I Herd Gods in Another World

Chapter 224 Changes in the World

Qin Muyun didn't know exactly what Lin Fan had experienced before and after his disappearance, but just because he did not hesitate to risk his life to convey this news to himself, Qin Muyun would definitely treat it with the utmost importance.

In Lin Fan's message, the two most important messages are the terrifying cycle and the enemies outside the starry sky.

The latter is easy to understand, probably referring to aliens.

Qin Muyun was not surprised by this. The technology of Twisting Otherworld is so high that it can manufacture room-temperature superconducting energy engines, and it can also manufacture huge floating battleships. It is not surprising to create spaceships that can travel across the universe.

Therefore, the existence of alien civilization is very reasonable, but it is not known whether this alien civilization refers to the original human beings who distort the other world, or the real outsiders.

This needs to be handled by the country. No matter how powerful Qin Muyun is, he can't fly out of the atmosphere.

So Qin Muyun is going to put all his energy on this terrible cycle.

Lin Fan was vague about this, but Qin Muyun felt that it might have something to do with time. Because Lin Fan himself has the ability to control time, the cycle he mentioned is very likely related to time.

From the understanding of Lin Fan's words, this cycle does not appear in the future, but has already appeared now.

The real world has fallen into a cycle, so Qin Muyun is needed to break this cycle.

The problem is, Qin Muyun didn't feel the existence of the time loop at all.

If all the abnormalities were related to rune energy, then Qin Muyun should have discovered the cycle covering the entire world long ago.

But in fact, in the real world, there are only a small number of extraordinary people who control the rune energy, and other places are so clean that there is not a single rune.

"So what exactly is this cycle? Why do you want to send me a message in the Distorted Otherworld? Why don't you come back and call me? Sending WeChat is also fine." Qin Muyun was a little puzzled.

As for how Lin Fan entered the Twisted Otherworld, he was no longer surprised.

Cain has figured out the technique of crossing the two realms, and Qin Muyun himself can open the passage between the two realms anytime and anywhere.

It can be seen that the connection between these two worlds is very close, and it is not surprising that Lin Fan entered the twisted world.

There are many mysteries to unravel, and it is best to ask them in person.

Only the ashes of Lin Fan were left, and Qin Muyun probably had to turn back time to bring him back to life.

Either use the power of massive faith to deduce the magic of time regression, or you can only send envoys to the west to find the magic of time.

For this important event, Huishan held a meeting.

Soon, the envoys to the west have been selected, and the main person in charge is Meteor.

Because the red deer people came from the west.

The red deer people are not the nearby wilderness races, they only left because of the war in their hometown, a large number of wilderness races fought with the local nobles, and Meteor's tribe didn't want to be involved.

Walking along the railroad track, I don't know how long I chased before I came to Huishan and got the blessing of the gods.

This time I went to the west to find the God of Precision, and there is no more suitable messenger than Meteor.

The meteor will take half of the red deer warriors, and a few dryads. These elites have already adapted to the use of long-range weapons. They can penetrate Yang with a hundred steps by picking up an electromagnetic rifle, and charge bravely by grabbing a spear. It can be said that they are the most powerful troops in Huishan.

There are also dryads who travel with the army. They are not ordinary characters, and each carries two sentry guards. Each sentry guard has its own different magic skills, which can be said to be a magic force.

Qin Muyun also spared no expense in equipping this army with magical weapons, such as rattan armor that automatically triggers the shield technique, a water bottle that seals the healing technique, etc., anyway, it is armed to the teeth.

Such an extravagant magical army, not to mention that Breeze City can't produce it, Cain, the former demigod, couldn't help but said after seeing it: "The holy guards of the God of Storms don't even have such extravagant equipment."

This was not enough, Qin Muyun also asked the Python around the world to take Meteor and the others for a ride. Because the Python around the world is now free to lay railways, the original railway tracks can no longer restrict his movement.

The original railway track can only shorten the distance by half, but now, the Python around the world can directly send the meteor to its destination.

This is probably the most extravagant army in the entire Twisted Otherworld, and Qin Muyun is determined to win this operation.

After Meteor was ready, he boarded the train with his troops.

