I Herd Gods in Another World

Chapter 223 Enemies Beyond the Starry Sky

The wild boar boy with white hair on his head saw that vague figure in the dead of night.

Originally his father squeezed out all his savings, Tie Sui Ya was going to run overnight, and he would never go down the mountain until he had comprehended ten magic spells in Huishan.

Who would have thought that after packing up and running in the middle of the night, he would meet this vague figure when he went out.

From a distance, this is a flickering shadow, not only the facial features are unclear, but even the race is unclear.

Seeing this strange figure appear, Tie Brouya's first reaction was to shout, but he was shocked to find that his voice seemed unable to get through.

Before this strange figure appeared, he seemed to have entered a strange barrier, and the surrounding scenery became equally blurred.

Tie Brouya was a little flustered, but at least he was someone who had seen war, so he quickly forced himself to calm down, reached out his hand to grab a seed from his trouser pocket, and quickly threw it on the ground.

The huge flame portal grows in an instant, which is Tie Suiya's means of saving his life. As long as he passes through this portal, he can reach Huishan, and he can save himself from danger.

However, as soon as Tie Sui Ya's body touched the portal, he felt a huge force and ejected him from it.

Before Tie Sui Ya could react, he was pushed and rolled several times. When he got up again, the flame portal in front of him had been burned out and turned into a pile of ashes.

If it is destroyed during the teleportation, the half-passed object will be ejected, and there is a half chance that it will directly eject Tie Sui Fang to Huishan. Unfortunately, this time he was unlucky and was ejected back.

Tie Brouya hurriedly cast divine spells, using refraction to blend himself with the surroundings, and then used suffocation on the blurry figure.

Tie SuiYa has already used these two magical arts very proficiently. After a series of movements, it can be said to be extremely fast, and Tie SuiYa disappeared in the blink of an eye.

However, these two divine spells also seem to make no sense.

Because as soon as Tie Sui Ya finished performing the magic spell, he felt dizzy.

"What's going on, how can I... be so hungry?"

Tie Sui Ya felt as if his stomach was suddenly empty, and was twitching and making a cooing sound, his body couldn't bear it, and his legs were weakening.

Under such circumstances, Iron Broken Tooth couldn't concentrate on maintaining the magic spell at all, the camouflage of the refraction spell failed, and the barrier of the suffocation spell shattered instantly.

Tie Sui Ya fell powerlessly to the ground, watching that vague figure walking towards him.

"It's over!"

Tie Suiya felt desperate, the divine spell was his last one, if even the divine spell lost its effect, then he would have no other choice.

Enduring the weakness of his body, Tie Sui Ya pulled out a hatchet from his waist, preparing for the last fight.

But Tie Sui Ya also understood that this was just to comfort himself, he didn't train seriously at all, and now in this hungry and powerless state, being able to throw the ax ten meters away is considered his limit explosion.

"If I knew it earlier, I would have listened to my father and exercised more."

Tie Brouya regretted it very much now, each of his father's personal guards could fight with hunger for a whole day, if he had this kind of fighting power, he would still have a chance to fight now, instead of sitting on the ground waiting to die.

In desperation, that vague figure had already come in front of Tie Sui Ya.

At this time, Tie Brouya could barely see the face of the other party clearly, it turned out to be a... person.

Tie Sui Ya had seen this special appearance before, and it was very similar to Su Chen, the High Priest of Huishan. But Su Chen had green skin, but this person had yellowish skin, and he was a man.

The blurred figure was still flickering, Tie Brouya saw that his hair was sometimes gray and sometimes dark, the skin on his face was loose and wrinkled, while the other half was as immature as a child. After a while, the yin and yang face of the old and the young changed again.

The flow of time around him seemed to be changing every minute, making him show a painful expression.

"God of Huishan Mountain, who are you?" Tie Suiya asked.

Even if you are going to die, you have to know who your enemy is.

When questioning, Tie Sui Ya had already prayed to the God of Huishan in his heart, and reported everything he had encountered to the god.

The time-changing weirdo didn't seem to notice this, opened his mouth, and said with difficulty: "Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

Tie Brouya didn't believe a word, because of this weird person, he had more than a dozen younger brothers.

Thinking of becoming a child again, Tie Suiya felt that his life would be worse than death, he was ready to get married!

