I can extract side effects

Chapter 650 Overseas Clinical Invitation, Dilemma of Family Members

Kunming, Sanqing Headquarters.

Just when Ding and Huang were anxious about the clinical practice of the human body.

Wei Kang thought of this situation one step earlier than them.

"It is simply unrealistic to expect the Health and Construction Commission to make changes as soon as possible to promote brain death legislation."

"Firstly, the impact is too great, and secondly, there are too many relationships to be coordinated in all aspects."

"It's just a human clinic. The company doesn't need to worry at all. It's not waiting for this project to save lives. There is no need to do such thankless things."

"After all, in the Chinese cultural circle, the general thinking of the people is that it is difficult to accept the fact that a loved one whose body is warm and the heart is still beating is completely dead, and it is even more difficult to accept the fact that a relative who is still breathing is pushed to the operating table to make a human body. experiment."

"So even if the death result of brain death is clarified, it will be difficult for the public to accept it. If they don't accept it, there is nothing they can do. Body donation is really not a popular thing."

"Bang Country and Cherry Blossom Country in the same cultural circle have already made it clear that legislation is brain-dead, and the proportion of people donating remains is very low, far inferior to Western countries."

"From this point of view, we have to admit that cultural differences do exist, and the people in Eagle Country just want to be more open-minded."

"The acceptance of human experiments in China is very poor. The number of clinical studies is quite large, often requiring dozens of cases. It is difficult not to make people think that it is necessary to dig out the hearts and kidneys of so many brain-dead patients."

"To carry out human clinical research rashly, I am afraid that the world will be disrespected. Even with Sanqing's reputation, it is estimated that it will be difficult to withstand it, and it may become a dark history. Difficult, really difficult."

After thinking about it this way, there are not many choices left for him.

"It seems that the only way to achieve the goal is to carry out clinical trials overseas. At the same time, Sanqing can be removed from the moral dilemma. Even if you don't go to Eagle Country, you can go to other places, such as Tianzhu, Philippines and other places."

"I read the report submitted by Ding Mian. Human-pig organ chimerism is the highest at only 92%, and some pig cells will also be contained. Although it has been genetically modified, the possibility of immune rejection is very low, but in terms of biological safety. , we still have to think about it in the long run.”

"If overseas clinical trials prove safe and effective, these clinical data will also be recognized in China, and then you can directly apply for the first phase of clinical trials in China."

"From this point of view, overseas clinical practice may not be a kind of protection for domestic patients."

Wei Kang thought for a while, and quickly made a decision.

"Otherwise, simply do overseas clinical trials in a country that recognizes brain death, and then return to China with the data to apply for the first phase of clinical trials."

"Even if the domestic progress is a little behind, it doesn't matter. Safety comes first, and safety comes first."

"Then the question is, which country should I choose?"

"Eagle Country? Europa? Or Tianzhu?"

"Try the FDA first? I remember that Eagle Country also has some research on xenotransplantation. It has a lot of experience in this field and there are many excellent doctors."

At this moment, Wei Kang's cell phone rang suddenly.

When he saw the caller ID, he smiled.

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao will be there, and as soon as he thought of the FDA, acquaintances came to the door.

"Dear Wei, long time no see. Congratulations to Sanqing for making a breakthrough in the field of organ transplantation."

As soon as the phone was connected, Andre's familiar voice sounded instantly, feeling quite impatient.

The corners of Wei Kang's mouth turned up, but on the surface he remained calm: "Thank you for your compliment. This is mainly the result of the hard work of the company's employees. I, the boss, actually didn't participate much, so I feel ashamed."

Andre made a haha, exchanged a few greetings as usual, and then quickly got to the point.

"Dear Wei, what is the progress of this project? Has the human clinical trial started?"

"As far as I know, before xenotransplantation enters human clinical practice, there is still a threshold that must be crossed, and that is clinical research on brain-dead patients."

Wei Kang didn't intend to hide it either. Whether or not human clinical trials have been approved can be found out directly from the government, not to mention internal information. It is very easy for colleagues to know.

He readily admitted: "This human clinical trial has not yet started, and the preclinical research has encountered some problems."

"You have stayed in China for several years, and you should know that brain death is not recognized here, so it is very difficult to do clinical research on brain death patients, and it is difficult for parents alone to persuade, let alone supervision."

"But I believe it will be resolved soon. It's just a little bit slower. I don't care about this time."

Hearing Wei Kang's confession, Andre couldn't help but feel delighted. He knew about China's special situation, so he volunteered to be an intermediary, intending to persuade Wei Kang to conduct clinical research overseas.

In this way, Sanqing's clinical research can be carried out smoothly, and patients in Yingguo can benefit from it as soon as possible.

You must know that some of the benefactors behind him are already very old, and they are eager to see this achievement landed in reality, the sooner the better.

After all, if a technology wants to reach a mature and usable level, it needs a lot of practice in the early stage. If the application time can be shortened from ten years to two or three years, it will undoubtedly gain huge benefits.

