as paper, artificially replaced completely

Led by the staff of the medical department, the female reporter came to the operating room, which is a large operating room with a teaching function, with wide floor-to-ceiling glass windows, and the observation room outside has stepped seats, which can be seen at a glance to see what's going on inside.

At the same time, on the monitor outside, the operation scene inside was also played synchronously.

About seven or eight doctors were sitting in chairs, resting and watching intently.

The female reporter noticed with sharp eyes that there were two or three blond western faces with high noses and deep eyes among the group of white coats, and they rushed up immediately.

"Hello, are you overseas doctors who are here to teach? Which country are you from?" the female reporter asked in fluent English.

Foreign doctors looked at me and I looked at you, feeling a little dazed for a while.

One of the doctors was older, tall and strong like a wall, and said in fluent Chinese with a smile.

"We are from the Eagle Country. This is our cooperative hospital. We are here for advanced studies. As for teaching, we haven't had the honor yet."

"Wow," the female reporter exclaimed in surprise, "it turns out to be a doctor from Yingguo, and you can speak Chinese very well."

She asked enthusiastically: "May I ask which clinic you are from? What kind of technology do you want to learn?"

When talking about the learning content, the other party seemed to have endless things to talk about, and he started talking in an instant.

"My name is George. We are both from the Cleveland Clinic. We are already the second batch of doctors who have come to study, mainly to learn some advanced cutting-edge medical technologies."

"For example, this time, we have caught up with the clinical application of the brand-new artificial blood vessel technology. God bless, we are really lucky to be able to participate in such an important operation."

"Cleveland Clinic?" The female reporter opened her mouth, her face was full of shock, and she was speechless for a while.

Although she is not a professional, she has done some homework for the show. She knows a thing or two about the most famous hospitals in the world. Cleveland is not only the best hospital in Eagle Country, but also the top one in the world.

It is simply inconceivable that a doctor from such a hospital can come to the First People's Hospital of Kunming City to study and learn the most cutting-edge medical technology.

When the news reached her ears, she immediately felt a feeling of "the world has changed" and became more excited at the same time.

"It must be reported in as much detail as possible. It is definitely big news."

As soon as such thoughts popped up, a smile bloomed on her face.

"I've heard that Cleveland is a top hospital in the world. You must also be a very good doctor. Can you tell us about the current operation?"

Dr. George has a lot of experience in dealing with the media, so he explained it very enthusiastically.

"Of course, a total aortic replacement operation is performed in the operating room. This is a high-precision cardiovascular operation. The operation is extremely difficult and the risk is extremely high. Currently, there are only a handful of hospitals in the world that can independently perform this operation." number."

"As far as I know, only hospitals in Haishi and Beijing in Huaxia used to be able to perform such major operations, and now they can do it here, which is enough to prove the level of surgical treatment here."

"The patient is very young, only 30 years old this year. He suddenly felt severe chest pain at home and became very difficult to breathe. His family immediately sent him to the hospital."

"After the aortic tear was diagnosed, the hospital immediately organized cardiac surgery, general surgery, anesthesiology, blood transfusion, and ICU surgical teams to conduct multidisciplinary consultations, formulated rigorous surgical treatment plans and alternative plans, and conducted drills. "

"Our fellowship team in Cleveland was lucky enough to be a part of it, contributing a little bit."

The female reporter asked with a smile: "Is the patient's condition serious? What is the operation plan?"

"The patient's condition is very serious. The aorta is the fastest and most numerous blood vessel in the body. A little carelessness during the operation can cause massive bleeding. If it is not handled properly, the patient will not even be able to leave the operating table."

"Theoretically, the operation can be divided into two phases. The first phase is to replace the arteries near the heart, and the second phase is to replace the thoracoabdominal arteries. This is more beneficial to the medical staff and takes less risk, but It can be said to be Alexander for the patient's psychology, physical strength and even economics."

"Therefore, after careful consideration and in-depth communication with the patient's family, the surgical team decided to take one operation to cure the disease and directly replace the patient's arteries all at once."

When George said this, he thought for a while and explained in another way: "The patient is equivalent to a blocked geothermal pipe. Instead of performing scattered repairs, he directly knocked on the floor and replaced all the broken water pipes with new ones. ,reborn."

The female reporter suddenly sighed: "Just thinking about it in my mind feels amazing. I never expected that medical technology has developed to such a degree that the human body can be repaired like a house or an electrical appliance. If it is broken, it will be replaced." where."

"If the operation is successful, it will be a 'heart' milestone in Kunming's medical community."

Dr. George pointed to the operation picture on the screen and continued.

"After the surgery plan was determined, it was already 6:00 p.m., and the entire surgery team immediately started to prepare for the surgery."