But at this time, Tie Sui Ya still had to maintain his integrity, so he said firmly: "I am asking who you are, I am a faithful believer in the God of Huishan, and my soul will return to Huishan after death, I am not afraid of death at all. "

The blurry figure smiled wryly and said, "I've seen you when you died in battle, and your legs were weak at that time."

"Bah, don't slander casually, do you think I'm soft now... Uh... I can't stand up now because I was tricked by you! Do you dare to let me eat enough to fight to the death?!" Tie Broken Ya loudly say.

"Don't dare, I don't have much time. In order to adapt to this world, I forcibly overlap the future me with the present. My body is on the verge of collapse and I can't last long. So, what I say next, please be sure Listen clearly." The fuzzy figure suddenly said excitedly.

Tie Brouya was confused, but he felt that this strange figure didn't seem to have the intention of turning him into a child, so he made an expression of listening carefully. No matter what the situation is, it's better to delay it first.

The fuzzy figure seemed to be running out of time, and said in a very hasty tone: "It was an accident that I came here and appeared in front of your eyes. I could only see what happened in the past, but I found that the past and the present have long been separated. tangled together.

"I see fragments of the stars falling and the destruction of the world, but I can't see the whole truth, so I didn't mean to be so vague on purpose, but I can only see these blurred fragments.

"Our world is caught in a terrible cycle, and if we don't break it sooner, we will fall forever into the abyss to destruction.

"Please remember that our enemies come from beyond the stars. Unfortunately, I can't see the complete future. I only hope that we still have the possibility of victory.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, but only fear can allow you to clearly convey these things to the gods you believe in..."

After the fuzzy figure said this, his body seemed to be frozen, no longer flickering, but his body was rapidly aging, and he became a mummy in the blink of an eye, and then quickly collapsed into ashes.

Tie Suiya backed away in fright, not wanting to be stained by the ashes of the mummy.

At this moment, Tie Brouya realized that he had escaped from the strange environment just now, and everything around him became clear again.

And just as he was about to leave here, the voice of the God of Gray Mountain sounded in his heart: "Bring his ashes back."

Although Tie Brouya was still afraid of the ability of that strange figure, he did not dare to disobey the orders of the gods.

So he carefully used suffocation to fix the surrounding air, preventing the wind from blowing away any ashes, and then carefully collected them into an iron box.

Metal is still a symbol of nobility, and Tie Sui Ya uses a metal box to store the ashes, which shows his prudence and respect.

When the urn was sent to Huishan, Qin Muyun took the box out from the passage between the two realms.

The box full of otherworldly runic energy just arrived in the real world, and immediately began to pollute everything around it. The pure wooden desk that supported the iron box began to grow wooden nodules that looked like eyes.

After the juicy wooden eyeballs grew out, they turned wildly, and finally looked at Qin Muyun in unison.

Qin Muyun waved his hand expressionlessly, and all these eyes burst into pieces, turned into thick juice, and finally turned into wood slag all over the ground.

After suppressing the runaway rune energy, Qin Muyun poured out the ashes from the box and put them in a glass teapot.

After doing all this, Qin Muyun threw the iron box back to the Twisted Otherworld.

Normally, Qin Muyun would avoid taking out things that distort the other world, but this time he had to take a risk. Because that vague figure turned out to be the missing Lin Fan.

Qin Muyun had seen Lin Fan's photo in the data, thanks to Tie Suiya who called Qin Muyun desperately in his heart at the critical moment, Qin Muyun sensed his prayer.

But Tie Suiya's beliefs were not pure, so Qin Muyun couldn't use Tie Suiya's body to perform God's Descending, he could only vaguely sense the thoughts transmitted by Tie Suiya.

Just like what Lin Fan said, only under extreme emotions can Iron Broken Tooth's thoughts be strong enough.

He was suddenly attacked in the middle of the night by that strange figure who could control time, and he couldn't leave without trying his best. Under such intense emotions, Tie Suiya directly conveyed what he saw and heard to Qin Muyun.

Qin Muyun heard Lin Fan's words before he died, and saw his rapidly aging face.

Why did Lin Fan choose Tie Sui Ya to deliver the message? Why didn't he come directly to Huishan?

What is the future he sees? The so-called enemies beyond the starry sky mean the enemies that distort the other world or the real world?

There were too many questions, but Qin Muyun didn't have the chance to ask more questions, because Lin Fan had been completely reduced to ashes, and there was not even half a living cell in it, even with the most advanced life charm, he couldn't save him.

Unless, like Lin Fan, Qin Muyun can manipulate time and make time go backwards.

