New exercises have arrived.

Moreover, Luo Xia is now next to the Fire Crystal, such an excellent cultivation treasure.

He immediately used new exercises and began to try a new sense of cultivation.

The new exercises are not in a hurry to open up the meridians and open up more perfect channels of aura.

It pays attention to a condensation domain.

Luo Xia first released the Spiritual Qi in his body, reaching the state of Aura Sarong.

Then he tried to make the aura spread farther, forming an excessive space that completely enveloped his entire person and connected to the outside space.

This excess space, even if it is his personal domain.

Under Luo Xia’s control, this realm changed rapidly, condensing into a vortex of aura, which released a powerful suction force and extracted the surrounding aura.

After being activated by Lie Xia, it released a Vast Fire Crystal Aura that was almost like a rolling wave of fire, and most of it was immediately sucked over.

The one that Luo Xia condensed, the original attributeless spiritual energy vortex, was suddenly dyed a fiery red.

Luo Xia itself has the bloodline ability of the fire attribute.

As soon as these auras entered his realm, they were initially assimilated by him at high speed and became his aura guards.

The vortex became bigger and bigger, and the concentration of spiritual energy around Luo Xia became stronger and stronger.

After entering this virtuous circle, Luo Xia began the next step of cultivation.

It activated all the aura in its body and transformed it into a fire attribute.

His whole person was illuminated by the crimson fire attribute aura, and he seemed to have turned into a red flame glass!

This is based on the ‘grown’ divine technique, which allows elemental darlings to devour energy infinitely without side effects.

Luo Xia temporarily transformed himself into an elemental creature with a fire attribute.

This allowed him to absorb the fire attribute aura around his body more easily, and there were also no side effects.

The preparations are completed, and the Devouring Spirit trait is activated.

Luo Xia’s body that had turned into a glazed body, all the cell pores on the whole body seemed to open their mouths, greedily devouring the spiritual energy around his body!

A large amount of spiritual energy poured into Luo Xia’s body, rendering his body even more red, calcining his muscles and bones more tenaciously, and pushing his cultivation step by step.

Because I have comprehended a higher level of power, because it is not the first day of such a spiritual energy infusion, because there is a divine skill escort of growing up.

Therefore, Luo Xia’s ascension was stable and rapid, and the Condensation Domain Devouring Spirit Technique was full of effect, worthy of being a B-grade exercise.


I don’t know how long I’ve been cultivating.

Luo Xia seemed to have an invisible shackle in his body that had been broken.

He used this Fire Crystal Fire to not only create a more solid foundation for the Void Floating Foundation that had soared rapidly before.

His cultivation also managed to go one step further, reaching the seventh rank of martial arts.

The seventh order of martial artists is already a high-level martial artist.

At this stage, the warriors’ aura gauze can skyrocket several meters away from the body for attack and defense, and they already have preliminary domain power.

And Luo Xia, who possessed the Condensation Domain Devouring Spirit Technique, had already perfectly embodied the primary realm.

This will undoubtedly greatly increase his combat effectiveness.

The new exercises are very powerful, and the cultivation is rewarding.

Luo Xia was happy, he opened his eyes smugly, ready to rest and relax.

Although he now possessed a wonderful cultivation technique, it was not good for his cultivation speed to increase too quickly.

Outsiders suspect that it is easy to inflate, although Luoxia has inflated capital.

But anyway, these two summoned beasts do not promote to the B level, no longer provide themselves with a large amount of shared bloodline power, and it is difficult for them to promote grandmasters and achieve qualitative changes in a short time.

Therefore, Luo Xia is not so anxious.

After cultivating for a long time, occasionally get up and move your body, admire the beauty who is guarding closely, summon the beast to nourish the eyes, and then a whole cup of healthy willow leaf wolfberry tea, that is life!

When Luo Xia was ready to get up in such a mood, he suddenly found that his shoulders were a little heavy?

He turned his head in surprise, and then saw Liexia’s beautiful face, leaning on his shoulder close by.

Looking closely, you can find out more clearly that Liexia is really a little beauty who can’t fault flaws!

The skin of her fire spirit body is delicate and flawless, her proud facial features are incomparably delicate, and she is like a perfect work of art created by heaven…

Lie Xia is this asleep? Lazy cultivation?

Luo Xia admired it for a while, and only after being satisfied did he realize that Liexia’s action was not quite right.

But the strange thing is that the spiritual energy that keeps flowing around her does not stagnate.

Even, even if Luo Xia was casting the Condensation Domain Devouring Spirit next to her, the power of the Vast Fire Crystal she devoured was a little less.

This shows that she has practiced well, but this posture?

Luo Xia was slightly entangled, then also put down his palm that was raised and aimed at a certain part.

After all, Lie Xia is still a summoned beast.

Although it is a beautiful human form, no one can stipulate that people’s cultivation posture must be the same as that of humans.

Maybe people are just lying casually and can absorb cultivation?

For a while, Luo Xia was a little envious of this kind of relaxed cultivation posture that could also improve his strength.

Lie Xia was cultivating on her own like this.

If Luo Xia forcibly got up, I am afraid that he would interrupt and wake her up.

This nizi is the main combat power of his Honolulu, but it is the key to whether he can jump to the grandmaster in the short term.

Luo Xia couldn’t disturb her.

Therefore, Luo Xia, who was forcibly glued by the beauty, could only give up the leisurely relaxation he expected and start cultivating again.

He swore that he was so ‘wronged’ that he was thinking about the future development of Honolulu, and definitely not wanting to stick with the beautiful summoning beast for a while.

But I don’t know if it’s a long time to sit or be a little tired of being leaned on.

An idea suddenly popped up in Luo Xia’s mind: Can he also learn the relaxed cultivation like Liexia?

Otherwise, if you are always mentally tense, physically tense, and still stuck by beautiful women and can’t get up, it doesn’t meet the guidelines for your easy cultivation at all.

Thinking so, Luo Xia did the same.

He also tilted his body, squeezed closely with Lie Xia to borrow each other’s strength, and leaned his head on Lie Xia’s head.

Kindness…… Much easier.

Concentrate, use the cultivation exercises, condense the domain, swallow the spirit…

Hey, can you really continue to cultivate?

Luo Xia was overjoyed, and I don’t know whether he raised his arm intentionally or unintentionally, and put his hand on the little man’s waist of Renjia Liexia.

That’s it.

With the assistance of the Everlasting Fire Crystal, under the support of the Condensation Domain Spirit Devouring, and under the passive supervision of the Beauty Summoning Beast.

Luo Xia was forced into a long period of cultivation and entered the realm quickly.

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