I can extract side effects

Chapter 553 Embracing AI Medical Care

The crazy woman was quickly taken away by the police who came after hearing the news.

Facing this scene, Dean Fang and Zhai Yongping looked at each other, and neither of them could speak for a while.

After a while, Zhai Yongping scratched his head in embarrassment: "I don't know what happened, but something went wrong on the first day."

He was uneasy in his heart, for fear that the pot would be thrown on his head, which would lead to the failure of the robot plan, not only the performance would be lost, but also the responsibility would be liquidated.

Dean Fang nodded with deep sympathy: "It's true, but I didn't expect it."

He suddenly held Zhai Yongping's hands tightly, like the rest of his life after a catastrophe, and showed a relieved smile: "Good fight, good fight."

"Ha, Dean? This is you?" Zhai Yongping was confused for a moment, his face full of doubts.

"If I knew that robots could take the beatings for people, I should have bought a few more."

"This robot is a good buy, and it saved everyone's life today."

Dean Fang was filled with emotion, and then paced up and down in the office, his face full of excitement.

"Look, this patient can deal ruthlessly with a robot who is unarmed and can't fight back when beaten or scolded. You can imagine what kind of trouble will happen if there are only those few nurses around."

"Beating is a dispute between doctors and patients. It is always difficult to judge. What if the nurse has a bad attitude and does something wrong, isn't it our hospital's fault in the end?"

"Everyone has a temper. No one will stand there. You can beat and scold as you like. When the time comes, if you fight back, it will be a fight. What if you beat the patient out of order? Even if there is nothing wrong with you, just get angry It’s okay to come anyway, don’t we have to apologize when the time comes?”

"But it's different when the robot is beaten. There is no such thing as a bad attitude or doing something wrong. This is definitely the patient's own fault. Maybe there is some mental illness. This time it can't be our fault. "

When Zhai Yongping heard that there was nothing wrong with what he said, he immediately became happy.

"Dean, you are right. It is a good thing that robots replace humans to be beaten. It represents the development of science and the progress of mankind."

"It's better than doctors and nurses fighting with patients. If it was before, I would definitely have a headache and how to deal with it, but now I don't have to worry at all."

"This matter couldn't be simpler. Isn't it just damaging the property of the hospital? Just take out the invoice and ask her to pay for it. There is no problem of messing with it. Everyone is happy."

"And this robot is quite expensive. After losing so much money, anyone has to weigh it before seeing it."

Dean Fang slapped his thigh and was full of praise: "That's the reason. The money matter is easy to handle, but the person's matter is troublesome."

"Intelligent robots are a good thing. Hurry up to the procurement department and buy a few more."

"I'm afraid that there will be a few more irritable patients, and the remaining robot in the outpatient clinic may not be able to withstand it. Hahaha~"

As he spoke, his mood became extremely comfortable, and he couldn't help laughing out loud.

Just as the hospital was celebrating that he escaped a catastrophe.

Some people at the scene made a video of the female lunatic smashing the robot with a stick and posted it on the Internet, which immediately attracted a large number of onlookers.

"Shocked! In the first man-machine battle, the robot was completely defeated!"

"Suddenly, for the first time, the robot was tortured to the ground by humans, and its head fell off. It always abides by the principle of robots, never harms humans, works hard, sticks to its posts, and never runs away."

"My God, can you bear being beaten like this? Hurry up and fight back! What? This is a robot, it's okay."

"Are all the patients in the hospital so tough now?"

"Is this woman suffering from some serious illness? If you catch a robot and beat her up! If you are wronged, you will be punished, and whoever caused her will beat you."

"I can't stand it anymore, the robot is so cute, why do you want to hit it?"

"Help, is the robot out of control? It's just like being knocked out alive, and it's suffocating just looking at it."

"Good guy, you still bring your own weapon. How did you bring this stick in? There are so many troubles in the doctor now, so it's not safe to check?"

"Someone asked me if I was worried about AI replacing doctors. After watching the video, I finally felt relieved. I was ready to embrace artificial intelligence. It doesn't matter whether I make money or not. Life is the most important thing. At least the robot can really take the beatings for me."

"AI replaced doctors, and the first step was to beat people up, which shocked my whole family."

"Very good, with the robot by my side, I don't have to worry about patients drawing their knives at each other anymore."

"The next time you encounter trouble, you can hide next to the robot and feel safe."

"The safety of doctors is guarded by robots."

"This robot should be quite expensive, and I have to lose a lot of money."