"When the patient was pushed into the operating room, a 50-centimeter incision was opened between the chest and abdomen, and the severely torn aorta was presented in front of everyone. Due to the rapid expansion of the blood vessels, the blood vessels that should have been light yellow have shown a frightening purple color. black."

"The adventitia of the blood vessel is as thin as a piece of copy paper, and there is a risk of complete rupture at any time."

"Using a figurative metaphor, the blood vessel wall of an ordinary person is as thick as 20 pages of paper, but due to a break in the local blood vessel, the blood enters the middle layer, and the blood accumulates more and more, propping up the blood vessel wall like a balloon. The walls of the blood vessels become thinner, about as thin as a page."

"With such a thin blood vessel wall, a slight movement of the body, or even a cough will break it. The situation is extremely dangerous."

"The operation is divided into three steps. One is to replace the arteries near the heart, the other is to replace the celiac artery, etc., and the third is to replace the renal artery and lower extremity arteries."

"Therefore, there are three incisions in the operation. The first incision is in the middle of the chest, about 50 centimeters long, to replace the arteries near the heart of the patient."

"Because the heart artery cannot supply blood during the replacement period, extracorporeal circulation can only be used to supply blood, and at the same time, the non-stop cooling method is used to assist the operation."

"The second incision is under the clavicle, about 5 centimeters long, and the third incision is from the back of the scapula to the lower front of the abdomen, which is equivalent to half a circle around the body."

"Under the leadership of Director Li, the surgical team managed to separate the severely adherent tissue in the mediastinum with difficulty but successfully separated the dilated aorta and branch vessels in sequence. After blocking the blood flow, they were resected."

"Because of the new method of segmental blockage and remote blood supply, the ischemia time of each important organ can be controlled within 20 minutes."

"The anesthesia team adopted bronchial intubation general anesthesia + nerve block anesthesia, and performed bilateral arterial pressure measurement to monitor the patient's vital signs and nerve function. The system is protected."

"During the operation, the team adjusted the operation plan in time according to the actual situation, saving nearly 4 hours of extracorporeal circulation time and greatly reducing the chance of postoperative complications."

"Subsequently, the team successfully isolated the descending aorta, abdominal aorta, and branch vessels, after which the thoracic and abdominal incisions were closed and sutured."

"At midnight, the extracardiac team began to use artificial blood vessels for vascular reconstruction. The left subclavian artery reconstruction was completed first, and then the left common carotid artery and brachiocephalic trunk reconstruction were completed in order to reduce the brain ischemia time of the patient during the operation."

"At the same time, the extracorporeal circulation team began to establish extracorporeal circulation for the patient, and finally successfully replaced the damaged blood vessels in the patient's aorta and aortic arch with artificial blood vessels."

"It's already 3 o'clock in the morning, and the surgical team is replacing other aortas with artificial blood vessels, including two sets of intercostal arteries, celiac artery, superior mesenteric artery, bilateral renal arteries, lower extremity arteries and other aortas and branch vessels."

"The next step is the most critical part. The three artificial blood vessels will be closed smoothly. After that, all the aorta and important branches from the heart to the thigh of the patient will be completely artificial and function as a normal blood supply."

After Dr. George finished speaking, his breathing suddenly became short of breath, he stared at the screen, and fell into silence.

The other doctors also had the same reaction as him. Looking at the operation screen on the monitor, they all stood there in a daze, immersed in the operation.

The female reporter also looked over, but could only see a piece of bright red flesh and blood on the screen, and then looked at the doctor who was manipulating the equipment and performing delicate operations, but nothing could be seen at all.

She knew that now was the critical moment of the operation and she could not disturb these people, so she sat down beside her and waited quietly for the end of the operation so that she could conduct postoperative interviews with the doctors.

The operation was going on nervously, and the time passed by every minute.

The ticking sound of the clock on the wall was especially clear and loud in this quiet night.

Finally, when cheers erupted in the observation room, the female reporter knew that the operation had finally achieved a satisfactory result.

Dr. George took a deep breath and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

His face was already flushed, half of it was nervous, and the other half was excited.

The female reporter leaned over and asked in a low voice, "Is the operation over?" There was joy in her tone.

Dr. George shook his head, but his eyes still remained on the screen: "There is still a difficult hurdle, hemostasis and incision suturing. Only when this step is over will it be considered a complete success."

The female reporter sighed insignificantly, and stopped asking questions.

She cheered herself up, resisted the drowsiness that came from the tide, and finally lasted until the morning.

That night, the doctors and nurses stayed up all night, continuing the operation.

