Sunset dusk.

The sight of the human world in front of him gave Feng Qi a sense of returning home.

After leaving Star City, he has been traveling westward for more than 30 years.

Even if there is time to return to the human world during the journey, it is only a small gap in the dense area of ​​​​the domain field, and there is no trace of humans at all.

He thought that after crossing the Black Sea Field, there would be a brand new field waiting for him to explore, but he did not expect to return to the human world.

The human world in front of us is completely different from before.

At the end of the line of sight, there is no field barrier connected to the sky, but an endless plain with patches of lush green plants.

Compared with the domain world, the aura content of the air here is not high, and it is not even comparable to the small domain worlds brought by the weak races.

But here it gives a thrill that Fengqi Realm does not have in the world.

Taking a deep breath of the air of the human world, Feng Qi looked into the distance, his eyes full of anticipation.

The answer to what the human condition is out there never appears in the history books.

According to descriptions in history books, the human world was once divided into five major regions.

They are the Eastern District, the Western District, the Central District, the Northern District, and the Southern District. Among them, Star City, Future City, Old City, Victory City, and Winter City are located in the Eastern District.

When the disaster comes, a large number of fields descend on the human world, completely cutting off the connection between the Eastern District and the outside world.

At that time, the eastern region where the five major cities were located also had a large number of fields waiting to be dispelled, and there was no energy or ability to open up connections with other human areas.

In the following years, the frequency of domain fields appearing increased, and areas with dense domain fields were formed in the west and north directions, making it impossible for human combat power to push across and establish contact with the outside world.

At this point, the Eastern District became an independent area.

Scholars from the five major cities have made many guesses about the human condition in other areas.

However, most scholars believe that the outside world has most likely fallen, and perhaps the eastern region is the only place where humans can survive.

This guess is not unfounded.

According to the regional topography, the Old City to the east in the Eastern District and the Victory City to the southeast are backed by the sea, so the pressure from foreign enemies will be much reduced.

After all, the expansion of territory on land is much faster than that of sea areas.

As long as the human forces in the eastern region defend the northwest of the northern border of winter, their base will not collapse easily.

Even if the Winter Frontline defenses are defeated, they can still evacuate towards Old City, Victory City, and Star City.

Unless there is a catastrophic event like a sky-falling field field over the five major cities.

Therefore, the defensive line in the eastern region has better strategic depth than other regions in the human world.

In comparison, the Central District, which was once connected to the Eastern District, is in the most difficult situation.

Scholars believe that the terrain of the central region is destined for humans here to be surrounded by fields on all sides.

Surrounded by enemies on all sides, the pressure can be imagined.

The situation is similar in other regions.

This is one of the main reasons why scholars believe that the outside world has fallen.

In order to explore what is going on in the outside world, five major cities jointly established a project called the Expedition Project.

This plan has good intentions.

The purpose is to form an expedition team and open a road to the outside world. If there are still humans in the outside world, they can be connected to the five major cities through this passage and support each other's growth.

But this plan has faced many challenges since its birth.

The first is to form a battle group.

As a team that blazes a trail, its overall strength must be strong.

But these teams are also the backbone of the front line. They are dispatched to open up roads. If outside humans are not found, the early investment and casualties will undoubtedly be a huge loss.

The expedition plan faced many challenges after it was launched, but in the end several warbands were sent to clear the way and find new hope.

But these expedition teams sent out have not returned yet.

Apparently they all fell in the process of clearing the way.

After the plan to establish contact with the outside world failed several times, there was a lot of opposition.

Everyone believed that the current situation of mankind in the Eastern Region was already precarious, and sending outstanding battle groups to long distances was undoubtedly a waste of manpower and resources, so the expedition plan was stopped.

For more than 500 years after the catastrophe, there has been endless debate about whether there are humans in the outside world.

But there is still no clear answer.

Anthropologists have also thought about using technology to find answers, but it is difficult to do this with the current technology of mankind.

For example, launching a satellite.

But a vertically launched rocket does not fly vertically all the way.

The rocket will enter the programmed turn in about 10 seconds after taking off vertically. The time to start the programmed turn varies with different rockets, different payloads, and different launch positions.