"Hehe, we bought this kind of robot in our laboratory, and it costs more than 100,000 to 200,000 yuan. It's fun for a while, but when I look back at the bill, I'm dumbfounded."

A rare unanimity was reached in the comment section, everyone was criticizing the female patient and sympathizing with the robot.

Everyone was discussing and expressing their opinions in a friendly manner, and the atmosphere was extremely harmonious.

Miraculously, the previous situation where each side held on to one end and the tension was at stake when there was a disagreement miraculously did not appear.

It may be that the robot was beaten so violently that the head was knocked off and the body was crushed, and there was no resistance throughout the whole process, which made people feel sympathy spontaneously.

If it were a real person, it would be absolutely impossible for the netizens to be so calm, and they would definitely replace the fighting parties and quarrel with him.

Soon, another host played a video of going to the hospital to see a doctor and receiving the service of the guidance robot.

"I never expected that in a public hospital, I can enjoy the services of a private hospital."

"Today when I went to the hospital to see a doctor, the whole process was received by a robot. From registration and payment to consultation and consultation, to various inspections, the robot took me to complete the whole process seamlessly. I only saw it when the medicine was prescribed at the end. doctor."

"My condition is relatively simple. The doctor only took 3 minutes to diagnose and prescribe medicine, but my experience was very good and I didn't feel any neglect."

"Because while waiting in line, the robot has seen my test results, explained them in detail, and introduced possible treatment options, including what medicine I can take, what side effects and precautions the medicine has. To be clear, any question I asked, it answered patiently, without any impatience, I really love it."

"In the last few minutes, the doctor was just going through the motions to confirm and sign. All my questions and doubts were answered by robots. I am no longer afraid of not having enough time to see the doctor and trouble the doctor. Compared with before, the experience There has been a qualitative improvement."

"I think it will be like this when seeing a doctor in the future. The doctor came out last and made the final decision. The whole process, from registration to examination, was accompanied by a robot. It even helped you get medicine. It couldn't be better."

"Of course, this is a common disease for me, so I don't need a doctor, as long as the AI ​​sees a doctor."

"For those difficult and miscellaneous diseases that cannot be found out for a while, a doctor may be required to conduct a detailed examination before treatment can be performed."

"In fact, it is better for both patients and doctors. All the needs of patients can be met by AI, and doctors can also be freed from a lot of repetitive simple work and focus on more difficult diseases. , It’s a win-win situation.”

"Family, what do you think?"

Netizens clicked on the video and were surprised to find that the incident was exactly as the anchor said.

From the beginning to the end, except for the last few minutes with the doctor, the anchor spent the rest of the time with the robot, but he still completed the task of seeing a doctor smoothly.

"It's really eye-opening, can robots do this now?"

"From this point of view, it's not impossible, at least for some minor problems, the feasibility is extremely high."

"It completely subverted my cognition. I thought doctors would be the last to be replaced by AI."

"Upstairs, you are wrong. AI cannot replace doctors, just like AI cannot replace accountants. Didn't you see that doctors still need to come out to sign and prescribe medicine? It can be seen that AI cannot replace any position that needs to be held accountable. In this regard, the core competitiveness of human beings is to take the blame."

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard, AI can do everything for humans, even get beaten up for humans, but it can't replace humans for trouble."

"Why do I smile and laugh, but my tears flow down."

"Think better, everyone. At least the AI ​​will explain all the medicines prescribed to you. You can refuse to prescribe random medicines in the future. It will save you money, won't it?"

"That's right, I saw that the robot explained it clearly to the host. I understand a lot about common rhinitis after watching the video."

"Is this the third-class hospitals that Sanqing cooperates with? It just so happens that I'm not feeling well, so I'm going to experience the robot guidance service tomorrow."

"This robot looks quite expensive, when will it be rolled out to us."

"Hurry up, such a useful thing, after two or three years, it is estimated that it will be spread all over the country."

"It's really a good thing. We can save money for seeing a doctor in the future. If we buy this robot and put it in the hospital, the experience and efficiency will be greatly improved."

"After watching the video, I have more confidence in artificial intelligence. In the future, a waste like me will be completely flat."

"Upstairs, you can still lie flat. If I lie flat, I will starve to death."

"Don't worry, the more mental work in the future, the easier it will be replaced by AI, because the wages are very expensive, but the cheap manual work will not be replaced, because it is too cheap and unprofitable."

"Ah, what a painful realization, can we only be babysitters in the future?"

