I can extract side effects

Chapter 552 No, the robot was beaten

"Hello, I'm Xiaomei, a medical guidance robot who has just joined the First People's Hospital of Kunming City. Starting today, I will take turns to provide you with services such as medical consultation, registration and payment, navigation guidance and other services. "

At around seven o'clock in the morning, Du Qiu walked into the hospital restlessly, preparing to register for treatment.

As soon as he entered the outpatient hall, he was startled by an oncoming white cylinder that made noise and took three steps back.

Taking a closer look, he patted his chest and let out a breath.

"It scared me to death, it turned out to be a robot."

I saw this robot is pure white, with black lines painted on the waist, base, and joints. It is about 1.5 meters tall and looks like a graceful nurse. On its round head, there are two big sapphire-like eyes. , staring at himself.

The mouth is a painted smiling lip, which obviously houses a loudspeaker, from which a melodious female voice is coming out.

It holds a 20-inch high-definition display screen in front of its chest, and the bottom moves with 2 driving wheels and 4 universal wheels. When talking, the head turns slightly, scanning the surroundings, and when walking, the arms are also swinging regularly. It looks very cute and well-behaved.

Du Qiu looked up and down for a moment, and his eyes were instantly attracted by a familiar face on the screen.

"Isn't this Sanqing's artificial intelligence Xiaomei?"

His whole body was shocked, and his eyes widened involuntarily, but soon he thought of something, and suddenly realized.

"It turns out that the cooperation between Sanqing and the hospital in the news is true. They didn't lie to us."

After Du Qiu figured it out, he immediately gave a thumbs up, full of praise for Sanqing's lightning-fast implementation.

"Tsk tsk, there are results so quickly, I thought I would have to wait a year and a half to see them in the hospital. It really deserves the speed of Sanqing."

In such a short while, many patients walked into the outpatient hall one after another, and were soon attracted by this angel-like robot in white.

Everyone looked at Xiaomei like looking at a diorama, and some people took out their mobile phones to take pictures directly.

A young man in his twenties stepped forward curiously and asked.

"What kind of department do I have a stomachache?"

"I suggest you go to the Department of Gastroenterology." Xiaomei turned her head away, staring at him with blue eyes, and replied.

"Then how do you register?"

"Please insert your social security card into the groove on my neck, and I will automatically register for you. A QR code will come out later, and you will be registered after you pay and scan the code."

Xiaomei even pointed her finger at her neck to guide the patient to insert her social security card, and soon a QR code appeared on the big screen.

"Okay, pay 2 yuan, right?" The young man skillfully scanned the QR code to pay.

"You have successfully registered. Please go to the Department of Gastroenterology to see a doctor. You are currently in the first place. Just wait quietly outside the clinic."

"How do you go to the gastroenterology department? It's my first time seeing a doctor, so I don't know." The young man asked.

"The elevator on the right hand side of the outpatient hall, go straight up to the second floor, and the first one on the left hand side when you come out."

Xiaomei pointed in the direction of the elevator and gave the exact location in great detail.

The young man nodded excitedly, raised his legs and walked towards the elevator.

The onlookers watched all of this, and immediately exclaimed, talking a lot.

"Wow, is it so smart? Awesome!"

"I've never seen a robot in a hospital before, it's so cute."

"Too professional and amazing."

"In the past, I didn't know which department to go to when I saw a doctor, and I didn't know the location and direction of the corresponding department. I always had to search for a long time in the hall. Now with this robot, it is very convenient to see a doctor and consult."

Du Qiu saw that there were more and more people onlookers, and everyone was eager to try, so he hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

"Xiaomei, I've had low back pain for the past few days, what department should I be in?"

"It is recommended that you refer to orthopedics."

Du Qiu nodded, took out his social security card, and was about to insert it, when he suddenly remembered that his low back pain was an old problem, and it was always intermittent. He wanted to see an expert for a long time, but he still didn't know Who should I contact? Now is the time to ask carefully.

"I want to register as an orthopedic expert. If there are any experts, please introduce them to me."

"Orthopedics in our hospital is a strong subject and has many senior experts."

Xiaomei introduced orthopedic experts and their unique skills very fluently.

"Director Zhao Chun is good at various joint surgeries, such as arthroscopic surgery and artificial joint replacement, especially good at osteotomy and correction around the knee joint, joint ligament reconstruction and other surgeries. Deputy Director Xu Lin specializes in osteoarthritis and bone joint tumors Diagnosis and treatment, with extensive experience in orthopedic applications of 3D printing technology.