However, program turning is an inevitable process after a rocket is launched. The first- and second-stage rockets will not separate until they leave the atmosphere. After leaving the atmosphere, the second- and third-stage rockets will separate and finally send the payload into the predetermined orbit. That is It is said that most rockets fly in corners.

The position of the domain field barrier is in line with the sky. Human beings have never accurately detected the exact number of how high it is.

But one thing is clear.

A rocket launched into space will inevitably hit the field barrier.

Therefore, even if the Eastern District has the technology to launch rockets, it will not be able to send satellites into space.

The more important point is that during the period when the field field came and became dense, all satellites had lost their signals.

Some of them lost contact with the outside world after being shrouded in the domain field, and most of them disintegrated directly within the domain field.

Therefore, launching satellites to observe the world requires significant technological progress, and it must be psychic technology that can adapt to the field.

However, the development of science and technology has not received much resource support in the later stage.

Especially after the alien escape plan to preserve human fire was banned, the upgrade of rockets became even less important.

The rise of human cultivation is regarded as the only way for human beings to overcome the field of growth, and the development of science and technology is at a loss.

Many cities even have the idea of ​​​​giving up on technological development, thinking that existing science and technology are enough.

Fortunately, many scholars raised objections at that time.

The final result of the discussion in the five major cities was that the scientific and technological research and development institutions in each city were relocated to the new city.

Thus the youngest city was born, which is now the city of science and technology, Future City.

However, the development direction of Future City is mainly to serve the other four major cities and is also a transportation hub city between the five major cities. The research direction is also directed towards improving combat effectiveness and efficiency.

Research on launching psychic satellites requires a lot of investment and the results are unknown. It is very likely that the investment will yield no results, and it will not get support from anyone at all given the limited resources.

When the black shadow takes over the Science and Technology Research Institute and controls Star City, it will no longer look for humans in the outside world for the sake of humans.

Therefore, technology has not helped us understand the outside world.

The answer to whether there are still humans in the outside world has always been a mystery.

At this moment, Feng Qi felt as if he had completed a milestone in human history and taken an important step in human exploration of the outside world.

After walking out of the densely populated area, he really came to the new human world outside.

As for whether there are humans in this world, he thinks there is a high probability that there are.

If there were no human defense line, the domain field would obviously have swallowed up the world, and there would not be such a huge blank area.

"Set off!"

Looking at the sunset, with hope in his heart, Feng Qi grinned.

"Okay!" Xiaoyou clenched his fist and raised his right hand, cheering.

She didn't know why the boss was smiling.

But as long as the boss is happy, she will be happy too.

After cheering, Xiaoyou began to fly around Fengqi.

Facing the dusk and sunset, everyone followed Feng Qi's footsteps and walked forward.

The sun gradually disappears from sight, the sky without light pollution is exceptionally bright, and the stars lead the way.

It's summer, and the chirping of cicadas and crickets can't stop ringing in my ears.

The vitality belonging to the human world has not been extinguished, and is still swaying in this strange land. Even the breeze blowing at this moment seems to have a touch of sweetness.

He loved the human world deeply.

This is the land where his ancestors have thrived and lived, and it has been passed down from generation to generation. Taking back the lost territory is the responsibility of their generation, and it is also the dream in his heart.

In order to realize this dream, the ancestors of mankind after the disaster never stopped struggling.

Lao Wang, parents, Wei Wei... they all have the same dream, and this is also a legacy.

The figure of struggle alternates forward in the long river of history, and he will not stop before realizing his dream.

"La la la la." Xiaoyou suddenly hummed a song at this moment.

Turning to look at Xiaoyou flying back and forth in the air, Feng Qi couldn't help but curiously said:

"Xiaoyou, why are you so happy suddenly?"

"Because the boss looks very happy, Xiaoyou is also very happy."


Hearing Feng Qi's laughter and scolding, Xiaoyou chuckled and scratched his head.

"Ouch." At this time, Taihang also let out a long roar.

"Silly dog, it's so noisy." Thunder roared.

"Ouch." Taihang didn't listen at all. He skillfully and nimbly dodged the thunderous sneak attack and continued to roar to the sky.

Watching Xiaoyou and Taihang singing together, Po Jia, who had always remained silent, also had a smile on his face.

From then on, this team became his home.

Having lost everything, he found warmth again here.

He wanted to protect this warmth from being lost.