"When that day really comes, I plan to give full play to the core competitiveness of human beings, and I will take the blame for others. Not only will I have more money, but I will also be able to keep my income from droughts and floods. Someone will take care of me for the rest of my life, with food and shelter, healthy work and rest, and free medical care. , simply perfect."

"I'll go, the upstairs is really brain-opening, and it's really exciting to think about it."

"Aren't you afraid that there will be stains that will affect the next generation?"

"I've been reduced to the point where I've been born out of the pot, do you think I have a next generation?"

"It's really sad. Is the only way to beat the workers in the future is to take the blame for the capital?"

Netizens have different opinions, setting off a big discussion of "AI replacing doctors".

People continue to go to the pilot hospital to experience the one-on-one personal service of the robot.

After returning, they all posted their real experiences on the Internet.

All of a sudden, the videos and photos flew together, making the topic so hot that it even made it to the trending searches many times.

Such enthusiasm naturally attracted a lot of attention.

Investors were impressed. This wave is good for the robot industry. As long as AI and robots are combined, productivity will be greatly liberated. It is simply a golden track and an absolute outlet.

Holding a lot of money, they rushed into the robot track one after another, vying to be the pig dancing on the wind.

The health department looked at the wind reviews on the Internet and nodded frequently.

Look, how positive and positive the public feedback is, and how good the word of mouth is.

You know, the conflict between doctors and patients is often on the hot search, and every time something happens, they will be scolded bloody.

This time there was no negative impact. Instead, they were all praising them for serving the masses, doing practical things, and doing good things. It was like the sun came out from the west.

It seems that this AI medical treatment is really urgent for the masses, which greatly alleviates the shortage of medical resources, not only reduces the burden on doctors, but also satisfies the emotions of patients.

This wave of performance is absolutely stable, we must promote it to all parts of the country, and strive to bring word of mouth to a higher level.

Seeing all this, the hospital couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. Anyone who sees the overwhelming praise from customers will be very happy and feel that their efforts have not been in vain.

And the doctors at the bottom are also very satisfied, although they have no right to speak, they can only secretly be happy in private, at most they join the army of comments on the Internet to express their joy.

However, what they are satisfied with is a bit different from what other people think.

For them, intelligent robots are not just an electronic assistant, which can reduce the workload.

The most important thing is to save lives.

Doctors who can achieve clinical positions have not come to today after studying hard for more than ten years.

Is work fatigue a problem? of course not.

Doctor-patient disputes are the cancer that most dampens people's enthusiasm for work.

Every time there is a doctor-patient dispute, no matter what the reason is, even if the patient is in a bad mood, it is the doctor's fault to find fault and complain casually. Not only will the performance be deducted by 200 yuan, but also a sincere apology to the patient.

Doctors are terrified of doctor-patient disputes, let alone medical troubles that affect worse.

Every time there is a medical disturbance, the injured are always the doctors, who are either beaten with blue eyes and swollen noses, or stabbed several times in the body, and in the worst case, even pay the price with their lives.

As for medical malpractice, I'm not so afraid, because they have to go through legal procedures.

If there is a robot by his side to provide patients with an outlet to vent their emotions, and at the same time use a body of steel to protect the doctor behind them, it will naturally provide them with a great sense of security.

After watching the video of the robot being beaten, the doctors are even considering whether to equip the robot with a wooden stick, so that the emotionally unstable patients can be beaten at any time to vent their negative emotions.

As long as patients can pick up the stick and see at first sight that it is not they who want to beat up, but the robot next to them, they feel that everything is worth it, and they can accept any price.

Of course, the doctors also know that this picture can only exist in their imaginations, and providing weapons is absolutely unacceptable. However, if there is a doctor-patient conflict in the future, they all know where to hide.

With the spread and fermentation of AI medical events on the Internet, intelligent guidance robots are becoming more and more popular offline, and patients who have used them say they are good.

Many hospitals that are not on the pilot list have turned to Zhengyuan Robotics, because they have more or less bought one or two guidance robots before, but they are all artificially retarded and can only be used as embellishments for medical intelligence.

This time, I saw on the Internet that after upgrading the AI, there has been a qualitative leap and it has become a real artificial intelligence. Naturally, they all came to ask for an upgrade.

Zhengyuan Company did not dare to be negligent, and immediately contacted Sanqing Group. After some discussions, they upgraded the firmware of the existing guidance robots.

The hospital returned with satisfaction, and at the same time brought the new intelligent robot to the hospitals at the prefecture and city level.

This medical reform that embraces AI is like a spring rain that moistens everything, quietly changing the whole world.

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