The little train whimpered forward, and at the speed of the giant python around the world, it would take more than ten days to reach its destination.

After Meteor left, most of Huishan's mobile troops lost their combat effectiveness, so Qin Muyun concentrated on farming and development, slowly accumulating strength, and prepared to take down the God of Burning Steel.

In the real world, Qin Muyun's opinion has been taken seriously by the Special Affairs Department. Although there is not even a shadow of alien civilization or anything, it is completely guesswork, but this department still tries its best to report it, hoping to get official support.

Instead of directly sending people out of the solar system to take a look, at least we should mobilize the power of the satellites to search for possible "abnormalities" outward as much as possible.

These two aspects will take time to get results. Qin Muyun thought that he could rest in peace for a few days, but he didn't expect that there would be a new situation on Howard's side.

In the chat group, Howard sent a message to Qin Muyun, saying, "Lord Lucifer, I'm going to run for the council."

Qin Muyun sent three "?", expressing his confusion.

Howard quickly explained: "It's like this. The sales of Eden apples are very good. The original bill to legalize drugs has been advancing smoothly. But unexpectedly, the congressman who originally supported us was exposed. Now it's over, and the bill is gone Can't go any further."

Qin Muyun's English is not bad, and he can read and write daily conversations, but now he feels that he should check the dictionary, why he doesn't understand what Howard said.

What is the legalization of xx? What does this have to do with selling apples?

Why did the entire congressman get exposed, he likes to let Nige use an apple as a dartboard?

How are these three things connected?

Confused, Qin Muyun simply threw the phone to Di Rui, and asked a professional person to translate for him.

Di Rui used Qin Muyun's account to chat in the group for a long time, his mouth was always open, as if he never stopped being surprised.

After a while, Di Rui understood what happened and explained it to Qin Muyun.

"They discovered the special effect of apples...that's about it." After Di Rui finished talking about himself, he added: "I really didn't expect our apples to be useful in this way."

Qin Muyun didn't expect that an apple could make people suppress the painful feelings of drug addiction. If he doesn't receive a Nobel Peace Prize, it would be a disservice to Qin Muyun's contribution to the world, right?

But it is obviously a good thing for the benefit of mankind, how could this group of people think of promoting the legalization of XX? Is this brain circuit filled with the words anti-humanity?

Now the congressmen with Howard and his group were exposed to the black material of copper smelting, and it was over in an instant, and the legalization bill could not be implemented.

This is someone who is doing something behind the scenes. Although it is not clear who it is, it is obviously aimed at opposing this motion.

Howard and the others discussed it, and it is not impossible to change a member, but obviously the other party will not give up. If after the replacement, the scandal is revealed again, then this bill will really be scrapped.

The first legislator promoting legalization is copper smelting, the second is racial discrimination, and the third is communism. Does that mean that those who support legalization are all scum?

This member needs to be chosen carefully, but after searching for a long time, there is no suitable candidate. In the Beacon Country, it is really not easy to find a clean member of parliament. Even if one is found, how can such a person who is innocent from inside to outside agree to legalize xx?

So after much deliberation, they planned to push a trustworthy person of their own to the position.

Looking around, Howard became the best candidate.

Don't look at Howard's appearance in the group like a licking dog, as if he has no use other than licking. That's for the extraordinary, and Howard's status as an ordinary person is naturally lower.

But in terms of the background of normal people, Howard is considered awesome.

He is a top student at a prestigious Ivy League school, a truly gifted student, otherwise the chat software he designed would not have been able to escape the surveillance of the Beacon Country.

Secondly, he has a clean family background, three generations of his ancestors have no criminal records, and his grandfather was once a senator, so he barely has political blood.

At that time, Howard can boast that he was influenced by his grandfather since he was a child, and he is particularly concerned about public affairs and the lives of the people in the lighthouse.

The last one, Howard himself has no black spots.

He does not have promiscuous sex, does not abuse drugs, has no evil hobbies against humanity, and has never had dirty deals with any capital.

Oh, worshiping the devil doesn't count, and outsiders don't know about it anyway.