Until 9 o'clock in the morning, the female reporter was suddenly awakened by a burst of loud applause. When she opened her eyes, all the doctors stood up, faced the large glass windows of the operating room, and applauded warmly for the soldiers inside.

She quickly stood up, straightened her appearance, and joined the applauding team.

After a full 15 hours of surgery, it was finally over.

Soon, the door of the operating room opened, and the patient was sent back to the ICU by the nurse for continued observation.

The operation so far is only half the battle. If the patient wants to escape the danger of life, there is still the serious challenge of postoperative recovery.

After a while, the tired-looking doctors came out of the operating room one after another. When they saw the colleagues outside, they didn't even have the strength to raise a finger to say hello, so they had to leave in a hurry.

Suddenly, a doctor staggered and fell to the side. The doctor next to him stretched out his hand and wanted to help him, but he was so weak that he couldn't use his strength, so they both fell to the ground.

Doctor George jumped up from his seat in an instant, ejected, and rushed to the fallen doctor at the speed of light. His strong arms spread out, one in each hand, like an eagle catching a chicken, and hugged the two of them.

The others reacted immediately and rushed to quickly carry the two exhausted doctors away.

The female reporter watched all this dumbfounded, and it took a long time to react.

She said to the camera excitedly: "Audience, due to the long operation time and the physical exertion of the doctors, they couldn't hold on anymore and fell down in front of us."

"It is conceivable how much they have suffered on the operating table to persist until now. This kind of spirit of healing and saving lives, and the spirit of hard work and dedication are the heroes we want to sing and praise."

"15 hours of continuous surgery, 50 cm surgical incision, 8 vascular anastomoses, 7 branch artificial vascular grafts, a total of 6,000 ml of blood transfusion. This series of numbers in the operation is shocking."

"There are only a few hospitals in China that can carry out such a major operation. Generally, 8-10 doctors are needed, and 3-4 surgeons are required to take turns. However, only 6 doctors participate in the whole process of the hospital, and the blood transfusion is about 6000 ml. It can be said that It was a pretty neat move."

"This total aortic replacement operation was a great success. All the diseased blood vessels of the patient were removed and replaced with artificial blood vessels. The total length was close to 1 meter, creating a historical record in the medical field of Kunming."

"After the operation, the tense nerves of the doctors can't relax. In order to help patients recover as soon as possible, the hospital will organize a discussion with a multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment team. Get involved and develop the best treatment options."

"The intensive care unit team will monitor and adjust the patient's heart function, lung respiratory function, liver and kidney function, etc. day and night, and the rehabilitation team will also carry out postoperative rehabilitation."

"I hope the patient can successfully pass through the bleeding stage, infection stage, and various complications, and recover as soon as possible."

"In addition, everyone must be full of curiosity about artificial blood vessels and want to know how they are made."

She takes a sealed plastic bag from the infirmary staff and shows it to the camera.

"Look, everyone, this is the artificial blood vessel used in the surgery. It comes from the Sanqing Group. This is a relatively thin section. It can be seen through the transparent film. It is really similar to an ordinary blood vessel."

"The artificial blood vessels used in the surgery have the thickest diameter of 2.4 centimeters and the thinnest diameter of 0.8 centimeters. They are made of bio-protein high-tech materials and are highly compatible with the human body."

"Regarding the service life, the elasticity and durability of artificial blood vessels are very good. After replacement, the intima will gradually grow and integrate with body tissues. It can be used for life without replacement."

"After the artificial blood vessel is replaced, the patient only needs to take antihypertensive drugs for a long time to maintain blood pressure."

"The artificial blood vessel has no effect on diet and activities. The patient can run, jump, play badminton, long-distance running, dance, and even run a marathon."

The more the female reporter spoke, the more excited she became, her tone was hurried, and she was waving her hands excitedly.

After finally finishing talking about the operation process and the content of the artificial blood vessel, she finally ended the whole program with unfinished business.

"This is the end of this program. The content of the program is very substantial. We explored the cardiac surgery operating room in the early morning, interviewed foreign experts for further training, recorded a thrilling emergency operation, saw the high technology of artificial blood vessels, and witnessed it with our own eyes. The great changes in the lives of patients brought about by the advancement of medical technology.”

"Believe me, with such medical technology in Kunming, people's health and happiness will be greatly improved, and their lives will be more secure."

"At the end of the show, audience friends, please note that the incidence of aortic dissection is not high, but the mortality rate is extremely high. People with vascular injury diseases such as hypertension, hyperglycemia, atherosclerosis, and Marfan syndrome are prone to Send the crowd."

"Experts remind that when you or your family members have acute chest and back pain, you should immediately go to the emergency department of a nearby hospital for examination and treatment."

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