In this way, Luo Xia was in the process of cultivation and forced cultivation.

Time flies by.

Bodhi Moon Willow, Yanying Queen, Luo Xia and the others were all in the high-speed cultivation progression.

Every aspect of Honolulu has been packed up to a more perfect state than it was before the war.

Except for not continuing to sell ferocious beasts and making a fortune in the country, everything else is no different from usual.

The reconstruction of Donghai City is also proceeding in an orderly manner.

The death toll in the war was nowhere near the damage to a city’s foundations, and reconstruction proceeded equally quickly and well.

The only thing that deserves special attention, though.

The collapsed eastern wall of Donghai City was not repaired in time, and it seemed that it was preparing to expand outward again.

And the scope of this expansion is not small.

The larger the city area, the greater the number of warriors to guard.

This made Luo Xia, who occasionally stood on the top of the Blood Willow Moon Willow and looked at the city, a little curious.

How large will this self-defended city be expanded?

Or, how many people fled to Donghai City this time?


When Luo Xia was curious, news came from the little stone.

Some people climbed the mountain, and the visitors were members of the Wumeng.

This made Luo Xia even more surprised, what could Wu Meng do to find himself?

Wu Meng came, and it was a well-behaved way to go up the mountain to ask for a meeting, and Luo Xia naturally would not refuse to leave.

Vines drooped down the mountainside and carried Luoxia to the mountain gate.

In front of the mountain gate, a man riding a flaming wildebeest and wearing a Wumeng armband was obediently waiting for the Tuling Stone Man to report.

Such a familiar mount model, who would Ye Heng be if he wasn’t an acquaintance?

After the war, after Miao Wanzhou, the regiment leader, exposed his identity as a Huang-level elder of the Martial Alliance, he also joined the Martial Alliance?

This is really a typical example of a talented person, I will admit my mistakes in time, and I will be loyal in time when I have the opportunity!

As long as such people are not so poor in their qualifications that they can’t look at it, they should mix well.

“Oh, is this a promotion to the captain of the Martial Alliance? Congratulations, Brother Ye Heng! ”

Luo Xia fell from the sky, and the opening was also a signature polite word.

Of course Ye Heng would not, no matter how proud he was in Luoxia, he would put his attitude lower and more respectful.

“The small position is incomparable to Lord Luoxia!”

“Commander Miao… Elder Emiao asked me to invite you to the Martial Alliance Conference!” ”

Listening to Ye Heng’s reply, Luo Xia looked confused.

“Wumeng meeting? Why invite me? I’m a scattered beast trainer! ”

“Because of your great contribution and merit in this battle, Lord Miao Alliance and Elder Miao specially instructed me to invite you there!”

Ye Heng dismounted and stood respectfully in front of the mountain gate, looking like Luo Xia was not ready to leave if he did not agree.

Luo Xia frowned, and after a little hesitation, he still agreed.

He sat and practiced every day, his body was about to rust, and it was good to go out and move.

Moreover, as a businessman, Luo Xia also needs to understand the specific changes in Donghai City as quickly as possible, so as to facilitate the relayout when he wants to make money.

“Okay, lead the way!”

Luo Xia returned to the mountain, and did not bother the Wind and Blood Wolf.

After all, the war is over, there is no need to make too much fanfare.

The fierce beast of the C-level peak entered the city, even if it was a summoned beast, it was still a little scary in this special period.

Therefore, he rides a D-class green-maned alpaca with a relatively peaceful personality, and there is nothing scary except spit.

“Liexia takes them to see their home!”

With a casual greeting, Luo Xia turned on his horse and prepared to leave.

Liexia stood obediently at the door, her eyes full of tenderness like water.

“I hope the master will return as soon as possible!”

I don’t know when this nizi also became sticky.


Following Ye Heng, he went straight to the headquarters of the Martial Alliance.

Along the way, many warriors who were busy rebuilding saw Luoxia.

They all stopped their work and greeted Luo Xia respectfully.

“Hello Lord Luoxia!”

“I wish Lord Luoxia success and ascension!”

“Alas, those outsiders are obviously fleeing, but they don’t know why they have the face to seize the dominance of Donghai City!”

“Just because there are two grandmasters? The two grandmasters can’t hold the city, it’s not useless… I hope Lord Luoxia can suppress them! ”

Discussions abounded.

Luo Xia could also see from a distance that there were obviously many warriors walking around in the city, with relatively unfamiliar clothes and faces.

The integration of exotic cities, the collision between people’s hearts and minds.

This is another war without gunfire.

Luo Xia soon arrived at the headquarters of the Wumeng.

Miao Wanzhou was waiting at the door from afar, and after seeing Luo Xia, she quickly greeted and handed the green-maned alpaca to Ye Heng, grabbed Luo Xia and walked to the conference room.

“Call you today! I want you to serve as a Xuan-level honorary elder of the Martial Alliance!” ”

“The number of elders has the right to vote, and they have a lot of rights to influence the decision-making of the New Martial Alliance!”

“You are the main battle hero who saved Donghai City! I have this qualification, so I must strive for it! ”

On the way, Miao Wanzhou quickly introduced the situation to Luo Xia.

In this disaster, the Xuan-level city and Triumph City and the Yellow-level city and Sunset City around Donghai City failed to hold it.

Following the instructions of their superiors, they fled and gathered in Donghai City.

Three cities in one!

This is also the reason why Donghai City needs a large-scale expansion along the broken eastern city wall.

The city has become bigger, the number of people has increased, and even the middle and senior members of the Armed Forces Alliance have increased.

Then, naturally, there is a new martial alliance in Donghai City.

The members of the New Armed Forces Alliance were mixed and the execution of orders was extremely unsmooth.

The main topic of today’s Wumeng meeting is to decide on the number one of the Wumeng in Donghai City.

It stands to reason that Donghai City is a victorious city and an acceptor.

Those of them who fled from outside are not qualified to compete for decision-making power.

But Triumph City came two Xuan-level elders, that is, Martial Dao Grandmasters.

One of the grandmasters’ father is the legendary A-class Martial Venerable!

Human society, in the end, is still a humanistic society.

That Martial Venerable, once the order to ‘vote and let the public decide the new head of the Martial Alliance in Donghai City’ was issued, no one could resist at all.

Miao Yufeng and others can only follow orders.

Now the case.

The victory in the Donghai City War retained a large number of living forces, and the votes of the elders of one city were slightly weaker than the total votes of Triumph City and Sunset City.

If he can make Luo Xia an honorary Xuan-level elder, and stand on the platform of Donghai City.

Then, the dominance of Donghai City will steadily return to the hands of Miao Yufeng.

Therefore, Miao Wanzhou hurriedly invited Luo Xia over.

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