I can extract side effects

Chapter 561 Artificial Bladder Clinic, Soul Torture

Sanqing Headquarters, Stem Cell Laboratory.

In the cages on the whole wall, there are large and small experimental animals, most of them are rats and mice, and some are white rabbits with red eyes. macaque.

Ding Mian and Xue Shen stood in front of the cage, with their hands in their pockets, their eyes unblinking, as if they were two pillars, and they kept this posture motionless.

There were three cages in front of the two of them, and two rabbits were locked in each of them. At the moment, they were heartless, gnawing on the carrots they were fed.

A few minutes later, Xue Shen finally couldn't hold it anymore: "You wouldn't pull me here just to watch the rabbit eat carrots, would you?"

Ding Mian said without turning his head: "It's very beautiful, don't you think? And the rabbit that has undergone transplantation is completely different from the rabbit that has not been transplanted."

He pointed to the four cages: "The rabbit in cage No. 1 had its bladder removed, the animal's own cells were used to inoculate the scaffold, and then the artificial bladder was implanted again. The rabbit in cage No. 2 had its large intestine amputated to transform it into a bladder, and then its ureter was sutured. "

"No. 3 is the healthy group. They had a fake laparotomy, that is, they made an incision, did nothing, and then stitched up again."

Xue Shen took a closer look, shook his head blankly and said, "I can't see any difference."

Then I became impatient: "What are we waiting for?"

"Wait for the rabbit to pee." Ding Mian replied simply.

"Huh?" Xue Shen was dumbfounded for a moment, and blurted out: "You are not playing with me, are you?"

Ding Mian glanced at him, and laughed loudly: "I'm just kidding, I have observed this rabbit eight hundred times."

"The artificial bladder technology for rabbits is relatively mature. As for the use of patient's bladder tissue to grow an artificial bladder, the relevant technology is not news in clinical practice."

"I brought you here this time to see the artificial bladder."

Xue Shen was overjoyed immediately: "Great, let me just say, you took the bioscaffold and said you wanted to plant cells on it, but why didn't you respond all the time, so you're waiting for me here, take me there quickly."

The two put on isolation suits, disinfected and sterilized, and came to another laboratory.

As soon as he entered, Xue Shen was shocked by the scene in front of him.

On the workbench in the middle, there is a transparent glass cabinet, which is full of cell culture fluid.

A meat sac the size of a ping-pong ball is suspended in a transparent culture medium, and a 1-centimeter-thick tube is connected to each end.

The left tube connects to a closed box, while the right tube flows into a plastic bucket already filled with some reddish liquid.

Xue Shen stepped forward quickly, put his face in front of the glass cabinet, and asked in shock: "Is this the artificial bladder you cultivated?"

"That's right."

"What about the others? What are these tubes for? Is it urine? Why is the liquid in the barrel red?"

Xue Shen's questions were like a cannonball, one after another, without any pause.

Ding Mian said triumphantly: "Don't worry, come one by one and listen to me in detail."

"In fact, this is not just an artificial bladder, but a whole urinary system."

"What, you got the whole urinary system out? What about the kidneys? Where are the kidneys?"

Xue Shen let out an exclamation and interrupted Ding Mian's narration. While asking eagerly, he looked around, looking for the imaginary artificial kidney.

"This..." Ding Mian paused for three seconds, pointed to the closed box beside him, and said, "Actually, this is not an artificial kidney, it's just a blood filter and a bioreactor."

"Anyway, listen to me first." He clapped his hands to appease the excited Xue Shen before continuing.

"This artificial urinary system is actually quite simple, mainly composed of the so-called 'artificial kidney' and artificial bladder, as well as the ureter and urethra."

"The artificial bladder technology has been cooperated for so long, you should know it very well, so I won't say more."

"Both the ureter and the urethra use technology similar to artificial blood vessels. This technology is not high, so I don't bother to talk about it."

"As for the artificial kidney, it is divided into two parts. The blood filter is similar to the current hemodialysis technology. It uses a nano-scale biofiltration membrane, similar to the glomerulus, which can prevent macromolecules from passing through. while allowing small molecules to pass through."

"The other part of the bioreactor is mainly responsible for the reabsorption of urine in order to reduce the amount of urine to make it close to the daily urine volume of a normal person, which is about 1.7 liters."

"The filtration mechanism of the whole setup mimics the native kidney, and since the glomerular cells are a network of capillaries surrounded by the glomerulus capsule, the blood flow through these capillary networks will be significantly higher than normal, making the blood The substances in it will filter into raw urine."

"This blood pressure difference is a normal physiological phenomenon, and it can be used as a power source for hemofiltration, which is very useful."

"Primary urine in the human body is originally absorbed by the glomerulus for the second time, so repeated, and finally excreted as urine."

"The bioreactor also imitates the function of this part, but due to my lack of technology, the effect needs to be improved, so the secondary absorption of the primary urine is not very thorough, and the final urine is a little bloody and light red."

