I can extract side effects

Chapter 560: The Billionaire's Life-Continuation Game (Part 2)

Dr. Charlie stood in front of the projection screen, explaining the video of the artificial heart hard, dancing with excitement.

"I put it that way, the heart is basically there to pump blood."

"However, there are prerequisites for transferring blood. This transfer must be carried out under various controls. You can't jump around, and if something happens to you, your heart must make its own adjustments in time."

"The most important thing is that unlike the digestive system, once the regulation of the circulation is down, you will die."

"Even if you lie there quietly, your heart is under regulation all the time. The whole human body is in a dynamic balance, with a lot of positive and negative feedback, so that people can lie down quietly, and they can still recover the next day. Open your eyes and see the world."

"Every normal pacing you perform is because the sinoatrial node preemptively occupies the high ground of the action potential, and suppresses the Purkinje fibers by overdrive, so that the impulse forms a ventricular contraction, and the goal is achieved."

"Every peak and trough on your ECG is the result of sodium channels, calcium channels, and transient outward ion currents (the currents that form the action potentials of heart muscle cells) working like precision instruments.

"You get up every day, from lying down to standing on the floor, just one movement needs to mobilize the strength of the whole body."

"Your skeletal muscles, nerves, various arteries, veins, and heart are all maintaining your body, so you won't lose consciousness in the dark."

"And for the heart, this is just the most ordinary daily life."

"The heart is closely related to the vagus nerves of the sympathetic nerves, kidneys, plasma proteins and blood cells, various endocrine cells, as well as blood vessels and various receptors on the blood vessels throughout the body, and it affects the whole body."

"So, the artificial heart is really not that simple. It is the most dazzling jewel in the crown of medical devices."

"I'm not bragging, Sanqing's artificial heart can achieve full functions and independent energy supply, it's really awesome..."

Bill stared at the video intently, lost in thought.

The grandfather and grandson of Merck looked at the operation screen, once again immersed in the mixed emotions of surprise and shock.

"Okay, dear Dr. Charlie, I probably understand the awesomeness of the artificial heart."

After a long time, Bill finally spoke out, interrupting Charlie's eloquent speech.

He pondered and said: "Then, the next goal is very clear. We need to get a real object and observe it."

Dr. Charlie showed a look of embarrassment: "Currently this product is only undergoing clinical trials in China, and it is difficult to obtain the actual product, but it is not difficult to observe the implanted patients."

Bill and Merck looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

Merck laughed loudly and said, "Don't be stupid. The real thing we're talking about is an artificial heart implanted in a human body. What's the point of observing it on a human body? We're not scientists. Would we go to a laboratory to observe it? "

Bill smiled and said, "Dr. Charlie, it's actually not difficult at all to get the real thing. As long as you donate to Sanqing's charity fund, you can participate in the clinical trial."

"We can subsidize a patient with heart failure, let this poor man who has been waiting for a heart transplant for a long time, receive the most advanced artificial heart implantation, the only condition is to allow us to conduct follow-up observation, he will definitely agree to this offer Free gift, be our guinea pig."

"Probably that's the case. Of course, the specific details will be more humane. At the same time, a contract will be signed to protect our interests."

Dr. Charlie smiled awkwardly. He forgot that the two people in front of him were the richest people. Anything that can be solved with money is just a matter of effort for them.

"Dear Merck, the plan we have been planning for a long time seems to be ready to start." Bill said solemnly with a serious face.

Mr. Merck nodded solemnly, and said word by word: "Let's get started."

His face seemed calm, but his trembling voice betrayed the excitement in his heart.

Bill took out a finger-sized USB flash drive from his pocket, plugged it into the computer, and projected a file to the screen.

"Thirty years ago, the year I became the world's richest man, I started my layout in the field of artificial organs."

"I have been the richest man for more than 20 years. I have invested in and acquired countless companies. These are all biotechnology companies I invest in. Without exception, they are all companies that develop artificial organs."

"The projects currently under development include artificial lungs, artificial kidneys, artificial livers, artificial pancreas, etc. Except for the human brain, they basically include all major human organs. The artificial bladder project that was successfully clinically implemented that year was also sponsored by me."

"Of course, it's not all my own funds. I set up a medical fund in my own name. You should have heard of its name. The top 100 rich people and families in the world have donated money, and the foundation Any technological progress will be shared with them."

"Here, I believe you also understand my goal, which is to live forever."

"Immortality may have been just a crazy dream for the ancient emperors, but for the top tycoons with the most advanced technology companies, it is not an unattainable dream, but a realistic goal."

"I also know a thing or two about biological sciences. I understand that there is no magic medicine in this world that can make people live forever. Human genes determine that the life expectancy is only 150 years old at most, so I can only make bold assumptions and carefully verify. , developed a more realistic plan."