Qin Muyun attached great importance to the message that Lin Fan desperately wanted to convey. After collecting the ashes, he did three things.

The first thing to do is to notify the Special Affairs Department to let them receive Lin Fan's ashes, and ask to see all relevant information about Lin Fan. He wants to find out what Lin Fan found before he disappeared.

The second thing is to order Tie Suiya not to leave Huishan. Lin Fan chose Tie Suiya to convey the message, indicating that he must be the key to the future. Lin Fan also mentioned that Tie Sui Ya would die in battle, it is very likely that the enemy from the outer space did it, so closely guarding Tie Sui Ya may be able to find clues.

The third thing is that Qin Muyun is going to send envoys to the west to find followers of the God of Precision. As long as you find one that can cast time-type magic, bring it back directly. Qin Muyun needed time-type magic, he wanted to try to revive Lin Fan, and asked clearly.

People from the Special Affairs Department came quickly, and Qian San showed up with a group of unknown colleagues, and solemnly took away the ashes. Qin Muyun could tell that each of them had serious expressions on their faces, and they should have quite a relationship with Lin Fan.

Before Qian San left, Qin Muyun couldn't help asking: "That little girl, are you going to tell her?"

Qian San smiled wryly and said, "I don't need to tell her, when Team Lin died, she sensed it herself."

Qin Muyun was silent for a moment, and then said: "Although the chance is very slim, please keep the ashes well, maybe I can still revive him."

When Qian Sanyi heard this, he immediately asked excitedly: "Really? Turned into ashes, you can come back to life?"

"I'm not sure, I can only say try my best." Qin Muyun didn't dare to promise.

As long as the relevant structure of the time magic technique can be obtained, it will be much easier to deduce it, otherwise Qin Muyun's current power of faith is far from enough to deduce the magic technique of time regression out of thin air.

After sending Qian San away, Qin Muyun hid in the office and took out all the information related to Lin Fan.

Looking at the information, Qin Muyun was a little surprised to find that Lin Fan was somewhat similar to him.

Both were orphans and both grew up in the same orphanage.

"It's still a fellow, I didn't expect it." Qin Muyun said in surprise.

According to the data, Lin Fan was twenty years older than Qin Muyun, so before Qin Muyun entered the orphanage, Lin Fan had already left, and the two had no interaction at all.

Lin Fan, who left the orphanage, was soon surrounded by negative energy and fell into a state of depression during the hard work. When the negative emotions accumulated to a certain extent, he began to have nightmares in another world.

It was clearly recorded in the report that when Lin Fan first dreamed of twisting the otherworld, what appeared in front of Lin Fan was not some strange creature, but a tall clock tower. The pointer was ticking, as if every beating would hit Lin Fan's heart.

Soon, Lin Fan's body mutated.

Even if he was not in the dream, he seemed to be able to hear the ticking sound of his body, and his internal organs were in severe pain. He began to cough up blood, and even found screws smaller than dust in the bloody sputum.

The severe pain and auditory hallucinations are actually real, and his body is being mechanized.

But Lin Fan seemed to be really talented, and he quickly controlled this mutation, his body regained its health, and at the same time gained a terrifying ability.

Time stands still!

It's not the time-stop super power of the whole universe in the movies and TV shows. Lin Fan's power is more like slowing down the speed of a certain object by hundreds of times. It looks like it's still, but in fact it's just slow.

The water poured out by Lin Fan will take dozens of minutes to fall to the ground. It looks like it is still, but in fact it just slows down.

But it's just slowing down, Lin Fan can't turn back time, nor can he speed up.

But when he was using his abilities, he seemed to occasionally see various hallucinations, most of which were things that happened in the past, and a few of them were things that would happen in the future.

It was Lin Fan's order that the group of four came to Cicada City to look for Qin Muyun. He saw that Gong Shumo received treatment at Qin Muyun's side and saved his life, but he couldn't see the miserable future of the other three.

It wasn't intentional to conceal the truth, but Lin Fan didn't know how Gong Shumo was treated. The future is not immutable. If you say anything more subjectively, it may lead to a new future. Maybe it will be Gong Shumo who dies instead.

Therefore, Lin Fan only sent people out, whether they succeed or not depends on their own luck.

And Lin Fan's ability started getting stronger and stronger until half a year ago.

He began to ramble about that the world was about to be destroyed, and he was going to save the world, and finally one day, he just disappeared like this.

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