"Deputy director Shang Fulin is good at spinal surgery and has rich experience in the diagnosis and treatment of spinal injuries and degenerative diseases, such as lumbar disc herniation, cervical spondylosis, spondylolisthesis, scoliosis, deformity, infection, fractures and other diseases fall into this category. "

"Low back pain for a long time, initially suspected to be caused by lumbar muscle strain or lumbar disc herniation, so I recommend you to register with Deputy Director Shang Fulin's expert number, he happened to have one in the morning, and there are still five spots left, the registration fee is 50 yuan .”

"Do you need to register his number?"

"Yes, yes, I will join his expert account." Du Qiu was convinced, and many doubts disappeared.

Soon, he scanned the QR code to pay, and asked about the specific coordinates of the Orthopedics Department, then retreated into the crowd and gave up his position to others.

However, he didn't leave immediately, but stood where he was, continuing to read with great interest.

It's still early, the specialist hasn't started to see a doctor yet, even if he used to wait in line outside, it's better to see how Xiaomei serves patients here.

Next was an old man in his sixties, probably because of his illness, his walk was a little trembling.

The old man held a sheet tightly in his hand, with a confused expression on his face: "Where is this laboratory?"

"Excuse me, what inspection did you do?"

"I'm not very clear, I just know it's an appointment this morning, why don't you show me." The old man shook his head and handed the inspection sheet in front of the robot.

The blue eyes of the robot scanned the list for a while, and said, "It's a color ultrasound examination of the heart."

"Please insert your social security card, please."

The old man groped around for a long time, took out his social security card and inserted it.

"The data shows that you have coronary heart disease. You just had a heart stent operation in our hospital a week ago. This echocardiography is mainly for review and understanding of your recovery."

Xiaomei explained patiently: "For an ultrasound, you need to go to the B-ultrasound room for examination, not the laboratory. The laboratory mainly does blood and urine tests and biochemical tests."

The old man nodded half-understood: "That's right, my son brought me here before. He was busy this morning. I thought I'd been to the hospital several times, so I just came by myself, but I still couldn't find him when I arrived." Wherever you go, you have to ask someone.”

"By the way, how do I get to this B-ultrasound room?"

"The B-ultrasound room is just behind the first floor of the outpatient clinic. I can take you there, please follow me."

After Xiaomei said this, the wheels under the base began to turn, turned around, and walked to the back of the outpatient hall.

The old man was overjoyed immediately: "It's great that there are still people leading the way. The service of this hospital is really good."

He followed closely and walked towards the distance.

The old man's footsteps are very slow, but Xiaomei seems to be able to detect the old man's speed, stop and go, stop and wait from time to time.

In this way, the two walked further and further away, and their figures gradually disappeared into the crowd.

The onlookers here were all stunned. Seeing that the old man and the robot had gone far away, someone reacted and exclaimed.

"Why are you leaving, I still have questions to ask."

"This robot is really useful. It can lead the way when you see an old man. How respectful and loving the young are."

"Hey, I haven't registered yet."

"Why are you standing there in a daze, the robots are gone, go to the next machine to register."

"Your sister, it's really inconvenient to register with this machine. I have to poke and poke on the screen, choose and choose. I don't know which department is better to register, or the robot, which speaks nicely and can do things."

"Of course, who doesn't like the treatment of the leader?"

Du Qiu couldn't help calling it a fluke, he also came early and moved quickly, so he became the first wave of people to eat crabs.

He has seen this guide robot before, but it seems a bit dull, just asking everything is a slapstick, talking back and forth, it makes people very irritated after listening for a long time, so I gave up after trying it once.

Unexpectedly, after a few months, there was a qualitative leap.

As it is now, a robot that can ask and answer questions, introduce doctors, provide advice, automatically select a department for registration, and even actively provide convenience to the elderly is called real intelligence.

With excitement, he rushed towards the elevator with the flow of people, preparing to go to the orthopedics department for treatment.

In the corner of the outpatient hall, two middle-aged men in white coats were standing in the distance, observing the situation here thoughtfully.

As soon as the robot left, the patients scattered like birds and beasts, going to the registration office and the consultation office. The entrance of the lobby instantly became empty, leaving only a lonely service desk.

"President Fang, it seems that the intelligent robot is indeed very good, and it is quite popular with patients." Zhai Yongping, the head of the medical department, said with a smile.

He has seen the whole process of the debut of the guidance robot and is very satisfied with its performance.

At the same time, the specific implementation of this new medical technology is also in the charge of the medical department, and his words are quite an invitation to credit.