"A person's death often begins with the failure of various organs in the body. If I start from this aspect, assuming that I can continuously replace the exhausted organs, can I achieve immortality in a sense?"

"It's a bit of a crazy plan, but it works in theory."

"It's just that the development of human science and technology is too slow, like a shot put tied to the wings of a bird, which firmly binds my imagination and prevents me from completely letting myself go."

"My plan is divided into three steps. The first step is to realize the transplantation of important organs, the second step is to realize the transplantation of the whole body, and the third step is to realize the transplantation of the brain or consciousness, so as to obtain true immortality."

"Of course, there are still too few human discoveries about the brain. The scientific community generally believes that the human brain cannot be transplanted, so I can only work hard in the direction of consciousness transplantation, mainly focusing on brain-computer interface and artificial intelligence."

"The two parts are closely related and closely related. If electronic pulses can really replace chemical signals and brain nerve signals to create real life, then there is no doubt that we can also upload human consciousness to the Internet and the Internet through brain-computer interfaces. on the hard drive."

"In the past two years, the artificial intelligence I invested in has made a breakthrough, which confirms this and shows that I am not going in the wrong direction."

"In the future, I will continue to invest heavily in the field of brain-computer interface, and grasp it with both hands at the same time, so that when I die, I can truly transform into a digital life."

Speaking of this, Bill finally laughed: "Mabuse has the same idea as me in this area. He also founded a brain-computer interface company. With his ability, I believe he will be able to achieve his goal."

"Well, the brain may be a bit far away. It may take 10 or 20 years to see the ray of light, but I have been waiting for 30 years, and I have enough patience." He shrugged and continued.

"There is a saying in Huaxia, you have to eat every bite when you order food, otherwise you will choke, which is very bad for your health."

"Let's go back to the first and second steps. These two steps are mainly related to organ transplantation. Before I can digitize my consciousness, I need to keep replacing failed organs and prolong my life as much as possible."

"When it comes to organ transplantation, I am very dissatisfied with one thing, that is, only single organ transplantation is possible, because the rejection reaction after allogeneic organ transplantation is too great, and multiple organ transplantations are enough to be fatal for anyone."

"Only true autologous organ cloning can solve this problem."

"Unfortunately, this is a goal as out of reach as digital life."

"In the beginning, the discovery of iPS pluripotent stem cells really surprised me, and I had high hopes for it."

Bill sighed regretfully, and said: "Unfortunately, in the past 20 years, scientists have only solved the ethical issues of embryonic stem cells, and have not yet solved the problem of developing iPS pluripotent stem cells into any single organ, and even the idea of ​​​​solving the problem None, this speed is too slow."

"I had to move my eyes to a more practical place, which is the field of artificial organs."

"Compared with real organs, artificial organs have one of the biggest advantages, which is enough to make people ignore other defects."

"That is, the rejection of metal implants is so small that it is almost negligible."

"You should know more about this than I do."

Hearing all this, Dr. Charlie was calm in his heart, because he had heard about the immortality dream of these super rich people, especially their huge investment in life extension, and he was not particularly surprised by it.

Hearing that Bill talked about the rejection of organ transplantation, which is his professional field, he immediately lifted his spirits, and then continued the other party's words.

"Yes, the body's immune system rejects foreign objects, including transplanted organs."

"The immune system of the human body has a very complete defense mechanism. As long as it is not 'one of its own', the immune system will attack the bacteria, viruses, foreign bodies, and foreign tissues that have entered the body frantically. This is an important protection mechanism of the human body. No one can change that."

"When a patient receives an organ transplant, foreign tissues or organs are considered foreign, and the body will attack them. Even with immunosuppression, there will still be chronic rejection over time, leading to various problems. "

"This problem is currently unresolved."

"At the same time, patients taking immunosuppressive drugs also caused another serious problem, that is, their immunity was greatly reduced. The price of reducing immunity is that they are more susceptible to infection, and even the risk of cancer, cardiovascular and other diseases will increase. "

"In terms of rejection, artificial organs are actually better than allogeneic organs, because some commonly used metal materials, such as cobalt, nickel, chromium, titanium and other alloys, have very good tissue compatibility with the human body, and the rejection very small."

"The metal materials used in many medical implants, such as orthopedic fixed plates and joints, have been implanted in the body for many years, and there is almost no rejection or infection. As for metal allergies, it is even rarer and generally occurs. The rate is only one in a million."

"Yes, you are so right." Bill clapped excitedly.

"Because of this, I turned to the field of artificial organs after being disappointed with stem cell technology."

"In this regard, we have made a lot of achievements, but there are also some limitations, that is, the artificial heart is still in the ventricular assist stage and cannot completely replace the real heart."

