I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 561 Severe invasion of overseas capital!

The afterglow of the setting sun on the horizon is still brilliant.

Orange-red glow enveloped the land.

Zhang Sheng walked into Xu Linlin's office, called "Teacher's wife" seriously, and then sat down opposite Xu Linlin.

"Why do you want to come here today?"

Xu Linlin made Zhang Sheng a glass of boiled water and looked at the young man in front of her with a smile.

Over the past year and a half…

From stimulating domestic demand to foreign trade cooperation, from the cultural field to the scientific and technological field...

Everything Zhang Sheng does brings glory to her face, and every project is on the "Task List" of the Ministry of Commerce.

Even during this period, she had heard Zhang Sheng's praise from her old leader no less than three times.

Although Xu Linlin acted calmly at the meeting, the feeling of relief deep inside became stronger.

Zhang Sheng...

She watched him grow up step by step.

"Mother, I came here this time because I heard the news about the [Fourth World Environmental Protection Conference] and was wondering if I could be of any help, or if I could do my part for the country with my meager strength... "

Zhang Sheng took the boiled water, took a simple sip, and then looked at Xu Linlin with a sincere expression: "Master's wife, if there is anything you need me to do, just say..."

"If I need anything, I'll call you. By the way, you've been a little busy lately, haven't you?"

Zhang Sheng's attitude is always very comfortable. Even though it seems that Zhang Sheng's words are mainly polite, Xu Linlin is still smiling.

"Fortunately, I recently got involved with [Tengji Technology], but this kind of business dispute is just a trivial matter... I can handle it." Zhang Sheng smiled.

"Well, don't cause trouble, but don't be bullied either. This world is still governed by laws and principles."

Xu Linlin has also seen some dirty things between [Tengji Technology] and Zhang Sheng during this time.

However, the relevant departments themselves have a conservative attitude towards this kind of business competition. Each field has its own rules. They take it seriously, but in principle, they will not interfere.

"Yes, Master..." Zhang Sheng was silent for a moment. After drinking the boiled water in the cup, the smile on his face disappeared and he began to become serious: "Competing with domestic capital, I have never felt any pressure at all. , However, when I really entered this industry, I realized that I was facing not only domestic capital, but also more overseas capital..."

When Xu Linlin heard Zhang Sheng say this, she did not respond, but continued to pour boiled water for Zhang Sheng.

"Master, I have always felt that the era we live in now is an era of gold everywhere, but it is also an era full of crises... The more I come into contact with the truth of this society, the more frightened I feel..." Zhang Sheng brewed After a moment's emotion, he looked at Xu Linlin.

"There is no one else here, you can say whatever you want...no need to be secretive..." After Xu Linlin saw Zhang Sheng's tentative eyes, she immediately smiled and continued to hand the boiled water to Zhang Sheng.

"What I say next only represents my personal opinion. At the same time..." Zhang Sheng looked at the unopened box of instant noodles next to Xu Linlin, and then took the instant noodles over casually: "Master's wife, I want to use instant noodles to expand on what I want to say. For decades, Japan has quietly penetrated into all aspects of the industrial chain. For example, Japan's Sanyo Foods controls 30.18% of Huo Shifu's shares, and Nissin Foods controls Uni-President Mailang. 33.4% of the shares... Domestic brands, under the pressure of Japanese brands, are struggling to survive and are on the verge of delisting..."


Xu Linlin looked at the instant noodles and then at Zhang Sheng's increasingly serious expression, but remained silent.

"This is a war, and it is also a war of capital invasion. For example, in the cultural field, the animations and tokusatsu dramas our children watch, and the logos of some products in shopping malls are full of Japanese culture. They emerge in endlessly, such as Korean dramas and Japanese dramas. , for example, celebrities who are becoming more and more girly..."


“In terms of industry, for example, China’s three largest-selling battery cars [Yuan Neng], [Green Horse], and [New Era] are all Japanese brands. In the past five years, our domestic brands have followed the rules set by Japanese brands. I was trembling... I wanted to resist, but I couldn't..."


"In recent years, in terms of culture, food, clothing, housing and transportation, our local things have become less and less, while Western, Japanese and Korean things have become more and more, and they are even considered fashionable..."

"It seems like a very simple industry has been invaded, but in fact, it is a capital invasion!"

"The investors behind [Tengji Technology], the investors behind [Jiahu Technology]... we, China's major Internet companies, if you dig deeper, almost every major company has very clear overseas capital behind it..."

"These capitals control and influence every aspect of us. They may seem harmless, but in fact they are deeply ingrained to a terrifying degree."



Xu Linlin listened silently to Zhang Sheng's words.