As for Wei Kang's statement that he doesn't care about time, he directly regarded it as being stubborn.

In his mind, for such a major project, Sanqing must have invested a huge amount of research and development expenses, and who doesn't want to get a return as soon as possible.

Because some regulations have blocked the progress of research and development, I must be very anxious, but for the sake of face, I can only say that I don't care.

Such a reaction is very reasonable, and he is here for it.

After years of dealing with Wei Kang, he thinks that he still understands Wei Kang's character and thinking very well. When encountering difficulties, the other party will not directly ask outsiders for help. At this time, a friend like him is needed to take the initiative to come forward.

"This is the nature of Chinese people. No matter how straightforward they are, they are more or less concerned about saving face."

Thinking of this, Andre smiled slightly, showing a look of victory.

"Wei, for so many years, our friendship has always been extremely deep. As a friend, I can't sit idly by when I see you encounter difficulties."

"In fact, in our eagle country, brain death is a very normal thing. A medical team at the Mayo Clinic implanted a pig heart in a brain-dead patient. Although the patient did not survive, the follow-up research did not." Yes, we have a lot of experience in this area.”

"Believe me, if you are willing to come to Eagle Country to do overseas clinical work, there will definitely be a lot of hospitals vying to cooperate with you, and the FDA will give you the green light all the way, without any hindrance."

"Our laws and regulations are very mature and reliable in this regard. Everything is focused on the interests of pharmaceutical companies. Oh, it should be said that everything is focused on the development of medical research."

"So, do you really not consider overseas clinical practice?"

"That's for sure. Your Great Eagle Empire's experience in human experiments is absolutely unparalleled in the world. It can't be described as rich. If you dare to be the second, no one will dare to be the first." Wei Kang thought in his heart Silently complained.

Although he had made up his mind long ago, facing Andre's gracious invitation, he still pretended to think for a moment, making a look of being in a dilemma.

"Andre, what you said is very reasonable. I was almost moved, but my subordinates found a new way, which is to connect the human kidney in the pig directly to the blood vessels of the brain-dead patient, and do extracorporeal dialysis first. How long can it last?"

"If this method can prove safe and effective, it may be able to promote clinical research in China one step forward."

"So I plan to see the results before making a decision. As my friend, you should be able to understand."

Andre's heart was burning, but he still said calmly: "As a friend, of course I will understand and fully support your decision."

"However, allow me to remind you in good faith that it is good to be prepared for everything. You can apply for domestic clinical trials while making preparations for overseas clinical trials in advance. After all, overseas markets cannot be given up. What do you think?"

When he said this, Wei Kang followed suit, and said with a smile, "This is a natural, reasonable suggestion, and I will definitely listen to it."

"I will ask Sanqing's Yingguo branch to submit a clinical application to the FDA in a short while."

Andre nodded happily: "That's great, then I'll wait for your good news. If you have any questions, I will be at your service anytime."


At the same time, Kunming First People's Hospital, outside the ICU ward.

An old woman with gray hair was crying so hard that her tears couldn't stop falling down. A man in his early 30s next to her was wiping her tears and patiently persuading her.

"Mom, Dad is already in this situation, you should just let it go."

"Doctors say you're brain dead, that's really hopeless. Don't cry too sadly, you'll ruin your body instead."

After speaking, he gave his wife a wink, and seeing that the other party supported the old mother knowingly, he walked towards the director Cui of the intensive care department beside him.

"Director Cui, look at my dad's situation, how long can he stay in the ICU?"

Director Cui stood aside for a while. He finally found a fresh brain-dead patient. In order to complete the task assigned by Director Fang, he had to bite the bullet and do it.

"Your father's medical certificate has come out. He was in a deep coma without any response. His brainstem died, his EEG disappeared, and his cerebral blood flow stopped. He was diagnosed as brain dead. It doesn't make much sense to continue the treatment, and he can't be rescued."

Director Cui thought about it and said: "Of course, if the family members want the patient to stay in the ICU and maintain their physical condition, it's not impossible, but it will cost a lot."

"I personally suggest that family members still have to do what they can, because the survival period of most brain-dead patients is about one week, and it is difficult to exceed two weeks. Although the ventilator can keep the patient's breathing and heartbeat, after a long time, the blood pressure cannot be maintained. His bodily functions completely collapsed and he died.”

The man frowned, and said with a slightly irritable expression, "Your doctor has said these words several times, and I can hear calluses in my ears. It's not like I don't know what brain death is."

"The problem is that I accept it, but my mother doesn't accept it. As soon as I say I want to extubate, she will fight me to death."

"Damn, I can't be accused of being unfilial for this matter, and make the house restless, let my mother hate me for the rest of my life."

Director Cui nodded: "The emotions of the family members must naturally be taken into consideration."

After being in the ICU for a long time, he has seen a lot of human feelings, and he knows the truth that haste makes waste, so he did not immediately persuade the other party to do human experiments, but waited slowly.

The other party will definitely ask the most critical question, he is sure.