"Other artificial organs also have some problems and can only be used outside the body. For example, artificial kidneys can only dialyze blood outside the body, and artificial lungs can also maintain breathing outside the body."

"However, in general, technology is constantly improving. Looking at it in ten years, the progress is still visible to the naked eye."

Speaking of this, Bill glanced at Mr. Merck and said with a smile: "When I reach Merck's age, artificial kidneys, artificial lungs, and artificial livers that can be implanted in the body must have been invented."

"It's a pity, old Merck, you may not have the luck to wait until this day."

"Hahaha." Merck laughed without any grievances, tears came out of his laughter.

He wiped the corners of his eyes and said disapprovingly: "Bill, I have always admired your vision in technology, but this time you may be mistaken."

"Would you like to make a bet, I think when I am about to die, the artificial organs that can be implanted in the human body must not only include the heart, but also other liver, kidney and lungs."

Bill also laughed loudly: "Merke, you still like to bet so much, I promise you, if you are right, I will cover all your artificial organ transplant expenses."

Merck looked at the screen triumphantly: "That's it, I think you will definitely lose, because Sanqing has developed an artificial heart now, and other artificial organs will definitely be developed within ten years. Very confident."

"With the current medical conditions, it shouldn't be a problem for me to persist for ten years, old man."

Bill showed an exaggerated expression, yelled and jumped and said, "Wow, old Merck, you are so optimistic about Sanqing. Could it be that my twenty biological companies can't compare with one Sanqing?"

As soon as this sentence was out of his mouth, he fell silent, and it took a long time to let out a breath.

"Oh, it really can't compare to Sanqing."

Mr. Merck laughed again, and the hearty laughter echoed in the room, and it didn't dissipate for a long time.

Catherine watched all this silently, with a faint smile on her face.

Dr. Charlie also understood that Bill did this on purpose, mainly to make Merck happy.

Maybe this is the secret of Bill being able to become friends with so many super rich people, he thought to himself.

Mr. Merck was genuinely amused, and laughed for a full minute before waving.

"These things are almost covered, and it's time to get the hard goods."

"Your cyber hacker plan, what exactly is it?"

Bill restrained the smile on his face, and said seriously: "That's right, this plan is also divided into three steps."

"The first step is single-organ transplantation. Find some mice that need organ transplants but have no chance, transplant artificial organs on them, see how long the artificial organs can last, and see what defects there are, and continue to improve."

"The second step will go further, to perform multi-organ transplantation on mice, to see if it is possible to transplant artificial hearts, artificial livers, artificial kidneys, and artificial lungs on one mouse at the same time, and try to transplant multiple organs. replace."

"If we can get to this point, then the third step is to try to transplant artificial organs one by one in aging mice to see how much life can be extended."

"Of course, this is a long and difficult process. There are also ethical issues. I'm afraid it will be difficult to get public approval. So I plan to do it secretly and wait until the day of success before making it public."

"At that time, mankind will start the first year of cyberspace and create a new history."

Dr. Charlie saw that the two men mentioned the white mouse, with a look of indifference, at first he thought it was a real white mouse.

After hearing it, he suddenly realized that the mouse they were talking about was actually the person who participated in the experiment.

These people will be locked in underground laboratories, conduct various experiments, and even have their internal organs cut off one by one, and replaced with artificial organs one by one.

Thinking of this scene, Dr. Charlie couldn't help exclaiming: "Oh, my God."

However, he quickly reacted and covered his mouth immediately.

Bill shook his head at him, and said solemnly: "It's late, we'll silence you later. Hahaha."

Mr. Merck said with a smile: "Bill, don't be joking, you will scare dear Charlie. He is a good knife in the operating room. I will rely on him for surgery as long as I live."

The two changed the subject tacitly, and stopped talking about the mouse.

It was obvious that they regarded Dr. Charlie as one of their own and were not worried about him leaking out.

Even if it is leaked, there is no evidence, and it will bring about a fatal disaster.

They believe that Dr. Charlie is a smart man who knows what to do is the best choice for them.

Charlie absent-mindedly finished the meeting and left in a hurry.

Seeing him running faster than a rabbit, Bill could not help but smile slightly, and turned to Merck.

"It looks really scary."

The corners of Merk's mouth curled up, revealing a full-bodied smile.

"Relax, a million-dollar check is enough to calm his inner turmoil and calm him down."

Bill raised his eyes and looked at the lush mountains in the distance, feeling refreshed.

He said leisurely: "Then our plan must be stepped up."

Merck chuckled: "Leave it to me. The most important thing Eagle Country lacks is homeless people who suddenly disappeared."

"I have already selected the person, and I will send him to China for surgery after heart failure."

The two chatted softly, as if ordinary people were exchanging ideas about a popular game.

It's just that they are playing the survival game.

The players who participated in person are chess pieces.

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