Zhang Sheng's voice became louder and louder, more and more excited, and his momentum became more and more passionate.

Xu Linlin's expression was always calm, but slowly became serious.

Since the turn of the millennium and since China joined the WTO, China's economy has taken off. This year, it has become the second largest economy in the world.

This report card is extremely gratifying.

However, too rapid and barbaric growth will inevitably make this market a mixed bag of good and bad. The overseas capital that penetrates it, if you think about it carefully, is indeed everywhere.

The more I reflect on it, the more I become afraid of it.

Of course, Xu Linlin also knows very well that this is a long [economic war].

After talking for about ten minutes, Zhang Sheng finally stopped talking and looked at Xu Linlin.

"Master, I want to do something, but I alone can't change any situation..."

For the first time, Xu Linlin felt a sense of powerlessness and loss from Zhang Sheng's face.

This feeling made Xu Linlin tremble slightly. Then, Xu Linlin looked at Zhang Sheng seriously: "Some things are not as serious as you think. You have to believe us..."

"I have never doubted the leadership, so everything I said just now is just me talking to you casually... As a student, as a junior, I want to talk to you, an elder, about some of my worries... During this time, I , I really hold back too many words in my heart..." Zhang Sheng no longer drank boiled water, but looked at the sunset on the horizon and let out a long sigh.

Xu Linlin looked at Zhang Sheng silently.

Vaguely, it felt like this young man was carrying extremely heavy pressure.

She wanted to comfort the young man, but for a moment she didn't know what to say.

After a long time, she sighed, suddenly realizing something, and her eyes looked a little strange: "Tell me, what can I do for you?"

She was almost infected by Zhang Sheng's emotion.

"[The Fourth World Environmental Protection Conference], what do I want to do? In the past six months, Master, as you know, we [Hongwei Electric Vehicle] have developed our own [new energy electric vehicle] project..."

"Well, I've been paying attention..." Xu Linlin nodded.

"I hope to get support from the state. We have complete procedures. We are the pioneers in this field. I hope to formulate standardized rules for the [new energy electric vehicle] industry. I want to give the people behind us a good start!" Zhang Sheng looked at Xu Linlin: "Mrs., you also know that the current battery car industry is uneven, the safety of batteries, the materials of battery cars are cut, the market is in chaos, and it seriously affects the personal safety of consumers..."

"Yes." Xu Linlin nodded: "What kind of support do you want?"

"Similar to the support of home appliances going to the countryside, Master, before the [Fourth World Environmental Protection Conference], our Ministry of Commerce will definitely have policy guidance for emerging industries like mine..." Zhang Sheng continued to look at Xu Linlin: "Moreover, My capital is very clean. Our [new energy electric vehicle] could have followed the example of other four-wheeled battery vehicles and put it directly into the market, sold it for a huge sum of money, and recouped the original investment. However, in order to rectify the market, I set a certain limit for the market. Benchmark, we have been following various formal procedures in the past six months..."

Xu Linlin nodded: "We see all this."

"So, Master, I came here to ask for subsidies..."

When Xu Linlin was about to respond, the phone rang.

Xu Linlin glanced at the phone, then walked to the corner and picked it up.

About a minute later, Xu Linlin came over and said, "I'll give you half an hour to prepare your speech..."

"Speech? What speech?"

"There is a meeting in the evening, and some leaders from relevant departments also attended. The leader just saw you at the door and just wanted to hear your opinion..." Xu Linlin laughed.

"Okay!" Zhang Sheng's eyes lit up!

Then he pushed up his glasses: "Mrs., I never have to prepare a speech. As long as you give me a chance to hold the microphone, I can talk to the leaders about the structure and future all night..."

"That's not necessary. Just be patient and get ready." Xu Linlin saw Zhang Sheng's expression and thought of Zhang Sheng's eloquence that could make people talk alive. She couldn't help but feel worried for a while.

"Ok, Ok!"

Zhang Sheng nodded.

Zhang Sheng is already very familiar with talking about dreams with his boss.


In the early morning of June 8th.

Nie Xiaoping, who was preparing for the [Hongwei Electric Vehicle] launch conference, received a call.

When I got the call...

Nie Xiaoping's eyes suddenly widened!

"What did you say? Wait, Mr. Zhang, say it again!"

"You said... June 18th! [The Fourth World Environmental Protection Conference], we [Hongwei Battery Vehicles] were invited to participate as representatives of Chinese [new energy electric vehicles] small and medium-sized enterprises?"

“Do you have one minute to speak at the new energy conference after the conference?”

"Holy crap! Mr. Zhang, is it true?"


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