Ding Mian scratched his head and said with some embarrassment.

"But don't worry, the artificial bladder is still very useful, I'll show you the effect."

As he spoke, he operated the control device next to him, only to hear a buzzing sound, and a stream of light red liquid gushed out from the ureter and flowed into the artificial bladder.

The meat sac instantly inflated like a blown ball.

All of a sudden, it changed from a ping pong ball to an apple.

Then it gradually expanded to the size of a grapefruit.

"This..." Xue Shen was dumbfounded again: "Well, are our human bladders that big? How much water did you put in?"

"It's about one liter of water, plus what's already in it, it's probably a little more than one liter." Ding Mian said indifferently, "Look at it, it's time to urinate."

"What?" Before Xue Shen could react, he saw the meat sac slowly deflated, and the liquid inside flowed into the plastic bucket at the other end along the urethral tube.

The sound of dripping water echoed in the laboratory, and it took a while to stop.

"This, the voice is quite similar." Xue Shen sighed dumbfounded.

"No, how did you make it urinate? Doesn't it cause urinary retention?" Soon, he keenly discovered the key.

"Hey, it will automatically urinate when it is full." Ding Mian picked up the plastic bucket, went back to the "artificial kidney", and poured the whole bucket of bloody urine into it again.

"Okay, filter it a few more times, and it will turn into yellow urine."

After finishing all this, he walked up to Xue Shen and said seriously.

"The only problem now is that the artificial bladder cultivated in the laboratory has no nerve connection, and cannot control urination, holding back urine and other behaviors. If you want to completely discharge it, you can only fill it up and let it discharge automatically, otherwise the urine will remain in the bladder forever. in."

"However, rabbit experiments have confirmed that after the artificial bladder is transplanted, the neural connections will be restored, so it should be the same for humans."

Xue Shen said thoughtfully: "Well, that means that the artificial bladder can only go so far in the laboratory. Next, it must go to the clinic to get the most realistic results."

He suddenly remembered something, and asked again: "What about blood vessels? Can blood vessels be regenerated?"

Ding Mian chuckled: "Blood vessels, small case, these cultured cells contain small signaling proteins that promote blood vessel growth, that is, cell growth factors. When implanted into the patient's body, blood vessels can grow and at the same time prevent cell apoptosis. Death."

Xue Kun nodded, his eyes lit up instantly: "Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and apply for a clinic."

"Hey, didn't I ask you to take a look first, and then go to Mr. Wei to report." Ding Mian grinned: "Whoever we brothers are with whom, you have a great contribution to this project."

"You boy, get on the road!" Xue Shen patted the other party's shoulder excitedly, deeply moved.

In fact, he also understands that Ding Mian is working hard on this project from the beginning to the end. He only provided part of the biological support, but he didn't contribute much.

If I had to change to the laboratory I was in before, I would definitely not be able to get the credit for this. If I encountered someone who was too much, I didn't mention my name directly, and there was nowhere to tell.

Unexpectedly, Ding Mian was so conscientious, he directly dragged himself to report to the boss and ask for credit.

Sure enough, the working atmosphere of Sanqing is indeed unique, there are no complicated KPIs, and there is no great pressure of final elimination. The colleagues get along naturally and harmoniously, and there are not so many intrigues and scrambles for fame and fortune.

Here, everything depends on the results, and the superiors always only look at what you have done and what problems you have solved, not how beautiful your ppt is, or how impeccably written the report is.

In this way, everyone naturally only has the project in mind, and they are willing to collaborate and work together for a common goal.

Everyone has their own role in the project, as long as they contribute, they will not be forgotten.

The relationship between people has returned to its origin, and everyone gets along with each other in a simple and friendly way.

It feels to him like returning to the student days, everyone is in the same river, healthy competition, moving forward bravely, instead of fighting each other, rolling up desperately, pulling each other's hind legs.

Thinking of this, a warm current surged into my heart. Xue Shen's sense of belonging to Sanqing has never been so strong for a moment.


"Can the artificial bladder apply for clinical trials?"

When Wei Kang saw the news, he couldn't help feeling a burst of surprise.

The project of the artificial bladder is completely a research conducted by his subordinates spontaneously, not his arrangement.

Now there are results, which are enough to prove Sanqing's self-research ability and potential in the field of stem cell regeneration.

Coupled with other clinical projects, Sanqing's current research and development accumulation can be described as bottomless.

"It seems that we need to increase investment in artificial organs."

"This is a very promising field. Artificial hearts, artificial kidneys, artificial livers, artificial lungs, and artificial pancreas all have huge market demands. Every moment, countless patients die due to the failure of various organs in the body. .”

"If artificial organs can be used to help them survive the catastrophe and regain a new life, it is undoubtedly the greatest thing in the world, and it is also the ultimate significance of the medical industry."

The success of the artificial heart opened the door to a new world, allowing him to see a new possibility.