Sure enough, the man hesitated and asked: "Well, if my dad stays in the ICU until he dies, how much will it cost?"

Director Cui murmured and said: "If you stay in the ICU and do the necessary cardiopulmonary support, blood pressure support, and nutritional support, you can last for about a week, and it is very unlikely that you can last for two weeks."

"The daily cost of medicine and equipment is about 30,000, and it is about 200,000 a week. If it lasts for two weeks, it will probably be nearly 50."

"What? So expensive?" The man was dumbfounded for a moment, showing an expression of disbelief.

Director Cui patiently explained: "It's like this. Once a person's brain is dead, they can no longer breathe spontaneously, and various endocrine functions also stop. Some important hormones that maintain the body's metabolism and organ functions, such as thyroxine, can no longer be secreted. .”

"Therefore, EMCO artificial lungs are used to maintain breathing, and various drugs are injected to maintain the functions of important organs such as the heart, liver, and kidneys. Finally, nutritional supplements are injected. The cost of these equipment and drugs is quite expensive."

"And the longer you persist, the worse your sensitivity to drugs will be. You will need to increase the dose in the later stage, which may be doubled or tripled, so the price will be more expensive."

"Actually, I think the hope of staying up to two weeks is relatively slim, because most brain-dead patients don't survive a week."

"For family members, it is basically a week's ICU money, so that patients can walk naturally and live with peace of mind."

"However, even if you stay in the ICU for a week, 200,000 yuan is too expensive, and our family can't afford it at all."

The man murmured to himself, after hearing this, not only did he not feel the slightest comfort, but even more frowning.

The cost of 200,000 yuan, plus the money spent on rescue and treatment before, will cost at least 300,000 yuan, which is enough to make him bankrupt and even in debt.

At this moment, he was completely hopeless, and even had the idea of ​​giving up completely.

He couldn't destroy the whole family just to let the old father live another week.

The medical expenses of 100,000 have already emptied the family, and we must not bear the medical debt of 200,000.

However, as soon as this thought came to the man's mind, he looked back at the old mother who was crying like a tearful person.

The three words "Give up" were instantly stuck in his throat, and he was still unable to utter them.

At this time, Director Cui kindly reminded: "If your father has medical insurance, he can reimburse most of the expenses."

The man shook his head blankly: "We are ordinary migrant workers. My dad is a farmer, so there is no medical insurance."

Director Cui let out a long sigh with a look of compassion: "That's really difficult."

"Oh, I know, thank you Director for telling me so much, I'll think about it again."

The man was very entangled in his heart, and thanked Director Cui. He planned to make it clear to his mother in a while that he really couldn't afford the money, and he could only be ashamed of his old father's kindness in nurturing him for many years.

But director Cui suddenly said something: "If the family is in trouble, should you consider donating the body?"

"Your dad is only in his 50s, so he's still young..."

Before he finished speaking, the man's face changed drastically.

"Director Cui, don't talk about it, I can't do this kind of thing even if I am killed."

The man's face turned red, and the veins on his forehead were bulging one by one. He stopped drinking and immediately interrupted Director Cui's words.

But Director Cui didn't stop, but slowed down and spoke softly.

"I understand your thoughts very well, but listen to me first."

"I'm not talking about donating the body to a medical school for research, nor about organ donation, but a clinical study by Sanqing."

"Your dad will continue to stay in the ICU, not going anywhere, and we will not move his body, but will connect an external artificial organ to the blood vessels in the abdomen and thighs, and rely on the blood supply in his body to maintain it for two or three days .”

"Then record the physical condition of the whole process, and it's over."

"It won't do any harm to your father's body."

"But all your dad's medical expenses, and all the follow-up expenses of staying in the ICU to sustain life, they will be reimbursed in the name of clinical research."

"Would you like to think about it?"

The man was stunned for a moment, and when he first heard Sanqing's name, his confrontation became less intense.

After listening to all Director Cui's words, my tense mood unexpectedly relaxed.

This clinical research plan sounds pretty good. It doesn't need to go to great lengths on the old father's body, and it won't remove any organs. It's just a connection of blood vessels. It's not a big deal at all.

The most important thing is that all medical expenses can be reimbursed, and the father can stay in the ICU and die naturally.

This time, not only alleviated his economic crisis, but also completely resolved the dispute between him and his mother, and the original moral dilemma was perfectly resolved.

He was instantly moved, but still hesitated, feeling that this matter was too pie-in-the-sky, so good that one wondered if it was a scam.

The other party won't turn their backs and deny people after the operation, and just refuse to give money, right?

However, Director Cui's subsequent words completely dispelled all doubts in his heart.

"Don't worry, Sanqing will sign a formal agreement with you. As long as you sign it, they will pay the medical expenses directly, and you won't need to pay a penny from the beginning to the end."

The man nodded immediately: "Okay, I promise you, where to sign?"

Director Cui showed a faint smile that he hadn't seen for a long time, and waved his right hand forward.

"Come with me and go to the office to sign." (End of this chapter)

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