At that time, as long as Howard sets up a vegetarian and animal lover character, his political capital will instantly become stronger.

The buffs are superimposed, and people show their holiness in front of others, which can naturally pull a lot of votes.

We all summed it up and felt that it was all right.

In fact, it might be better to let Howard turn sexually directly, but he is not willing to kill him.

In the end, I settled for the next best thing, arranged for him a black transsexual to be his girlfriend, continued to stack buffs, and felt that the possibility of being elected was extremely high.

After listening to Di Rui's translation, Qin Muyun couldn't help applauding, what kind of genius came up with this method, it is simply a masterpiece of modern magicism.

Now Howard came to ask Qin Muyun's attitude, Qin Muyun thought about it carefully, if you want to ask him whether he supports it, he will definitely support it.

Hurry up to legalize it, this is the beacon of hope for mankind. How can freedom be considered freedom without the freedom of hi? The lighthouse country should step on the accelerator in the direction of freedom, accelerate and accelerate again.

"Whatever you need, I will do my best to help." Qin Muyun replied very seriously.

When Howard saw this sentence, his eyes were filled with enthusiasm. He had never seen Lord Lucifer praise himself so vigorously.

Sure enough, your hard work can be rewarded.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that the black orangutan-like aunt is not so difficult to accept, isn't it just pretending to be a boyfriend and girlfriend, virgins have the best acting skills.

With Qin Muyun's affirmation, Howard was full of energy and immediately started to build momentum for his campaign.

Qin Muyun is also very happy, Wai Guoren always walks fast on the road to death, they don't need others to seduce them, they will hit the hardest wall, even if their heads are broken and bloody, they don't care.

Qin Muyun is very cooperative here, and Howard has a large group of xx dealers supporting him, so he is not short of money for the campaign. Qin Muyun gave Howard a large amount of golden honey, which is more precious than the Apple of Eden.

If the taste of the Apple of Eden can also make people temporarily forget the pain of drug addiction, then golden honey may not be able to directly cure this drug addiction.

The Apple of Eden can be used as a key prop to support the legalization of xx, so does the golden honey have a better effect?

In order for the common people on the other side of the ocean to become fans of reassurance as soon as possible, Qin Muyun was really worried.

The changes in the world are not just Howard's actions.

Ever since the vampires were exposed and the superhumans were completely exposed to everyone, the whole world began to develop into an uncontrollable future.

Some small countries have been reduced to laboratories, and various ways of raising Gu have begun to be considered to create human tragedies, and at the same time, a large number of extraordinary people have been born.

How many people die is sometimes just a number.

But as long as a powerful transcendent is born, these numbers will even fade, completely unable to attract the attention of others.

And among these newly born transcendental beings, lucky ones with excellent luck began to appear. The goals they visualized started at a very high level, and they were often demigods of Cain's level, and some even directly visualized true gods from other worlds.

For example, the God of Storm, the God of Burning Steel, the God of Precision, and the God of Light.

On the distant African prairie, a black man exudes a golden light, making the people around him kneel on the ground and worship him.

The warm sunshine fell on everyone, making everyone feel warm, and hunger and disease seemed to be far away from their bodies.

But one of the young black men had a painful face and could only bury his head deeply in the ground to avoid being discovered.

But his trembling body betrayed his thoughts. The black man with golden light all over his body walked up to the young man and said, "It seems that you are not willing to accept the blessings of the gods."

The black boy stubbornly raised his head and said, "You are not a god at all, you are a devil, you are a cursed person!"

After saying this, the black boy stared at the glowing black head. His bald head had turned into a translucent glass form, and the golden light was emitted from his brain.

This is not a blessing from the gods at all, who wants to become such a ghost?

The golden man said with regret on his face: "Stupid mortals always try to measure the gods with their own thoughts, but they don't know how small mortals are in front of the gods."

The original soft golden light instantly became dazzling, instantly igniting this stubborn black boy.

The screams of the black boy made everyone tremble, but no one dared to stand up and look directly at the golden light, which represented God's punishment.

After a long time, only the charred black body of the black boy was left, and the entire tribe had disappeared.

In areas with backward technology, superhumans are vying for the dominion of mortals.

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