Dean Fang on the side smiled happily and nodded repeatedly.

"Yes, it seems that our method is feasible. Let patients start with the guidance robot and slowly accept the existence of artificial intelligence. During this process, we also have enough time to observe the pros and cons. When we are sure that there is no problem, we have accumulated a lot of experience. , it can be fully spread out.”

"This medical work must be done with caution. It's not like new drugs and equipment. It's a life-saving thing. Naturally, it must be applied to the clinic immediately. But for hospitals, AI is a icing on the cake. Relatively speaking, it is not so urgent, so everything Take your time."

Dean Fang rubbed his chin, quite proud. He felt that his move was really right.

Not only has the latest artificial intelligence technology been applied to the hospital, but it has also delivered a beautiful answer to the above.

Some trivial tasks can also be fully optimized, reducing the burden on the hospital.

At least the consultation desk is less crowded, and patients don't have to worry about finding someone to consult when they come to the doctor at night. After all, this thing is available 24 hours a day.

In this way, the hospital can also reduce some unnecessary human resources, and truly assign posts and establishments to medical staff. The last and most difficult thing is to improve patient satisfaction.

It can be said to kill three birds with one stone, applauded and acclaimed.

Dean Fang thought happily, and said to Zhai Yongping: "Yongping, I remember that there should be more than one robot of this kind. I bought at least five of them. Where are the others?"

Zhai Yongping was confident, and presented the plans he had already prepared.

"Fangyuan, this time because of the limited number, three sets have been allocated for the outpatient department, and two for the inpatient department. The two sets for the outpatient department are still being debugged and should be released in the afternoon."

"In the future, there will be at least five sets on the first floor of the outpatient building. After all, there will be a lot of people. As for the other floors, there will be two or three sets on each floor, which will be responsible for handling various questions and consultations from patients."

"The same is true for the inpatient department. Two sets are arranged on each floor to handle consultations from some patients or family members. For some patients whose family members are not around, you can even chat with them. The main feature is a companion function to provide patients with certain emotions. Value, reduce doctor-patient friction."

"It takes about 30 units in total, which can save a lot of manpower and material resources. Although the price is not cheap, in the long run, it is still very cost-effective overall."

Dean Fang pondered and said: "If I remember the price, it seems to cost 180,000 yuan for one set, right? Thirty sets is not a small amount. As for the quantity, I will think about it later."

"Go, go to the inpatient department to see how the robots are doing over there."

When I arrived at the inpatient department, as soon as I entered, I saw the robot in the corridor, surrounded by a group of old men and women, chattering, asking questions, and chatting in full swing.

The two couldn't help but smile at each other.

"Where's the other robot? Where did it go?"

Zhai Yongping searched around on the first floor, but couldn't help but be amazed that he didn't see another robot.

"This robot is still running around? Did it run upstairs?"

Thinking in his heart, he pressed the elevator and went upstairs to search.

I didn't see the second and third floors, and found another robot until I found the fourth floor.

It turned out that it met a few family members who came to visit the patients. Since the person came for the first time and only knew the bed number, the robot volunteered to lead the way.

Seeing this scene, Dean Fang was completely relieved.

This robot is smart enough to do it!

With this in mind, after having lunch at noon, he came to the outpatient hall alone, ready to see how the robot was doing here.

As soon as I walked into the hall, I heard a hysterical shout.

Looking up, Dean Fang suddenly turned pale with shock.

I saw a middle-aged woman in a yellow down jacket, holding an iron rod in her hand, and slammed it hard at the robot in front of her, making a "bang bang" sound.

The robot stood motionless, turned its head around, and kept saying things like "please keep calm", "very sorry", "sorry", "what do you need".

The woman turned a deaf ear to it, and kept hitting the robot's arm with left and right sticks.

There was a circle of people around, all of them stood far away, watching this scene, their expressions were shocked and at a loss, and everyone was silent.

Dean Fang was furious in an instant, and immediately took out his mobile phone and called the police.

As soon as the phone was connected, there was a loud bang.

The robot's chubby head suddenly fell off, spun around on the ground a few times, and then was smashed into a pile of pieces by a few sticks from the woman.

"Nimma, this is too cruel, this woman is a fucking lunatic."

"Fortunately, it's a robot. If a real person was beaten like this, the consequences would be unimaginable."

Dean Fang's palms were wet for a while, his heart almost jumped out of his chest, and he made up his mind instantly.

"These 30 robots have been bought!"

"For the personal safety of medical staff, you have to buy it no matter how expensive it is!"

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