Originally, he thought that organ transplantation was the best solution for patients with organ failure, but the lifelong rejection of allogeneic organ transplantation and the rare matching rate proved that this path was impossible.

Unless patients can use autologous cloned organs, this worldwide problem can be completely solved.

However, autologous organ cloning is technically too difficult.

At present, the scientific community can only clone cells one by one, and then cultivate mini organoids based on the cells. It is still too far away from cloning real organs with flesh, blood and nerves.

Not to mention mass production of autologous cloned organs.

Therefore, Wei Kang can only try the shortcut of artificial organs first.

As an entrepreneur with a solid background in science and engineering, he knows that food needs to be eaten bite by bite, and the road needs to be walked step by step.

First solve the problem of whether or not, and then solve the problem of how to make it better.

Artificial organs can be used after they are made, no need for patients to wait, and the rejection reaction is also low, which is the best solution at present.

Moreover, artificial organs also have a great advantage, that is, low cost and very cost-effective.

Because artificial organs are industrial products, the models of each organ are limited and universal, and do not need to be customized.

This feature undoubtedly opened a skylight for mass production. Once mass production of any product starts, its cost can be reduced at an extremely terrifying speed, and then popularized to the public at an extremely terrifying speed.

The price of organ transplantation can be tens of millions, and it is doomed that it can only belong to a few people.

Even if many people get a matching organ, they can't afford it at all.

Even from the very beginning, because of the price, they did not consider the option of organ transplantation.

If artificial organs can be produced with energy, Weikang is confident that its price will be at the same level as that of anticancer drugs.

For most people, this is no longer so out of reach, it can become a firm choice, no longer invisible and intangible like stars in the night sky.

As for better autologous organ cloning, Wei Kang knew very well that once this thing came out, it was destined to become the taboo of the rich from that day on.

Because the process of differentiating from iPS stem cells into autologous organs is very cumbersome and costly, far more expensive than organ donation.

How can those poor people who can't even afford free donated organs afford autocloned organs?

The scientists who do the cloning, the instruments and supplies used, the doctors who perform the surgery, all of this costs money.

Organs can grow themselves out of the body, but they won't clone themselves out of the device.

Only the rich can afford such cloned organs.

They can even stockpile goods, using one for another, and every organ in the body is constantly renewed.

For them, the original organs are the best, with innate experience.

If there is a choice, who would choose a defective artificial organ that can only perform a single function?

Only those who have no choice will use it to save lives.

Artificial organs are cheap and affordable, and the leather is durable. There is no doubt that they can save the lives of more poor people.

The experience in all aspects may not be so good, but for the poor, as long as they can survive, it is enough, and they are not qualified to consider the quality of life.

Such thoughts kept appearing in Wei Kang's mind, which made him waver for the first time in the road ahead.

"There are 7.5 billion people in the world, no, 1.4 billion people in the country. If everyone wants to clone an organ for transplantation when they are old, so as to prolong their life, what will happen?"

Wei Kang instantly felt a trace of horror, his whole body seemed to be electrified, and his scalp was numb.

"If the continuous transplantation of fresh cloned organs can extend people's lifespan, even if it is extended from 100 years old to 120, or even 150 years old, the entire human society will undergo earth-shaking changes."

"In the long history of mankind, before the 19th century, the average life expectancy of human beings was only 35 years old, and could not exceed 40 years old."

"Whether emperors, generals, or poor people, they are all prone to die young in their prime of life fairly."

"In the face of bacterial infections and various diseases, everyone is truly equal."

"In the 20th century, with the advent of antibiotics, the problem of death from bacterial infections was solved, and the average life expectancy of human beings began to increase by leaps and bounds, reaching 60 years old, and even reaching 80 years old in developed areas."

"60 years old and 80 years old, there is a gap of 20 years, representing the developed and underdeveloped worlds."

"Advanced medical treatment, sufficient nutritional intake, and good maintenance of the body, these three factors are enough to make the difference in life expectancy between two people reach 20 years."

“At the end of the day, it’s still about the money.”

"The issue of money is even more prominent when faced with scarce resources."

"And organ transplantation, whether it is an allogeneic organ or an autologous clone, is a scarce resource."

"The former is very rare, while the latter costs a lot of money. It is doomed that it is not as easy to obtain as the fruit on the tree or the grain in the farmland."

"It is expensive because it is scarce, and the desire for it is insatiable."

"What will the final result be?"

"When lifespan is linked to money, it will inevitably create a monopoly. Longevity will become exclusive to the rich and benefit their offspring, thus creating one long-lived race after another."

"The poor can only live to 80, and the rich can live to 150."

"Is such an era good?"

"If that day really comes and I open it myself, how should I face it?"

"If medical technology becomes an accomplice to the monopoly of longevity by the rich, what's the point?"

Faced with such soul torture, Wei Kang frowned, and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

"Maybe, that day will come soon, maybe, it will never come."

"Is this a problem that technology can solve?"

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