But the premise is that he needs to be strong enough.

The inner desire for power has never faded, but has become stronger.

"A bunch of weirdos." Lei Lei whispered helplessly, but there was also a trace of warmth in his eyes.

A madman, a fool, a one-minded man with cerebral palsy who wants to destroy the world, and a silly dog. Although this team is strange, it left a deep impression on him during the journey.

Having never left the world of his clan, he experienced suffering, bitterness and pain for the first time during his journey.

He couldn't imagine what would happen to him without the company of this group of people, and where he would go if he lost his clan members.

Although he said all kinds of disdainful words, he still had a strong sense of identification with this team in his heart.

The mood of the team also affected him.

At this moment, Lei Lei raised the horn hanging on his waist.

He glanced disdainfully at Taihang, who was still howling like a ghost, then put it to his mouth and blew suddenly.

The melodious horn sounded with ancient melody.

Covering up the voices of Xiaoyou and Taihang.

This was the first time Feng Qi saw Thunder blowing the horn again after the Thunder clan was destroyed.

He once heard Lei Lei say that this horn was the inheritance of the King of Lei Lei clan. It was somewhat similar to the jade seal passed down by ancient humans and was a symbol of status and power.

This horn is also the order for commanding the legions in battle.

But on certain festivals, Thunder will also use the trumpet to announce joy to the people.

At a certain time every year, he would stand on a tall tower, overlooking the people in the city, blow the horn, and announce the arrival of the festival.

That was when he was in high spirits.

During his journey with him, Thunder never blew this horn.

Because no people follow his trumpet to fight, and no one can understand the joy he conveys when he blows the trumpet.

At this moment, Thunder is obviously expressing its emotions in this way.

Realizing that his emotions had affected the emotions of the team, Feng Qi smiled.


At this time, Xiaoyou's shout came.


"It's okay, just call you."

Looking at Xiaoyou flying in front of him, many images of what he had experienced appeared in his mind.

Especially Xiaoyou.

She was the first member to join the Sword Demon Group.

He has experienced many dangers and difficult moments as he has just held the sword for a short time.

But Xiaoyou's innocence and simplicity have never faded. She is like a little fairy who is not stained by the mortal world, and can always bring all kinds of fun to him and the team.

He clearly remembers being in the ice and snow environment without any source of food.

He and Xiaoyou were frozen into stupid dogs.

At that time, Xiaoyou looked at him tremblingly and said something he would never forget in his life:

"Boss, do you need to eat me?"

When Xiaoyou said these words, Xiaoyou's innocent and serious eyes were not joking at all.

Sacrificing her life for him was something that Xiaoyou didn't need to make a difficult choice at all. She already had a clear position for herself.

So he often makes shocking remarks and says words that make him laugh or cry.

"I like it. I'm happy that the boss can take advantage of me."

This was what Xiaoyou said confidently with his head held high when he was arguing with Lei Ting, which left Lei Ting speechless for several days.

Originally, I just wanted to form a team with usable combat power, but I unknowingly went astray.

It seems that this is not the first time that a similar situation has happened.

At one time, he only wanted to use the Lord of Mist to accomplish his goals through him.

However, the development of the situation gradually deviated from the original path.

His use was rewarded with sincere feedback from old fans.

He regarded him as a brother, shared his miracles with him, and in the end fought for him, just to save him from the execution ground, even at the cost of his life.

Sincerity is exchanged for sincerity, and he will fall into it without knowing it.

It's like his emotional bond with the Lord of the Mist.

He cannot carry out the goals and tasks he has set without any emotion, so every sacrifice line will always have some emotional ties that cannot be broken.

After flying for a while, Xiaoyou suddenly dropped his body like a deflated rubber ball, and then shouted:

"Boss, I'm hungry."

“I’ll eat it later.”

"Okay, boss, I'll ask you later."

"I just know how to eat, can I have some big pursuits." Lei Lei complained at this time.


"Silly dog, if you dare to bite me, you are rebelling against me. If I can't be electrocuted to death, I will lose..."

Amidst the noise, they drifted away.

Feng Qi didn't know what was in the distance.

But for the future and the unknown, he always has expectations in his heart and is willing to look forward to the possibility with an optimistic attitude.

Everyone go to bed early~

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